Re: Hi all!

2003-03-15 Thread Marian Krivos

I have upload some source files (C, ZEUS, EDIPRO, SAM VISION) at

Re: Hi all!

2003-03-15 Thread Marian Krivos

And finally, I've never seen Zeus Assembler or Small C. Although I 
tried to get it, I've never been successful :-(.
(I teach C Language and Assembler at Technical University of Ostrava 
and Palacky University of Olomouc respectively, so I'm really not 
impressed with "power of Sam Basic". :-)

C & ZEUS are both at NVG ftp site

RE: RE: Preferred plain text editor

2003-03-15 Thread Dave Laundon
Gavin Smith wrote:
> And interestingly, in relation to an earlier email of mine,
> it's written in SAM C - cool. Do you have the source? Can
> we have it? :) Did you do a later version that the one on
> Fred 60?

OK here's that later version of proType (from 1999):

Trying to find the source I came across several copies.  Now I need to work
out which is the correct one!  I've got them all out of SimCoupe into text
files, now for some comparing...


Re: Hi all!

2003-03-15 Thread Aley Keprt

Rumsoft - a name known from Kapsa. But Kapsa was 
written in Czech so I expect there aren't many people here who regularly read it 
or at least know about it.
"Some good compression software" means "some 
sleepless nights for users of emulators like me". I'd like to have decompression 
utilities for all Sam Coupe compression software which works in Windows 2000/XP. 
This message is not only for Rumsoft, I'd like to unpack software from NVG FTP, 
and lot's of old stuff there is packed with a "load and call 32000" sysytem. I 
assume it was made by someone from Poland.
And finally, I've never seen Zeus Assembler or 
Small C. Although I tried to get it, I've never been successful 
(I teach C Language and Assembler at Technical 
University of Ostrava and Palacky University of Olomouc respectively, so I'm 
really not impressed with "power of Sam Basic". :-)
Aley Keprt

  - Original Message - 
  Marian Krivos 

  Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 1:25 
  Subject: Re: Hi all!
  Graham Goring wrote:

>Rumsoft?! Name is very familiar but my memory is a 
blank this morning and I >can't think 
RUMSOFT/SAPOSOFT file packer. That's where you probably 
remember it from. T'was ace. 
Graham RUMSOFT -> 1. some 
  (4) ARCHIVER/PACKERs, 2. EDIPRO (full vysiwyg text editor with 
  proportional fonts, styles, etc, etc)3. ZEUS - like the COMET assembler - 
  but with macros, export/import symbols etc,etc (builtin into SMALL 'C' 
  also)4. SMALL "C" - the Z80 C language compiler with complete IDE (fred 
  publishing - ver 4.21 is latest)5. DEBUGGER - comes with ZEUS and SMALL 
  'C'6. I can't remeber :-)The problem is that I don't have my own 
  progs! I must download my C compiler from the net by example.But I 
  have all the source files (ascii format).