If, in the notebook one writes:
a,b,c,d,n=var('a b c d n')
solve([a*d-b*c==1,a*d/(a*d - b*c) - c*(a*n + b)/(a*d - b*c)==1,c*d/
(a*d - b*c) - c*(c*n + d)/(a*d - b*c)==0, a*(c*n + d)/(a*d - b*c) -b*c/
(a*d - b*c)==1],a,b,c,d)

sage does not return anything.

if one does, instead
a,b,c,d,n=var('a b c d n')
r=solve([a*d-b*c==1,a*d/(a*d - b*c) - c*(a*n + b)/(a*d - b*c)==1,c*d/
(a*d - b*c) - c*(c*n + d)/(a*d - b*c)==0, a*(c*n + d)/(a*d - b*c) -b*c/
(a*d - b*c)==1],a,b,c,d)
print(r) #show(r) also works

Then sage does return
[a == 1/r14, b == r13, c == 0, d == r14]
(The answer has two degrees of freedom...)

This behavior is different than


which does display the answer without first assigning and then showing
the answer.

In the console, sage has no problem in giving the answer for both.

Thanks, and I think SAGE is a wonderful program.


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