[Samba] Problems with lower and uppercase filenames

2002-09-28 Thread Barzilai Spinak

Hi, I just subscribed to this list to see if I can get a solution to the 
following problem.
I've spent a couple of hours looking though the man pages, google, etc 
but haven't found a solution.

Platform: RedHat 7.3 and Win98SE (in spanish)
Samba Version 2.2.3a

Ok, the problem is the following.

case 1:
Let's say I have a unix directory /temp  shared through samba. I'm 
sitting at my windows machine and I can create filenames
with upper/lowe/mixed cases and everything works fine

case 2:
There's a windows shared directory in my windows machine, let's call it  
I want to access it from unix so I do a  mount -t smbfs -o username=joe 
 //WINPUTER/MyWinShare /mnt/winputer/shareit

now from the unix shell prompt I can create files in my windows machine 
with any kind of upper/lower case letters...

so far so good...

Now I create a samba share:
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 0666
directory mask = 0777
preserve case=yes; added this one just in case

The problem starts now. When accessing this share from the Windows 
computer I can see the shared directory (although through
an unnecesary loopback which is irrelevant to the problem because it 
still happens with a different setup without loops).
* If I drag and copy a file from the windows explorer, lets say 
foo.txt, the new file becomes COPY OF FOO.TXT
   All the characters in uppercase.
* If I move the file to another directory in the share, the case is kept.
* If I rename a file to fOooOo.tXt,  the case is kept.
* If I use Notepad and save a new file in the share, it goes all to 
* If I use Wordpad, however, it respects the case...
* Other programs behave in different ways...

The main problem (and what started all this) is that my Java IDE has the 
all to uppercase problem and if I edit a file and then save it,
the filename goes to UPPER which is very bad for a Java filename since 
it's case sensitive.

So I read man smb.conf, man smbmount, etc... and saw parameters for 
codepages and character sets, and started trying combinations
(my windows is in codepage 850 for DOS and codepage 1252 for windows, my 
/usr/share/samba/codepages has an entry for 1251 but
not for 1252...)
Nothing new happens with all the codepage changes, the problem persists.

Notice that is not a problem of smb itself because other shares work 
fine, nor of smbmount itself because from the unix prompt I can create
files in the windows machine with any case of letter. But smb+smbmount, 
both together, give this phenomenon!!!

any ideas??   I hope this is not too confusing... it's 6:30am already 
and I can't even type!



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[Samba] ACT 2000 and Windows XP problem

2002-09-28 Thread Cyril Y. Nickonorov

Hello to All!

I've got a problem moving my ACT 2000 database from WinXP to
Samba server on Linux. All clients are WinXP systems, Samba 2.2.5
runs on Debian Linux, 2.4.18 kernel. I have a share with ACT database
which is connected to all WinXP systems as a mapped network drive.
The first client starts ACT successfuly but when I try to launch ACT
on the second client it says that ACT database is corrupted or locked
by another user.

Can I use ACT on Samba share with multiple WinXP/2000 clients?
Is it a Samba or Windows error?

Thanks in advance,

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[Samba] Autoreply to samba digest, Vol 1 #1666 - 7 msgs

2002-09-28 Thread samba

Vielen Dank für Ihre e-mail.

Da ich vom 30.09.-06.10 in Urlaub bin, kann ich sie leider erst danach bearbeiten bzw. 

In dringenden Fällen, können Sie sich gerne an meinen Kollegen Herrn Lamotte wenden. 
Er hat die email-Adresse [EMAIL PROTECTED] und ist telefonisch unter 
07142/596-152 zu erreichen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Müller

G. Umbreit GmbH  Co.KG
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[Samba] Mounting Share at Boot Time

2002-09-28 Thread Barry Skidmore

I have a Windows share that I would like to mount at boot time, but am 
uncertain what syntax to use in /etc/fstab.  The entry in /etc/mtab is the 

//DELL-4400/linux /root/mnt/DELL-4400/linux smbfs  0 0

Do I just use the same syntax in fstab?

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Re: [Samba] ACT 2000 and Windows XP problem

2002-09-28 Thread Steve Thom

Someone far smarter than me might want to elaborate, but I believe the issue
is one of two things.

First, you need to force users in that share to create files with 0777 mask.
When a user opens a database like Act or Access, a lock file is created. If
it is 0755, the other users cannot write to the lock file. To confirm this,
try signing onto another machine with the same username/password as the
first. Can you get in from the second machine with the same
username/password? If so, then you are on the right track.

Study the man pages about create mask.

Secondly, make certain you understand the opportunistic locking settings.
You should disable opportunistic locking or your Act database will almost
certainly be badly corrupted. Be sure you treat this implementation as beta
(backups, etc) until the kinks are ironed out. No sense cursing Samba over a
damaged database if the correct procedures aren't followed.

Study the man pages about oplocks.

I guess I should add a third point, make sure the users all have rwx (0777)
permission on the actual unix data directory (as opposed to merely granting
Samba permissions).

Good luck,

- Original Message -
From: Cyril Y. Nickonorov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: [Samba] ACT 2000 and Windows XP problem

 Hello to All!

 I've got a problem moving my ACT 2000 database from WinXP to
 Samba server on Linux. All clients are WinXP systems, Samba 2.2.5
 runs on Debian Linux, 2.4.18 kernel. I have a share with ACT database
 which is connected to all WinXP systems as a mapped network drive.
 The first client starts ACT successfuly but when I try to launch ACT
 on the second client it says that ACT database is corrupted or locked
 by another user.

 Can I use ACT on Samba share with multiple WinXP/2000 clients?
 Is it a Samba or Windows error?

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Samba] Samba authentication

2002-09-28 Thread Steve Thom

Each user that needs to access the server will need to be a linux user as
well, with unix permissions to access the directory in question. It is best
to use user security instead of domain with password synchronization
between samba and unix enabled. Any users created in unix will be added to

If this becomes an issue (too many users, two systems to maintain), you may
want to consider mapping bad usernames to guest, setting the guest user up
as a generic user in unix, then allowing guest access to the share. This
pretty much opens the share up to everyone, something you may wisn to avoid.
This is usually done when deploying Samba as a print server. It avoids
administrative overhead.

You can also use winbind to synchronize samba permissions with a NT domain.
This is beyond me, someone else could step up to help you there.

Another thing to consider - the samba user needs to have permissions to
access the unix directory. Samba permissions and unix permissions are two
distinct issues. You could share a directory in samba that nobody can read,
let alone write to from Windows. The individual users need to have access,
or better yet the group to which they belong. Conversely, if you map to
guest, make certain the guest user has rights to the unix directory.

You may want to download Webmin (www.webmin.com). It gives you a nice
web-based interface to manage everything.

Good luck,


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 6:03 AM
Subject: [Samba] Samba authentication


I'm trying to set up samba for the first time.

I can already ping the linux machine from a windows machine by its NetBIOS

But when I try to do \\linux (thats the machine name) it asks me for
username and

Here goes my smb.conf file:


workgroup = NS
netbios name = Linux
server string = Samba Server
hosts allow = 192.168.69. 127.
interfaces =
log file = /var/log/log.%m
max log size = 50

security = domain
password server = *
encrypt passwords = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
os level = 255
wins support = no
dns support = no

Do I have to create users locally, or say that specific users from the
domain can
access the server?

I haven't created any share yet, might that be a problem too?

Thanks in advance...

Filipe Joel de ALmeida
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Re: [Samba] Problems with lower and uppercase filenames

2002-09-28 Thread Barzilai Spinak

Joel Hammer wrote:

Does this problem with java occur if you save the file to a local directory?
This sounds like samba is working fine. Your applications are changing the

Hi Joel and everybody, I'll try to explain a little better.
First, it's not a problem with Java (I haven't tested any java program 
on this issue), but something I first noticed
when saving files with my Java IDE  (programming environment), working 
from windows on [convoluted] samba share.
(I'll explain the [convoluted] part later just for fun, but it's 
irrelevant to the problem)

The setup is:
WINPUTER sharing a dir called MyWinShare
LINUXPUTER smbmount[ing]  //WINPUTER/MyWinShare  on the local linux dir 
LINUXPUTER  sharing /mnt/winputer/shareit  through samba to the rest of 
the LAN
WINPUTER programs trying to create files on the shareit share that 
LINUXPUTER publishes (which is
actually on WINPUTER to start with, but it doesn't matter!!)

When creating a file from Wordpad which is a Microsoft Windows program 
(nothing to do with java)
the files are created with ALLCAPS, no matter how you entered them in 
the file save dialog box.
When creating files from Notepad (M$ program) it respects the 
When using MS Explorer to drag and copy a file called foobar.txt, the 
copy becomes COPY OF FOOBAR.TXT
When just dragging and moving it keeps the capitalisation.
When creating a new file or folder with the windows explorer (right 
click, New, Folder, text document, etc) or renaming
a file, it respects capitalisation.

new test
I map the shareit share to a drive letter, say P:
from a DOS prompt I do  P:\ dir  eEeEeEe  and it keeps capitalisation
/new test

Now, nothing like this happens from Windows when writing to a regular 
share that ends up in a normal linux dir (not one that
is smbmount[ed] back to a a Windows machine.
In the same manner, everything is fine when, from the linux prompt I do 
a ls  eEeEeEEeeeE  inside the smbmount[ed] directory.
A file with correct capitalisation appears in MyWinShare.

But mix the two together and KAPUT ALL CAPS  (from some programs, 
not others!!!)

(below is my original post where I explain some of the tests I did with 
codepages and character sets which yielded no change to
this behaviour)

explanation on my convulted original setup
In my home linux computer I do:
ssh -2 -C -f -N -g -L 13900:officePC:139 officeLINUX
So I create this SSH tunnel from local linux port 13900 to port 139 in 
my office PC

Then, also in my home linux I do:
mount -t smbfs -o 
//OFFICEPC/MyShare  /mnt/office/officepc/MyShare/

So now the home linux dir is mounted to my office PC share
I share this local dir with samba and I can access my office PC from any 
PC inside my home network.

Before anyone says it... yes, I know there are things called VPN's and 
all that... but I haven't had time to download/study those
packages and this way let me learn loads of stuff about SSH, samba, etc. 
and it was fun :-)
/explanation on my convulted original setup

Thank you all!!

On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 05:55:25AM -0300, Barzilai Spinak wrote:

Hi, I just subscribed to this list to see if I can get a solution to the 
following problem.
I've spent a couple of hours looking though the man pages, google, etc 
but haven't found a solution.

Platform: RedHat 7.3 and Win98SE (in spanish)
Samba Version 2.2.3a

Ok, the problem is the following.

case 1:
Let's say I have a unix directory /temp  shared through samba. I'm 
sitting at my windows machine and I can create filenames
with upper/lowe/mixed cases and everything works fine

case 2:
There's a windows shared directory in my windows machine, let's call it  
I want to access it from unix so I do a  mount -t smbfs -o username=joe 
 //WINPUTER/MyWinShare /mnt/winputer/shareit

now from the unix shell prompt I can create files in my windows machine 
with any kind of upper/lower case letters...

so far so good...

Now I create a samba share:
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 0666
directory mask = 0777
preserve case=yes; added this one just in case

The problem starts now. When accessing this share from the Windows 
computer I can see the shared directory (although through
an unnecesary loopback which is irrelevant to the problem because it 
still happens with a different setup without loops).
* If I drag and copy a file from the windows explorer, lets say 
foo.txt, the new file becomes COPY OF FOO.TXT
   All the characters in uppercase.
* If I move the file to another directory in the share, the case is kept.
* If I rename a file to fOooOo.tXt,  the case is kept.
* If I use Notepad and save a new file in the share, it goes all to 
* If I use Wordpad, however, it respects the case...
* Other programs behave in different ways...

The main problem (and what 

[Samba] Network-connection breaking

2002-09-28 Thread Cyberduck1

Hello all,
yesterday I posted a Problem about the 
It breaks down and windows is messaging 
"Thespecified network name is no longer 
available", when I try to copy a large file or directory.
Now I know that this Problem also exists, when I 
try to delete a large Folder from a W2K machine on the Samba share.
What can I do?
The message in log.smbd is:
!--StartFragment--[2002/09/28 20:52:44, 0] 
lib/util_sock.c:read_data(436) read_data: read failure for 4. Error = 
Connection reset by peer

Please help...

RE: [Samba] Samba authentication

2002-09-28 Thread Filipe Joel de Almeida

Thanks Steve for your time.

I'm trying to do everything by hand and without any GUI or wizards, so
that I really learn how things work, so I'm having a little more work
(specially because I just started using linux this week) but I think
that with time it will be better this way.

My idea for now is to have a Linux server integrated into a W2K domain,
and providing that domain users with files.

I have the users in the domain grouped in several groups.

Isn't there any way that I, on the linux machine, share folders for a
certain group and every user that is created in W2K and added to that
group has access to that folder.

My problem is that my first production deployment of samba is in a
network of 100+ users with some rotativity (lots of users gone, and new
come in). I really don't want to have to create each user twice.

Can anyone tell me a way to implement this kind of slution?

Filipe Joel de Almeida
Network Consultant

-Original Message-
From: Steve Thom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: sábado, 28 de Setembro de 2002 17:59
Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba authentication

Each user that needs to access the server will need to be a linux user
well, with unix permissions to access the directory in question. It is
to use user security instead of domain with password synchronization
between samba and unix enabled. Any users created in unix will be added

If this becomes an issue (too many users, two systems to maintain), you
want to consider mapping bad usernames to guest, setting the guest user
as a generic user in unix, then allowing guest access to the share. This
pretty much opens the share up to everyone, something you may wisn to
This is usually done when deploying Samba as a print server. It avoids
administrative overhead.

You can also use winbind to synchronize samba permissions with a NT
This is beyond me, someone else could step up to help you there.

Another thing to consider - the samba user needs to have permissions to
access the unix directory. Samba permissions and unix permissions are
distinct issues. You could share a directory in samba that nobody can
let alone write to from Windows. The individual users need to have
or better yet the group to which they belong. Conversely, if you map to
guest, make certain the guest user has rights to the unix directory.

You may want to download Webmin (www.webmin.com). It gives you a nice
web-based interface to manage everything.

Good luck,


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 6:03 AM
Subject: [Samba] Samba authentication


I'm trying to set up samba for the first time.

I can already ping the linux machine from a windows machine by its

But when I try to do \\linux (thats the machine name) it asks me for
username and

Here goes my smb.conf file:


workgroup = NS
netbios name = Linux
server string = Samba Server
hosts allow = 192.168.69. 127.
interfaces =
log file = /var/log/log.%m
max log size = 50

security = domain
password server = *
encrypt passwords = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
os level = 255
wins support = no
dns support = no

Do I have to create users locally, or say that specific users from the
domain can
access the server?

I haven't created any share yet, might that be a problem too?

Thanks in advance...

Filipe Joel de ALmeida
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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot Time

2002-09-28 Thread Barry Skidmore

I tried to use this same syntax in fstab that I used in mtab, and the
mount failed when I rebooted.

Any help with the proper syntax would be appreciated.


On 09.28.2002 11:31 Barry Skidmore wrote:
 I have a Windows share that I would like to mount at boot time, but am 
 uncertain what syntax to use in /etc/fstab.  The entry in /etc/mtab is 
 the following:
 //DELL-4400/linux /root/mnt/DELL-4400/linux smbfs  0 0
 Do I just use the same syntax in fstab?
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[Samba] Server without Router

2002-09-28 Thread Tony

Is it possible to for samba to serve without a 
router on just a HUB,
Because I can't get my windows machines to see it 
without the router

If it is, please post the smb.conf file for 

Also, I'm on Suse 7.3  8.0


[Samba] Samba with a Win9x network and RoadRunner

2002-09-28 Thread DJ Busch

Hi everyone...I'm at a dead stop setting up Samba, so let me jump right into
the problem:

First, the setup:  I have a RH7.3 box and a W98 laptop.  The RH box also has
a W2k Pro partition.  We have them on a 4-port 10base-T hub along with our
RoadRunner cable modem.

Now on to the problem:  As most of you are already aware, RR uses DHCP to
assign IP addresses to client machines at boot time.  This seems to be
causing Samba to have problems resolving the machine names.  When I get both
machines up and running and try to connect to the laptop (jarjar) with
smbclient -L jarjar, I get Connection to jarjar failed.  My first
question is this:  Is there something I have to enable in W98 to allow Samba
to make connections?

And my second question:  Can Samba decide which hostname goes to which
computer on my home network without being able to resolve it to an IP
address?  I would assume that when the machines hold master browser
elections, each is made aware of the other(s) and the IP addresses are not

Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated.  Every time I go to work
I have to reboot into W2k so my wife can get at the files on my hard drives.
It's annoying.


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Re: [Samba] Samba with a Win9x network and RoadRunner

2002-09-28 Thread linux power

I have a similar problem just posted about win98 and
samba.I think if you have applied ip
address,dns,gateway and added the server ip address in
lmhost, there is not anything more to do at the win
About the second question I have ran tcpdump on my
samba server to determine how it communicate with the
clients. And I found that on establish the connection
from win98 to samba, it uses hostnames and it look to
me it also use the nic hardware address. The other way
it dont use the hw address, but the hostnames.
If this could be to any help.

 --- DJ Busch [EMAIL PROTECTED] skrev:  Hi
everyone...I'm at a dead stop setting up Samba,
 so let me jump right into
 the problem:
 First, the setup:  I have a RH7.3 box and a W98
 laptop.  The RH box also has
 a W2k Pro partition.  We have them on a 4-port
 10base-T hub along with our
 RoadRunner cable modem.
 Now on to the problem:  As most of you are already
 aware, RR uses DHCP to
 assign IP addresses to client machines at boot time.
  This seems to be
 causing Samba to have problems resolving the machine
 names.  When I get both
 machines up and running and try to connect to the
 laptop (jarjar) with
 smbclient -L jarjar, I get Connection to jarjar
 failed.  My first
 question is this:  Is there something I have to
 enable in W98 to allow Samba
 to make connections?
 And my second question:  Can Samba decide which
 hostname goes to which
 computer on my home network without being able to
 resolve it to an IP
 address?  I would assume that when the machines hold
 master browser
 elections, each is made aware of the other(s) and
 the IP addresses are not
 Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated. 
 Every time I go to work
 I have to reboot into W2k so my wife can get at the
 files on my hard drives.
 It's annoying.
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 instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

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Re: [Samba] samba as a block device

2002-09-28 Thread Donald Saltarelli

James- look into 'reparse points' in the microsoft knowledgebase. those
will do something similar on windows 2000 and XP. basically you can
redirect filesystem calls to a directory path, say C:\foo to another
path such as \\samba\share or h:\bar. 

another option of course is iSCSI which is coming into the daylight now.


On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 11:51, James S. Martin wrote:
 Netapp (a CIFS/NFS NAS solution) has the ability to emulate a physical 
 device and present itself as a local drive to a Windows box over the 
 network.  It involves a Windows client side driver as well as some 
 server side stuff to do this.  To Windows, the drive appears to be local 
 and not a mapped drive (you can format it/etc)  Are there any 
 initiatives to do something like this with Samba?
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Re: [Samba] Samba and WinXP problem

2002-09-28 Thread Donald Saltarelli

Run sysprep on the machine and try again. That should change all the
RIDS for the machine. 


On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 10:38, Stacy J.Dunkle wrote:
 Greets to all,
   Recently, I was given the task of setting up a Samba server where I 
 work, to accept domain logons for Win9x machines and also NT-based 
 machines, which consist of mostly XP boxes, with a couple 2K machines 
 as well. This domain would be replacing an older one, that was using a 
 very out of date Samba (from RedHat 6.1) that couldn't do XP/2K at all. 
 The new one is from RedHat 7.3, which has v.2.2.3a-6 of Samba.
   As I have learned in the past, XP can sometimes be a great pain to get 
 to join a Samba domain. This time, however, using what I learned in the 
 past, it went pretty flawlessly.  I did my testing mostly on 2 
 machines, a 2K box, and an XP box.
   All went well, until it was time for the server to go live. I had to 
 change the domain name on the server, and before doing so, I had the 2 
 machines un-join the domain, just in case that would cause a problem. 
 After changing the domain name and restarting Samba, I had the machines 
 join the new domain. The 2K box was OK with this, but the XP box, 
 however, was not.
   I went ahead and prepared the rest of the XP boxes in the building for 
 joining the domain, by changing the signorseal registry entry, adding 
 their machine accounts to Samba, etc., and they all joined the domain 
 just fine, and are doing the domain logon thing perfectly. The original 
 XP box I tested with, though, still gives me problems. It always gives 
 the following error:
 The following error occurred attempting to join the domain techland:
 Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, 
 using more than one username, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous 
 connections to the server or shared resource and try again.
 The only thing that was changed on the Samba server, was the 
 domain/workgroup name. I'm totally stumped. I've tried changing the 
 netbios name of the XP box, and added the new machine account to the 
 server, and got the same error. I tried refreshing the network adaptor 
 on the XP box, and got the same thing. I tried deleting the machine 
 account from the server and then re-adding it, to no avail. Checking 
 the Samba logs for this particular machine, shows nothing. I even did a 
 tail -f on the log, while trying to have the machine join the domain, 
 and it shows nothing.
   I searched Google for this problem, and only got one Samba-related 
 hit, and it wasn't quite the same problem I'm experiencing. I'm about 
 ready to wipe the machine and reformat/reinstall XP, but before going 
 to that extreme, I figured I'd try this list.
 So, does anyone have any ideas? :-)
 Stacy J. Dunkle
 LAN Manager,
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Groups in ldap and /etc/group?

2002-09-28 Thread Eddie Lania


Using smbgroupedit, should I link groups to ldap groups, those in /etc/group
(if I also would define them in there) or both?
Or none? (If using ldap)


Compile warnings.

2002-09-28 Thread Eddie Lania

Samba 3.0, compiled on RedHat 7.0 (up to date), 28 September 2002 08:05 CET.


Compiling smbd/mangle_hash2.c
smbd/mangle_hash2.c: In function `cache_insert':
smbd/mangle_hash2.c:172: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer
without a cast
smbd/mangle_hash2.c: In function `is_mangled':
smbd/mangle_hash2.c:263: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer
without a cast

Compiling libsmb/clispnego.c
libsmb/clispnego.c: In function `spnego_gen_negTokenTarg':
libsmb/clispnego.c:330: warning: passing arg 1 of `krb5_get_ticket' discards
qualifiers from pointer target type

Compiling passdb/secrets.c
passdb/secrets.c: In function `secrets_fetch':
passdb/secrets.c:61: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer
target type
passdb/secrets.c: In function `secrets_store':
passdb/secrets.c:77: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer
target type
passdb/secrets.c:79: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer
target type
passdb/secrets.c: In function `secrets_delete':
passdb/secrets.c:93: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer
target type
passdb/secrets.c: In function `secrets_lock_trust_account_password':
passdb/secrets.c:218: warning: passing arg 2 of `tdb_lock_bystring' discards
qualifiers from pointer target type
passdb/secrets.c:220: warning: passing arg 2 of `tdb_unlock_bystring'
discards qualifiers from pointer target type
passdb/secrets.c: In function `secrets_get_trusted_domains':
passdb/secrets.c:509: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
passdb/secrets.c: In function `secrets_named_mutex':
passdb/secrets.c:610: warning: passing arg 1 of `tdb_set_lock_alarm'
discards qualifiers from pointer target type

Compiling lib/util_str.c
lib/util_str.c: In function `str_list_make':
lib/util_str.c:1160: warning: passing arg 3 of `next_token' discards
qualifiers from pointer target type

Compiling lib/util.c
lib/util.c: In function `smb_xstrndup':
lib/util.c:1832: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without
a cast

Compiling lib/gencache.c
lib/gencache.c: In function `gencache_get':
lib/gencache.c:248: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer
without a cast
lib/gencache.c: In function `gencache_iterate':
lib/gencache.c:303: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a

Compiling libads/ldap.c
libads/ldap.c: In function `ads_do_paged_search':
libads/ldap.c:405: warning: passing arg 2 of `str_list_copy' from
incompatible pointer type
libads/ldap.c: In function `ads_do_search':
libads/ldap.c:631: warning: passing arg 2 of `str_list_copy' from
incompatible pointer type

Compiling libads/ldap_printer.c
libads/ldap_printer.c: In function `ads_mod_printer_entry':
libads/ldap_printer.c:80: warning: passing arg 4 of `ads_mod_strlist' from
incompatible pointer type
libads/ldap_printer.c:96: warning: passing arg 4 of `ads_mod_strlist' from
incompatible pointer type
libads/ldap_printer.c:99: warning: passing arg 4 of `ads_mod_strlist' from
incompatible pointer type

Compiling libads/kerberos.c
libads/kerberos.c: In function `kerberos_kinit_password':
libads/kerberos.c:80: warning: passing arg 6 of
`krb5_get_init_creds_password' discards qualifiers from pointer target type

Compiling utils/net_ads.c
utils/net_ads.c: In function `net_ads_printer_info':
utils/net_ads.c:722: warning: passing arg 4 of `ads_find_printer_on_server'
discards qualifiers from pointer target type
utils/net_ads.c: In function `net_ads_printer_publish':
utils/net_ads.c:774: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer
target type
utils/net_ads.c: In function `net_ads_printer_remove':
utils/net_ads.c:812: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer
target type

Compiling utils/net_rpc_join.c
utils/net_rpc_join.c: In function `net_rpc_join_ok':
utils/net_rpc_join.c:65: warning: passing arg 1 of
`secrets_fetch_trust_account_password' discards qualifiers from pointer
target type

Re: Groups in ldap and /etc/group?

2002-09-28 Thread Ignacio Coupeau

Eddie Lania wrote:
 Using smbgroupedit, should I link groups to ldap groups, those in /etc/group
 (if I also would define them in there) or both?
 Or none? (If using ldap)

the groups are stored in the group_mapping.tdb... I think mapping is 
unix--NT, but not LDAP groups (perhaps with nsswitch...)



Ignacio Coupeau, Ph.D. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CTI, Director  fax:948 425619
University of Navarra  voice:  948 425600
Pamplona, SPAINhttp://www.unav.es/cti/

LDAP schema updates: How to deal with?

2002-09-28 Thread Axel Thimm

I have been running LDAP based Samba PDCs since more than half a year now with
great success (Thanks Samba team!).

There have been some changes in the LDAP schema for Samba (I think mostly OID

Are there any special actions needed when switching the old LDAP schema with a
new one (dumping out the LDAP database and rereading it etc.)?

BTW just keeping the old schema with a fresh SAMBA_2_2 build seems to work
fine (until now ;).

NT password change through smblib

2002-09-28 Thread balagurumoorthy shanmuganathan

I am using smblib 0.50. I have a NT PDC. I would
like to change the password form Linuxbox running a
webserver. I tried using the test program.
It works with admin password. But does not work with
normal user password. The programe test_password
returns 2466 status when tried to change the password.

The status is returned by SMBapi_NetUserPasswordSet
function call. Please advice if any thing else to be

Thanks in advance,

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

Re: NT password change through smblib

2002-09-28 Thread Andrew Bartlett

balagurumoorthy shanmuganathan wrote:
 I am using smblib 0.50. I have a NT PDC. I would
 like to change the password form Linuxbox running a
 webserver. I tried using the test program.
 It works with admin password. But does not work with
 normal user password. The programe test_password
 returns 2466 status when tried to change the password.
 The status is returned by SMBapi_NetUserPasswordSet
 function call. Please advice if any thing else to be

Use pam_winbind and winbindd.  I use it with the Authen::PAM perl module
to great effect.  (Assumes you mean a user changing their own password).

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net

Do we need sam/api.c?

2002-09-28 Thread Andrew Bartlett

I was wondering:  In the new SAM stuff do we really need the api.c?

Why not make the api the context_ functions, and use the default context
if the user does not specify one (ie NULL)?

This would remove one layer from this whole area, which might make it
easier to comprehend...  

In the passdb stuff, we needed the outer layer due to need need for
source-level compatibility.  But we are going to have to change the
callers anyway, so why not reduce some complexity along the way?

That would make it 'user - context - backend', which might be easier
for potential developers to swallow.

It would also make samtest magicly 'work' before you specify a context,
rather than segfaulting...

Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net

Re: NT password change through smblib

2002-09-28 Thread Richard Sharpe

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, balagurumoorthy shanmuganathan wrote:

   I am using smblib 0.50. I have a NT PDC. I would
 like to change the password form Linuxbox running a
 webserver. I tried using the test program.

Please don't. That code is ancient. There are plenty of better ways to do 
that now, including PAM, I believe.

 It works with admin password. But does not work with
 normal user password. The programe test_password
 returns 2466 status when tried to change the password.
 The status is returned by SMBapi_NetUserPasswordSet
 function call. Please advice if any thing else to be
 Thanks in advance,
 Do you Yahoo!?
 New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!


AFS support

2002-09-28 Thread Kris Van Hees

I am working on adding sys resolving code to Samba to support that meta-token
in AFS, to handle retrieving files from AFS filespace through Samba while still
being able to use the client system platform identifier rather than the one
from the Samba server itself.

The customer that is interested in this (and who supports submitting the patch
to the Samba maintainers 100%) would like to hear some form of opinion from the
Samba maintainers on whether they would be opposed to adding in such a patch or
not (of course with the condition that the implementation has to be done in an
way that is acceptable to the maintainers, etc...).

Is anyone here willing to state whether you'd be open to possibly accepting a
patch for this in Samba?  If so, only for the 3.x series (CVS version) or is it
also possible for 2.x?

Kris Van Hees

PS: I also have the intention to later work on dealing with authentication and
permission issues against an AFS file space store that Samba serves from,
but that is currently way out of scope for this.

Re: AFS support

2002-09-28 Thread Richard Sharpe

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Kris Van Hees wrote:

 I am working on adding @sys resolving code to Samba to support that meta-token
 in AFS, to handle retrieving files from AFS filespace through Samba while still
 being able to use the client system platform identifier rather than the one
 from the Samba server itself.
 The customer that is interested in this (and who supports submitting the patch
 to the Samba maintainers 100%) would like to hear some form of opinion from the
 Samba maintainers on whether they would be opposed to adding in such a patch or
 not (of course with the condition that the implementation has to be done in an
 way that is acceptable to the maintainers, etc...).
 Is anyone here willing to state whether you'd be open to possibly accepting a
 patch for this in Samba?  If so, only for the 3.x series (CVS version) or is it
 also possible for 2.x?


We will be open to accepting this patch, because it will mean more people 
can use the software. 

We will look over the patch and would want that it be conditionally 
compiled, but let's see your patch first.


Re: Do we need sam/api.c?

2002-09-28 Thread Jelmer Vernooij

On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 12:56:29AM +1000, Andrew Bartlett wrote about 'Do we need 
 I was wondering:  In the new SAM stuff do we really need the api.c?

 Why not make the api the context_ functions, and use the default context
 if the user does not specify one (ie NULL)?

 This would remove one layer from this whole area, which might make it
 easier to comprehend...  

Yeah, that's a *really* good idea! Every layer less (that's not
necessary) is a good thing (TM)! 

 That would make it 'user - context - backend', which might be easier
 for potential developers to swallow.

 It would also make samtest magicly 'work' before you specify a context,
 rather than segfaulting...
Oops.. :-)


Jelmer Vernooij  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pending (unfinished) patches http://samba.org/~jelmer/diffs.php

Re: Groups in ldap and /etc/group?

2002-09-28 Thread Mike Brady


The answer to this really depends on what it is that you are trying to do and 
how you want to manage your site. Which comes back to people and processes 
more than anything else.  Strictly speaking Samba use of LDAP and Unix use of 
LDAP for user account data have absolutely nothing to do with one another.  
For instance, you could quite easily have Samba data in LDAP and Unix data in 
NIS.  The tie between the two for users is the username and for groups is the 
group_mapping.tdb file.

The smbldap-tools (we are talking about he Idealx tools right?) assume that a 
solution design decision has been made to store both Unix and Samba user 
account data in LDAP and do what is necessary to support this.

If then you are  trying to do things the Idealx way (and I currently am) and 
use the smbldap-tools package, then you are correct, in that existing Unix 
users in /etc/passwd who also need to use Samba will need to have their Unix 
account data moved to LDAP.  I haven't needed to look at doing this myself, 
but here are a couple of ideas.

1) Create the user with smbldap-useradd and then use something else to change 
the uidNumber attribute (and what ever alse needs changing) to the current 
/etc/passwd values.  If you are just testing a few users, use an LDAP browser 
to do it by hand.  I use gq.  If you are looking at a lot of users write a 
script to do it.  Delete the user from passwd, shadow and group files as 
required when you are ready.

2)  If you are talking about a lot users then use a modified smbldap-useradd 
script that reads the /etc/passwd file and uses the data from there to fill 
in the values in the posixAccount object rather than generating new stuff.

Hope that this helps.


On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 22:41, Eddie Lania wrote:
 Hi Mike,

 Thank you for your response.

 It makes sense to me.
 And your solution is exactly as I have done it so far.

 However, there still is one problem to be solved.

 When I have defined the groups I wish to use for Samba in the ldap
 database, then I still need to know how to handle existing (unix) users.
 When my passd backend is the ldap database, I will have to add them in
 there too (for their password), right?
 But when I do this, they are assigned a new uid and gid number.

 I can't figure out how to solve this. The user has to be in ldap for his
 ntpasswd, home directory, profile directory, etc.
 Is the only option to add a new username for samba purposes only?



 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Eddie Lania [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 11:25 AM
 Subject: Re: Groups in ldap and /etc/group?

  I have been through this and think that I understand it, so here goes.
  Someone correct me if I am wrong.
  First of all, as of 3.0Alpha19 (I haven't looked at 20 yet) Samba does
  not store group data in LDAP as such.  Samba Groups (meaning NT Domain


  Groups) are mapped to Unix groups using the smbgroupedit command.
  The Unix groups may be stored where ever /etc/nsswitch.conf says they are
  (files, LDAP, NIS, ...).  The smbldap-groupadd.pl script is actually

 adding a

  Unix group, not a Samba group.  So, for Samba to use the Unix groups that


  have added in LDAP you first need to install and configure nss_ldap.  You
  then need to use smbgroupedit to map the Samba group to the Unix group.
  I hope that that all made sense.
  By  the way the documentaton for smbgroupedit is way out of date.  Have a
  look at the source for the actual options.
  On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 18:37, Eddie Lania wrote:
   Using smbgroupedit, should I link groups to ldap groups, those in
   /etc/group (if I also would define them in there) or both?
   Or none? (If using ldap)

Re: Samba 3.0 A2 LDAP

2002-09-28 Thread Mike Brady

This has been around for a while.  A fix that seems to work (at least it seems 
to for me) has been posted more than once to the list.  I do not know why it 
hasn't been applied.

It is simple to fix.  In utils/testparm.c file;

Change line 54:

if (lp_wins_support()  wins_srv_count()) {


if (lp_wins_support()  lp_wins_server_list()) {

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 03:52, Dennis Lattka wrote:
 I have a developement server running version 3.0alpha21cvs and am trying
 to set it up as a PDC using LDAP to authenticate.

 testparm reads the following:

 Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
 Processing section [homes]
 Processing section [printers]
 Processing section [home]
 Loaded services file OK.
 ERROR: both 'wins support = true' and 'wins server = server' cannot be
 set in the smb.conf file. nmbd will abort with this setting.
 Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

 # Global parameters
 workgroup = AVLSI
 netbios name = DEVEL
 netbios aliases = Devel
 obey pam restrictions = Yes
 password server = ldap.example.com
 pam password change = Yes
 passwd program = /usr/sbin/ldappasswd
 unix password sync = Yes
 lanman auth = No
 log level = 3
 syslog = 3
 log file = /var/log/samba
 name resolve order = dns wins bcast
 time server = Yes
 logon path = \\home\home\user\%U\WINDOWS
 logon drive = U:
 logon home = \\home\home\user\%U
 domain logons = Yes
 domain master = True
 dns proxy = No
 wins support = Yes
 ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com
 ldap machine suffix = ou=System,dc=example,dc=com
 ldap user suffix = ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
 ldap passwd sync = Yes
 oplocks = No
 level2 oplocks = No

 comment = Home Directories
 read only = No
 browseable = No

 comment = All Printers
 path = /var/spool/samba
 printable = Yes
 browseable = No

 comment = Home Directories
 path = /home/
 guest ok = Yes
 hosts allow =

 There seems to be an issue with WINS as well as it does not seem to be
 able to contact the ldap server.
 (Making it difficult to do much of anything.) For the developement team,
 I am more than happy to run whatever tests you may wish and look forward
 to sending whatever feedback there may be, at your request. Thank you.


(no subject)

2002-09-28 Thread Stefan (metze) Metzmacher

Hi Andrew,

I've updated my sam_ads module can you merge the changes to HEAD?

Stefan metze Metzmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sam_ads merge

2002-09-28 Thread Andrew Bartlett

Stefan (metze) Metzmacher wrote:
 Hi Andrew,
 I've updated my sam_ads module can you merge the changes to HEAD?


Kai:  I'll take your sam_passdb stuff in as soon as you like - it's
easier to track if we keep it all in CVS.

(Yes, the bar on 'must be fully functional' is lower while the SAM is
being developed - but once we start hooking into the rest of Samba I'll
get very strict, on both new and existing code...)

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net

Re: AFS support

2002-09-28 Thread Kris Van Hees

On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 03:00:27PM +1000, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 Kris Van Hees wrote:
 Description of sys patch omitted. 
 That would very much depend on what you are proposing.  This kind of
 thing is quite difficult with encrypted passwords, and I am generally
 opposed to adding this kind of thing to our plaintext code, unless it's
 done *very* cleanly.  Hint:  Don't add more stuff to pass_check.c.

The change we need to make does not involve authentication in any way.  It is
entirely limited to path and file name resolving based on the client machine
platform (as determined by the remote architecture variable).  For the purpose
of this particular patch, the assumption has been made that all files that need
to be accessed will be accessible by the Samba server without requiring it to
authenticate the client user against AFS.  As mentioned below, that may be
something that we need to do in the future, but for now I prefer to stay out of
that arena :)

 A patch submitted to us should be for 3.0 or HEAD, becouse we are trying
 to rid ourselves of 2.2 maintainece.  

Then that is definitely what I will submit.

  PS: I also have the intention to later work on dealing with authentication and
  permission issues against an AFS file space store that Samba serves from,
  but that is currently way out of scope for this.
 I honestly don't see how you will avoid this.  BTW, you should have a
 look at the previous efforts in this area - there have been many.  
 Sombody posted a list of patches to the list a while back.

As mentioned above, the sys substitution logic is not dependent on any user
authentication information.  I have done work in this area before, but it was
abandoned due to other priorities.  But I envision that it might be picking up
again.  I definitely will continue looking at the previous efforts in this
area (the ones that are present in the current code base do little more than
verifying the user's identity - not authentication for the purpose of being
able to access AFS space *as* that user).

But as I said, that is definitely something for the future, and it is not
related to the sys work.


CVS update: samba/source/passdb

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sat Sep 28 12:09:21 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/passdb
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv5714/passdb

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add const.

secrets.c   1.46 = 1.47


CVS update: samba/source

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sat Sep 28 12:27:04 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv6117

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add the beginings of sam_ads to the tree.

This module, primarilly the work of Stefan (metze) Metzmacher 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], uses the Active Directory schema to store the
user/group/other information.  I've been testing it against a real AD server,
and it is intended to work with OpenLDAP as well.

I've moved a few functions around in our other libads code, which has made it
easier to tap into that existing code.  

Also, I've made some changes to the SAM interface, I hope there are not too
many objections...   To ensure we don't get silly bugs in the skel module, it
is now in the default compile.  This way you should not forget to update it :-)

Andrew Bartlett

Makefile.in 1.544 = 1.545

CVS update: samba/source/torture

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sat Sep 28 12:27:04 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/torture
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv6117/torture

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add the beginings of sam_ads to the tree.

This module, primarilly the work of Stefan (metze) Metzmacher 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], uses the Active Directory schema to store the
user/group/other information.  I've been testing it against a real AD server,
and it is intended to work with OpenLDAP as well.

I've moved a few functions around in our other libads code, which has made it
easier to tap into that existing code.  

Also, I've made some changes to the SAM interface, I hope there are not too
many objections...   To ensure we don't get silly bugs in the skel module, it
is now in the default compile.  This way you should not forget to update it :-)

Andrew Bartlett

cmd_sam.c   1.7 = 1.8


CVS update: samba/source/libads

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sat Sep 28 12:27:04 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/libads
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv6117/libads

Modified Files:
ads_ldap.c ads_struct.c ldap.c ldap_utils.c 
Log Message:
Add the beginings of sam_ads to the tree.

This module, primarilly the work of Stefan (metze) Metzmacher 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], uses the Active Directory schema to store the
user/group/other information.  I've been testing it against a real AD server,
and it is intended to work with OpenLDAP as well.

I've moved a few functions around in our other libads code, which has made it
easier to tap into that existing code.  

Also, I've made some changes to the SAM interface, I hope there are not too
many objections...   To ensure we don't get silly bugs in the skel module, it
is now in the default compile.  This way you should not forget to update it :-)

Andrew Bartlett

ads_ldap.c  1.1 = 1.2

ads_struct.c1.18 = 1.19

ldap.c  1.79 = 1.80
ldap_utils.c1.2 = 1.3


Re: CVS update: samba/source/auth

2002-09-28 Thread Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 Volker Lendecke wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 07:56:20PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Back our volker's patch as was breaking the build.
  Sorry for breaking it. On my machine it compiled well
 Not as actually commited - you had an undeclared variable in there.
 , I even tested against
  smbclient, NT4 and W2k. At least on Linux with shadow passwords you do not get
  the password salt from /etc/passwd but from /etc/shadow. On my machine an 'x'
  ended up in the salt, which was definitely not what crypt wanted to see.
  What kind of fix do you propose? Changing to a default of encrypted passwords
  should IMHO not mean we do not support plaintext at all anymore.
 I don't mind fixing it - I was mainly worried about the compile
 failure.  Things that don't compile don't ususally look tested ;-)
 I also just want to look over it carefully, as much for my own benifit
 in understanding this crazy stuff.

How is this for a better patch?

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net

? auth/auth_ntlmssp.c
Index: auth/pass_check.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/samba/source/auth/pass_check.c,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -r1.34 pass_check.c
--- auth/pass_check.c   27 Sep 2002 23:56:20 -  1.34
+++ auth/pass_check.c   28 Sep 2002 12:48:37 -
@@ -634,6 +634,7 @@
/* Also the place to keep the 'password' no matter what
   crazy struct it started in... */
fstrcpy(this_crypted, pass-pw_passwd);
+   fstrcpy(this_salt, pass-pw_passwd);
@@ -645,8 +646,10 @@
   perhaps for IPC password changing requests */
spass = getspnam(pass-pw_name);
-   if (spass  spass-sp_pwdp)
+   if (spass  spass-sp_pwdp) {
fstrcpy(this_crypted, spass-sp_pwdp);
+   fstrcpy(this_salt, spass-sp_pwdp);
+   }
 #elif defined(IA_UINFO)
@@ -703,9 +706,6 @@
-   /* extract relevant info */
-   fstrcpy(this_salt, pass-pw_passwd);
/* crypt on some platforms (HPUX in particular)

CVS update: samba/source/libsmb

2002-09-28 Thread jelmer

Date:   Sat Sep 28 20:06:42 2002
Author: jelmer

Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/libsmb
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv5688/libsmb

Modified Files:
  Tag: SAMBA_3_0
Log Message:

Include ../include/libsmbclient.h instead of just libsmbclient.h - we don't want to 
include the globally installed libsmbclient.h - found by jht

libsmbclient.c =


CVS update: samba/source/libsmb

2002-09-28 Thread jelmer

Date:   Sat Sep 28 20:09:30 2002
Author: jelmer

Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/libsmb
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv5912/libsmb

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Include ../include/libsmbclient.h instead of just libsmbclient.h - we don't want to 
include the globally installed libsmbclient.h - found by jht

libsmbclient.c  1.59 = 1.60


CVS update: samba/source/libsmb

2002-09-28 Thread jht

Date:   Sat Sep 28 20:44:23 2002
Author: jht

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/libsmb
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv8614

Modified Files:
libsmb_cache.c libsmb_compat.c 
Log Message:
Fixing path to libsmbclient.h so it never gets crossed with a system installed one.

libsmb_cache.c  1.3 = 1.4

libsmb_compat.c 1.2 = 1.3


CVS update: samba/source/torture

2002-09-28 Thread jelmer

Date:   Sat Sep 28 21:17:34 2002
Author: jelmer

Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/torture
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv10412/torture

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Patch from metze to fix enum_accounts

cmd_sam.c   1.8 = 1.9


CVS update: samba/source/sam

2002-09-28 Thread jelmer

Date:   Sat Sep 28 22:54:16 2002
Author: jelmer

Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/sam
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv20186/sam

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Fix typos + report FIXME

interface.c 1.17 = 1.18


CVS update: samba/source/torture

2002-09-28 Thread jelmer

Date:   Sat Sep 28 22:58:44 2002
Author: jelmer

Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/torture
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv20430/torture

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Fix 'plugin' command

cmd_sam.c   1.9 = 1.10


Re: CVS update: samba/source/libsmb

2002-09-28 Thread Richard Sharpe

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Sat Sep 28 21:42:51 2002
 Author:   jelmer
 Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/libsmb
 In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11934/libsmb
 Modified Files:
   Tag: SAMBA_3_0
   libsmb_cache.c libsmb_compat.c 
 Log Message:
 Change libsmbclient.h - ../include/libsmbclient.h in 3.0 as well

This is probably the wrong fix. The right fix is to have -Iinclude at the 
right place on CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS or whereever.


Re: CVS update: samba/source/sam

2002-09-28 Thread Andrew Bartlett

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 10:26:19AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about 'CVS 
update: samba/source/sam':
  I need to work out with Jelmer an appropriate way to ensure we still have an
  example external build, and if this should move back out again.
 What 'example external build' do you mean ?

Well, when sam_skel was in examples, we had somthing people could start
with to build a plugin, without much modification.

If I build sam_skel as part of the normal build, we don't have this
example any more...

Perhaps we should just put the makefile in source/sam/ ?

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net

Re: CVS update: samba/source/sam

2002-09-28 Thread Jelmer Vernooij

On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 10:01:33AM +1000, Andrew Bartlett wrote about 'Re: CVS update: 
 Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

  On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 10:26:19AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about 'CVS 
update: samba/source/sam':
   I need to work out with Jelmer an appropriate way to ensure we still have an
   example external build, and if this should move back out again.
  What 'example external build' do you mean ?
 Well, when sam_skel was in examples, we had somthing people could start
 with to build a plugin, without much modification.

 If I build sam_skel as part of the normal build, we don't have this
 example any more...

 Perhaps we should just put the makefile in source/sam/ ?
I think we should probably have make rules in the Makefile in source/ to build 
plugins. These modules shouldn't be
built by default(make all) - so one has to type make plugins/sam_ads.so or make
sam/sam_ads.so to compile it..


Jelmer Vernooij  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pending (unfinished) patches http://samba.org/~jelmer/diffs.php

Re: CVS update: samba/source/libsmb

2002-09-28 Thread Andrew Bartlett

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 10:07:40AM +0930, Richard Sharpe wrote about 'Re: CVS 
update: samba/source/libsmb':
  On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Date:   Sat Sep 28 21:42:51 2002
   Author: jelmer
   Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/libsmb
   In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11934/libsmb
   Modified Files:
 Tag: SAMBA_3_0
   libsmb_cache.c libsmb_compat.c
   Log Message:
   Change libsmbclient.h - ../include/libsmbclient.h in 3.0 as well
  This is probably the wrong fix. The right fix is to have -Iinclude at the
  right place on CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS or whereever.
 No. Some distributions (for example, debian), put a libsmbclient.h
 file in /usr/include. stdio.h/unistd.h/etc come from this directory as well, so we
 can't exclude it..

What Richard means is put *our* -Iinclude before the system
-I/usr/include in the CFLAGS.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net

CVS update: samba/source/sam

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sun Sep 29 01:01:44 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/sam
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28354/sam

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Updates for sam_ads by metze - add the start of domain policy searching, and a
small fix for the previous merge.

Andrew Bartlett

sam_ads.c   1.2 = 1.3

Re: CVS update: samba/source/libsmb

2002-09-28 Thread Richard Sharpe

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 10:07:40AM +0930, Richard Sharpe wrote about 'Re: CVS 
update: samba/source/libsmb':
  On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Date: Sat Sep 28 21:42:51 2002
   Author:   jelmer
   Update of /home/cvs/samba/source/libsmb
   In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11934/libsmb
   Modified Files:
 Tag: SAMBA_3_0
 libsmb_cache.c libsmb_compat.c 
   Log Message:
   Change libsmbclient.h - ../include/libsmbclient.h in 3.0 as well
  This is probably the wrong fix. The right fix is to have -Iinclude at the 
  right place on CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS or whereever.
 No. Some distributions (for example, debian), put a libsmbclient.h
 file in /usr/include. stdio.h/unistd.h/etc come from this directory as well, so we
 can't exclude it..

Oops, I meant -I./include ... :-)


CVS update: samba/source/sam

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sun Sep 29 06:07:58 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/sam
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv14761/sam

Modified Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Remove sam/api.c.

In order to reduce complexity, this patch removes the upper layer of the SAM
API.  Also, we remove the function pointers on the sam context - there really
is no point making these replaceable - that's for the modules.

Move a number of functions in include/interface.c around to allow for use of
'static' and to keep the external API in one chunk, at the bottem.  All these
functions were renamed to remove the context_sam - sam

Consequential changes in the samtest module, and back out metze's change for
ACB filtering, becouse I think it belongs in the SAM backeds.  (But I will take
debate on this one).

Changes to the lib/util_sid.c code to create a 'system' token, and make it a
SAM_ASSERT() enforced requirement to have a token on those calls that specify
it.  samtest now uses this.

We should have a samtest call to set your own token.

We also need to extend our se_access code to cover the things that Win2k is
returning in it's access tokens.  Currently our system token doesn't pass, due
to unexpected flags.  (When running sam_ads against Win2k)

Andrew Bartlett

interface.c 1.18 = 1.19

api.c   1.5 = NONE

CVS update: samba/source/torture

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sun Sep 29 06:07:58 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/torture
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv14761/torture

Modified Files:
cmd_sam.c samtest.c 
Log Message:
Remove sam/api.c.

In order to reduce complexity, this patch removes the upper layer of the SAM
API.  Also, we remove the function pointers on the sam context - there really
is no point making these replaceable - that's for the modules.

Move a number of functions in include/interface.c around to allow for use of
'static' and to keep the external API in one chunk, at the bottem.  All these
functions were renamed to remove the context_sam - sam

Consequential changes in the samtest module, and back out metze's change for
ACB filtering, becouse I think it belongs in the SAM backeds.  (But I will take
debate on this one).

Changes to the lib/util_sid.c code to create a 'system' token, and make it a
SAM_ASSERT() enforced requirement to have a token on those calls that specify
it.  samtest now uses this.

We should have a samtest call to set your own token.

We also need to extend our se_access code to cover the things that Win2k is
returning in it's access tokens.  Currently our system token doesn't pass, due
to unexpected flags.  (When running sam_ads against Win2k)

Andrew Bartlett

cmd_sam.c   1.10 = 1.11

samtest.c   1.11 = 1.12


CVS update: samba/source/lib

2002-09-28 Thread abartlet

Date:   Sun Sep 29 06:07:58 2002
Author: abartlet

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/lib
In directory dp.samba.org:/tmp/cvs-serv14761/lib

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Remove sam/api.c.

In order to reduce complexity, this patch removes the upper layer of the SAM
API.  Also, we remove the function pointers on the sam context - there really
is no point making these replaceable - that's for the modules.

Move a number of functions in include/interface.c around to allow for use of
'static' and to keep the external API in one chunk, at the bottem.  All these
functions were renamed to remove the context_sam - sam

Consequential changes in the samtest module, and back out metze's change for
ACB filtering, becouse I think it belongs in the SAM backeds.  (But I will take
debate on this one).

Changes to the lib/util_sid.c code to create a 'system' token, and make it a
SAM_ASSERT() enforced requirement to have a token on those calls that specify
it.  samtest now uses this.

We should have a samtest call to set your own token.

We also need to extend our se_access code to cover the things that Win2k is
returning in it's access tokens.  Currently our system token doesn't pass, due
to unexpected flags.  (When running sam_ads against Win2k)

Andrew Bartlett

util_sid.c  1.60 = 1.61