Automatisch antwoord: [SA-list] Feature Request?
-- [ 10/02/2016 ] -- Ik ben afwezig tot bovenstaande datum. Voor dringende zaken kan u contact opnemen met één van mijn collega's. Vriendelijke groeten, Je suis absent jusqu'à la date susmentionnée. Pour des choses urgentes vous pouvez prendre contact avec un de mes collègues. Salutations cordiales, I'm not in the office until the date mentioned above. For urgent matters, please contact one of my colleagues. Kind regards, Pieter Demeulemeester. To unsubscribe send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to If you use auto-responders (like out-of-the-office messages), make sure that they are not sent to the list nor to individual members. Doing so will cause you to be automatically removed from the list.
Automatic reply: [SA-list] Feature Request?
I am currently out of the Office but will be back Thursday March 31, 2016. For all issues with 3rd Party applications, please send an email to " (" and ask that the call be assigned to "3rd Party Applications C/W". If it needs immediate attention you can try to email List-IT-AIS-Non-ERP-3rd-Party-CW& Thank you For more information on Agrium’s E-Mail Policy or to unsubscribe, click here: Pour plus de renseignements sur la politique de courrier électronique d’Agrium ou pour vous désabonnez, cliquez ici : To unsubscribe send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to If you use auto-responders (like out-of-the-office messages), make sure that they are not sent to the list nor to individual members. Doing so will cause you to be automatically removed from the list.
[SA-list] Feature Request?
Syslog Server? I know SA can send syslog messages to a server, but what about accepting them? Probably have to be stored in a separate database. Make alerts based on the syslog messages?Can anyone else use this? -Anthony To unsubscribe send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to If you use auto-responders (like out-of-the-office messages), make sure that they are not sent to the list nor to individual members. Doing so will cause you to be automatically removed from the list.