Re: Random Sam BASIC question.

2008-09-08 Thread Leszek Chmielewski
Sorry, I was very busy improving my Retro-X in the last time. I found 
more and more messages from Sam-users in my gmail spam directory...

Thomas Harte schrieb:

Aha. I never stop learning. That was completly new for me...
For Acorn emulation I currently use Beeb. Just requested from the authors to
have a binary PC file import and export-function for one of the next
versions, like Sim Coupé. I have never heard about your emulator. Is there a
Acorn Electron screen interpreter/viewer available? I should test the export
of my screen converter, how it works on a emulator, but without binary
import it is a bit hard.

Oh, my emulator is ElectrEm, at,
though it doesn't import or export binary files at present. That's
probably a more startling revelation if I also reveal that it does
import and export ASCII text format BASIC programs. I've been doing
some work to it in the last few days anyway, to improve printer
emulation (I catch and interpret Epson FX80 typographic codes but so
far haven't been doing graphics) and to fix up some bugs that have
crept in while I was adding various other improvements, so I'll look
into that.

Even if it does not import binary files, your link helped me to get some 
important documents about Acorn. Now my Retro-X is also able to convert 
images to all Acorn graphical modes (0,1,2,4,5). I requested the binary 
import/export feature for Beeb Emulator and the latest release got these 
features now.

Your Tokeniser is a great idea...

In the meantime, I can provide a little assembly sourcefile compatible
with BeebAsm (roughly analogous to JAM or pyz80 in that it assembles
code directly to an emulator-friendly media image — see that will use
the contents of a binary file to assemble such that when you run the
resulting DFS it just puts the contents on screen. So you'd just have
to put the binary output of RetroX with the asm, run the assembler,
then launch the emulator to test.

This would be a nice feature if I can build it into my program, to 
generate fully executable files, eventually wuith compressor. At moment 
I do not know the TAP format of Acorn and also no details about disc 
image formats, but because there is much to do with other stuff, this is 
something for future.
Anyway I'm happy that Beeb's import works fine. I generate my files and 
can import them in debugger with fr  3000 command (xxx=filename, 
3000 replaced by 5800 in modes with 10240 bytes screen size)

I'm clueless about the BBC hardware (apart from the CPU, the Electron
shares nothing with the BBC on a component level), but hopefully
there's a BBC emulator that does the binary loading/saving you want.


Now yes!

BTW. Do you use API calls in your emulator? I'm looking for a reference of
Linux and Mac API calls online. There are a lot of Windows API calls
documented, but no Linux and Mac calls. I looking for example for the
eqivalent of GetAsyncKeyState(). There is a demand for Retro-X on Mac and

I think SDL itself might still be using some of the libraries that OS
X inherited from all the OSs before it, which are all deprecated now
and generally not a good idea. is probably the best
reference resource, but I wouldn't describe myself as an unadulterated

Cocoa looks like it would be a nice library, but because I do not use C 
or C++ but PureBasic, so I should write a wrapper first. Anyway this is 
a good starting point for the conversion to other OSes.

Thats right... I also use ithe Internet to do some research about graphics
formats and image preprocessing. Asking people to help, helping other
people... In the 80 my programs are just simple and small games, and
Utilitys, in the 90 I learned to code better games and used first time my
own graphics converter that I wrote on Amiga. And now with PC I'm stick to
internet having not much free time to finish coding my projects.

I don't know if I even had a computer in the 80s... I think probably
not. I was only born in 1980, so I guess my parents wanted me running
around outside instead, which I did and seem to remember very much
enjoying. I had a secondhand Electron for about a year before my Sam,
then skipped the 16 bits entirely to go PC and then Mac. The internet,
which I think we first got a link to in 1996 or 1997, was a

I was born in 1971, so my Home computer experience begann 1985 with a 
Spectrum 48+, then I moved to Spectrum 128, In late 80's I had a Amiga 
500, then I moved again to Spectrum and 1990 I purchased my SAM Coupé, 
then 1995 my first PC. I do never like to play outside, so I prefered to 
play with my computers. I think, I got Internet in 1998.

I think the only thing of any length I ever wrote on my real Sam was
an Outwrite clone in BASIC. It was very slow indeed, and couldn't

That sounds cool! I wrote some SAM games like 

Re: Random Sam BASIC question.

2008-08-28 Thread Thomas Harte
I meant are they read/write, or write only? However in the interim,  
I've found a copy of the Technical Manual online and discovered that  
they are read/write, which I wasn't expecting.

On 28 Aug 2008, at 21:06, Leszek Chmielewski wrote:

251 = High Memory Page Register
250= Low Memory Page Register


Thomas Harte schrieb:

Port 252 is read/write? Anybody got any idea about ports 250  251?

On 28 Aug 2008, at 20:22, Leszek Chmielewski wrote:

James R Curry schrieb:

Okay, utterly random question...

How does one determine the start address of the screen in Sam  

I forget.

It has been years.

-- James R Curry

SAM adv. technical manual says:

10 LET A=IN 252 BAND 31
20 LET BASE=(A+1)*16384

BASE=Start of Screen


P.S. But the structure of Information in Screen$ for Palette  
interrupt changes is unknown to me yet. |-D.

Re: Random Sam BASIC question.

2008-08-28 Thread Leszek Chmielewski
Sorry for the missunderstanding. Anyway, I'm sure that all memory paging 
ports are read and write ports, bacause there is no other way to 
determine which bank is currenly paged in.


Thomas Harte schrieb:
I meant are they read/write, or write only? However in the interim, 
I've found a copy of the Technical Manual online and discovered that 
they are read/write, which I wasn't expecting.

On 28 Aug 2008, at 21:06, Leszek Chmielewski wrote:

251 = High Memory Page Register
250= Low Memory Page Register


Thomas Harte schrieb:

Port 252 is read/write? Anybody got any idea about ports 250  251?

On 28 Aug 2008, at 20:22, Leszek Chmielewski wrote:

James R Curry schrieb:

Okay, utterly random question...

How does one determine the start address of the screen in Sam BASIC?

I forget.

It has been years.

-- James R Curry

SAM adv. technical manual says:

10 LET A=IN 252 BAND 31
20 LET BASE=(A+1)*16384

BASE=Start of Screen


P.S. But the structure of Information in Screen$ for Palette 
interrupt changes is unknown to me yet. |-D.

Re: Random Sam BASIC question.

2008-08-28 Thread Leszek Chmielewski

Thomas Harte schrieb:
Oh, it was probably my fault for being unclear, since the original 
question was how do I find out where the screen is and the answer 
was read port 252, then I guess that raises the presumption that 
other vague questions are about the function of ports, not whether 
they're write-only.

Yes, but I should read next time more carefully |-D.
There are machines with write-only paging registers though. The Acorn 
Electron is definitely one. But it has a generally painful paging 
mechanism overall — per the documentation, to get to an arbitrary 
page, you have to request a page of one of the few ROMs that the 
keyboard and BASIC ROM can recognise to be not themselves so that 
they'll release the bus, then do your actual page; it took me ages to 
find a scheme for my Electron emulator that matched that documented 
behaviour and the expectations of all the software that just does 
whatever it feels like.

To be honest, I houugh Acorn Electron has the same processor as C64 and 
Atari XL, and I was sure, they hawe no Ports and anything is 
memory-mapped (By the way, I currently extending my Retro-X to Acorn 
Electron and Amiga screen conversion, is your Electron Emulator probably 
for SAM???).
The OS ROM on that machine just keeps a record of the last thing it 
paged, and juggles as it feels correct when interrupts go. But it also 
steals about 3.5 kb of a 32 kb machine for various other things, so 
its help isn't always appreciated.

If you substract 10 to 20 Kb for the screen, there is not much left to 
code... Anyway, the games I have on Beeb suffer from this. Most games 
use monochrome hires or 4-Colour Fatpix mode.
Anyway, blah blah blah, 250/251 being read/write makes some things I 
was mulling over much easier. I'm hoping to release my 3d wireframe 
code as a sort of engine for others to use. You just supply an 
'update' function and the code builds around it and calls it to do 
logic and drawing. There's a function call for drawing objects and 
that's about it. Obviously I'm going to need to be much more careful 
and open about paging.

Releasing your 3D engine for others is a great idea, I saw the Videos on 
YouTube, I think, you can improve the speed of line drawing by optionaly 
draw every second pixel of the line on screen (like Mercenary on Speccy).
I'm also giving serious consideration to knocking up a quick BASIC 
dialect to try to increase the code's reach to non-ASM people and make 
it more likely that some actual titles will be released. But if I 
manage that then it'll be through a PC/Mac-side compiler rather than 
any sort of Sam-based interactive environment.

Excellent idea (that is something I was planing for Retro-X, but as 
Cross-Suite, with supply for multiple Machines, with modern BASIC 
dialect and comfortable Scintilla-Based editor. Unfortunally I was never 
very good at coding in Z80 assembly, and using ROM Routines), I'm 
looking forward to see your work, as you are much more gifted coder than 
Most importantly, I'm really, really keen to get what I have bundled 
up so that you don't have to understand it to be able to use it.

I understand  |-D.


On 28 Aug 2008, at 21:23, Leszek Chmielewski wrote:

Sorry for the missunderstanding. Anyway, I'm sure that all memory 
paging ports are read and write ports, bacause there is no other way 
to determine which bank is currenly paged in.


Thomas Harte schrieb:
I meant are they read/write, or write only? However in the interim, 
I've found a copy of the Technical Manual online and discovered that 
they are read/write, which I wasn't expecting.

On 28 Aug 2008, at 21:06, Leszek Chmielewski wrote:

251 = High Memory Page Register
250= Low Memory Page Register


Thomas Harte schrieb:

Port 252 is read/write? Anybody got any idea about ports 250  251?

On 28 Aug 2008, at 20:22, Leszek Chmielewski wrote:

James R Curry schrieb:

Okay, utterly random question...

How does one determine the start address of the screen in Sam 

I forget.

It has been years.

-- James R Curry

SAM adv. technical manual says:

10 LET A=IN 252 BAND 31
20 LET BASE=(A+1)*16384

BASE=Start of Screen


P.S. But the structure of Information in Screen$ for Palette 
interrupt changes is unknown to me yet. |-D.

Re: Random Sam BASIC question.

2008-08-28 Thread Thomas Harte
To be honest, I houugh Acorn Electron has the same processor as C64  
and Atari XL, and I was sure, they hawe no Ports and anything is  
memory-mapped (By the way, I currently extending my Retro-X to Acorn  
Electron and Amiga screen conversion, is your Electron Emulator  
probably for SAM???).

Everything is memory mapped, but it's still registers at addresses,  
you just use the regular load/store instructions to write to them. The  
only difference of the z80 versus the 6502 is that it has a 17-bit  
address, adding a second 64kb can only be accessed by a IN/OUT.

My Electron emulator is for the PC/Mac, but I haven't released a new  
version in years. In any case, if you have any questions about  
anything on that front, feel free to drop me a line.

Releasing your 3D engine for others is a great idea, I saw the  
Videos on YouTube, I think, you can improve the speed of line  
drawing by optionaly draw every second pixel of the line on screen  
(like Mercenary on Speccy).

That would definitely help. There's quite a few more things I can do  
to speed it up without affecting the graphics first though. It's just  
finding the time. I think I'm relatively lucky because I don't work in  
anything to do with software so I don't end up with programming  
fatigue from my real life.

I'm also giving serious consideration to knocking up a quick BASIC  
dialect to try to increase the code's reach to non-ASM people and  
make it more likely that some actual titles will be released. But  
if I manage that then it'll be through a PC/Mac-side compiler  
rather than any sort of Sam-based interactive environment.

Excellent idea (that is something I was planing for Retro-X, but as  
Cross-Suite, with supply for multiple Machines, with modern BASIC  
dialect and comfortable Scintilla-Based editor. Unfortunally I was  
never very good at coding in Z80 assembly, and using ROM Routines),  
I'm looking forward to see your work, as you are much more gifted  
coder than I'm.

Oh, this stuff is all much easier now than it must have been in the  
80s. And it's not just the wide array of information that is  
accessible through the internet, when I was learning 3d I found out  
that Elite achieves its near-solid look just by using convex objects  
by directly asking David Braben. Let's not pretend you would have been  
able to get that sort of help when that sort of information actually  
had commercial value.