Hi Guys! I'm Simon and I Was a Speccy user since December 1983 and I Was very active until 1993 in Speccy scene creating Many Disciple conversion with our Group Outsoftware and My friend Squonk.
Last year I start to preserve All of My Speccy, Ql and Now Sam material (i've found One on eBay Absolutely perfect) and I'm searching all stuff that is possible for This great machine. So If someone can Help me to find Many stuff that I don't have i will appreciate. I usually buy All originals but Also some disk image is appreciated. I Was searching in particular for All Speccy converted stuff (128k) on The SAM and Sam Tape 4d and Kobrahsoft Cd2 to Disk too. If someone can Help me I will appreciate, I will do the same. I'm starting convertìng Many 48k stuff to Sam too :-) Thanks for All Help that you can do for me. Best wishes. P.s.: Colin Work is Absolutely outstanding, please Support it! Kora Sistemi Informatici S.r.l.