Re: [Samba] WINS and cross-subnet

2002-04-26 Thread neil

thanks for the input joel, joseph and james. ;)
here are results...

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Joseph Loo wrote:
 This may be a stupid suggestion, but do you have your workgroup set as
 the same as the windows machine connected?

yes. i have tried other workgroup names as well, but not recently.

From Joel@HammersHome com: 

I recall your saying that the WINS server is not listening to port 137
because, as I recall you tried to telnet to port 137 and got no answer. I
tried to telnet my samba server on 139 and got an answer but got no 
answer on port 137, so, I don't think telnet works for port 137.

correct. i understand 139 is for 'session service' and 137 is for 'name 
service' but i dont know if 137 uses udp or tcp. anyway.
it is unclear to me the exact purpose of 138.
i am just starting to read:
to maybe understand all that some more.

You might get a port scanner and scan your wins server (with permission
of your IT people, of course), or just ask the IT people if port 137
is working. I suspect that it is.  

nmap is installed.
ive considered that, the it people around here hide themselves pretty 
well, (university of about 30k people total) figure i should find out as 
much as i can before trying to find someone here who knows anything and 
will answer a phone or email...

I would try /etc/hosts for one client, just to see if it works.  If it
does, you might be able to set up a DNS on your linux machine, but this
really sounds far fetched. 

well, i am more interested in windoze being able to 'see' the linux box. 
then vice-versa. the other issue is all the clients i would like to have 
see the linux box use dchp, and i have no control of the dchp server and 
not enough static addresses to go that route and not enough money to build 
our own private subnet using reserved addresses (which would be ideal...)

Can you talk at all to your wins server with nmblookup? There are a lot 
options with nmblookup, many of which are not well explained in man
For example, try talking to your wins server with:
nmblookup WorkGroupNames#1b
You might need to use the -B option to get the right subnet for your 

okay, here is something i havent done much lately.
here is one interesting interaction:
nmblookup -U -R '2030#1b' -d 4
which gives lots of good stuff (smb.conf processing etc repeated below), 
followed by:

wins_srv_load_list(): Building WINS server list:,
1 WINS server listed.
doing parameter hosts allow = 192.168. 127.
doing parameter printing = lprng
pm_process() returned Yes
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
bind succeeded on port 0
Socket opened.
querying 2030 on
wins_srv_died(): WINS server appears to be down.
name_query failed to find name 2030#1b

Then, try:
smbclient -NL winserver and see if it will show you any servers.
If it does, then you are on your way. 

smbclient -NL -d 4  gives:

added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Client started (version 2.2.1a).
Connecting to at port 139
session request to failed (Called name not present)
Connecting to at port 139
session request to 192 failed (Called name not present)
Connecting to at port 139
 session request ok
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[DOMAIN.ORG] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0]
 session setup ok
 tconx ok

Sharename  Type  Comment
-    ---
NetShareEnum failed
Error returning browse list: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)

Server   Comment


so, again, the wins server listens on 139 not 137.
at least now know for sure it is NT... but it doesnt offer any 
information here.
anyone have ideas why the first two sesion requests would fail like that?

You can also try nmblookup -B broadcast YOURWORKGROUP00
This will return ipaddresses of servers in that group on the subnet
specified with -B.
You can then get the server netbios names with:
nmblookup -A ipnumberofserver

this is a point of some confusion for me, mentioned previously. dchp 
clients on the same segment as the linux box get different (class c) 
subnet addresses than the static ips i have. ie windoze gets 
192.168.92.x with broadcast and my static #s are 
192.168.91.x ... yet we are all on the same wire. this doesnt seem right 
to me but is out of my control.
trying nmblookup -B ... on the linux box returns nothing, 
but likely because the ip cant broadcast to subnet ..92.255 
but: nmblookup -B 2030 shows only the 

[Samba] [Fwd: cannot access share from XP/w2K]

2002-04-26 Thread Uwe Melcher

 i runnning Samba 2.2.1a on RedHat 7.2.
 If i access a shre with group-permissions from XP i get an error-message
 which tolds me that this share does not exist or is renamed. From Win2K
 i can access the share from explorer but if i try to open a MS-Office
 document from the File Open Box i receive a nearly the same message.
 Other shares (publics and user homedirectories) works well.
 here an example for an share from my smb.conf:
  comment = my service template
 path = /var/tmp
 browseable = no
 public = no
 printable = yes
 writeable = yes 
 create mask = 0660 
 directory mask = 0770 
 force create mode = 0660
 force directory mode = 0770 
 hide files = /.*/*.php*/*.inc/*.lib/ 
 veto files = /.*/*.php*/*.inc/*.lib
copy = template
 comment = Developer
 path =/var/Developer 
 browseable = yes
 writelist = develop
 force group = +develop
 I found no soulution in various documents which helps me to solve this
 best regards
 Uwe Melcher

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Re: [Samba] smbmount crashes machine if more than one program accessesshare

2002-04-26 Thread Urban Widmark

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Michael Jastram wrote:

 Kernel: 2.4.2 on i686

Why 2.4.2? Try using something more recent (but not 2.4.18, 2.4.17 or
2.4.19-pre-latest). Older 2.4s would end up in a loop trying to reconnect,
it could be the reason you see so many smb_retry messages.

2.4.2 also had some changes to make it work on highmem machines. As with
all new things it didn't work so well at first (in this case the code I
borrowed was buggy ... doh! :) and would sometimes add a dentry twice,
which can create a loop in what is supposed to be a loop-free list. I
think you have triggered that bug.

   /usr/local/samba/bin/smbmount //biscuit/MP3LIBRARY /opt/music \
 -o username=michael,password=***,ttl=10,debug=4
 * Please note that I do NOT use mount -t smbfs, but smbmount directly.

Any particular reason?

 * The samba log file (/var/log/samba-log.smbmount) doesn't show
   anything suspicious.  On startup, the following entry is generated:
   [2002/04/25 22:34:15, 0] client/smbmount.c:send_fs_socket(386)
 mount.smbfs: entering daemon mode for service \\biscuit\MP3LIBRARY, pid=530
 * The kernel log shows smb error messages sometimes, but I can't
   reproduce them consistently.  However, the following entry is quite
   Apr 15 20:58:41 capital kernel: smb_retry: signal failed, error=-3

It means that the smbmount is gone. The logfile should give some hints
with debug=4, I wonder why it's so empty ... This is bad, but should not
cause any kernel lockups only that the mountpoint stops working.

   Apr 15 21:00:13 capital last message repeated 3485 times
   Apr 15 21:01:14 capital last message repeated 3480 times

In one minute it retries 3480 times ...


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Re: [Samba] SMBMOUNT to C$ Share on Windows XP. HELP!

2002-04-26 Thread Urban Widmark

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Malcolm Jack wrote:

 [root@hoc samba]# mount -t smbfs -o username=administrator,password=
 //bytelair/C$ /mnt/net1
 tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess

Sometimes you need to specify the workgroup parameter.

 It seems to me to be an access problem, that XP dosen't like the
 authentication token given, but Windows 2000 likes it fine.   

I believe I have connected to a XP box just fine. But maybe samba 2.0.x
can't. Upgrade to 2.2.3a?


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[Samba] (no subject)

2002-04-26 Thread Neil Faulks

I am not reading my mail at the moment due to problems with my

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[Samba] How to share a printer with Windows2000

2002-04-26 Thread Rahul Parasnis

Hello Samba-gurus ,
please forgive me if I am repeating this question , I tried to search in
the archives , but there is no searchable archive of this list that I know
of .
If available please let me know  . I looked at

I want to share a printer on Solaris Machine with Printer  ?

can anybody guide me how to do that ?

part of  smb.con file is like this .

path = /tmp
printable = Yes

comment = For Printers
path = /export/home/samba/printers
guest ok = Yes
best regards,

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[Samba] Samba 2.2.3a, ClearCase Views and Win 2K

2002-04-26 Thread Steiner, Jason

I am trying to use Samba
2.2.3a on a Solaris 8 system for dynamic view storage from W2K machines. I have
hit a wall though in that the view storage area on the Samba server refuses to
have the right permission even if I open it all the way to 777, set my UNIX
group to have administrative privileges or even if I log in as an
administrative user in the domain.

Have a look at the output
below. CASCM1 is the name of my Samba server and
rail-chq is the name of the PDC for the RAILINC domain. The CASCM1
machine which is the Samba server and belongs to the RAILINC domain, does not
seem to be passing the information to the PDC for password and user authentication.
Can anyone help me out here?

C:\creds -u sdjls19

Windows NT user info (on


SID: S-1-5-21-3970177079-3037793699-731120738-124086

Type: User

ID: 0x

ClearCase user info:

 Name: sdjls19

UID: 0x100b50

GID: 0x100b97

 Home: C:\

*** Warning: ClearCase and
Windows NT user lookups yielded different results.

C:\creds -u sdjls19

Windows NT user info (on
local system):


SID: S-1-5-21-1643391981-149702606-1648912389-2896

Type: User

ID: 0x100b50

ClearCase user info:


UID: 0x100b50

GID: 0x100b97

 Home: C:\

C:\creds -u sdjls19

Windows NT user info (on


SID: S-1-5-21-1643391981-149702606-1648912389-2896

Type: User

ID: 0x100b50

ClearCase user info:


UID: 0x100b50

GID: 0x100b97

 Home: C:\

So, my W2K machine and the
PDC can get the correct SID and UID information. However, the Samba machine,
cascm1 cannot. It reports the SID of the machine cascm1
that was created when I added the cascm1 machine to the Windows
Domain. In other words, the SID noted here is the SID in the
MACHINE.SID file on the "cascm1" Samba machine.

This seems to not be the
correct behaviour for Samba in the mode that I have it in, yet, I can set, get
and use UNIX user ids for the Windows IDs that I have without a problem on the
same share but not using the ClearCase commands. If I try to use any ClearCase
command that creates view or VOB directory structures, the root directory of
the VOB or view is created, the Samba machine just craps out when trying to
create the additional files or structures underneath it. What gives?!?!

Jason Steiner


7001 Weston Parkway

Cary, NC 27513

Voice: 919-651-5277

Fax: 919-651-5377


RE: [Samba] file permissions

2002-04-26 Thread David McBride

-Original Message-
From: Bradley W. Langhorst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:12 PM
To: David McBride
Cc: Samba email list (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [Samba] file permissions

On Thu, 2002-04-25 at 17:41, David McBride wrote:
 I have got my Samba file shareing to work, now I can not seem to get the
 permissions worked out like I would like.
 I would like admin and joe to have read and write access to all 4 folders.
 When I try to write to any folder except admin logged in as admin I can
you need to join admin and joe to the smbusers group 
and set the permissions on user1 and user2 to at least 775
for that to happen. 
Does this mean add them to the admins group?  I have already done that, if
it means something different can you please give more detailed explanation.

I think that is an unusual configuration though - most users have
exclusive write access to their home dirs (only root can also write
This unusual config may be because Im looking at things from a windoze
network poing of view.  Take a small office situation for example: an office
manager and some workers.  The workers need only access to thier
directories, but the office manage may need to save files for the workers to
correct or retype or what ever.
What would be the prefered way of setting groups and permissions for a
situation loke this?

you could make joe and admin admin users using the
admin users directive

 Can some one direct me to a detailed document on how Linux handles file
 permissions or the best way to do samba fiel permissions.
samba file perms ARE linux file permissionns (unless you are using ACLs)
have a look at
 BTW why does directory . and .. have different permissions?
because . refers to this directory
and .. refers to the one above this one.
and they may have different permissions

 Users: admin, joe, user1, user2
 Groups:admins, joe
 Smbusers:user01, user02
 Group membership:admins-admin, joe   smbusers-user01, user02
 File permissions of data directory:
 drwxr  xr  x  rootroot..
 drwxr  xr  x  admin   admins  admin
 drwxr  xr  x  joe admins  joe
 drwxr  xr  x  user1   smbusersuser1
 drwxr  xr  x  user2   smbusersuser2
something is wrong with these - too many spaces
between r and x for group and other.
I just did that to make all the columbs line up.


Thanks again,

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Re: [Samba] Samba 2.2.3a, ClearCase Views and Win 2K

2002-04-26 Thread Gerald Carter

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Steiner, Jason wrote:

 So, my W2K machine and the PDC can get the correct SID and UID
 information. However, the Samba machine, cascm1 cannot. It reports the
 SID of the machine cascm1 that was created when I added the cascm1
 machine to the Windows Domain. In other words, the SID noted here is the
 SID in the MACHINE.SID file on the cascm1 Samba machine.

Just as a hunch, can you try to get winbind up and running on 
the Solaris server?  This might resolve your problems.
Also try setting nt acl support = no on the share in question.
Maybe try the latter suggestion first since it is an easy change.

cheers, jerry
 Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours 2ed.  ISBN 0-672-32269-2
 --I never saved anything for the swim back. Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--

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Re: [Samba] net rpc join

2002-04-26 Thread Douglas G. Phillips

 net help rpc join

net rpc join -U username[%password] [options]
 to join a domain with admin username  password
 password will be prompted if none is specified


Valid miscellaneous options are:
-U or --user=name user name


On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 05:07:33PM -0700, Matt Rice wrote:
 testing a recent cvs snapshot
 i noticed that smbpasswd -j  is deprecated
 net rpc join
 doesnt seem to work when RestrictAnonymous is enabled on my windows system
 it doesn't seem like there is a -U switch which was essential to 
 smbpasswd actually being able to create a machine account.
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Douglas G. Phillips
ITS/User Services
Eastern Illinois University

If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z,
X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.
  - Albert Einstein

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[Samba] LDAP parameters

2002-04-26 Thread Pascal Schelcher


I have the current CVS files.
My last version was 2.2.3a.
I use the ldap server parameter, and in the current CVS version, this
parameters is deleted.
So is there a documentation to configure samba with LDAP with the current
CVS version ? Or what is the syntax of those parameters :
- ldap suffix
- ldap machine suffix
- ldap user suffix
- ldap filter
- ldap ssl
Are some others LDAP parameters ?

Pascal Schelcher.

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Re: [Samba] Group policy for Win2K/XP

2002-04-26 Thread Scott Shackelford

  With SAMBA 2.x.x you can use the Policy Editor from NT 4.0
There are all kinds of ADM files out there to control about 95% of what you
can control in AD

Like NT 4.0 Server save the .pol (That's a policy file) and NTconfig.pol and
place that in a netlogin share on you SAMBA server. Make sure you have a
share like this in you smb.conf file

path = /usr/local/samba/netlogon

Here are a few sites that have lots of ADM files and even the Policy Editor
itself at. (BTW, the policy editor can also be found on the windows 98 CD in
admin\tools I believe) has some good ADM templates.
Geared towards 9x/ME but most will work for it. The Office 2k templates are
good has some good 2k policy templates
designed for then clients but work very well is another goodie

   -Scott Shackelford
Custom Transport Systems

- Original Message -
From: Russell McGregor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:32 AM
Subject: [Samba] Group policy for Win2K/XP

Has anyone looked in to domain policy for Win2K/XP machines from a SAMBA
controlled domain?

I have played around with these policies from within a Win2K AD-domain, and
wondered if I can carry my policies over to a SAMBA domain.

Any info, or reference to relevent documentation is appreciated.

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[samba] calculate memory and cpu use

2002-04-26 Thread Fabien . LIOU


How can i measure the consumption of samba's processes (backgroung processes
and user's connections) ?
I need to evaluate this to specify cpu and ram values


Fabien LIOU
Thales Communications

LIOU Fabien - CLB.vcf
Description: Binary data

[Samba] Samba slow with win2000

2002-04-26 Thread Marc Laurendeau


I have a indy 133 with Irix 6.5 and samba 
With a client win NT and Win 2000 i save date on 
samba on Irix.
With win 2000 is more slow comparate to 

Have you a solution for me please to augmente speed 


RE: [Samba] file permissions

2002-04-26 Thread Bradley W. Langhorst

 you need to join admin and joe to the smbusers group 
 and set the permissions on user1 and user2 to at least 775
 for that to happen. 
 Does this mean add them to the admins group?  I have already done that, if
 it means something different can you please give more detailed explanation.
nope i was saying you should make all of these user's files write
accessable to each other - but in light of your comments below i don't
think that is what you want.

 I think that is an unusual configuration though - most users have
 exclusive write access to their home dirs (only root can also write
 This unusual config may be because Im looking at things from a windoze
 network poing of view.  Take a small office situation for example: an office
 manager and some workers.  The workers need only access to thier
 directories, but the office manage may need to save files for the workers to
 correct or retype or what ever.
 What would be the prefered way of setting groups and permissions for a
 situation loke this?
I think the usual way is to put users into their own group and managers
into their own group
the user directories would be owned by the users but the group is that
of the managers

That way no user can touch another user's files. Using your example
drwxr xr x  admin   admins  admin
drwxr xr x  joe admins  joe
drwxrwxr x  user1   admins  user1
drwxrwxr x  user2   admins  user2

if you need a place for members of smbusers to share files with each
other you can add a shared directory owned by root with group smbusers
and permissions 770
 you could make joe and admin admin users using the
 admin users directive
if you already did this and joe and admin dont have write access to 
everything then something is wrong.


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Re: [Samba] ldap and xp can´t join the domain /sorry

2002-04-26 Thread Bradley W. Langhorst

On Fri, 2002-04-26 at 01:00, Axel Machens wrote:
 sorry I forgot the samba version and system Informations in
 my Mail at yesterday  ldap and xp can´t join the domain.
 The samba version is 2.2.3a on SuSE 7.3
then you have a different problem...

try removing the machine name users from your ldap database
and let samba create them for you (like it says in the howto collection)
watch the logs for what is going on when you try to join the domain.


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Re: [Samba] LDAP parameters

2002-04-26 Thread Bradley W. Langhorst

On Fri, 2002-04-26 at 10:35, Pascal Schelcher wrote:
 I have the current CVS files.
 My last version was 2.2.3a.
 I use the ldap server parameter, and in the current CVS version, this
 parameters is deleted.
 So is there a documentation to configure samba with LDAP with the current
 CVS version ? Or what is the syntax of those parameters :
I've got the ldap stuff working (though i still cant
join the domain)
 - ldap suffix
 - ldap machine suffix
 - ldap user suffix
i found that if just leave the ldap suffix set and clear out the 
machine and user suffix they default back to the ldap suffix.
Mine are all the same - probably this is so you could put machine
accounts on one ldap database and users in a different one.
 - ldap filter
dunno about this one - i'm not using it
 - ldap ssl
I'm not using ldap ssl but that is on or off or startTLS i think
 Are some others LDAP parameters ?
the most important one is the 
ldap admin dn =
(that's the same as it used to be)

don't forget to do smbpasswd -w  to set the admin user's password


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Re: [samba] calculate memory and cpu use

2002-04-26 Thread Jason Stewart

Please ask a more specific question (and ask once!), and you will receive a 
specific answer. For now, all I can really tell you is to use your Operating 
System's utilities like top, vmstat, sar, ps, and the like to measure out 
system resource consumption yourself.


On Friday 26 April 2002 11:20 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can i measure the consumption of samba's processes (backgroung
 processes and user's connections) ?
 I need to evaluate this to specify cpu and ram values

 Fabien LIOU
 Thales Communications

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[samba] calculate memory and cpu use

2002-04-26 Thread Fabien . LIOU


How can i measure the consumption of samba's processes (backgroung processes
and user's connections) ?
I need to evaluate this to specify cpu and ram values


Fabien LIOU
Thales Communications

LIOU Fabien - CLB.vcf
Description: Binary data

[samba] calculate memory and cpu use

2002-04-26 Thread Fabien . LIOU


How can i measure the consumption of samba's processes (backgroung processes
and user's connections) ?
I need to evaluate this to specify cpu and ram values

Fabien LIOU
Thales Communications

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Re: [samba] calculate memory and cpu use

2002-04-26 Thread Bradley W. Langhorst

 How can i measure the consumption of samba's processes (backgroung processes
 and user's connections) ?
 I need to evaluate this to specify cpu and ram values
your message is coming through too many times.
ps aux?


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RE: [Samba] Problema de samba

2002-04-26 Thread Manuel Gomez


I need help with information to resolve a problem I have with Samba.

The problem is the following, what happens is that as soon as an archive is
transferred from Windows to Unix, the archive arrives altered.  That is to
say, when displayed, the information comes with a character at the end of
the line, distorting the received information, and I don't know what it
consists of.

I thank you in advance for any type of information that brings me to the
solution of this problem.

Manuel Gomez

-Original Message-
From: Yuridia Viveros Najera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 9:38 AM
Subject: [Samba] Problema de samba

Necesito que me ayuden con informacion para resolver mi problema que tengo
con el Samba.

El problema es el siguiente, lo que pasa es que al momento de tranferir un
archivo de Windows a Unix este archivo llega alterado, es decir al moemnto
de visualizarlo la informacion llega con un caracter al final de la linea,
distorsionando asi la informacion recibida, y la verdad no se en que

Les agradeceria cualquier tipo de informacion, que me lleve a la solucion de
este problema, de Antemano.

Muchas Gracias

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Re: [Samba] dos/unix line termination

2002-04-26 Thread Steven Kurylo

John Lien wrote:

I have a simple Samba configuration that has been very low (zero) maintenace
for months.  Its version 2.2.2.  I want to make a small change, but I cant
find the info I'm looking for.
Is there an entry for the smb.conf file that would translate DOS-style line
terminations to Unix-style line terminations?  My smb.conf looks like this:

path = /www/maps
comment = Solaris share
guest ok = Yes
read only = No

Thanks for your help,

What is your goal?  I don't know if it would work but you could use the 
preexec and the postexec commands to run the utility 'flip'.  Flip 
changes line terminations.  So when a user logs into a share the line 
terminations would change, and when they log out, it changes back..

Steven Kurylo
Information Systems Administrator
Cleartech Industries Inc.
(306) 664-2522

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RE: [Samba] bug (?)

2002-04-26 Thread MCCALL,DON (HP-USA,ex1)

Hi Panagiotis,
I just verified I see the same behavior - looking into it now...
-Original Message-
From: Panagiotis J. Roris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: [Samba] bug (?)

Hi, I would like to mention the existence of an not browseable 
undefined sharename in samba.
I tested it with samba 2.2.1a, 2.2.3a and linux, sunos, freebsd.
If you run a samba server and try to connect at sharename bin, 
which is not defined in the smb.conf you actually achieve it.
(the user that tries to connect must be is smbpasswd)
In linux after the connection you see the /bin dir and in freebsd
you go to / and you can browse the whole tree. (access is not with
write permissions).
Is this a feature of samba, because it looks to me as a bug 
or something?
A small proof follows, not wanted to make this mail so big.
Thank you.

prori@ikaros: [106] ~  uname -r
prori@ikaros: [103] ~  cat /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
   workgroup = HOME
   server string = Unix FreeBSD
   hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
   load printers = no
   log file = /var/log/log.%m
   max log size = 50
   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY 
   local master = yes
   dns proxy = no 
   client code page=737
# Share Definitions
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writeable = yes

prori@ikaros: [101] ~  id
uid=1001(prori) gid=1001(prori) groups=1001(prori)
prori@ikaros: [102] ~  smbd -V
Version 2.2.3a
prori@ikaros: [104] ~  smbclient //ikaros/bin
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Domain=[HOME] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.3a]
smb: \
smb: \ cd /root
smb: \root\
smb: \root\ ls
.   D0  Fri Apr 19 19:59:36 2002
..  D0  Fri Apr 19 20:06:50 2002
.msgsrc H2  Sun Mar 10 09:53:50 2002
.klogin H  142  Mon Jan 28 15:13:22 2002
.login  H  297  Mon Jan 28 15:13:22 2002
.profileH  251  Mon Jan 28 15:13:22 2002
.historyH  868  Sun Mar  3 09:02:27 2002
.xinitrc   AH   15  Sun Mar  3 09:39:32 2002
.xsession  AH   15  Sun Mar  3 09:39:32 2002
.ssh   DH0  Thu Apr 18 16:57:51 2002
zlib.v1.1.corrected.patch 1759  Thu Apr 18 17:32:06 2002

62760 blocks of size 32768. 40290 blocks available
smb: \root\

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RE: [Samba] bug (?)

2002-04-26 Thread MCCALL,DON (HP-USA,ex1)

Hi Everyone,
The ability to access the /usr/bin subdirectory is a function of samba
looking for 
a 'home directory' in the user store (/etc/passwd in this case).
It FINDS it because the system user 'bin' is defined as:


You can prevent this behavior by adding the following line to your 'homes'
of the smb.conf file:

valid users = %S

This will ensure that the user of the home directory is in fact the
appropriate unix user
(for in this instance 'bin')...

BTW, this is true of ANY 'home directory' listed in the /etc/passwd file...
Hope this helps,
-Original Message-
From: Panagiotis J. Roris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: [Samba] bug (?)

Hi, I would like to mention the existence of an not browseable 
undefined sharename in samba.
I tested it with samba 2.2.1a, 2.2.3a and linux, sunos, freebsd.
If you run a samba server and try to connect at sharename bin, 
which is not defined in the smb.conf you actually achieve it.
(the user that tries to connect must be is smbpasswd)
In linux after the connection you see the /bin dir and in freebsd
you go to / and you can browse the whole tree. (access is not with
write permissions).
Is this a feature of samba, because it looks to me as a bug 
or something?
A small proof follows, not wanted to make this mail so big.
Thank you.

prori@ikaros: [106] ~  uname -r
prori@ikaros: [103] ~  cat /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
   workgroup = HOME
   server string = Unix FreeBSD
   hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
   load printers = no
   log file = /var/log/log.%m
   max log size = 50
   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY 
   local master = yes
   dns proxy = no 
   client code page=737
# Share Definitions
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writeable = yes

prori@ikaros: [101] ~  id
uid=1001(prori) gid=1001(prori) groups=1001(prori)
prori@ikaros: [102] ~  smbd -V
Version 2.2.3a
prori@ikaros: [104] ~  smbclient //ikaros/bin
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Domain=[HOME] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.3a]
smb: \
smb: \ cd /root
smb: \root\
smb: \root\ ls
.   D0  Fri Apr 19 19:59:36 2002
..  D0  Fri Apr 19 20:06:50 2002
.msgsrc H2  Sun Mar 10 09:53:50 2002
.klogin H  142  Mon Jan 28 15:13:22 2002
.login  H  297  Mon Jan 28 15:13:22 2002
.profileH  251  Mon Jan 28 15:13:22 2002
.historyH  868  Sun Mar  3 09:02:27 2002
.xinitrc   AH   15  Sun Mar  3 09:39:32 2002
.xsession  AH   15  Sun Mar  3 09:39:32 2002
.ssh   DH0  Thu Apr 18 16:57:51 2002
zlib.v1.1.corrected.patch 1759  Thu Apr 18 17:32:06 2002

62760 blocks of size 32768. 40290 blocks available
smb: \root\

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[Samba] samba2.2.1a nmbd couldn't be started at suse(7.0) linux (2.2.16)running on s390 platform

2002-04-26 Thread Li, Lily

Hello all,

I'm trying to install samba on suse linux at s390 platform, I tried three
options, none of them works
1) Option1, install samba2.2.1a general release
I encountered a problem while running /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd -D, here is
the log file for you

[2002/04/26 09:04:17, 0] nmbd/nmbd_subnetdb.c:create_subnets(242)
  create_subnets: No local interfaces !
[2002/04/26 09:04:17, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:main(835)
  ERROR: Failed when creating subnet lists. Exiting.


The system is suse 7.0 linux 2.2.16 on IBM s390 platform, the samba i am
using is 2.2.1a general release, there is network interface named iucv0, the
output of ifconfig -a is the follwing

iucv0 Link encap:Serial Line IP  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP  MTU:1492  Metric:1  Outfill:1492
  RX packets:93067 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:63776 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:219 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:219 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

2) I tried also samba1.9.18p1 for mvs, but get an error at make stage
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
3) Use the build-in smb, which is old 2.0.7 version, the smb.conf is
different from 2.2.1, I could start smbd, nmbd, but couldn't see it from my
desktop network place. my desktop ip is, netmask, the
linux host ip is, netmask is, linux is ping'able from

Please help

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[Samba] Problema de samba

2002-04-26 Thread Yuridia Viveros Najera

Necesito que me ayuden con informacion para resolver mi problema que
tengo con el Samba.

El problema es el siguiente, lo que pasa es que al momento de tranferir
un archivo de Windows a Unix este archivo llega alterado, es decir al
moemnto de visualizarlo la informacion llega con un caracter al final de
la linea, distorsionando asi la informacion recibida, y la verdad no se
en que consiste.

Les agradeceria cualquier tipo de informacion, que me lleve a la
solucion de este problema, de Antemano.

Muchas Gracias

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Re: [Samba] samba 2.2.3a loses WINS registration

2002-04-26 Thread Andrew Morgan

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Gerald Carter wrote:

 On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Andrew Morgan wrote:

  Since upgrading to Samba 2.2.3a on several of our servers, we are having
  trouble with nmbd not maintaining the WINS registration.  After the WINS
  server expires the record, our users in other subnets cannot find the
  server.  Restarting nmbd registers the server again in WINS, but nmbd
  doesn't reregister at 20 minute intervals as before.

 I think I remember jeremy fixing something like post 2.2.3a.  Please
 test the SAMBA_2_2 cvs tree and see if you still experience the

 For some reason I thought we had fixed this before

Okay, I checked out SAMBA_2_2 just now, but I'm getting an error when I
compile it.  I'm using:

./configure --prefix=/private/samba --without-winbind --with-syslog

and the make goes for a while, then gives me:

Compiling tdb/tdbbackup.c
Linking bin/tdbbackup
Compiling utils/make_printerdef.c
Linking bin/make_printerdef
Compiling utils/smbpasswd.c
utils/smbpasswd.c: In function `join_domain_byuser':
utils/smbpasswd.c:354: invalid operands to binary !=
make: *** [utils/smbpasswd.o] Error 1

Any ideas?


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[Samba] Resultados de scaneo de RAV AntiVirus

2002-04-26 Thread RAV

RAV AntiVirus for Linux i686 version: 8.3.2 (snapshot-20020108)
Copyright (c) 1996-2001 GeCAD The Software Company. All rights reserved.
60 more days to evaluate.
Running on host:

Esta es una copia del encabezado del correo:

El archivo infectado fue guardado en cuarentena con el nombre: 
El Archivo (part0001:rock.exe) adjunto al mail (con asunto:A special  humour game) 
esta infectado con el virus: Win32/Klez.H@mm.
No puede limpiar este archivo.
El archivo a sido eliminado con exito por RAV AntiVirus. 

Resultados de RAV AntiVirus

Scan engine 8.5 (Standard) for i386.
Last update: Wed Apr 24 03:42:51 2002
Scanning for 66310 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).

To get a free 60-days evaluation version of RAV AntiVirus v8
(yet fully functional) please visit:

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[Samba] Resultados de scaneo de RAV AntiVirus

2002-04-26 Thread RAV

RAV AntiVirus for Linux i686 version: 8.3.2 (snapshot-20020108)
Copyright (c) 1996-2001 GeCAD The Software Company. All rights reserved.
60 more days to evaluate.
Running on host:

Esta es una copia del encabezado del correo:

El archivo infectado fue guardado en cuarentena con el nombre: 
El Archivo (part0001:general.pif) adjunto al mail (con asunto:Returned 
mail--anterior) enviado por [EMAIL PROTECTED] para [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
esta infectado con el virus: Win32/Klez.H@mm.
No puede limpiar este archivo.
El archivo a sido eliminado con exito por RAV AntiVirus. 

Resultados de RAV AntiVirus

Scan engine 8.5 (Standard) for i386.
Last update: Wed Apr 24 03:42:51 2002
Scanning for 66310 malwares (viruses, trojans and worms).

To get a free 60-days evaluation version of RAV AntiVirus v8
(yet fully functional) please visit:

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Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribut

2002-04-26 Thread Illtud Daniel

John E. Malmberg wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Illtud Daniel wrote:

  but I'm fairly sure that the
  mac file sharing services certainly aren't aware of any offline
 There are two ways to handle HSM, swap part of the file or swap all of the

OTG DX2000 swaps the whole lot, leaving an (empty) stub file.

 This would make Windows files happy.  I am not sure about the Mac's, as
 they may expect a different file format, or the resource fork may be a

The resource fork is handled by the Mac file sharing application,
which may put it a seperate file/directory (like CAP, netatalk,
SFM) or in a different file stream (like MacServerIP can optionally
do - v useful, in that it keeps everything tidy, big headache in
that *nobody* handles NTFS streams properly, not MS, not OTG, not
nobody I've found). Keeping them in seperate files/directories
mean that you can set your shelving policy not to touch these (tiny)
files, which takes away some mac fileserving headaches.

 The question that none of the Windows based HSM vendors would give me an
 answer on was: Is there any way to make sure that a copy of all files
 shelved and unshelved exists on the storage robot, and how do I restore
 things when the real disk fails.  I would think that question should be
 easy to answer.

Now I'm confused. It may be because that before coming to this thread
my HSM terminology was different to yours. I use 'migrated' for when
a file is written to tape (or optical, whatever). 'fetched' for getting
it back and writing it to the stub file, 'purged' for removing the
file from the extended volume and replacing it with a stub file. You
purge only migrated files (for obvious reasons), and a file open on the
stub will trigger a fetch.

To answer your questions with regard to OTG DX2000: How do you know
that a copy of all files shelved exists on the robot? Assuming you
mean 'shelved' to be 'migrated  purged' and 'unshelved' to mean
'migrated but not purged', then you don't know, you trust. You can
run tape reports to list what's on each tape, but bugs notwithstanding,
if a file's been migrated, then it should be on the tapes. DX can
backup its internal database (stub file - tape location) to file
which you can stick somewhere safe. In event of distaster, you can
rebuild the stubs by just restoring from this file. You can read about
this on OTG's website:
try 'dxdrivedump.exe' - that knowledge base will give you a lot of
info on how DX does stuff.

  I'll be trying samba (and netatalk) on a HSM'd volume on Monday, so
  I should be able to report back, if there's interest.
 I am sure that there is interest.  Because of the caching issue, unless
 you have enough files so that they all do not fit on the disk, you may not
 notice a performance problem.

:)  We'll force them to tape, don't worry! The disk is 1.44TB, so
yes, we'll have a job filling it, but you can set policies to
ensure that migrating starts when your disk reaches 0.01% full,
or to migrate as soon as a file appears on the volume, and to
force a purge (stubify) of all files.

By the way, we're moving to ADICs AMASS because we've had
problems with DX2000 which have never been resolved (including
loss of hundreds of gigs of content, which isn't fun). An
open HSM solution would be a godsend.

Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau   Senior Systems Analyst
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru  National Library of Wales
Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC   -  Speaking personally, not for NLW

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[Samba] printing to a remote win98 printer

2002-04-26 Thread Andreas Berglund

When printing to a remote win 98 printer, is it possible to just send the
data to the win 98 machine, and then use that machines drivers to format the
data in to suitable printer output.

I have a very simple setup:

samba server --- win 98--ibm-printer

I use cups as the printing system on the samba server if that is
relevant. If this is possible how would I go about doing that.

Andreas Berglund

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Re: [Samba] printing to a remote win98 printer

2002-04-26 Thread Joel Hammer

To the best of my knowledge, no. If this were possible, we would all be
doing it!
What is the printer attached to the windows box?
On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:48:29PM +0200, Andreas Berglund wrote:
 When printing to a remote win 98 printer, is it possible to just send the
 data to the win 98 machine, and then use that machines drivers to format the
 data in to suitable printer output.
 I have a very simple setup:
 samba server --- win 98--ibm-printer
 I use cups as the printing system on the samba server if that is
 relevant. If this is possible how would I go about doing that.
 Andreas Berglund
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[Samba] Mac os x and samba

2002-04-26 Thread Chris Bourne

   I have samba up and running on my Linux box and all is well with 
clients except the mac os x clients. I put


in the finder and get promted for a password and then I get a message 
saying that no file services are available at url 
. The file is clearly there and samba is running as usual. Thanks for 
the help, Chris Bourne.

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RE: [Samba] Mac os x and samba

2002-04-26 Thread Thomas Klettke

I've used smb://server/share, then it prompted me for the username and
You might have to use domain\username if the username alone doesn't do it.

Thomas Klettke
Network Administrator
Aesbus Knowledge Solutions
Houston, TX 77069

The instructions said to use Windows 98 or better, so I installed RedHat.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Chris Bourne
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 3:24 PM
Subject: [Samba] Mac os x and samba

   I have samba up and running on my Linux box and all is well with
clients except the mac os x clients. I put


in the finder and get promted for a password and then I get a message
saying that no file services are available at url
. The file is clearly there and samba is running as usual. Thanks for
the help, Chris Bourne.

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RE: [Samba] samba 2.2.3a loses WINS registration

2002-04-26 Thread Jason Barker
Title: RE: [Samba] samba 2.2.3a loses WINS registration

Just a quick note about this:
I was having this problem for a month or two, and a few weeks ago, I got in touch with Jeremy through this mailing list and he was able to track down the problem.

He made a change to nmbd_mynames.c, I replaced the one in 2.2.3a with it, and it fixed the problem.

So, if you would rather use 2.2.3a with this fix, rather than use the latest CVS, you can replace the nmb_mynames.c in the 2.2.3a source with the one attached to this message, and recompile. In the Samba source, nmbd_mynames.c is in /source/nmbd.

I suppose the Samba CVS would be OK though, since, from what I've read on the list, the 2.2.4 release is VERY close.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:34 PM
To: Andrew Morgan
Cc: Gerald Carter; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Samba] samba 2.2.3a loses WINS registration

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 11:07:49AM -0700, Andrew Morgan wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Gerald Carter wrote:
  On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Andrew Morgan wrote:
   Since upgrading to Samba 2.2.3a on several of our servers, we are having
   trouble with nmbd not maintaining the WINS registration. After the WINS
   server expires the record, our users in other subnets cannot find the
   server. Restarting nmbd registers the server again in WINS, but nmbd
   doesn't reregister at 20 minute intervals as before.
  I think I remember jeremy fixing something like post 2.2.3a. Please
  test the SAMBA_2_2 cvs tree and see if you still experience the
  For some reason I thought we had fixed this before
 Okay, I checked out SAMBA_2_2 just now, but I'm getting an error when I
 compile it. I'm using:
 ./configure --prefix=/private/samba --without-winbind --with-syslog
 and the make goes for a while, then gives me:
 Compiling tdb/tdbbackup.c
 Linking bin/tdbbackup
 Compiling utils/make_printerdef.c
 Linking bin/make_printerdef
 Compiling utils/smbpasswd.c
 utils/smbpasswd.c: In function `join_domain_byuser':
 utils/smbpasswd.c:354: invalid operands to binary !=
 make: *** [utils/smbpasswd.o] Error 1

Just fixed it - Herb's IRIX compiler didn't catch it
when he added the error message.


Description: Binary data

Re: [Samba] samba 2.2.3a loses WINS registration

2002-04-26 Thread Andrew Morgan

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Gerald Carter wrote:

 On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Andrew Morgan wrote:

  Since upgrading to Samba 2.2.3a on several of our servers, we are having
  trouble with nmbd not maintaining the WINS registration.  After the WINS
  server expires the record, our users in other subnets cannot find the
  server.  Restarting nmbd registers the server again in WINS, but nmbd
  doesn't reregister at 20 minute intervals as before.

 I think I remember jeremy fixing something like post 2.2.3a.  Please
 test the SAMBA_2_2 cvs tree and see if you still experience the

 For some reason I thought we had fixed this before

Okay, I managed to get SAMBA_2_2 to compile and I have verified that it
correctly re-registers with WINS.  I will wait eagerly for 2.2.4 to be


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Re: [Samba] samba 2.2.3a loses WINS registration

2002-04-26 Thread Gerald Carter

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Andrew Morgan wrote:

 Okay, I managed to get SAMBA_2_2 to compile and I have verified that it
 correctly re-registers with WINS.  I will wait eagerly for 2.2.4 to be

Great!  Thanks for the feedback.

cheers, jerry
 Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours 2ed.  ISBN 0-672-32269-2
 --I never saved anything for the swim back. Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--

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[Samba] LDAP + PAM

2002-04-26 Thread Peter Erickson

This is probably a really stupid question, but i was wondering if I were to use ldap 
with samba 2.2.3a, do I really need to use pam? I was kind of hoping to use ldap like 
i did with smbpasswd. To add a user, I first add the user to the /etc/passwd file and 
then add the user to the ldap directory. I know that pam woould probably be easier, 
but I really dont want to mess around with pam quite yet. If it means anything I am 
using a freebsd machine. Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Samba] Transfer of funds US$9Million

2002-04-26 Thread Roger Morris

can't this list be set to 'send by subscribers'  or whatever the command is?


At 01:12 AM 4/27/2002 +, Yasanna Banguray wrote:

Old scam snipped

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Re: [Samba] printing to a remote win98 printer

2002-04-26 Thread Joel Hammer

This thing is a PostScript printer. What is your problem?


. Replacement for the IBM/Lexmark 4019
. 300 x 300 DPI resolution, or 600 x 600 PostScript
. 1 MB memory standard, expandable up to 9 MB
. User friendly 16 character LCD operator panel
. Standard software-switchable emulations, including IBM Personal Printer
Data Stream (PPDS), Hewlett-Packard (HP) LaserJet Series II (PCL4)
emulation, plotter emulation (IBM 7372 and HP 7475A color plotters)
. High-speed parallel and serial interfaces standard
. Optional font cards
. Optional paper handling features
. Standard manual input tray

 On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 09:59:24PM CEST or thereabouts, Joel Hammer wrote:
  To the best of my knowledge, no. 
 What a shame ;-)
 If this were possible, we would all be
  doing it!
  What is the printer attached to the windows box?
 It's an ibm 4029 010 laserprinter. 
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Re: [Samba] Can't Samba working on RedHat 7.2

2002-04-26 Thread Joel Hammer

Try putting the linux server into the lmhosts file on a windows box.
On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 05:46:43PM -0700, JimmyC wrote:
 Dear anyone who can help,
 For more than a week now I have been trying to get Samba share with
Windows 2000 clients over a DHCP network. Samba and SWAT are installed
and running on my RedHat 7.2 Linux machine. I have been using several
resources to reference when configuring the smb.conf but nothing seems
to be working. I can see the Linux box in my network places but when
I click it I get the infamous network path was not found error.  
Do I need a domain controller?   Is it a DHCP thing or am I just not
getting the smb.conf configured properly?JimmyC

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[Samba] Mount LINUX SAMBA Share from Solaris 8

2002-04-26 Thread Whalen, William


Would anyone know if it is possible to mount a LINUX SAMBA
share on Solaris 8? 



Re: CVS update: tng/source/samrd

2002-04-26 Thread Phil Mayers

I believe Jeremy/the team explicitly denounced that idea - his opinion (and I 
agree) was that the GPL as a polluting license (think readline) is a good 
thing :o)


| Phil Mayers  | 
| Network  Infrastructure Group   | 
| Information  Communication Technologies | 
| Imperial College | 

Quoting Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 p.p.s. has anyone considered LGPLing or BSDing tdb
 such that apache and other open source projects can use it?

This mail sent through IMP:

HEAD HPUX 10.20 and nss.h

2002-04-26 Thread Michel Stoop (samba)

I see that the 2.2.3 fix to get samba compiled on HP-UX 10.20
has gone from all trees. HEAD, 3.0 and 2.2
HP-UX 10.20 just does not have nsswitch...

It is just one line in nsswitch/nss.h

#elif defined(HPUX)

#elif defined(HPUX)  defined(HAVE_NSSWITCH_H)

The attached diff is for HEAD.
Michel Stoop,

Senior Network and Systems Administrator
postmaster for, and
Numeriek Centrum Groningen B.V. Shipbuilding Services
Postbus 204
9700AE Groningen
+31 (0)50 541 26 32  fax: +31 (0)50 542 37 17

Description: Binary data

sysconfdir vs libdir for smb.conf

2002-04-26 Thread Bradley W. Langhorst

right now the Makefile says

libdir is set by
the ./configure script 
and is suggested to be 
/usr/lib or /usr/local/lib

I want my smb.conf in /etc/samba (or at least /etc) not /usr or

there is a configure parameter sysconfdir that replaces
sysconfdir in the makefile  but sysconfdir does not exist in the
make file so it's a useless parameter.

I think maybe configure should be run with
--sysconfdir=/etc or  --sysconfdir=/etc/samba

which should set up the make file to put smb.conf and friends there
here is a patch to do that

diff -r1.471
 CONFDIR = sysconfdir
 CONFIGFILE = $(LIBDIR)/smb.conf
 DRIVERFILE = $(LIBDIR)/printers.def
 DRIVERFILE = $(CONFDIR)/printers.def

Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribut

2002-04-26 Thread Illtud Daniel

John E. Malmberg wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Illtud Daniel wrote:

  but I'm fairly sure that the
  mac file sharing services certainly aren't aware of any offline
 There are two ways to handle HSM, swap part of the file or swap all of the

OTG DX2000 swaps the whole lot, leaving an (empty) stub file.

 This would make Windows files happy.  I am not sure about the Mac's, as
 they may expect a different file format, or the resource fork may be a

The resource fork is handled by the Mac file sharing application,
which may put it a seperate file/directory (like CAP, netatalk,
SFM) or in a different file stream (like MacServerIP can optionally
do - v useful, in that it keeps everything tidy, big headache in
that *nobody* handles NTFS streams properly, not MS, not OTG, not
nobody I've found). Keeping them in seperate files/directories
mean that you can set your shelving policy not to touch these (tiny)
files, which takes away some mac fileserving headaches.

 The question that none of the Windows based HSM vendors would give me an
 answer on was: Is there any way to make sure that a copy of all files
 shelved and unshelved exists on the storage robot, and how do I restore
 things when the real disk fails.  I would think that question should be
 easy to answer.

Now I'm confused. It may be because that before coming to this thread
my HSM terminology was different to yours. I use 'migrated' for when
a file is written to tape (or optical, whatever). 'fetched' for getting
it back and writing it to the stub file, 'purged' for removing the
file from the extended volume and replacing it with a stub file. You
purge only migrated files (for obvious reasons), and a file open on the
stub will trigger a fetch.

To answer your questions with regard to OTG DX2000: How do you know
that a copy of all files shelved exists on the robot? Assuming you
mean 'shelved' to be 'migrated  purged' and 'unshelved' to mean
'migrated but not purged', then you don't know, you trust. You can
run tape reports to list what's on each tape, but bugs notwithstanding,
if a file's been migrated, then it should be on the tapes. DX can
backup its internal database (stub file - tape location) to file
which you can stick somewhere safe. In event of distaster, you can
rebuild the stubs by just restoring from this file. You can read about
this on OTG's website:
try 'dxdrivedump.exe' - that knowledge base will give you a lot of
info on how DX does stuff.

  I'll be trying samba (and netatalk) on a HSM'd volume on Monday, so
  I should be able to report back, if there's interest.
 I am sure that there is interest.  Because of the caching issue, unless
 you have enough files so that they all do not fit on the disk, you may not
 notice a performance problem.

:)  We'll force them to tape, don't worry! The disk is 1.44TB, so
yes, we'll have a job filling it, but you can set policies to
ensure that migrating starts when your disk reaches 0.01% full,
or to migrate as soon as a file appears on the volume, and to
force a purge (stubify) of all files.

By the way, we're moving to ADICs AMASS because we've had
problems with DX2000 which have never been resolved (including
loss of hundreds of gigs of content, which isn't fun). An
open HSM solution would be a godsend.

Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau   Senior Systems Analyst
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru  National Library of Wales
Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC   -  Speaking personally, not for NLW

Re: Printer Driver up- and download, with and without CUPS

2002-04-26 Thread Lars Mueller

Hi Kurt,

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 09:56:27PM +0200, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
 things have improved a lot with the new CVS code. However, my last tests are 
 showing some glitches, at least in my environment:
 * driver upload (from WinNT) takes approx. 6 Minutes to complete
 * driver download (to different WinNT) takes approx. 5 Minutes to complete
 Setup: SuSE-RPM samba-(client-)2.2.3a.200204251151cvs-0.i386.rpm from 
SuSE Linux 7.3, 2 WinNT clients (SP 6), CUPS 1.1.14

I've updated to a CVS from

I'll do this again in some hours.
Lars Müller
SuSE Linux AG, Deutschherrnstraße 15-19, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany
Find daily samba CVS 2.2 RPMs for SuSE Linux 7.2, 7.3 and 8.0 at

Problem using samba 2.2.3a

2002-04-26 Thread cyroreal

Hello all,

I have an Mandrake 8.2 box as the server of my network at work, but i am 
having some problems when i mount a win98 directory on my linux box with 
mount -t smbfs, or even with gnomba. I am mounting this win98 directory (c:\) 
to check for viruses on the win98 machine, but when the ravav scanner or the 
uvscan scanner are running they get a segmentation fault, and i can see this 
in the logs

pr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at 
virtual address c7c0
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel:  printing eip:
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: c8c58c34
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: *pde = 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: Oops: 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: CPU:0
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: EIP:
   Not tainted
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: EIP:0010:[c8c58c34]Not tainted
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: eax:    ebx: 3b83a949   ecx: 
fe8b73fd   edx: d6dd6c7b
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: esi: c7c0   edi: c19a1e28   ebp: 
c19a1ebc   esp: c19a1de8
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: Process ravav (pid: 3121, stackpage=c19a1000)
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: Stack:    c4536260 
c30a98a0 0830ff60 0001ea78  
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel:  c0aca000 00d2 
 ffea 0001 00d4 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel:c19a1e8c 000b c8c1a206 c2230220 
c64b7000 c8c57461 c2230220 c19a1fa0 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: Call Trace: 
[filldir64+0/352] [vfs_readdir+96/144] 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: Call Trace: [c8c57461] [c0141b90] 
[c8c58451] [c0141b90] [c0141690] 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel:[filldir64+0/352] [sys_getdents64+79/185] 
[filldir64+0/352] [sys_swapoff+369/640] [system_call+51/64] 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel:[c0141b90] [c0141d3f] [c0141b90] 
[c0130001] [c0106f23] 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: 
Apr 26 16:50:52 servidor kernel: Code: 8a 06 89 c2 c1 e8 04 c1 e2 04 49 46 8d 
14 1a 01 c2 83 f9 ff 

Then i can not unmount the (c:\) mount it says resource busy.

What is this is it a problem with samba, or it's a configuration problem?? My 
samba version is 2.2.3a the original one from Mandrake 8.2.
Tanks a lot for the help of everyone...


Re: Printer Driver up- and download, with and without CUPS

2002-04-26 Thread Gerald Carter

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:

 * driver upload (from WinNT) takes approx. 6 Minutes to complete

What driver?

 * driver download (to different WinNT) takes approx. 5 Minutes 
 to complete

That's too long  Maybe related to the driver you are using.

 # Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%secret' -c 'setdriver DigiMaster 
 # cmd = setdriver DigiMaster DigiMaster
 # spoolss_io_devmode: Unknown specversion [0x0]!
 # spoolss_io_devmode: Please report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 # spoolss_io_devmode: Unknown specversion [0x0]!
 # spoolss_io_devmode: Please report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 # SetPrinter call failed!

Kurt's email and one of my previous ones crossed in route.  
This has already been fixed in CVS.

cheers, jerry
 Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours 2ed.  ISBN 0-672-32269-2
 --I never saved anything for the swim back. Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--