[saligaonet] Saligao Church Budget-3

2003-10-16 Thread nascimen


In  What Respects To The Budget Of The Timber(Roofing)

For the roofing of the Sanctuary which should be of two layers and covered =
with false-tiles will have the following materials:-

60 #8216;maos#8217; girders of timber of mareta of 4 and 6 thumbs of thic=
kness @ 2 xerafins a mao=3D120 xerafins.

62 beams of timber each one of 8 #8216;maos#8217; of length and of 3 or 4=
 thumbs of thickness @ 1 xerafim a #8216;mao#8217;=3D496 xerafins.

31 beams of timber each one of 5 maos of length and one of said thickness @=
 of three tangas a #8216;mao#8217;=3D93 xerafins.

100 #8216;maos#8217; of thin timber planks fillings and over it wooden pl=
anks of 5 thumbs of  breadth @ 15 xerafins a hundred=3D15 xerafins.

3.000 small beams #8216; kami#8217; @ 8 xerafins a thousand=3D240 xerafin=

12.000 false tiles of big dimention @ 10 xerafins a thousand=3D120 xerafins=

1 =BD moios of chunam for the peaks, water
channels and moulding( patnam) @ of 25 xerafins a moy =3D37 xerafins, 2 tan=
gas and 30 reis.

100 baskets of sweet sand @ 3 xerafins a hundred=3D3 xerafins.

For Carpentry work=3D100 xerafins.

The same for #8216;oleiros#8217; persons that place the tiles, mouldings(=
 patnam) etc.=3D60 xerafins..

For the Roofing of the Church by gothic system which has to be fixed on mas=
ter beams and covered with false tiles- the following amount will be spent.

12 tin boxes of seasoned teak, each piece of 14 #8216;maos#8217; of lengt=
h and 6 to 8 thumbs of thickness, 6 master beams@ 42 xerafins each =3D504 x=

350 tin boxes of equal timber and thickness for plumes, arcks and other inc=
linations that should reinforce the beams @ 2 =BD xerafins a #8216;mao#82=
17;=3D900 xerafins.

36 curves of the same timber each one of 5#8217;maos#8217; of length whic=
h after chiseling remains 6 and 8 thumbs of thickness @ 2 xerafins a #8216=
;mao#8217;=3D360 xerafins.

5 small beams of 11 #8216;maos#8217; of length each and 5 and 7 thumbs of=
 thickness for the peak @ 22 xerafins each=3D 110 xerafins, 2 tangas and 30=

120 #8216;maos#8217; traverse of 5 and 7 thumbs of thickness @ 2 =BD xera=
fins a #8216;mao#8217;=3D300 xerafins.

40 water channels #8216; aguaneiras#8217; each one of 11 maos of length a=
nd 4 and 6 thumbs  thickness for the 8 orders of frames #8216; fieira#821=
7; or #8216; moldos madres#8217; @ 2 xerafins a #8216; mao#8217; =3D 88=
0 xerafins.

68 teak( mareta) for 34 scissor-shaped(tesoura), each one of 15 #8216;maos=
#8217; of length and 3 =BD and 5 thumbs of thickness @ 1 =BD xerafim a #8=
216; mao#8217;=3D 1.530 xerafins.

34 teak beams for #8216; oliveis#8217; idem=3D 408 xerafins.

3.800 #8216; maos#8217; of teak for the laths( ripa) of 3 thumbs of lengt=
h and one of thickness, 25 xerafins a hundred=3D950 xerafins.

2.700 #8216; maos#8217; of Champo of 10 thumbs of length 30 xerafins a hu=
ndred=3D810 xerafins.
24 bolts of iron( cavilha de ferro) to bolt the master beams @ 3 xerafins e=
ach=3D72 xerafins.

14 #8216; maos#8217; of big nails of teak( pregos grandes aguaeiros) @ 6 =
=BD xerafins a #8216; mao#8217; =3D 91 xerafins.

10=09#8216;maos#8217; of nails with head( pregos da cabeca) for the laths=
 @ 10 xerafins a #8216; mao#8217; =3D100 xerafins.
5.000 big iron nails @ 4 xerafins a thousand=3D20 xerafins.

30.00 big false tiles @ 10 xerafins a thousand=3D300 xerafins.

12 black stones each one of 4 #8216;maos#8217; in length to be placed und=
er the big  #8216;cachorros#8217; in which the bases of the master teak s=
hould remain firm @ 6 xerafins each stone=3D72 xerafins.

6 mounds of chunnam( mois de cal) for the top and water-channels( algerozos=
), to equip( guarnecer) and fix the tiles with mortar( argamassa) by a syst=
em of pipes( canudo) @ 25 xerafins a moy=3D150 xerafins.

400 baskets of mud of stones @ 3 xerafins a hundred=3D 12 xerafins.

4 #8216; maos#8217; of coconut jaggery @ 6 xerafins a #8216; mao#8217;=
=3D 24 xerafins.

1 that of catho @ 15 xerafins  a #8216; mao#8217;=3D15 xerafins.

For the work of Carpentry , for the perfect execution of all this construct=
ion=3D 1.500 xerafins. The same for blacksmiths in the form mentioned=3D 30=
0 xerafins.

To construct the wooden frames of the sacristy and corridor with tiles of o=
ne water-channel( uma agua) and false tiles  will consist of the following =

164 #8216;maos#8217; of traverses(frechas) of 4 and 6 thumbs of thickness=
 according to the  price indicated above=3D328 xerafins.

One architrave( tirante) of 7 to 9 thumbs thickness of 16 #8216; maos#821=
7; of length @ 4 xerafins a #8216; mao#8217;.=3D 64 xerafins.

Two teak beams each of them 14 #8216;maos#8217; in length and 3 =BD and 5=
 thumbs thickness for the sticks of the frames( para paus de fieira) @ 1 =
=BD xerafim a #8216;mao#8217;=3D42 xerafins.

31 of the same, each one of 15 #8216; 

[saligaonet] Saligao Church Budget---2

2003-10-16 Thread nascimen


In  What Respects To The Budget  Of The Works Of Masonry   Item-Wise   

The foundations and the walls of the Church, Sanctuary, Arcade of the Choir and 
Belfry produce 170 braces of masonry of 300 cubic #8216;maos#8217; each brace. For 
its construction the following material will be used:
12.750 big stones, each one 3 ½ ` maos#8217;  of length, ten thumbs of breadth and 7 
` maos #8216; of thickness @ 40 xerafins =5,100 xerafins.

34 mounds of lime @ 25 xerafins a mound=850 xerafins.

5,000 baskets of mud( of stones) @ ten xerafins a hundred=500 xerafins

1.500 baskets of sweet sand @ 3 xerafins a hundred=45 xerafins.

12 #8216;maos#8217; of coconut jaggery @ 6 xerafins=90 xerafins.

For works of masons and helpers to dig the foundations, its construction and the walls 
regulating 10 xerafins a brace, approximately=1.7000 xerafins.

The Walls in general of the Church, Sanctuary, Arcade of the choir and the Belfry 
which should be constructed with all its mouldings #8220;cimalhas#8221;, columns, 
arcarde, tribunes, vaults and cupolas will produce approximately 425 braces of masonry 
work of 300 cubic #8216; maos#8217; each brace. For its construction the following 
material will be used.:

9000 big stones and of dimension and price indicated above=3.600 xerafins.
10,000 stones of #8216; maos#8217; of length, 10 thumbs of breadth and 7 #8216; 
maos#8217; of thickness @ 33 xerafins a hundred=3.3000 xerafins.
12.000 stones of 2 ½ #8216;maos#8217; of  length, 9 thumbs of breadth and 7  
`maos#8217; of thickness @ 30 xerafins a hundred=3,6000 xerafins.
5.500 stones of the said length, 14 thumbs of  breadth and 6 #8216; maos#8217; of 
thickness @ 35 xerafins a hundred=1.925 xerafins.
400 stones of 3 ½ #8216; maos#8217; in square and 7 thumbs thickness @ 100 xerafins 
a  hundred=400 xerafins.
800 baskets of mud stones idem=800 xerafins.
70 #8216; maos#8217; of coconut jaggery, idem=420 xerafins.
35 #8216; maos#8217; of cato, idem=525 xerafins.

For the works of masons and helpers for the perfect execution of all the referred work 
inclusive of red and white #8220; cafelo #8220;, calculated @ 20 xerafins each 
brace=8.500 xerafins.

The same  for the works of Carpenters for the construction of all unadorned, entering 
into account the wood and all necessary material=500 xerafins.
The walls of the sacristy an the corridor with its foundations and the walls of cement 
mixed (entulho) in total will produce 60 braces of masonry work. For the execution of 
its construction the use of the following material will be necessary;
6.700 stones of 2 ½ #8216; maos#8217; of length, 9 thumbs of breadth and 7 thumbs of 
 thickness @ 30 xerafins a hundred=2.010 xerafins.
15 #8220; moios#8221; of chunnam @ 25 xerafins a moi=375 xerafins.
1.200 baskets of mud stones @ 10 xerafins a hundred=120 xerafins.
300 baskets of the  sweet sand @ 3 xerafins  per hundred=9 xerafins.
4 #8216; maos#8217; of coconut jaggery @ 6 xerafins a #8216; mao#8217; = 24 
2 #8216; maos#8217; catho @ 15 xerafins a #8216; mao#8217;=30 xerafins.

Of the works of masons and helpers @ 12 xerafins a brace=720 xerafins.

The staircase of the choir and the steps, for internal doors of the corridor of the 
church can produce 7 braces of work of masonry which sum up to 35 xerafins, each 
brace=245 xerafins.

In short --56.350 stones are used for the Church.
   7.000 Baskets of mud-stones.
 34 mounds of lime.
   2000  baskets of sweet sand .
   86 #8216; maos#8217; of coconut jaggery.
43 #8216; maos#8217; of catho
   150 #8216; moios#8217; of chunnam..

As years passed by  repairs  and re-construction  with their new budgets followed. 
However the above  mentioned articles and budget is given  here so that the new 
generation of Saligaokars know  about the material used to construct the original 
Church of Mae de Deus#8212;Saligao as well as the amount approved. The original text 
is in Portuguese.
Fr.Nascimento Mascarenhas