Automatic reply: [SA-list] WMI external COM check example

2015-06-22 Thread Noland Leonard - lnolan
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Automatic reply: [SA-list] WMI external COM check example

2015-06-22 Thread Artur.Kudelka

I am out of office between 22.6-28.6.2015 . 


According Tieto SWIFT Service Bureau (Tieto SSB) cases  -  contact Martin 



Thank you for understanding. 


Best regards 

   Artur Kudelka, Tieto SWIFT Service Bureau Support 


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Re: [SA-list] WMI external COM check example

2015-06-22 Thread dirk
The filter should be set to
Name = 'System Board Inlet Temp'
for your example.


On 2015-06-16 11:40, Demeulemeester, Pieter wrote:
> Hi Dirk and SA users,
> Is ther
for your e a manual for the WMI External COM check ?
> Or does anyone have some examples ?
> I want to read the system board temperature of a server.
> In Powershell it looks like this :
>  PS C:> get-wmiobject cim_temperaturesensor -namespace rootcimv2dell |
> select Name, CurrentReading, CreationClassName
> Because the server has three temperature sensors (board, CPU1 and
> CPU2), I have to filter on "name=System Board Inlet Temp"
>  get-wmiobject cim_temperaturesensor -namespace rootcimv2dell | where
> {$ -eq "System Board Inlet Temp"} | select Name, CurrentReading,
> CreationClassName
> In Servers Alive I have this :
> Server = servername
> Namespace = cimv2dell
> …
> Class = cim_temperaturesensor
> Properties = CurrentReading
> Filter = ??? I left this one blank, so I get the temperature of the
> last one (being CPU2)
> (all other options left default)
> What shoul I type in the "Filter" field ?
> Kind regards,
> Pieter
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Dirk Bulinckx
Servers Alive -
DNS Hosting on StellarDNS -

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[SA-list] WMI external COM check example

2015-06-16 Thread Demeulemeester, Pieter
Hi Dirk and SA users, 


Is there a manual for the WMI External COM check ? 

Or does anyone have some examples ? 


I want to read the system board temperature of a server. 


In Powershell it looks like this : 

PS C:\> get-wmiobject cim_temperaturesensor -namespace root\cimv2\dell | select 
Name, CurrentReading, CreationClassName 

Because the server has three temperature sensors (board, CPU1 and CPU2), I have 
to filter on “name=System Board Inlet Temp” 

get-wmiobject cim_temperaturesensor -namespace root\cimv2\dell | where  
{$ -eq "System Board Inlet Temp"} | select Name, CurrentReading, 



In Servers Alive I have this : 

Server = servername 

Namespace = cimv2\dell 


Class = cim_temperaturesensor 

Properties = CurrentReading 

Filter =  ??? I left this one blank, so I  get the temperature of the last 
one (being CPU2) 

(all other options left default) 


What shoul I type in the “Filter” field ? 


Kind regards, 




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