Dnia 00-06-23 Jorge Canelhas pisze:

> thanks a lot for the awnser, made it work , pins 2 and 3
> (purple and whit are connected togethe so my multimeter tells
> too
These pins are connected together inside SAM.

> Hi, i tried to make a disk with fdformat and samdisk, it
> formats ok, and copies the image to the drive, but it returns
> an error No DOS when i try to boot !!!
Try to run CPM22QED.

 1. Go to "http://nautilus.torch.net.pl/zxland/";.
 2. Download file "CPM22SAM.LHA".
 3. Also "pctools/LHA.EXE" if you don't have one.
 4. Unpack the "CPM22SAM.LHA".
  - When LHA.EXE displays "special attribute" - use "-a" switch.
  - Unpacked file can be "hidden".
 5. Copy file "CPM22SAM.108" to a recently formatted 720kB PC
disk (this file _must_ be the first file on the disk). Stick the
hole without slider at bottom side for HD floppy disk!
 6. Boot your SAM Coupe from the PC disk.

More details you can find in files archived in:

You can format a SAMDOS similar disk under CPM22QED using:


If you own a Timex Floppy Disk Drive System, I have some stuff
for you.

> I Got another question, a friend of mine has a sam without
> diskdrive , where can he get one or adapt a pcfloppy to the
> sam?
You can take the controller from a Timex FDD 3000, that were
produced in Portugal. The FDC 1770 has different hardware head
step rates than FDC 1772-02, but this will work - SAMDOS uses
software step rates and probably other systems, too.

The FDD interface needs still 6 inverse OC gates (7406 or 7416,
also LS or ALS will do) and a D latch (usually 74LS74). (Some
more when as external must work with SAMBUS.) Plus 4 resistors
470om to 2kom.

BTW I'm wonder if SAMDOS and MasterDOS would work correctly when
two drives are connected to one controller with A4 address line
as drive select and both /DISCn lines redirected to one chip...


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