Re: [Samba] Logging in to the domain

2002-05-12 Thread Alexander Skwar

»Alexander Skwar« sagte am 2002-05-10 um 18:47:27 + :
> If somebody could please help me...

Hm, I'm still having no luck.  What's causing this problem?  Is the
account setup wrong in LDAP?  Here's the LDIF, in case it helps:

dn: uid=VIRTUAL-TEICH$,ou=People,o=Digital Projects,c=DE
uidNumber: 1002
gidNumber: 1000
homeDirectory: /dev/null
loginShell: /bin/false
description: Computer
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: sambaAccount
pwdLastSet: 0
logonTime: 0
logoffTime: 2147483647
kickoffTime: 2147483647
pwdCanChange: 0
pwdMustChange: 2147483647
acctFlags: [W  ]
rid: 3004
primaryGroupID: 0
lmPassword: BA8B199FE763937AAAD3B435B51404EE
ntPassword: 2D8EE75FD49FB9125B216E5B87E4DA8C
userPassword: {SSHA}mF/mtq5+e5CPU0Q0HGh7aNXxl9gcOAIz
gecos: Computer Account fuer Virtual Teich
domain: MDKGROUP

Or did I do something wrong on the Windows side?  I also hda a look at
the WinXP_SignOrSeal.reg registry patch.  However, requiresignorseal is
already 0.

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:  |Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
   Uptime: 17 hours 5 minutes

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Re: [Samba] Logging in to the domain

2002-05-12 Thread Alexander Skwar

»Alexander Skwar« sagte am 2002-05-10 um 18:47:27 + :
> If somebody could please help me...

Is my smb.conf correct?  testparm doesn't complain.  Here it is:

log level = 9
os level = 64
preferred master = yes
domain master = yes
local master = yes
security = user
encrypt passwords = Yes
domain logons = yes
logon path = \\%N\profiles\%u
logon drive = H:
logon home = \\%N\%u
logon script = logon.bat

ldap admin dn = "cn=root,o=Digital Projects,c=DE"
ldap server = localhost
ldap ssl = off
ldap port = 389
ldap suffix = "ou=People,o=Digital Projects,c=DE"

passwd program = /usr/local/sbin/ %u
passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *Retype*new*password* %n\n 
add user script = /usr/local/sbin/ -m -d /dev/null -g 1000 
-s /bin/false %u

workgroup = MDKGROUP
netbios name = TEICH
netbios aliases = SERVER
server string = Samba %v auf %h
interfaces = eth0 lo
update encrypted = Yes
map to guest = Bad User
unix password sync = Yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 512
time server = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
printcap name = lpstat
printer admin = askwar
printing = cups
character set = ISO8859-1
wins support = Yes
socket address =
veto files = *.vbs
dos filetime resolution = Yes
domain admin group = " @"Domain Admins" "

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
browseable = No

comment = Verzeichnisse auf dem Server
path = /Verschiedenes/Shares/Groß
read only = No
volume = Shares für Windows
fstype = Samba
fake directory create times = Yes

comment = Private Verzeichnisse
read only = No
browseable = No
Valid Users = %S

path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
writeable = no
write list = ntadmin
comment = Network Logon Service
guest ok = Yes

path = /home/local/samba-profiles
writeable = yes
browseable = no
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700
guest ok = yes


Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:  |Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
   Uptime: 17 hours 8 minutes

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[Samba] PDC login problem solved

2002-05-12 Thread Alexander Skwar


I've now "solved" the problem.  If you remember, I was unable to login
from Windows 2000 to a Samba PDC.

To "solve" the problem, I changed the computer name in Windows 2000 and
then created a new machine account.  First, it was "VIRTUAL-TEICH", and
now it is "vm-teich".  However, this time I created the machine account
in samba in all lower case characters, whereas I first had it in all
upper case.

Can this be the root of my problems?

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:  |Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
   Uptime: 18 hours 36 minutes

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[Samba] Can't use NET USE /HOME

2002-05-12 Thread Alexander Skwar


When smbHome is set to "\\SERVER\%u", I can't use "NET USE X: /HOME" on
Windows 2000.  However, when I change this setting to "\\SERVER\homes",
it works allright.

Is this supposed to be this way in Samba 2.2.4?

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:  |Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
   Uptime: 19 hours 36 minutes

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[Samba] samba nmbd network errors

2002-05-12 Thread Earle Nietzel

I have been getting the following errors:

[2002/05/12 12:39:22, 0] libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(755)
   Packet send failed to ERRNO=Operation not permitted

and a bunch of others!!!

On my network I have 2 interfaces my local network and my ISP's network.

I was restricting all udp,tcp 137 and 138 via iptables onto my ISP's 
network mainly because I don't want none of that traffic being transmitted 
on that interface.

Then I started receiveing all of these errors in my nmb.log

I looked in the mail lists and saw that other people were having similar 

After making the following changes (smb.conf) my errors have stopped:

# Configure Samba to use multiple interfaces
# If you have multiple network interfaces then you must list them
# here. See the man page for details.
interfaces = eth0
bind interfaces only = yes

As you can see I added the "bind interfaces only" and set the interface to 
only eth0 (my local network, eth1 is my ISP).

There are a fews ways to configure this but this seems best for me.

Good Luck,
Earle Nietzel

P.S. Any replies should be sent to me as I am not on the mailing list. 

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Re: [Samba] PDC login problem solved

2002-05-12 Thread Alexander Skwar

»Alexander Skwar« sagte am 2002-05-12 um 09:39:44 + :
> I've now "solved" the problem.  If you remember, I was unable to login
> from Windows 2000 to a Samba PDC.

Well, seems like I just was lucky with this Windows 2000 :(

I'm now trying to join a Windows XP Pro to the domain and am having the
exact same problems again:

[2002/05/12 12:35:09, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:cred_assert(124)
challenge : 7E4AAC6B38C9CDEE
[2002/05/12 12:35:09, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:cred_assert(125)
calculated: 23F65703AB1FDCFE
[2002/05/12 12:35:09, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:cred_assert(134)
  credentials check wrong

Urgs.  I've checked the registry for the signorseal bit and set it to 0
(as per the WinXP_reg patch).  The computer is named in all lower
case both on the Windows side and in Samba.

If somebody could please help me :|

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:  |Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
   Uptime: 21 hours 35 minutes

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[Samba] Client PCs crash when in MS apps.

2002-05-12 Thread System Administrator


I have a situation where Windows PCs (various versions affected)
crash with a blue screen or just reset.  Some of the reported blue
screens mention IFS or possibly VFS.  (It's hard to get users to make
a note of such info before they reboot or dismiss the error message!)

The clients affected range from Windows 95, OSR2 to Windows 98 S.E.
The shares are on Sun machines - all running 2.2.3a, hardware is
Enterprise Server 450, E250R, S1000E, and the client software opening
the files (usually .csv or .html) is MS Office applications, Excel, Word,
and for the HTML files, MS Internet Explorer (again a wide variety of
versions affected)

The crash seems totally unpredictable, in terms of frequency between
occurrences, and the result on the client end.  NOTHING gets logged on
the server with the default level of logging.

Our Linux servers seem to be fine.  It really does appear to be intermittent
on the Sun's and I'm not sure whether it's Samba or part of the Windows
system that is at fault.

I'm totally lost on this one.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.

Con Harte.

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[Samba] Re: Linux, Samba, and the Lexmark z53

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Hammer

SO, the situation is, as I understand it:
You are using XP as a client.
You have successfully installed the lexmark drivers on the XP client.
When you print from the XP client, you get no error messages. 
The file size in the "spool" directory is zero after you print from XP.

Let's define two terms, just for our own use.
I think the term "spool directory" is unclear. Let's call the "spool"
directory the place where samba stores the print file received from the
XP client, before samba invokes lpr to print it. When lpr is invoked, the
file is transferred to the "queue" directory specified in /etc/printcap. I
use /tmp as my "spool" directory because everyone can write to it but only
the user can remove his own files. And, if things are going properly,
the tmp directory is periodically cleaned out for you, usually during
boot up. All these things are good.  These are the permissions of my
/tmp directory.
  drwxrwxrwt  43 root root14336 May 12 08:18 tmp

Now, it it a BAD idea to use the queue directory (specified in
/etc/printcap) for your spool directory. If you set your permissions with
checkpc -f (which you should do), very likely the samba user will not be
able to write to that directory, and the file transfer will fail. SO,
I would put your spool directory someplace anyone can write to, like
/tmp, and try to print again from XP. You might make a special /SPOOL
directory with chmod 777 just to make this debugging easier. Leave out
the rm command from your print command and it would help to use
  print command = echo "Tried to print %s at `date` >> /tmp/junklog

Don't forget to upate your path command in your printer share, either.
You did follow my suggest to use the actual name of the printer instead of
%p ?

Please do the things I suggest you do and tell me the exact results.

Then, try printing. 

As an further note, I think your smb.conf file is the original file with the
distro and you just modified it. For debugging, you might consider a very
stripped now version of this file. Who knows what evil is lurking elsewhere
in your smb.conf file.

You do run testparm after you modify smb.conf?


On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 07:51:24PM -0700, adrian kaehler wrote:
>   Let me try to address the things you suggest in order...
>   The logs are not helping me at all... or at least I don't think so.  In the spool 
>directory, nothing is being written to at all, even "status" is not written to.  The 
>timestamps on all of these files are unchanged for quite some time.  I did move the 
>/tmp to the same value as the spool directory indicated in the /etc/printcap since my 
>last mail (I read that these should match) and now the print files themselves 
>("smbprn.tfjAhL" etc) are written to the spool directory, but as before they arrive 
>with size zero.  Nothing is written to /var/log/messages.  in /var/log/samba, there 
>are seperate log files for every client, and the WinXP client in question has a log 
>file called "harmony.log".  This log is qritten to - quite cryptically - whenever I 
>kill and restart smbd (when I change /etc/smb.conf).  The message which appears there 
> [2002/05/11 07:28:23, 0] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:_spoolss_fcpn(4663)
>   _spoolss_fcpn: Invalid handle (OTHER)
> [2002/05/11 07:28:23, 0] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:close_printer_handle(257)
>   close_printer_handle: Invalid handle (OTHER)
> These messages are correlated with starting smbd though, and not with the printing.  
>Why they appear in the file "harmony.log" is completely beyond me though... as 
>starting the smbd daemon seems to have nothing in particular to do with the client 
>"harmony" (perhaps this is because "harmony" has the printer "installed" and so there 
>is some communication at startup time?)  The log for smbd itself "log.smbd" is not 
>written to.  The last log you mentioned was in /usr/local/samba/var.  I do not have a 
>/usr/local/samba directory.  Can you think of where else the information might be 
>which you thought I might find there?
>   I have deleted those "rm" statements.  This now allows me to see the print files 
>accumulate in the spool directory, but they still are size 0.  The last thing is your 
>mentioning the impression that I had successfully printed something.  Looking back on 
>what I wrote, I was terribly unclear.  The "same thing" I was referring back to was 
>in fact "nothing".  What I meant by that passage was that I got the same message from 
>WinXP when it failed.
>   I am not sure about the "real" guest account.  This smbuser is what is used in the 
>"samba faq" and is what I use on the same machine for file sharing which works great. 
> It is also what I used back when I was using the cannon400s.  This does however 
>raise the issue that one or the other of the programs called under the smbuser id 
>might not have permission to do something they need to do.  For example the spool 
>directory was perm 700, which was not allowing me to write the

[Samba] Building source rpms does not build all the rpms.

2002-05-12 Thread Chris Mason

I just downloaded the 2.2.4-2 src.rpm file from and installed and
compiled on my intel-redhat 7.2 system.
When I changed to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 I found only
i386/samba-2.2.4-2.i386.rpm in it.
There was no other rpms, even though the spec file says there will be.
Here's the last few lines of the build output, I only see two rpms being

Finding  Provides: (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides)...
Finding  Requires: (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires)...
Provides: samba = 2.2.4 samba-common = 2.2.4 samba-client = 2.2.4 samba-swat
= 2.2.4
PreReq: chkconfig fileutils rpmlib(VersionedDependencies) <= 3.0.3-1 /bin/sh
/bin/sh /bin/sh rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
Requires(interp): /bin/sh /bin/sh /bin/sh /bin/sh
Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(VersionedDependencies) <= 3.0.3-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <=
Requires(post): /bin/sh
Requires(preun): /bin/sh
Requires(postun): /bin/sh
Requires: pam >= 0.72 kernel >= 2.2.1 glibc >= 2.1.2 /bin/sh /bin/sh /usr/bin/perl
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/samba-2.2.4-2cm.src.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/samba-2.2.4-2cm.i386.rpm
Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.23282
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ cd samba-2.2.4
+ rm -rf /var/tmp/samba
+ exit 0

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
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US Fax and Voicemail: (605)253-1759

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Re: [Samba] PDC login problem solved

2002-05-12 Thread Fernando Maidana

A few days ago I was in the same situation...
The registry patch only fix the "Current Control Set", but if you use 
regedit, you'll se 2 or 3 more controlsets... You have to patch the 
other controlsets too.
Usually the names of those controlsets are Controlset001, Controlset002...
Make sure that your smb.conf contains "domain logons = Yes"

Hope this help!!


Alexander Skwar wrote:

>»Alexander Skwar« sagte am 2002-05-12 um 09:39:44 + :
>>I've now "solved" the problem.  If you remember, I was unable to login
>>from Windows 2000 to a Samba PDC.
>Well, seems like I just was lucky with this Windows 2000 :(
>I'm now trying to join a Windows XP Pro to the domain and am having the
>exact same problems again:
>[2002/05/12 12:35:09, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:cred_assert(124)
>challenge : 7E4AAC6B38C9CDEE
>[2002/05/12 12:35:09, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:cred_assert(125)
>calculated: 23F65703AB1FDCFE
>[2002/05/12 12:35:09, 5] libsmb/credentials.c:cred_assert(134)
>  credentials check wrong
>Urgs.  I've checked the registry for the signorseal bit and set it to 0
>(as per the WinXP_reg patch).  The computer is named in all lower
>case both on the Windows side and in Samba.
>If somebody could please help me :|
>Alexander Skwar

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Re: [Samba] PDC login problem solved

2002-05-12 Thread Alexander Skwar

»Fernando Maidana« sagte am 2002-05-12 um 12:22:50 -0300 :
> A few days ago I was in the same situation...
> The registry patch only fix the "Current Control Set", but if you use 
> regedit, you'll se 2 or 3 more controlsets... You have to patch the 
> other controlsets too.
> Usually the names of those controlsets are Controlset001, Controlset002...
> Make sure that your smb.conf contains "domain logons = Yes"

Nice idea, however ControlSet001 and ControlSet002 also contain
requiresignorseal=0 :(  domain logons is yes, else I would not be able
to login from my Windows 2000 PC.

> Hope this help!!

Sorry, no, however thanks a lot for your help.  Really appreciate it!

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:  |Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
   Uptime: 1 day 0 hours 29 minutes

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Re: [Samba] Building source rpms does not build all the rpms.

2002-05-12 Thread John H Terpstra


The official Samba-Team RPM puts all files you need into one (1) binary
RPM package for Red Hat Linux systems.

Red Hat split this into several separate packages.

If you perform and RPM update with just the .i386.rpm package it should
auto-remove all the older samba packages that Red Hat installed.

- John T.

> From: "Chris Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 09:10:43 -0400
> Subject: [Samba] Building source rpms does not build all the rpms.
> I just downloaded the 2.2.4-2 src.rpm file from and installed and
> compiled on my intel-redhat 7.2 system.
> When I changed to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 I found only
> i386/samba-2.2.4-2.i386.rpm in it.
> There was no other rpms, even though the spec file says there will be.
> Here's the last few lines of the build output, I only see two rpms being
> created.
> Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/samba-2.2.4-2cm.src.rpm
> Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/samba-2.2.4-2cm.i386.rpm

John H Terpstra

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[Samba] foriegn investments

2002-05-12 Thread Dagogo Jack

I am Dagogo Jack, an Engineer with the federal ministry of petroleum
> >resources, I gotyour contact through a friend whom I told I needed
> >an>assistance on some information, although I did not> disclose the 
> >of business to him, since it> demands absolute secrecy. > The Tiny
> >republic of Benin a country in west>Africa discovered crude oil,
> >in Portnovo>and>since they're not members of organization of>
> >Exporting Country (OPEC) they requested>for our> assistance through
> >ministry whose subsidiary>is the NNPC, we were able to assist in
> >drilling and> excavation of this black gold and also spot lifting.>As
> >result of the spot lifting an excess of $48.5million>US> dollars was
> >recorded and it is in ourfavor, my> colleagues then decided we should

> >for an>honest and sincere person who could claim>responsibility>of
> >amount because the law of our country does>not allow civil servants
> >operate foreign account,> talk less of owing one. Presently the m!
> >oney is>safely> kept in an escrow account secure from all eyes. We>
> >shall be meeting with you if you accept to assist>us,> secondly it
> >also afford us to know what>percentage>that will be given to you,for
> >your assistance. It>will> take seven working daysto actualize this 
> >and> safely transfer into your bank account on our behalf>and>
> >yourself. I will appreciate your quick response>through my email I am

>open to
> >further question you may wish to ask in respect of this business
> >transaction.> Sincerely yours,> Dagogo Jack

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[Samba] foriegn investment

2002-05-12 Thread Dagogo Jack

I am Dagogo Jack, an Engineer with the federal ministry of petroleum
> >resources, I gotyour contact through a friend whom I told I needed
> >an>assistance on some information, although I did not> disclose the 
> >of business to him, since it> demands absolute secrecy. > The Tiny
> >republic of Benin a country in west>Africa discovered crude oil,
> >in Portnovo>and>since they're not members of organization of>
> >Exporting Country (OPEC) they requested>for our> assistance through
> >ministry whose subsidiary>is the NNPC, we were able to assist in
> >drilling and> excavation of this black gold and also spot lifting.>As
> >result of the spot lifting an excess of $48.5million>US> dollars was
> >recorded and it is in ourfavor, my> colleagues then decided we should

> >for an>honest and sincere person who could claim>responsibility>of
> >amount because the law of our country does>not allow civil servants
> >operate foreign account,> talk less of owing one. Presently the m!
> >oney is>safely> kept in an escrow account secure from all eyes. We>
> >shall be meeting with you if you accept to assist>us,> secondly it
> >also afford us to know what>percentage>that will be given to you,for
> >your assistance. It>will> take seven working daysto actualize this 
> >and> safely transfer into your bank account on our behalf>and>
> >yourself. I will appreciate your quick response>through my email I am

>open to
> >further question you may wish to ask in respect of this business
> >transaction.> Sincerely yours,> Dagogo Jack

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Re: [Samba] Building source rpms does not build all the rpms.

2002-05-12 Thread Chris Mason

The problem is, rpm will not install it without either removing the old 
packages first or forcing the install with --nodeps.
Thanks for the info, I got the redhat version which are only a little older 
and is working very well. I have a fresh server to setup next week and I will 
use the samba rpms from scratch.


On Sunday 12 May 2002 12:25 pm, John H Terpstra wrote:
> Chris,
> The official Samba-Team RPM puts all files you need into one (1) binary
> RPM package for Red Hat Linux systems.
> Red Hat split this into several separate packages.
> If you perform and RPM update with just the .i386.rpm package it should
> auto-remove all the older samba packages that Red Hat installed.
> - John T.
> > From: "Chris Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 09:10:43 -0400
> > Subject: [Samba] Building source rpms does not build all the rpms.
> >
> > I just downloaded the 2.2.4-2 src.rpm file from and installed
> > and compiled on my intel-redhat 7.2 system.
> > When I changed to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 I found only
> > i386/samba-2.2.4-2.i386.rpm in it.
> > There was no other rpms, even though the spec file says there will be.
> > Here's the last few lines of the build output, I only see two rpms being
> > created.
> >
> > Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/samba-2.2.4-2cm.src.rpm
> > Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/samba-2.2.4-2cm.i386.rpm

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[Samba] 2.2.4: NT ACL problems

2002-05-12 Thread Ralf Fassel

Just tried the new 2.2.4, and ran into the following problem:

The NT client is performing an fopen(file,"r") from the NT NutCracker
Library, which obviously sends an NT SID information with the request
(the M$-fopen() doesn't, but for various reasons we have to cope with
the NutCracker version).

The samba server is now first trying to map the SID to a user id,
which we can work around, but then for some reason tries to do a
chown() on the file which fails, because it is owned by some other
user.  Why ever a plain `open-for-read' should try to change the
ownership of a file is beyond my abilities to grok.

If I try the same program on some NT-local file which is owned by the
administrator, the fopen() succeeds.  It looks like NT ignores the
chown() request, or maybe the Samba server is misinterpreting
something here?

If anybody could give me a hint how to proceed from here, I'd be very

(a courtesy CC of any response to this would be nicem though I'll
check the archives)

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[Samba] make error in 2.2.4; Tru64 Unix

2002-05-12 Thread warren

I get the following error when trying to compile samba 2.2.4
on Tru64 Unix (v5.1).


# make


smbd/dir.c:625: macro
`stat' used with too many (3) args

smbd/dir.c:693: macro
`stat' used with too many (3) args


I did make the change which has been discussed several

to source/include/config.h .. changing






Thanks for any assistance.






Spam (was: Re: [Samba] foriegn investment)

2002-05-12 Thread Alexander Skwar

»Dagogo Jack« sagte am 2002-04-12 um 21:17:40 + :
> I am Dagogo Jack, an Engineer with the federal ministry of petroleum

Can anyone post to this list without being subscribed?

Alexander Skwar
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[Samba] WinXP joining a samba PDC

2002-05-12 Thread Kevin Pratt

I am running it to a problem adding a WinXP Computer to my samba PDC.  It is
coming up with an error about the trust accounts.

I have tried the registry patch with no success.

Any suggestions?


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[Samba] Samba Upgrade Weirdness

2002-05-12 Thread Ash Ridley

Hi all,

I'm trying to upgrade Samba from v2.2.1a-4 to 2.2.4-2 and I've having
some problems.

First off when trying to use the rpm -U command I get an error that
samba is dependant on samba-swat (which I cant seem to find the same
version as sambe for) so I decide to remove both the existing Samba and
Samba swat and then install the new one. I uninstall both of them but
then while trying to install the new version I get error saying that
there are conflicts with files from the older version (which should no
longer be there). I confirm the files are present so I remove them
manually (rpm confirms the packages are no longer installed) however
when trying to install the new version again I still get an error that
there are conflicts with the older files I just manually deleted.

I'm pulling my hair out over this, can anyone tell me what I'm doing



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[Samba] Re: Linux, Samba, and the Lexmark z53

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Hammer

I guess one question I should have asked was:
Does the lexmark work attached to the XP machine?
OK. Your problems on the window side appears cleared up. I had a similar
problem with the drivers for windows and the lexmark, and I am using the
laserjet driver right now to print from an XP machine.

Lexmark supplies a linux driver, so get that, install it, if you haven't
already, and you should be getting close to home. The lexmark driver takes a
postscript file and converts it into a format its printer understands. You
will also have a control program with it that allows to you graphically
control the printer settings from linux and also see how much ink is left in
the printer.

I am not clear what you mean by permissions are set to 700 on the queue.
The queue is supposed to be /tmp, which has very different permissions, and
the permission in the queue directory (/var/spool/lpd/printers) is quite
different, too. Do you mean the create mask in your share definition?

On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 02:25:04PM -0700, adrian kaehler wrote:
>   Hi there.  Ok, a lot happened last night, so let me respond to your suggestions 
>here, and then tell you what new things I have leadned.
> Before new discoveries:
>   First off, there _were_ problems on the XP side.  XP said it couldn't print a test 
>page if I tried to do that, or if I tried to print from an application it said that 
>there was an "invalid handle" without ever describing what that meant.  
>   This whole spool/queue business was totally unclear to me, so first of all thanks 
>for clearing me up on that.  I went through and implemented your suggestions, the 
>spool is /tmp again, and the queue is back to permissions=700.  Failed print attempts 
>from WinXP now result in files of size zero appearing in /tmp.
>   I had not heard of testparm.  Cool.  Wish I had known about that earlier... :(  
>Live and learn.  I don't know how I made it even this far without it.
>   Similarly checkpc, also very cool.  Also thanks.
>   Then I created a chopped down smb.conf file, and away I went.  
>   The net result was that nothing really changed in the final situation.  I had 
>length zero files in /tmp.
> But then, I had a realization.
>   The line "printer driver = Lexmark Z53 Series ColorFine" appears in my smb.conf 
>file.  I assumed that this was indicating that WinXP should load this driver 
>automatically.  But just to see what happened, I commented this line out.  (This line 
>appeared in a post you made to some printing related news group about six months ago 
>on the very topic of Samba and Lexmark z53).  I was right, now WinXP could not 
>autoload the driver.  So I had to "select the driver from a list", and when I did I 
>got the error message "Could not complete, can not comunicate with printer, printer 
>is either disconnected from the server or turned off".  Wow I thought, why didn't it 
>give me this message when it was autoloading?  So it occured to me that the driver 
>was _NOT_ being successfully loaded before, though no message to this effect was 
>being generated.
>   So to further test my hypothesis, I went and loaded a different driver, the HP 
>Laserjet III+ driver you mentioned a few mails ago.  That driver _did_ load, and then 
>when I printed VIOLA! there was a non zero sized file in my /tmp directory!  And it 
>was in postscript!  Yay.  So now all I gotta do is print it...
>   Downloading the latest Lexmark z53 driver from Lexmark did not seem to solve the 
>problem, though I was warned that the driver was not "digitally signed" for 
>compatability with WinXP.  So maybe this was the core issue?
>   The down side is that nothing came out of my printer anyhow.  Since at the time of 
>the experiment I was printing to the raw print printer in my /etc/printcap file, 
>shouldn't I have gotten reams of ASCII (postscript) out of my printer?
>   I have included my current smb.conf file (stripped down as you suggested).  What 
>should I be doing next?  Should I just stick with this postscript driver for the 
>   Cheers!
>   and thanks thanks thanks
>   I had changed %p to the queue name everywhere.
>   Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: SO, the situation is, as I understand it:
> You are using XP as a client.
> You have successfully installed the lexmark drivers on the XP client.
> When you print from the XP client, you get no error messages. 
> The file size in the "spool" directory is zero after you print from XP.
> Comments:
> Let's define two terms, just for our own use.
> I think the term "spool directory" is unclear. Let's call the "spool"
> directory the place where samba stores the print file received from the
> XP client, before samba invokes lpr to print it. When lpr is invoked, the
> file is transferred to the "queue" directory specified in /etc/printcap. I
> use /tmp as my "spool" directory because everyone can write to it but only
> the user can remove his own files. And, if things are go

[Samba] Correct syntax for joining NT domain?

2002-05-12 Thread Jim Watt

On Sun, 12 May 2002, Andrew Bartlett wrote:

} It is better to simply rejoin the domain from the unix command line:
} smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -r PDC -Uadministrator

I tried that syntax from a Samba/2.2.4 FreeBSD installation.  The attempt
failed.  I set the debug level to 10, and discovered that the connection
attempt was being made to a completely bogus IP address!  So I dropped
the '-r PDC' argument, since it looked like the code in smbpasswd would
figure out the PDC without specifying it.  That worked fine!  "nmblookup"
has no difficulty resolving the PDC's name to its correct IP address.

Some sort of bug lurks there... :)

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Re: [Samba] WinXP joining a samba PDC

2002-05-12 Thread Fernando Maidana

I have been added a WinXP machine to a Samba PDC following the steps bellow:

1. Make sure that your smb.conf file contains "domain logons = yes"

2. Is a good practice create a group only for computer accounts using:

 group -g 201 machines

3. Add the machine account to you /etc/passwd using the following command:

 useradd -g machines -d /dev/null -c "machine id" machine_name\$

 Don't forgot the "\$"! Otherwise, Samba will not recognize the account.

4. Lock the password to the machine account using:

 passwd -l machine_name$

5. Add the machine account to your smbpasswd file using the command:

 smbpasswd -a -m machine_name

 Without "\$"!!!

6. Apply the registry patch in your XP machine.  Using regedit, make
sure to patch all the
 control sets.  The .reg file only patch "Current Control Set", may
be there are 2 or 3
 Control Sets more.  You have to parch all of them manually.

7. Using the Network Identification Wizard, try to jouin your XP machine
to the Samba
 domain.  You have to do this proccess using an username with admin
rights in your Linux
 machine (like root for example).  Otherwise, it will not work.

And... if all is ok... Voila! Machine added! :)
Hope this help.  I send my smb.conf file, is working well with all my XP

Good Luck!


Kevin Pratt wrote:

 >I am running it to a problem adding a WinXP Computer to my samba PDC. 
  It is
 >coming up with an error about the trust accounts.
 >I have tried the registry patch with no success.
 >Any suggestions?

;basic server settings
workgroup = FAMILIA
netbios name = SERVIDOR
server string = Servidor Linux
kernel oplocks = no

;PDC and master browser settings
os level = 64
preferred master = yes
local master = yes
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes

;security and logging settings
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
wins support = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 2
max log size = 50
hosts allow =
socket address =

;user profiles and home directory
logon home = \\%L\%U\
logon drive = H:
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon script = netlogon.bat

; shares 
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writeable = yes

path = /home/samba/profiles
writeable = yes
browseable = no
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700

comment = Network Logon Service
path = /home/netlogon
read only = yes
browseable = no
write list = root

[Mi Musica]
comment = Archivos MP3
path = /musica
read only = yes
write list = root fmaidana
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes

Re: [Samba] Building source rpms does not build all the rpms.

2002-05-12 Thread John H Terpstra

On Sun, 12 May 2002, Chris Mason wrote:

> The problem is, rpm will not install it without either removing the old
> packages first or forcing the install with --nodeps.
> Thanks for the info, I got the redhat version which are only a little older
> and is working very well. I have a fresh server to setup next week and I will
> use the samba rpms from scratch.

Ok. I just check the SPEC file and can see why. The line that says
"Provides:" should be changed so that the packages it obsoletes are shown
in a line that has, "Obsoletes:" and then lists the package names. If you
make that change then the resulting package should install and
automatically remove the obsoleted packages.

- John T.

> Chris
> On Sunday 12 May 2002 12:25 pm, John H Terpstra wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> > The official Samba-Team RPM puts all files you need into one (1) binary
> > RPM package for Red Hat Linux systems.
> >
> > Red Hat split this into several separate packages.
> >
> > If you perform and RPM update with just the .i386.rpm package it should
> > auto-remove all the older samba packages that Red Hat installed.
> >
> > - John T.
> >
> > > From: "Chris Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 09:10:43 -0400
> > > Subject: [Samba] Building source rpms does not build all the rpms.
> > >
> > > I just downloaded the 2.2.4-2 src.rpm file from and installed
> > > and compiled on my intel-redhat 7.2 system.
> > > When I changed to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 I found only
> > > i386/samba-2.2.4-2.i386.rpm in it.
> > > There was no other rpms, even though the spec file says there will be.
> > > Here's the last few lines of the build output, I only see two rpms being
> > > created.
> > >
> > > Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/samba-2.2.4-2cm.src.rpm
> > > Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/samba-2.2.4-2cm.i386.rpm

John H Terpstra

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[Samba] Dispelling Myths About Samba Encrypted passwords, NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE and XP

2002-05-12 Thread David Balnaves


I've been using samba for a while now with relatively simple configurations.
I do however have a few questions:

* When using encrypted passwords with samba, is it possible to authenticate
users using the Unix user password(/etc/passwd)?

* When using smbclient I get the error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE:

added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
david@Wintermute:~$ smbclient -L wintermute -U david
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
david@Wintermute:~$ smbclient -L wintermute -U root
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

When nothing is entered in the password prompt:

david@Wintermute:~$ smbclient -L wintermute
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Anonymous login successful
Domain=[UTOPIA] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.3a]

Sharename  Type  Comment
-    ---
public Disk  Public Stuff
IPC$   IPC   IPC Service (Samba Server)
ADMIN$ Disk  IPC Service (Samba Server)
lp Printer

Server   Comment
ALPHAWork Station
WINTERMUTE   Samba Server


* What does this error mean?  (What's it caused by?) And how can I fix it?

* Does definition of WorkGroups change across different Windows versions?

* Lastly, is there any tricks involved in getting samba to work with Windows
XP?  I want it so it uses the unix user authentication if possible.  I've
loaded the WinXP_SignOrSeal.reg patch on XP.  I also loaded the
Win2000_PlainPassword.reg in the hope I could access my shares from my XP

Im running Samba-2.2.3a and here is my smb.conf:

   workgroup = utopia
   debuglevel = 2
   server string = Samba Server
   load printers = yes
   log file = /var/log/samba.%m
   max log size = 50
   security = user

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes

   comment = Public Stuff
   path = /home/pub
   public = yes
   writable = yes

David Balnaves

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Re: [Samba] Dispelling Myths About Samba Encrypted passwords, NT_STATUS_LOGON _FAILURE and XP

2002-05-12 Thread abartlet

On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 10:46:53AM +1000, David Balnaves wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using samba for a while now with relatively simple configurations.
> I do however have a few questions:
> * When using encrypted passwords with samba, is it possible to authenticate
> users using the Unix user password(/etc/passwd)?

> * When using smbclient I get the error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE:
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Password:
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
> david@Wintermute:~$ smbclient -L wintermute -U david
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Password:
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
> david@Wintermute:~$ smbclient -L wintermute -U root
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Password:
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
> When nothing is entered in the password prompt:
> david@Wintermute:~$ smbclient -L wintermute
> added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Password:
> Anonymous login successful

> * What does this error mean?  (What's it caused by?) And how can I fix it?

NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE means that the password you entered was incorrect, or
the user doesn't exist.  For a samba server, this also includes the case
that the user has no encrypted password stored on the system.

smbclient will attempt an anonymous logon if you don't specify a password, 
and some information (the share listing in this case) is available anonymously.

> * Does definition of WorkGroups change across different Windows versions?

Not particularly, but people usually move up to a domain when dealing with NT.

> * Lastly, is there any tricks involved in getting samba to work with Windows
> XP?  I want it so it uses the unix user authentication if possible.  I've
> loaded the WinXP_SignOrSeal.reg patch on XP.  I also loaded the
> Win2000_PlainPassword.reg in the hope I could access my shares from my XP
> box.

The SignOrSeal should not be required - as you are not a PDC.  Using plaintext
passwords will cause Windows > NT4 SP3 and > Win95OSR1 to always prompt for a 
password (as a 'do you really wan to do this' measure).  They won't even
go past a negprot (not authorised to log in from this workstation) without 
the registry hack.

This is why Samba 3.0 will default to 'encryupt passwords = yes' and why
this has been the default in most distribution's smb.conf files for a
long time.

Andrew Bartlett

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Re: [Samba] copy a large volume of data from PC to samba server

2002-05-12 Thread Bob Crandell

I guess I responded directly to you.  Sorry, I meant to respond to the list.

I was under the impression you had mounted the PC drive.  One way to mount it is:
mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //computer/share /mnt/point

Then /dir1 = /mnt/point.  Of course, if /mnt/point is made available through Samba,
then you can use Windoze Explorer.

I hope this helps.

Tian-xiong Lu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
>Hi, thanks.
>but /dir1 is on the PC. How can I cd to there on a samba server (UNIX)?
>- Original Message -
>From: "Bob Crandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Tian-xiong Lu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 12:25 AM
>Subject: Re: [Samba] copy a large volume of data from PC to samba server
>> A friend of mine wrote this for me:
>> (cd /dir1; tar cf - .) | (cd /dir2; tar xfp -)
>> Where dir1 is the source and dir2 is your destination.  This was written
>to protect
>> permissions on Linux drives but should do the job for you.
>> Bob
>> Tian-xiong Lu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
>> >
>> >Hi there,
>> >
>> >Is there someone over there knows a method or script
>> >that can copy a large volume of data (in folders) from PCs
>> >to a samba server (suppose there is enough space there)?
>> >
>> >I know using smbclient or smbtar can backup data on PCs
>> >to samba server, but it is written in tar files.I wonder whether
>> >this method can handle a large folder, say, in 10GB size.
>> >
>> >Also, using smbclient with mget and recurse on, one can
>> >copy folders from PC to samba server. But in doing so,
>> >it is in interactive mode and keeps asking yes/no to continue.
>> >Is there a way to get rid of these prompts?
>> >
>> >Thanks,
>> >Tian.
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Bob Crandell
>> Assured Computing
>> When you need to be sure.
>> Cell 541-914-3985
>> FAX  240-371-7237
>> Eugene, Or. 97402
Bob Crandell
Assured Computing
When you need to be sure.
Cell 541-914-3985
FAX  240-371-7237
Eugene, Or. 97402

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[Samba] Re: Linux, Samba, and the Lexmark z53

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Hammer

It always feels good when the pain stops.

But, I am still concerned about permissions on your queue directory. Here
are mine:
drwx--S--- 2 daemon lp 1024 Nov 25 00:07 Win4LinZ53
These are set by checkpc -f

I would now try to run the lexmark setup program as root from your linux

This will be a surprise to people used to lousy support for printers
in linux.

I have found no bad effects in color printing with the linux box  being
the print server. BUT, I have not tried photographic quality color
printing. This requies two way communication with the priner, I THINK, and
thus is impossible if the printer hangs off the linux box and you are
printing from XP.

Just think, you are now qualified to help other people set up printing on a
samba server!


On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 03:26:45PM -0700, adrian kaehler wrote:
> Doh, I am becomming confused.
>   Didn't we decide that /tmp was the spool and /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz53 was the 
>queue?  In any case, the directory "/var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz53" is now read write only 
>to root, and the directory "/tmp" of course is read write to everyone.  I did get the 
>Linux drivers from Lexmark and install them, and in my /etc/printcap file there is an 
> lexmarkz53:\
>  :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz53:\
>  :mx#0:\
>  :sh:\
>  :lp=/dev/lp0:\
>  :if=/usr/local/lexmark/z53/
> Which looks like it will do the trick (the file is the converter from ps to 
>z53-speak yes?  I recall this from the file you sent me a while ago...)
>   However!
>   I changed the smb.conf file to point at this printer queue: and it works.  Yay!  I 
>can print out of my printer from my XP machine.  
>   So maybe I should just chuck the lexmark driver on the XP side?  Looks like PS is 
>the way to go.   You said you came to a similar conclusion in such a setup?  Did you 
>have any problems with the color quality of the resulting printout?
> So life is good, and things work... 
>   Thus maybe I should be sending your mother some flowers on your behalf?
> Thanks so much for all of your time on this... I realize this was a pain, 
>but I learned a lot for doing it.
>   -Adrian
>   Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hmmm...
> I guess one question I should have asked was:
> Does the lexmark work attached to the XP machine?
> OK. Your problems on the window side appears cleared up. I had a similar
> problem with the drivers for windows and the lexmark, and I am using the
> laserjet driver right now to print from an XP machine.
> Lexmark supplies a linux driver, so get that, install it, if you haven't
> already, and you should be getting close to home. The lexmark driver takes a
> postscript file and converts it into a format its printer understands. You
> will also have a control program with it that allows to you graphically
> control the printer settings from linux and also see how much ink is left in
> the printer.
> I am not clear what you mean by permissions are set to 700 on the queue.
> The queue is supposed to be /tmp, which has very different permissions, and
> the permission in the queue directory (/var/spool/lpd/printers) is quite
> different, too. Do you mean the create mask in your share definition?
> Joel
> On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 02:25:04PM -0700, adrian kaehler wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Hi there. Ok, a lot happened last night, so let me respond to your suggestions 
>here, and then tell you what new things I have leadned.
> > Before new discoveries:
> > First off, there _were_ problems on the XP side. XP said it couldn't print a test 
>page if I tried to do that, or if I tried to print from an application it said that 
>there was an "invalid handle" without ever describing what that meant. 
> > This whole spool/queue business was totally unclear to me, so first of all thanks 
>for clearing me up on that. I went through and implemented your suggestions, the 
>spool is /tmp again, and the queue is back to permissions=700. Failed print attempts 
>from WinXP now result in files of size zero appearing in /tmp.
> > I had not heard of testparm. Cool. Wish I had known about that earlier... :( Live 
>and learn. I don't know how I made it even this far without it.
> > Similarly checkpc, also very cool. Also thanks.
> > Then I created a chopped down smb.conf file, and away I went. 
> > The net result was that nothing really changed in the final situation. I had 
>length zero files in /tmp.
> > But then, I had a realization.
> > The line "printer driver = Lexmark Z53 Series ColorFine" appears in my smb.conf 
>file. I assumed that this was indicating that WinXP should load this driver 
>automatically. But just to see what happened, I commented this line out. (This line 
>appeared in a post you made to some printing related news group about six months ago 
>on the very topic of Samba and Lexmark z53). I was right, now WinXP could not 
>autoload the driver. So I had to "select the driver from a list", and when 

[Samba] Re: Linux, Samba, and the Lexmark z53

2002-05-12 Thread Joel Hammer

Well, very happy to see it all work out for you.

I spent several weeks getting this thing to work the first time. I had the
lexmark drivers working ok from a window98 box but they wouldn't work from
an XP box or from windows98 running over win4lin (drivers wouldn't load in
either case). That was where the laserjet idea came from. Somebody suggested
that particular driver (on a mailing list) and things have worked fine ever


On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 07:07:29PM -0700, adrian kaehler wrote:
>   Ok, so I set the sticky bit for the queue directory.  Did not seem to make any 
>difference... but you never know.  I did run the lexmark printer program, and it 
>really was exciting.  It is like they care.  Cool.  In fact I noticed that if I set 
>the printing to max resolution (2400dpi) I get clean perfect printing from 
>everywhere... so it's actually the opposite of what you suggested.  Hmm.  Anyhow, if 
>I print in "standard" mode (600dpi) then direct prints from the samba/printer-server 
>are much cleaner than those from the WinXP machine (and the Win98 machine which I 
>have not until now mentioned... that was a snap once the WinXP machine was working... 
>my lady's laptop).
>   As for helping others... I am not sure about that... you never know though.  Maybe 
>someone will have just the exact question, and there I will be with the answer.
>   Thanks again so much for all of your patient help.  You are truly a kind person.
> -Adrian
>   Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It always feels good when the pain stops.
> But, I am still concerned about permissions on your queue directory. Here
> are mine:
> drwx--S--- 2 daemon lp 1024 Nov 25 00:07 Win4LinZ53 
> These are set by checkpc -f
> I would now try to run the lexmark setup program as root from your linux
> box,
> lexmarkz53
> This will be a surprise to people used to lousy support for printers
> in linux.
> I have found no bad effects in color printing with the linux box being
> the print server. BUT, I have not tried photographic quality color
> printing. This requies two way communication with the priner, I THINK, and
> thus is impossible if the printer hangs off the linux box and you are
> printing from XP.
> Just think, you are now qualified to help other people set up printing on a
> samba server!
> Joel
> On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 03:26:45PM -0700, adrian kaehler wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Doh, I am becomming confused.
> > Didn't we decide that /tmp was the spool and /var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz53 was the 
>queue? In any case, the directory "/var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz53" is now read write only 
>to root, and the directory "/tmp" of course is read write to everyone. I did get the 
>Linux drivers from Lexmark and install them, and in my /etc/printcap file there is an 
> > lexmarkz53:\
> > :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lexmarkz53:\
> > :mx#0:\
> > :sh:\
> > :lp=/dev/lp0:\
> > :if=/usr/local/lexmark/z53/
> > 
> > Which looks like it will do the trick (the file is the converter from ps to 
>z53-speak yes? I recall this from the file you sent me a while ago...)
> > However!
> > I changed the smb.conf file to point at this printer queue: and it works. Yay! I 
>can print out of my printer from my XP machine. 
> > So maybe I should just chuck the lexmark driver on the XP side? Looks like PS is 
>the way to go. You said you came to a similar conclusion in such a setup? Did you 
>have any problems with the color quality of the resulting printout?
> > So life is good, and things work... 
> > Thus maybe I should be sending your mother some flowers on your behalf?
> > Thanks so much for all of your time on this... I realize this was a pain, but I 
>learned a lot for doing it.
> > -Adrian
> > Joel Hammer wrote: Hmmm...
> > I guess one question I should have asked was:
> > Does the lexmark work attached to the XP machine?
> > OK. Your problems on the window side appears cleared up. I had a similar
> > problem with the drivers for windows and the lexmark, and I am using the
> > laserjet driver right now to print from an XP machine.
> > 
> > Lexmark supplies a linux driver, so get that, install it, if you haven't
> > already, and you should be getting close to home. The lexmark driver takes a
> > postscript file and converts it into a format its printer understands. You
> > will also have a control program with it that allows to you graphically
> > control the printer settings from linux and also see how much ink is left in
> > the printer.
> > 
> > I am not clear what you mean by permissions are set to 700 on the queue.
> > The queue is supposed to be /tmp, which has very different permissions, and
> > the permission in the queue directory (/var/spool/lpd/printers) is quite
> > different, too. Do you mean the create mask in your share definition?
> > Joel
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 02:25:04PM -0700, adrian kaehler wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hi there. Ok, a lot happened last night, so let me respond to your

[Samba] Replace NT Domain Servers?

2002-05-12 Thread Kugs


Can Samba now reliably replace Windows NT4 domain servers, meaning both 
the PDC and BDC's?  Or are there still some issues with Win9X and 
WinNT/2000 clients?


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Re: [Samba] copy a large volume of data from PC to samba server

2002-05-12 Thread Tian-xiong Lu

Thanks, Bob.

Just checked documentation. mount -t smbfs works for Linux.
Unfortunately, I am using a Solaris box.

Anyone knows a way to see a windows share (physically on a PC) as a
(logical) directory on Solaris?


- Original Message -
From: "Bob Crandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Samba] copy a large volume of data from PC to samba server

> Hi,
> I guess I responded directly to you.  Sorry, I meant to respond to the
> I was under the impression you had mounted the PC drive.  One way to mount
it is:
> mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //computer/share /mnt/point
> Then /dir1 = /mnt/point.  Of course, if /mnt/point is made available
through Samba,
> then you can use Windoze Explorer.
> I hope this helps.
> Tian-xiong Lu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
> >
> >Hi, thanks.
> >
> >but /dir1 is on the PC. How can I cd to there on a samba server (UNIX)?
> >
> >Tian.
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Bob Crandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Tian-xiong Lu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 12:25 AM
> >Subject: Re: [Samba] copy a large volume of data from PC to samba server
> >
> >
> >> A friend of mine wrote this for me:
> >> (cd /dir1; tar cf - .) | (cd /dir2; tar xfp -)
> >> Where dir1 is the source and dir2 is your destination.  This was
> >to protect
> >> permissions on Linux drives but should do the job for you.
> >>
> >> Bob
> >>
> >> Tian-xiong Lu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
> >> >
> >> >Hi there,
> >> >
> >> >Is there someone over there knows a method or script
> >> >that can copy a large volume of data (in folders) from PCs
> >> >to a samba server (suppose there is enough space there)?
> >> >
> >> >I know using smbclient or smbtar can backup data on PCs
> >> >to samba server, but it is written in tar files.I wonder whether
> >> >this method can handle a large folder, say, in 10GB size.
> >> >
> >> >Also, using smbclient with mget and recurse on, one can
> >> >copy folders from PC to samba server. But in doing so,
> >> >it is in interactive mode and keeps asking yes/no to continue.
> >> >Is there a way to get rid of these prompts?
> >> >
> >> >Thanks,
> >> >Tian.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> --
> >> Bob Crandell
> >> Assured Computing
> >> When you need to be sure.
> >> Cell 541-914-3985
> >> FAX  240-371-7237
> >>
> >> Eugene, Or. 97402
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> Bob Crandell
> Assured Computing
> When you need to be sure.
> Cell 541-914-3985
> FAX  240-371-7237
> Eugene, Or. 97402

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[Samba] Samba problem !

2002-05-12 Thread Trong Ho

I had installed samba (using RPM package of RedHat 
I know that samba has supported ACL on Samba, but 
how could i implement this
I'm newbie so pls show me know start point to 
implement ACL.
Best regards
Trong Ho
Trong Ho
SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): 
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[Samba] Can't Apply Group ACL

2002-05-12 Thread vuleky

Thanks Samba Team to support the ACL functionality. It
is a very cool feature.

I just replaced my Samba2.0.7 version to Samba2.2.4
and tried to test ACL function. User setting is
perfect. But when I try to add a group from [Select
Users, Computers, or Groups] dialog, and press [Ok].
It displays [Unable to lookup username for display].
Do I miss anything? Or current Samba version not
support the feature yet?

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