[saligaonet] July 8th saligao News

2004-07-08 Thread Nascimen

July 8, Saligao News.

--Death--- Prof. Eduardo de 
Sousa( 1909-2004)( Ganvkar of Saligao, belonging to the 9th Vangor of the 
Communidade de Saligao), died on 06-07-2004 in Pilerne. Relict of Lidia, beloved 
father of Ercilia/ late Mario, Dr. Emerico/ Piedade, Eslidio/Lia, 
Ehrlich/Suzette, Eromila  Filomena, brother-in-law of Alvaro/Flavia, 
grandfather of Winston, Rose, Emerson, Estilia,, Esmarch, Ehrlson  Erushka. 
The funeral mass will be held at Pilerne Church at 4. p.m. on 10th 
July, 2004, followed by burial in Pilerne. He was born on 15-11-1909.

--The Fama of St. Anne will be 
held on 22nd July and the Novenas in honour of St. Anne will begin at 
St. Anne’s Chapel, from 23rd July, 2004( Friday). The feast is on 1st 
August, 2004.
The Fama of Santo Caetano in 
Arrarim Chapel is on 29th July and the novenas begin on 
30th July( Friday). The feast will be celebrated on 8th 

--Saligao Sporting Club will 
organize their annual indoor games for the members from July 18.
Carrom and table tennis 
tournaments will be conducted for boys and girls/ juniors/ seniors/ 
Those interested should submit 
their entries to Mr. Lelis Pereira 
or Mr. Hipolito D’ Silva, at the club premises( Mudd’davaddi) before July 16. 

Cash prizes will be awarded to 
the winners and runners-up in each discipline. This is an Indoor Tournament.( 
Courtesy Herald).

Nascimento Mascarenhas

[saligaonet] Request for info...

2004-07-08 Thread Frederick Noronha
Shanon and Janice D'Sa's suggestion of listing made-in-Saligao products and services 
is interesting. 

Could anyone else offer help to compile information on:

+ Various organisations in Saligao and their contact persons(whether church or temple, 
education-based, sports clubs, consumer associations, Saligao Institute committee, 

+ Neighbourhood projects that could take shape.

+ Church timings of activities

+ Extra-curricula activities for children at Lourdes Convent and the other schools.

+ List of political representatives with contact details (MLA, panchayat members, etc)

+ A neighbourhood directory (the Saligao Consumer Forum had come out with an 
interesting one some time back, whom to complain to in case of power failures, etc).

Also, could each one on this list send me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) details of their name, 
email, phone and address -- so that we could have an accurate list of Saligaonet 

I'm sure this information could help our village to get more 'connected' -- in a 
non-cyber sense too. FN

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[saligaonet] Communidade de Saligao---V

2004-07-08 Thread Nascimen

Communidade de Saligao-V

We studied that in 1500, Goa was 
unequivocally settled as part of the Adil Shah kingdom. Administration was left to the village ganvkars, and 
ancient chiefs of `mahals’ like ‘sardessai’ and ‘dessai’ were confirmed in their 
offices. The European invasion began in 1510 and it was from Adil Shah that the 
Portuguese, under Afonso Albuquerque, conquered Tiswadi, the island of Goa. Timaji, the 
governor of Honavar and a Vijaynagar admiral has established good relations with 
the first viceroy, Francisco de Almeida, who had no territorial ambitions for the 
‘If Timaji attacked ships it was 
on orders from his king of Vijayanagar, whose ports of Bhatkal and Honavar were 
loosing trade to Adil Shah’s Goa, the favoured port. Ships that disobeyed 
Timaji’s instructions to berth at these ports were plundered. When Afonso de 
Albuquerque, who had territorial ambitions, appeared on the scene, Timaji was 
able to assure him a victory against Adil Shah. Ambitious and knowledgable, he 
succeeded in his plans, but his hopes of becoming governor of Goa were thwarted by 
Albuquerque who had other plans. He was made ‘ aquazil mor’, chief tanadar, 
given the power of justice over Hindus and Muslims in the territory and other 
benefits, all of which he lost and regained in part depending on his relations 
with Albuquerque, whose gradual distrust of the man deepened.
The ganvkars must have felt 
threatened soon after Albuquerque’s conquest of Goa Even before the process of conversion 
was under way, land became an issue with Portuguese settlers wishing to own 
forest lands and palm groves.
A royal proclamation stating that 
all lands should be distributed to the settlers since they now belonged to the 
king was strongly resented. Protests by ganvkars led to a rescinding of the 
proclamation. The ganvkar’s membership of the communidade was inalienable and 
exclusive, and could only be transferred to male heirs. No ruler before the 
Portuguese had tinkered with the communidades.
Muslim rulers and the other kings 
who had ruled over Goa had conferred fiefdoms to loyalist who collected taxes, 
attended to defence and other matters, but these measures did not impinge on the 
working life of an ancient agrarian society, as long as the taxes were paid. The 
duty of tax collection from individuals was taken care of by the ganvkars: each 
village paid a fixed amount, as land tax through the communidade directly to the 
ruler. The ganvkars were allowed to continue sharing the residue of the profits 
as before after all dues were discharged.(5)….. to be continued.
Compiled by Fr. Nascimento 
COUTO, Maria Aurora, op. cit., pp.86 163

[saligaonet] Communidade de Saligao--VI

2004-07-08 Thread Nascimen

Communidade de 

The first encounter of the 
Portuguese administration with the ganvkari is expressed in an elaborate study 
of the local tradition by Afonso Mexia in “ Foral dos Usos e Costumes dos 
Gaoncares e Lavradores desta Ilha de Goa e Outros Annexos nela.”( Charter of 
Habits and Customs of the the Ganvkars and Non-Ganvkar Workers of the Island of 
Goa and its Dependencies, 1526)which sets outs the charter of uses and customs 
of ganvkars and peasants of the island of Goa and other territories annexed to 
it, that is the gifted territories of Salcete and Bardes which also had their ‘ Foral de Salcete e 
Bardez’( Chater of Salcete and Bardez). Here then is the first instance in 
which, under the guise of codification, the local was brought under the purview 
of the colonial to empower the latter to comprehend and then exercise subtle 
changes within an age-old system.
But the real disruption of an organic 
whole began after 1540, when aggressive measures to convert scattered the 
population, dividing clans and families. In the process, vast quantities of land 
changed hands; from temples to the church, from those who fled never to return 
to those who acquiesced perhaps not quite knowing what exactly was in 
As converts they take pride in 
not having lost their share in the communidade, since all those who fled to 
escape conversion automatically forfeited their place within the system. Many of 
these families consist of converts who fled to the outskirts of Goa during the 
maratha invasions of Bardez between 1654 and 
1740, or to escape the excesses of Inquisition which south to change their 
socio-cultural customs and to suppress konkani. There were some who sought 
refuge when epidemics threatened their lives. Known as Bardezkars because most 
of them fled from the villages of Bardez, they are now a small but vibrant 
Konkani speaking community settled on the Western Ghats in areas of Karnataka 
and Maharashtra.
Their link with Goa is through 
the village community of their ancestry and the land where some of them still 
have a share. No matter where he is, the goan villager returns to inscribe his 
son’s name in the communidade register. Since the very sense of self was 
inseparable from membership of the ganvkari, land became the central issue: they 
would have lost all if they went into exile; instead they could retain their 
holdings and could add to it, or in case of ‘kulacharins’( outsiders helpers), 
they could earn the status and rights of membership of the ganvkari. This is the 
basis of communal harmony in Goa, this system that looked after everyone 
irrespective of caste. Land and the community spirit bound our ancestors.
However, the history of mass conversions 
as well as individual ones is complex and far removed from the blurred and distorted version 
that suits contemporary discourse.
Archival records illuminate the 
reconstruction of life and varieties of human experience in those troubled 
times. Careful analysis of old records would provide insights into social 
transformations within Goan society and would promote a better understanding of 
human experience at the time. More importantly, such a study would destroy the 
basis of political conclusions which are being drawn today based on bare 
statements of historical fact which 
do not take into account the human dimension--- the grey areas of experience 
through which the decision to convert was negotiated’(6)… to be continued
Compiled by Fr. Nascimento 

COUTO, Maria Aurora, op. cit., pp.150-160  

[saligaonet] communidade de Saligao-VII

2004-07-08 Thread Nascimen

Communidade de Saligao---VII

The Provinces of Bardez and 
Salcete were ceded to the Portuguese in 1543 by Ibrahim Adi Khan, though the treaty of peace was signed 
only in 1571. These two territories added to Ilhas, the territory they already 
had occupied, were known as Velhas 
Conquistas( Old Conquests). This cession was confirmed in the year 1548-9, when 
Garcia de Sa was Governor.
During the incumbency of Dom Pedro 
Mascarenhas as Viceroy, 1554-5, the whole enclave, except for the City of Goa 
and its immediate surroundings, was divided among the Religious Orders. The 
Dominicans were given fifteen villages in Ilhas, the Jesuits rest of Ilhas and 
the Province of Salcete. Bardez was 
entrusted to the Franciscans( Observants). It is generally assumed that this 
division took place in 1555. In his letter, dated Goa, 6 December1555, Antonio 
de Quadros S.J., refers to this division and explicitly states that it was made by Dom Pedro Mascarenhas.
There are, however, authors who 
say that the Franciscans already in the years 1550-52 constructed a Church at 
Verem and dedicated it to the Holy Magi( Reis Magos). There is no doubt that the 
division of the territory and the official assignment of Bardez to the 
Franciscans occurred in 1555, but it is possible that before that year the 
Franciscans were already engaged in this Province.
Verem was the first Church built 
by the Franciscans( 1555) The 450 years celebrations will be held at Reis Magos 
in 2005 it is known through authoritative sources. Next came Candolim Church in 
1560 and also the Church of Nagoa in that same year(1560). The territory under 
the jurisdiction of Holy Trinity Church of Nagoa was Siolim, Oxel, Anjuna-Assagao, Parra, 
Nagoa, Arpora and part of Baga and “Saligao” which Frei Paulo de Trindade, 
O.F.M. says ‘was one of the principal villages and very large, entirely 
inhabited by Brahmins, who have all been converted, so that very few or hardly 
any pagans? are left”( Vide, Meersman, Fr. Achilles, O.F.M., ‘ The Ancient 
Franciscan Provinces In India’, Bangalore, 1971, p.107).When Frei Paulo de 
Trindade O.F.M wrote the chronicles of Nagoa, Saligao was christianized and 
those who did not want to change their religion fled with deities to the territory of 
Advalpale, in Bicholim taluka then under the Sultan of Sawantwadi in the XVI 
century. The meticulous Church 
historian late Msgr Canon F.X. 
Gomes Catao says “ That the entire village of Saligao was christianized by the 
year 1636 and the Communidade de Saligao contributed its mite for the cult at 
Nagoa Church”( Vide Souvenir of Mae de Deus Church, 1873-1973).
From 1560 till 1873 Saligao 
people were taken care of spiritually first by Franciscan Observants and later 
on from 1767 by the Diocesan priests which continues up to the present day.. The 
Communidade de Saligao made considerable expenses to the Church of Nagoa from 
1813 to 1841 to the tune of 9084:3:15( Vide, Xavier, Filipe Neri, ‘ Bosquejo 
Historico das Communidades, Vol II, p.467.) and till 1961 to Saligao Church. Few 
years later a fund was created called Church Maintenance Fund(CMF) which support 
the church and recently the CMF is 
merged into Fabrica da Igreja de Saligao 
This back-drop closes with this posting. 
In subsequent articles we will be speaking specifically of the “ Communidade de 
Saligao”…to be continued.
Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas