On Sat, 31 Aug 2002 03:45:05 -0700 "Simon Cooke"
> Hey folks...

Hey Si!

> I've started working on gamey-type-stuff again (hey, in this economy,
> you need an escape route... and I can't afford to make movies any time
> soon... sooooo...)...

With the advent of cheap digital cameras money should be a non-
stopper. :)

> ... anyway. It's time to start looking at putting together an engine
> for this kind of thing, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice.
> I've been so far removed from the game world that I completely missed
> out on the whole 3d game revolution, and it's time to get back in the
> saddle.

The 3D game revolution is highly exagerated, especially the 1st
person perspective thing. 

> I know this is a vague request, but currently we're looking at doing
> any one of three different things - a 1st person puzzlesolver/shooter,
> a real-time strategy game, or an updated port of Tempest ;-)

TIM in 1st person? :)

But I was thinking, with the excellent quality of SimCoupe, how about
implementing MiDGET in SimCoupe? :-)

Particulary I'd love to making a pinball or car racing game for the
SAM! :-)

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