[Samba] How to access Windows machine from Linux using Samba.

2004-07-21 Thread bansidhar.deshpande
I have few questions 
1. I installed samba on my Linux box. When I invoke any Samba tool e.g.
smbclient or findsmb error is reported unable to open configuration
file smb.conf run testparm to debug it. I ran testparm but could not
solve the problem. 

2. I have a Windows machine which I want to access from the linux
machine. I Samba is there to help in this problem ? How should I achieve
this using Samba. I checked the documentation available on samba.org but
found it too much away from my problem. 

Thanks in Advance. 

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[Samba] Samba Multiple Subnets

2004-07-21 Thread Honey Bajaj

I have installed Samba 3.0.5 pre1 as PDC and two domain member servers with winbind 
which is catering to two subnets containing only windows 9x clients. The PDC and the 
member servers are in the same subnet i.e., and the other subnet is seperated by a linux router, now how can I make the windows 9x 
clients to domain logon  from the second subnet ( which only contains 
windows 9x clients. Please suggest me some solution.

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[Samba] Re: i need recycle bin configuration

2004-07-21 Thread Jim C.
How do we do it on Samba 3.x?

there are a few things to do to get this working with samba-2.x.x:
Jim C.
| I can be reached on the following Instant Messenger services: |
| MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  AIM: WyteLi0n  ICQ: 123291844 |
| Y!: j_c_llings   Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
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[Samba] Problem with umlaut on windows server

2004-07-21 Thread Weimann Philipp
Hallo Samba-users,

I've got a problem mounting a windows-share via mount / smbmount: 
The mount itself works without any problem, but when I try to enter a directory with a 
Umlaut (such as ,,) the command fails. All the umlauts are replaced with a 
question mark when I ls in the directory which contains the directory with the 

Changing the character set results in equal problems: 
The umlauts are shown as Block-Symbol ( - if you cant see it: it's ASCII sign Nr. 
177, see http://www.asciitable.com/) but entering a directory works. Unfortunately any 
further actions fail, i.e. listing the content of the directory quits with an IO Error.

Browsing the share with the smb:// tool of the Konqueror returns correct umlauts, but 
entering a directory is also not possible.

What can I do to get the Windows-Shares displayed correctly ?

Renaming is unfortunately not an option.

Client: RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0; Samba 3.0;
Server: Windows 2000 Server in a Domain;

Thanks in advance for your help,

Philipp Weimann
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[Samba] strange DOS-Error 58

2004-07-21 Thread Ulf Dettmer
based on Bart Lagerweij's ( www.nu2.nu ) bootdisk, I've created a small 
DOS system that users can start by booting from network ( PXE ). The 
system is configured to map a network drive from a Suse 9.0 Pro / Samba 
server with various tools on it. The connection is anonymous.
Until recently everything worked fine but suddenly there are strange 
When I try to launch an EXE from that share I get Access denied. After 
that I can no longer work with that share. No matter what I do ( e.g. 
'dir' ) the result is 'Extended Error 58'. Also, when I copy an EXE from 
the share to the bootdisk's ramdrive, the file seems to get broken - the 
computer hangs up as soon as I launch it from the ramdrive.
Apart from starting programs I can do almost everything on the network 
drive, e.g. 'type' a text file or execute all other kinds DOS commands.
This problem does not occur at all when I access the same share from a 
WinXP box.
I'm pretty sure the only change in the whole system was an upgrade from 
Samba 3.0.4 to 3.0.5RC1 . That was because of a printing problem. For 
this reason I would not want to downgrade back to Samba 3.0.4.
You will find the usual bunch of logs and conf's below. Thanks in 
advance for any help you can give !
Regards, Ulf

# 'privacy enhanced' smb.conf
# Global parameters
   workgroup = MYDOMAIN
   server string = Fileserver
   client schannel = auto
   map to guest = Bad User
   null passwords = Yes
   obey pam restrictions = Yes
   passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://dir-server, guest
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd -q %u
   passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *Re-enter*new*password* %n\n \n
   unix password sync = Yes
   client plaintext auth = No
   log level = 2
   syslog = 0
   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   time server = Yes
   client signing = Yes
   deadtime = 1440
   add user script = /etc/samba/scripts/smbldap-useradd.pl '%u'
   delete user script = /etc/samba/scripts/userdel.sh '%u'
   add group script = /etc/samba/scripts/smbldap-groupadd.pl '%g'  
/etc/samba/scripts/smbldap-groupshow.pl %g|awk '/^gidNumber:/ {print $2}'
   delete group script = /etc/samba/scripts/groupdel.sh '%g'
   add user to group script = /etc/samba/scripts/smbldap-groupmod.pl -m 
'%u' '%g'
   delete user from group script = 
/etc/samba/scripts/smbldap-groupmod.pl -x '%u' '%g'
   set primary group script = /etc/samba/scripts/smbldap-usermod.pl -g 
'%g' '%u'
   add machine script = /etc/samba/scripts/machadd.sh %u
   shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown +1
   abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c
   logon script = scripts\%m.bat
   logon path = \\%L\%U\.winprofile
   logon drive = m:
   logon home = \\%L\%U
   domain logons = Yes
   os level = 65
   domain master = Yes
   wins server =
   ldap admin dn = cn=proxy-user,ou=department,o=company,c=DE
   ldap group suffix = ou=Group
   ldap suffix = ou=department,o=company,c=DE
   ldap ssl = no
   ldap user suffix = ou=People
   message command = /bin/mail -s 'Nachricht von %f auf %m' root  %s; 
rm %s
   host msdfs = Yes
   idmap uid = 1-2
   idmap gid = 1-2
   admin users = @domadm
   write list = @domadm
   printer admin = @it-s, @domadm, @printop
   map acl inherit = Yes
   printer name = normal
   map system = Yes
   map hidden = Yes

   comment = windows installation source
   path = /data/pxe/client
   write list = root, @it-s, @domadm
   guest ok = Yes
   map system = No
   map hidden = No
   map archive = No
   browseable = No
[2004/07/20 09:45:36, 5] lib/debug.c:debug_dump_status(369)
 INFO: Current debug levels:
   all: True/5
   tdb: False/0
   printdrivers: False/0
   lanman: False/0
   smb: False/0
   rpc_parse: False/0
   rpc_srv: False/0
   rpc_cli: False/0
   passdb: False/0
   sam: False/0
   auth: False/0
   winbind: False/0
   vfs: False/0
   idmap: False/0
   quota: False/0
   acls: False/0
[2004/07/20 09:45:36, 5] lib/debug.c:debug_dump_status(369)
 INFO: Current debug levels:
   all: True/5
   tdb: False/0
   printdrivers: False/0
   lanman: False/0
   smb: False/0
   rpc_parse: False/0
   rpc_srv: False/0
   rpc_cli: False/0
   passdb: False/0
   sam: False/0
   auth: False/0
   winbind: False/0
   vfs: False/0
   idmap: False/0
   quota: False/0
   acls: False/0
[2004/07/20 09:45:55, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(147)
 socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 1
[2004/07/20 09:45:55, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(147)
 socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 1
[2004/07/20 09:45:55, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(147)
 socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0
[2004/07/20 09:45:55, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(147)
 socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1
[2004/07/20 09:45:55, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(147)
 socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 16
[2004/07/20 09:45:55, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(147)
 socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 16
[2004/07/20 09:45:55, 5] 

Re: [Samba] Re: i need recycle bin configuration

2004-07-21 Thread Christoph Scheeder
have you read the complete mail from me? ;-)
it's all described at the bottom of it for 3.x
excerpt from that mail:
 for the samba 3.x-branch the procedure has changed completly.
 The VFS modules have been integrated in the normal make/install
 process, so you don't have to compile them for your on, and the
 complete configuration now goes into smb.conf, no need to create a
 separate file for it.

for example i use the folowing lines in my [homes] section:

vfs object = recycle
recycle:repository = .Papierkorb/%U
recycle:keeptree = Yes
recycle:touch = Yes
recycle:versions = Yes
recycle:maxsize = 0
recycle:exclude = *.tmp|*.temp|*.o|*.obj|~$*|*.~??
recycle:excludedir = /tmp|/temp|/cache
recycle:noversions = *.doc|*.xls|*.ppt

and it works out of the box like a charm
have a nice day.
Jim C. schrieb:
How do we do it on Samba 3.x?

there are a few things to do to get this working with samba-2.x.x:

Jim C.
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Re: [Samba] Re: i need recycle bin configuration

2004-07-21 Thread Weißmann Philipp
Hi Jim,

Your configuration could look like this:

   comment = Temporary file space
   path = /tmp
   read only = no
   guest ok = yes
   public = yes
#  Use Recycler Modul (check your path !)
   vfs object = /usr/lib/samba/vfs/recycle.so
#  Name of the directory the trash will be stored in
   vfs object = recycle:repository=.recycle
#  Keep multiple versions of deleted files
#  Touch files on recycling
#  Keep the tree when deleting whole structures

Philipp Weissmann

How do we do it on Samba 3.x?

 there are a few things to do to get this working with samba-2.x.x:

Jim C.

| I can be reached on the following Instant Messenger services: |
| MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  AIM: WyteLi0n  ICQ: 123291844|
| Y!: j_c_llings   Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

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[Samba] Windows Backup to samba3 share = problem

2004-07-21 Thread Viktor Vislobokov
Hello All!
I have strange problem with my samba3.
I want to backup my data from w2k computer to samba share.
For this, I using order tool - Windows Backup program. When I trying
to choose network disk for backup destination, I see error message:
Access denied. But, I can create any files or folders on the disk
manually, for example, with Explorer.
Very interesting, that this problem is absent for samba2 shares.
I see this problem only for samba3.
Help me please!
With best wishes,
Victor Vislobokov
Perm. Russia
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[Samba] Re: Windows permissions

2004-07-21 Thread Ulf Dettmer
you need to put the gomain group 'Domain Users' into the local group 
Administrators on each client machine. If you don't want every users 
to be administrator an every client machine you can also put individual 
groups or users into the local administrator group of your clients.
Alternatively you could create a group 'Domain Admins' with a rid=512. 
Members of that group would automatically be administrators on all 
domain clients

Jacob Marble schrieb:
Greetings NG-
I'm putting together a Samba domain for the first time, using 
3.0.2a-Debian.  I have created a good smb.conf file (based on the Howto 
book by John Terpstra), including the following line to disable roaming 
profiles everywhere:

logon path =
Thanks to Josh Ginsberg and company for that one!
Now I have created one logon user and have logged on successfully 
from a Win2k/pro machine without incident.  However, this user does not 
have Administrator privaledges on the windows machine.  I need a samba 
domain user that logs in and has all the privaledges that a local 
Administrator user has.  Is this possible?  I would think this should 
be configurable on the server, as authentication is all done via 
SMB/CIFS.  Am I right?
I have investigated the smbpasswd command, thinking it should be in 
there somewhere, but no dice.

Jake Marble
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[Samba] Re: strange DOS-Error 58

2004-07-21 Thread Ulf Dettmer
Hi again,
I've probably cut to much from the client log. Again, please mail me if 
you need the full log file.
This might also be interesting:

[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(887)
  switch message SMBchkpth (pid 16976) conn 0x83c2038
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(193)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(109)
  unix_convert called on file TOOLS/PART/XFDISK
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(180)
  unix_convert begin: name = tools/PART/XFDISK, dirpath = tools, start 
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 4] smbd/dir.c:DirCacheAdd(1041)
  Added dir cache entry tools PART - Part
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 5] smbd/statcache.c:stat_cache_add(176)
  stat_cache_add: Added entry TOOLS/PART - tools/Part
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 5] smbd/statcache.c:stat_cache_add(176)
  stat_cache_add: Added entry TOOLS/PART/XFDISK - tools/Part/xfdisk
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(397)
  conversion finished TOOLS/PART/XFDISK - tools/Part/xfdisk
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 3] smbd/reply.c:reply_chkpth(582)
  chkpth tools/Part/xfdisk mode=20
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(443)
[2004/07/20 09:46:11, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(453)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1092)
  Transaction 31 of length 77
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(443)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(453)
  smb_vwv[ 0]=1 (0x1)
  smb_vwv[ 1]=   19 (0x13)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(887)
  switch message SMBsearch (pid 16976) conn 0x83c2038
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(193)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(109)
  unix_convert called on file TOOLS/PART/XFDISK/XFDISK.???
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(180)
  unix_convert begin: name = tools/Part/xfdisk/XFDISK.???, dirpath = 
tools/Part/xfdisk, start = XFDISK.???
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(332)
  New file XFDISK.???
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] smbd/dir.c:start_dir(334)
  start_dir dir=tools/Part/xfdisk
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(491)
  creating new dirptr 6 for path tools/Part/xfdisk, expect_close = 0
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_search(897)
  dptr_num is 6
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(661)
  get_dir_entry mask=[XFDISK.???] found tools/Part/xfdisk/XFDISK.EXE 
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_search(974)
  SMBsearch mask=XFDISK.??? path=tools/Part/xfdisk dtype=19 nument=1 of 1
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(443)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(453)
  smb_vwv[ 0]=1 (0x1)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1092)
  Transaction 32 of length 69
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(443)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(453)
  smb_vwv[ 0]=1 (0x1)
  smb_vwv[ 1]=   46 (0x2E)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(887)
  switch message SMBsearch (pid 16976) conn 0x83c2038
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(193)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_fetch(535)
  fetching dirptr 6 for path tools/Part/xfdisk at offset 4
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_search(897)
  dptr_num is 6
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 3] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(661)
  get_dir_entry mask=[XFDISK.???] found tools/Part/xfdisk/XFDISK.INI 
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_search(974)
  SMBsearch mask=XFDISK.??? path=(tools/Part/xfdisk) dtype=19 nument=1 of 1
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(443)
[2004/07/20 09:46:13, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(453)
  smb_vwv[ 0]=1 (0x1)

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[Samba] need 100% working confs(samba with ldap backend)

2004-07-21 Thread ds_shadof
I am totaly lost with my problem... (it looks like 
https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1506 but i have problem only with profiles)
I'm asked here but no answer...

This is my solution: ^)
Somebody mail me 100% working confs... please
What i need...
entire tree of your ldap directory

Best regards,
 ds_shadof mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Samba] Samba + ADS + User Accounts

2004-07-21 Thread Christoph Scheeder
yes, samba can do that, kindof;-)
What you want is realized via pam.
You need to install the pam_mkhomedir module and configure it for all
services your users use to connect to your server.
After that the home-dir for each user will be created automagically the
first time the user trys to access the server.
But don't ask me how to do it on fedora, cause i don't know it.
pam with all its tricks and traps is verry distribution-specific.
if you used debian i could tell you more...
Dan Strohschein schrieb:

We have a windows 2003 server hosting ADS. We also have a fedora core 2 file
server running samba 3.0.2a.

We have it currently configured to join the ADS domain. We Can use Winbind
to see users, groups, etc. We can even browse samba shares from windows
computers. However one thing we don't know:

What we want to do is when a user is added to ADS for samba to create a user
directory  (like it does when you run adduser in linux) with proper
ownership of that dirrectory. Can samba do this? If so, how do we set up
samba to do that??


Dan Strohschein
Director of Software
The Wifi Link


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[Samba] Files get written with sections of log in them - destroying files.

2004-07-21 Thread Alexander Skwar

I'm having a problem with Samba 3.0.4 on a HP-UX 11.00 server. 

The problem is, that sometimes files don't get written properly; ie. 
somewhere in the middle of the file, I find a section of logs. You can 
find a sample file at 

If you open the file with a binary editor and have a look at bytes 6000 
to 16100, you'll see that something's very wrong. You'll also see that, 
if you open the file in a normal text viewer like your browser.

Any ideas at all about why something like this might happen?

Further files of interest:

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar
Sind Schäfchens Locken schwarz und braun, 
dann lehnt es am Elektrozaun. 
Und wenn es mit den Äuglein rollt, 
dann will es sagen: Zuviel Volt!

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[Samba] Upgrading PDC from 2.2.8 to 3.0.2a - WAN problems

2004-07-21 Thread Dominic Clarke
I tried to upgrade our Solaris 7  Sun E450 PDC from Samba 2.2.8 to Samba 3.0.2a 
We are running Windows 2000 desktops. Most of our users connect via our LAN , however
a significant group of users are connecting over our WAN - by a variety of methods , 
ISDN and BT-NetEquip ( 512k/2MB line ).

After the upgrade all of the users on the LAN were able to reach there network 
resources via Samba
consistently without problems. Initially , all of the users connecting via the WAN 
were also able
to get to all there network resources , but we consistently found that after 
approximately 2 to
3 hours they all lost there network resources. Attempts by WAN users to log back on 
failed. When running the login script , the error code 53 was frequently seen. 
Restarting the
Samba daemons on the PDC fixed the problem , but this is hardly a feasible solution on 
production PDC. In the end , I had to fall back to running 2.2.8.

Can anybody out there help me please ?

Thanks in advance

Dominic Clarke

Friends of The Earth


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[Samba] HELP panic with samba3\PDC\ldap == w2kServer

2004-07-21 Thread Sandro
I'm so lost

I've configured samba/ldap to act as PDC and everithing seems
to work fine, i can join easily a domain with my w2k SP4 client
but after reboot when i try to connect  to samba PDC i obtain a
message that say something like the domain is not avaiable at
the moment, try again later.

what can i do... i'm seriously tired and angry... =)

thanks everybody.

Sandro Paganotti
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Re: [Samba] Re: i need recycle bin configuration

2004-07-21 Thread Holger Krull

excerpt from that mail:
  complete configuration now goes into smb.conf, no need to create a
  separate file for it.
 vfs object = recycle
 recycle:repository = .Papierkorb/%U
Now, that's great. And really works. 
And testparm goes crazy if i ad all this, it repeats that part maybe 10 times.

Can someone please tell me where to find doku on all these parameters for recycle? 
Google wasn't that helpful this time.

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[Samba] Why this error? Unable to find Domain Master Browser

2004-07-21 Thread AndyLiebman

Can someone tell me why I'm getting this error (see below) in my daemon error log 
every hour? In my smb.conf section, I have my Linux box set to: 

wins support = yes
os level = 65

This message occurs even when all Windows workstations are shut off, so it must be 
something with my samba configuration on the Linux box. 

Help appreciated. 
Andy Liebman

Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]: [2004/07/21 06:54:34, 0] 
Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]:   find_domain_master_name_query_fail: 
Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]:   Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name 
SALES_GROUP1b for the workgroup SALES_GROUP. 
Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]:   Unable to sync browse lists in this workgroup. 
Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]: [2004/07/21 06:54:34, 0] 
Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]:   find_domain_master_name_query_fail: 
Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]:   Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name 
SALES_GROUP1b for the workgroup SALES_GROUP. 
Jul 21 06:54:34 localhost nmbd[1937]:   Unable to sync browse lists in this workgroup. 
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Re: [Samba] [[ LDAP - PDC/BDC Strategy ]]

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Gasch
there's - maybe only for me - one problem:
i can add just on IDMAP BACKEND server in smb.conf for winbindd
so if this IDMAP BACKEND (most likely PDC) fails (or better: his ldap 
server), IDMAPing also fails for winbindd

andrew told me, that it should work, but it doesn't for me under samba 

Felipe Augusto van de Wiel schrieb:

Paul Gienger wrote:
Hi Paul,
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel wrote:
:: Hi rruegner,
:: rruegner wrote:
 you dont have to struggle around,
 if you have a ldap master allready running
 setup a ldap slave on the bdc machine,
 and configure the bdc smb.conf as bdc with
 asking the ldap slve for auth
 thats all
::   Sorry but maybe I'm missing something. In my tests
:: it didn't work, because of the read only status of
:: ldap slave, the machines account password are changed
:: lots of times.
:: There are lines in the smbldap-tools package (which I
:: hope you're using by now) that you can specify a 'ldap
:: master' that will be referred to in instances where an
:: ldap-modify command is needed as opposed to a simple
:: ldap-search.
   Yes, I use smbldap-tools package! :) But, I really do
not understand how it is related with the PDC/BDC system.
Is is a 'smbd' task, the LDAP server is responsible to
make the replication, and the smbd the authentication.
   The docs are clearly to say that I need to put the
User and Group SID inside the LDAP base do allow the
Samba Server (I have 8 Samba Server, which 5 of them
are on differente networks) to act as PDC/BDC system.
In other words, if master fails, secondary will take
over the 'auth' task until the master re-appears. :)
  But AFAICT the PDC/BDC also needs the SID mapped
 inside the LDAP, and actually I doesn't have it.
:: Are you saying that the SID on each machine is
:: different?  If that is the case you need to do
:: a net getlocalsid on your pdc and then a net
:: setlocalsid (output of last command) on the bdc
:: machine.
   No, I'm not talking about machines. I'm talking
about users. Probably I have two majors problems, the
samba-3.0.0-beta2 (we'll migrate this week) and the
structure of the LDAP base, in other words, the samba
   I'm trying to discover which fields are required
for each user. Looking at SAMBA3 HOW TO, the idmap
backend is required for LDAP PDC/BDC Strategy to work,
in other words, users must have only one SID along the
entire 'Directory'.
   The point is that I'm trying to check and be sure
of what I'm doing on my 'Directory' and on my network.
// Felipe
 Matrix - more than a vision
 Michael Gasch
   - Central IT Department -
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
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[Samba] NMBLOOKUP returns double entries ???

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Gasch
when i do
nevanfs01:/ # nmblookup NEVAN#1B
i get
querying NEVAN on NEVAN1b NEVAN1b
i just wonder, why there's two times the same entry?
i also get error messages from nmbd like these, which i think are 
related to the problem i mentioned at first:

2004-07-21	13:34:21	nmbd[3150]: [2004/07/21 13:34:09, 0] 
2004-07-21	13:29:26	nmbd[3150]: This response was from IP, 
reporting an IP address of 	
2004-07-21	13:29:26	nmbd[3150]: query_name_response: Multiple (2) 
responses received for a query on subnet for 		   name 

here's my smb.conf for the PDC (
   workgroup = NEVAN
   netbios name = nevanpdc
   server string = NevanPDC on Samba Version: %v
   username map = /etc/samba/username.map
   log level = 5
   log file = /var/lib/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 1
-- snip ---
   guest ok = no
   guest account = Guest
   security = user
   os level = 65
   domain master = yes
   local master = yes
   preferred master = yes
   domain logons = yes
   logon path =
   logon home =
   encrypt passwords = yes
   wins support = yes
   dns proxy = no
   add machine script = /root/bin/BDC/addmachine.sh '%u'
   display charset = UTF8
   unix charset = UTF8
could you point me to a solution?
 Matrix - more than a vision
 Michael Gasch
   - Central IT Department -
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
04103 Leipzig
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[Samba] Re: Samba Multiple Subnets

2004-07-21 Thread Honey Bajaj

  I have installed Samba 3.0.5 pre1 as PDC and two domain member servers with winbind 
which is catering to two subnets containing only windows 9x clients, the samba PDC is 
also configured as Wins server. The PDC and the member servers are in the same subnet 
i.e., and the other subnet is seperated by a linux 
router, now how can I make the windows 9x clients to domain logon  from the second 
subnet ( which only contains windows 9x clients, I have added the wins 
server address on all the clients in both the sunbets, but from the second subnet my 
windows 9x clients are unable to logon to domain. Please suggest me some solution.

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Re: [Samba] Winbind on AIX

2004-07-21 Thread Stephane DAVY

Thanks for the tip, it works better now. Not perfectly, but I think we
have to fix a few things on our DC


Le mar 20/07/2004 à 15:54, Anders Larsson a écrit :
 yes we are using samba/winbind as auth against AD 2003 server
 u need to join your domain ner join -U username%password
 and then wbinfo -set-auth-user=username%pass
 and modify methods
 and modify /etc/security/user
  SYSTEM = WINBIND or compat
 and conf your smb.conf for winbind
 Regards Anders
 On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 02:26:48PM +0200, Stephane DAVY wrote:
  Deal all,
  I'd like to use winbind capabilities on AIX servers (AIX 4.3.3 and AIX
  5.2). In particular, I'd like to define share access based on NT group.
  I think I've successfully setup my Samba suite, I've entered my AIX box
  in my NT domain and playing with wbinfo (-t, or -a user%passwd) works
  As told in the documentation, I've copied the WINBIND module under
  /usr/lib/security, and modify the methods.cfg file like that:
  program = /usr/lib/security/WINBIND
  and... it doesn't work.
  Does some of you have some experience with the AIX plateform?
  Thanks a lot
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[Samba] XP - strange profile handling

2004-07-21 Thread Andre Helberg
Hi all,

I'm using samba 3.0.2a with openldap as PDC with roaming profiles.

one xp client has only been able to load the profile from the server
after I set nt acl support = yes for the profiles share.

Now the problem is that this xp client writes everything directly into the 
profile folder on the server, instead of doing this when the user logs off.

Thanks in advance for any hint,

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[Samba] Re: Samba/LDAP/PDC Questions

2004-07-21 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1
| Subject:
| [Samba] Samba/LDAP/PDC Questions
| From:
| Date:
| Mon, 19 Jul 2004 21:10:29 + (UTC)
| To:
| Greetings!
| I created a Samba/OpenLDAP/smbldap-tools Primary Domain Controller. So
| I am able to do the folowing:
| 1. Using USRMGR,EXE to administrating users and groups.
| 2. Adding Windows 2000, XP workstation on the fly.
| 3. PDBEDIT/SMBLDAP-TOOLS/GQ all works as they suppose to.
| 4. LDAP autheticate unix accounts.
| However, I am not able to to the following:
| 1. Cannot joint an NT machine (SP6a) into the domwin. It keeps
| saying that the Machine account is not available or not accessible even
| if I manually added the machine account manually using smbldap-useradd
| NT$.
| 2. Cannot use SRVMGR.EXE to add machine to domain. It complains
| Access Denied, though I can do other things like change the permission
| of a share etc.
| 3. Cannot join an existing domain after I configure it as a BDC
| with the PDC's SID. It complains Failed to setup BDC creds.
| It looks like the communication between samba and openldap is OK since I
| can managing user/group with USRMGR.EXE. However, a few questions puzzles
| me:
| 1. In what situtation do I need People group as the group for
| machines?
In the case where you use:
If you use:
then you can have machine accounts anywhere you like under dc=ab,dc=com
- --
Buchan Milne  Senior Support Technician
Obsidian Systems  http://www.obsidian.co.za
B.EngRHCE (803004789010797)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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Re: [Samba] Re: i need recycle bin configuration

2004-07-21 Thread Christoph Scheeder
if testparm goes crazy on these parameters, are you shure its the
testparm matching the smbd you are running? perhaps its a leftover older 
version which doesnt know these values? mine doesn't complain.
And yes the doc's for this are not easy to find.
AFAIR i found these parameters in the HTML-doc's comming with the new 
versions of samba.

Holger Krull schrieb:

excerpt from that mail:
  complete configuration now goes into smb.conf, no need to create a
  separate file for it.
 vfs object = recycle
 recycle:repository = .Papierkorb/%U

Now, that's great. And really works. And testparm goes crazy if i ad all 
this, it repeats that part maybe 10 times.

Can someone please tell me where to find doku on all these parameters 
for recycle? Google wasn't that helpful this time.

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Re: [Samba] Problem with umlaut on windows server

2004-07-21 Thread Manfred Odenstein
I've had nearly the same problem. I've fixed the character mapping with the 
following entries in the smb.conf ([global] section):
dos charset = 850
unix charset = ISO8859-15

but you have to determine which charset your unix file system is really using, 
maybe another one could help you to determine *shame*, I've forgotten how I 
was doing that :-(

I also run into problems with umlauts (without samba) using jfs, so I switched 
to xfs and I'm happy with it.

but I think there is no way to avoid renaming of scrambled 


Am Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2004 09:16 schrieb Weimann Philipp:
 Hallo Samba-users,

 I've got a problem mounting a windows-share via mount / smbmount:
 The mount itself works without any problem, but when I try to enter a
 directory with a Umlaut (such as ,,) the command fails. All the
 umlauts are replaced with a question mark when I ls in the directory
 which contains the directory with the umlaut.

 Changing the character set results in equal problems:
 The umlauts are shown as Block-Symbol ( - if you cant see it: it's ASCII
 sign Nr. 177, see http://www.asciitable.com/) but entering a directory
 works. Unfortunately any further actions fail, i.e. listing the content of
 the directory quits with an IO Error.

 Browsing the share with the smb:// tool of the Konqueror returns correct
 umlauts, but entering a directory is also not possible.

 What can I do to get the Windows-Shares displayed correctly ?

 Renaming is unfortunately not an option.

 Client: RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0; Samba 3.0;
 Server: Windows 2000 Server in a Domain;

 Thanks in advance for your help,

 Philipp Weimann
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Re: [Samba] unable to join domain hosted by 3.0 PDC

2004-07-21 Thread Jeff Layton
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 01:54:52PM +0200, Nikola Vanevski wrote:
 I experienced the same problem a couple of days ago. It is a 
 misconfiguration in global parameters, but I don't exactly know where. I 
 copied the smb.conf [Globals] options from a working server and it fixed 
 the problem. Because I was in a great hurry, I did not check where did I 
 go wrong. Here are the parameters that worked on _my_ server : 
 (smbpasswd backend)
workgroup = MBPR2
server string = Samba Server
interfaces =, eth0
bind interfaces only = Yes
map to guest = Bad User
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd  -c Machine -d 
 /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %m$
logon path =
logon home =
domain logons = Yes
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com
ldap ssl = no
printer admin = @ntadmin, root, administrator
 Hope this helps. If you find what's going on (like the difference 
 between your settings and these), Id like to know.

Thanks for the info. I eventually found another way to solve it. I had:

  invalid users = root

so I commented that out, and was then able to use the root account to
join the domain. I'd like to be able to figure out how to do it using a
non-root account, though. Apparently it should be possible to do so if
the account is a member of the Domain Admins, but that didn't seem to
work for me.

It would be nice to know what privileges are required to add machines to
the domain, so you could delegate out that privilege without having to
use the root account. Any samba experts care to comment?

-- Jeff

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Re: [Samba] unable to join domain hosted by 3.0 PDC

2004-07-21 Thread Craig White
On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 05:30, Jeff Layton wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 01:54:52PM +0200, Nikola Vanevski wrote:
  I experienced the same problem a couple of days ago. It is a 
  misconfiguration in global parameters, but I don't exactly know where. I 
  copied the smb.conf [Globals] options from a working server and it fixed 
  the problem. Because I was in a great hurry, I did not check where did I 
  go wrong. Here are the parameters that worked on _my_ server : 
  (smbpasswd backend)
 workgroup = MBPR2
 server string = Samba Server
 interfaces =, eth0
 bind interfaces only = Yes
 map to guest = Bad User
 username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
 add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd  -c Machine -d 
  /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %m$
 logon path =
 logon home =
 domain logons = Yes
 os level = 65
 preferred master = Yes
 domain master = Yes
 ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com
 ldap ssl = no
 printer admin = @ntadmin, root, administrator
  Hope this helps. If you find what's going on (like the difference 
  between your settings and these), Id like to know.
 Thanks for the info. I eventually found another way to solve it. I had:
   invalid users = root
 so I commented that out, and was then able to use the root account to
 join the domain. I'd like to be able to figure out how to do it using a
 non-root account, though. Apparently it should be possible to do so if
 the account is a member of the Domain Admins, but that didn't seem to
 work for me.
 It would be nice to know what privileges are required to add machines to
 the domain, so you could delegate out that privilege without having to
 use the root account. Any samba experts care to comment?

You don't give details on your configuration but generally...

A member of 'Domain Admins' (RID 512)
root = Administrator administrator etc.
user with uidnumber of 0


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2004-07-21 Thread Rafael Paris
Hi everyone...
Can somebody help me?
I've sent this last Sunday but nobody has replied.


-Mensaje original-
De: Rafael Paris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Domingo, 18 de Julio de 2004 06:58 p.m.

Good afternoon everyone.
I'm trying to set account control flags and password expire policies but i
don't succeed.
Please help. Need a lot a direction in this.

I ran the command: pdbedit -c [L ] -u username But nothing changes at all.

I also ran: pdbedit -P bad lockout attempt -C 3 and it says to have
changed the policy to that new value but the account does not get locked or
disabled after a lot of wrong passwords.

Thanks in advanced.


Rafael Paris
Gerente de Sistemas Casino
pagina web/page: www.hotelmaruma.com
Telefono/Phone: 0058 261 730 27 70
Fax: 0058 261 730 28 10

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Re: [Samba] Re: Samba/LDAP/PDC Questions

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Gienger

| 1. In what situtation do I need People group as the group for
| machines?
In the case where you use:
If you use:

Would people please stop suggesting this without explaining the 
ramifications?  If you do this, you are going to (theoretically)(1) 
severely harm the performance on your server.  Setting the nss library 
to do a search on the 'entire' directory every time it needs to look up 
user information is asinine to put it in a word.  It's like doing this 
in DNS terms... rather than looking for a machine named 
'something.else.com' in the dns servers for else.com you go ask .com who 
then goes in and asks else.com by proxy.  Doing the first example (the 
one searching with ?one) you are restricting searches to a respectable 
scope, doing the second you are searching all OUs which may be numerous 
and deep (in our LDAP tree we have 10 OUs, two of which are at least 3 
levels deep). 

You would be better served by defining ou=Computers and ou=People under 
something like ou=Accounts (which would give you DNs of
ou=Computers,ou=Accounts,dc=ab,dc=com and

and then then set:
Note that I'm not saying that doing a sub search is necessarily bad, 
just when you are searching your entire ldap DIT, especially for 
something that happens as often as passwd lookups.

(1) I say theoretically because I've never tried it, it's a Bad Idea(C) 
from the word go.   There are a lot of other things that I haven't tried 
that are bad ideas but I can safely say they are also dangerous, such as 
sticking forks in my eyes and jumping off cliffs.

Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc. 
Information Systems Consultant   Fax:701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.commailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Samba] Windows 2000/2003 shares - danish character problem.

2004-07-21 Thread Martin Moeller
Hello all.

I have been given an assignment to mount a share automatically for each
user using a given Linux machine (Mandrake 10 in this case). This is
working fine, thanks to pam_mount, BUT:

The mounted share contains national characters like this: æ ø å.

The problem I'm having is that when I mount these on Linux the 'ø' looks
like 'o' but cannot be accessed like that. It says the file or directory
doesn't exist (and it has a point). I have seen this on both Windows
2000 and Windows 2003 Server. Interestingly enough there are no problems
with Windows XP, as long as I use codepage=cp850 to mount with.

I have tried these codepages: cp437, cp850, cp865, cp1250, cp1251, utf8
I even tried 'latin1' just to see what would happen.

I guess there is something that should be changed on the Windows machine
for this to work? If so does anyone know what that would be?

Part of the problem is that it is a literal 'o' that is shown in the
Linux filesystem but when this filename is requested of the Windows
server it of course denies any knowledge of such a thing.

When I write a file that has 'æøå' *inside* there are no problems
displaying that. I have tried googling for clues for quite a while now
and haven't found that much other than 'chcp 850' on the Windows
machine. This doesn't seem to alleviate the problem when the Windows box
is the server... Is it a matter of forcing cp850 at a much earlier state
(running just chcp gives '437')?

Any takers? :)


Martin Moeller
Liga LinDist ApS.
Faelledvej 16D
DK-2200  Copenhagen N
Tel: +45 35 36 95 05
Fax: +45 35 36 92 05


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Re: [Samba] Re: i need recycle bin configuration

2004-07-21 Thread Holger Krull
testparm matching the smbd you are running? perhaps its a leftover older 
version which doesnt know these values? mine doesn't complain.
No, it is the same version, i tested on a 3.0.5rc1-SUSE. Seems there is more 
broken than that.
Swat doesn't work right and the html help seems incomplete, but only testing

And yes the doc's for this are not easy to find.
Now i that i know what to look for...
It's even in the Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf.
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2004-07-21 Thread Craig White
On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 06:44, Rafael Paris wrote:
 Hi everyone...
 Can somebody help me?
 I've sent this last Sunday but nobody has replied.
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Rafael Paris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Enviado el: Domingo, 18 de Julio de 2004 06:58 p.m.
 Good afternoon everyone.
 I'm trying to set account control flags and password expire policies but i
 don't succeed.
 Please help. Need a lot a direction in this.
 I ran the command: pdbedit -c [L ] -u username But nothing changes at all.
 I also ran: pdbedit -P bad lockout attempt -C 3 and it says to have
 changed the policy to that new value but the account does not get locked or
 disabled after a lot of wrong passwords.
 Thanks in advanced.

I believe that this was covered last week - you might want to search the
archives or bugzilla.

You don't mention which version of Samba you are using and if it was the
bug discussed last week, it likely won't be fixed until 3.0.5


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[Samba] remaining connection after a user logoff

2004-07-21 Thread Gilles RENAULT
We have a samba 3.0.3 server on win xp sp1 stations. When a user logoff, 
it remains connections between the station and the server. Is there a 
way to have a clean logoff?

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[Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

2004-07-21 Thread Poulson, Shawn
Hello again,

I'm not attempting an install of Samba 3.0.4 from source.  I want to specifically 
compile in ads and winbindd support.  So, I already compiled and installed OpenLDAP 

Now the configure script is hung on krb5 dependancy:
checking for krb5.h... no
configure: error: Active Directory cannot be supported without krb5.h

So I downloaded and attempted compile of krb5 1.3.4, but I got this error:
/root/stuff/krb5-1.3.4/src/appl/telnet/telnet/telnet.c:783: undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Upon searching kerberos list archives, there was a complaint about this error and 
having to reinstall ncurses to satisfy this reference.  
http://mailman.mit.edu/pipermail/kerberos/2004-May/005452.html   However, when I 
compile ncurses 5.3, I get an error about g++ not being installed.

This seems like an endless dependancy.  Any tips on making samba configure script 

Shawn Poulson
SAP America, IT/PSS
(610) 661-5011

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RE: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

2004-07-21 Thread Poulson, Shawn
Typo... I'm now attempting...  doh 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Poulson, Shawn
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:47 AM
Subject: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

Hello again,

I'm not attempting an install of Samba 3.0.4 from source.  I want to specifically 
compile in ads and winbindd support.  So, I already compiled and installed OpenLDAP 

Now the configure script is hung on krb5 dependancy:
checking for krb5.h... no
configure: error: Active Directory cannot be supported without krb5.h

So I downloaded and attempted compile of krb5 1.3.4, but I got this error:
/root/stuff/krb5-1.3.4/src/appl/telnet/telnet/telnet.c:783: undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Upon searching kerberos list archives, there was a complaint about this error and 
having to reinstall ncurses to satisfy this reference.  
http://mailman.mit.edu/pipermail/kerberos/2004-May/005452.html   However, when I 
compile ncurses 5.3, I get an error about g++ not being installed.

This seems like an endless dependancy.  Any tips on making samba configure script 

Shawn Poulson
SAP America, IT/PSS
(610) 661-5011

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Re: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

2004-07-21 Thread Tom Skeren
What O.S.?
Poulson, Shawn wrote:
Typo... I'm now attempting...  doh 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Poulson, Shawn
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:47 AM
Subject: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5
Hello again,
I'm not attempting an install of Samba 3.0.4 from source.  I want to specifically 
compile in ads and winbindd support.  So, I already compiled and installed OpenLDAP 
Now the configure script is hung on krb5 dependancy:
checking for krb5.h... no
configure: error: Active Directory cannot be supported without krb5.h
So I downloaded and attempted compile of krb5 1.3.4, but I got this error:
/root/stuff/krb5-1.3.4/src/appl/telnet/telnet/telnet.c:783: undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Upon searching kerberos list archives, there was a complaint about this error and having to 
reinstall ncurses to satisfy this reference.  
http://mailman.mit.edu/pipermail/kerberos/2004-May/005452.html   However, when I 
compile ncurses 5.3, I get an error about g++ not being installed.
This seems like an endless dependancy.  Any tips on making samba configure script 
Shawn Poulson
SAP America, IT/PSS
(610) 661-5011

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RE: [Samba] Does Admin Users = accept groups?

2004-07-21 Thread Kit Gerrits
As I recall, there are 2 things to bear in mind:

Samba 3.0 has dropped the admin users= setting. There is only one true
domain administrator: root.

Also, Samba now uses NT Groups the way it is supposed to, with SID and all.
More info can be found by looking up the 'net groupmap' command.

If you map the default NT group Domain Administrators, you can do admin
users the official way.
Also, you'll notice that the number of errors about groups in the samba log
falls considerably ;-)

Good luck!


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Michael Lueck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: donderdag 15 juli 2004 18:20
Onderwerp: [Samba] Does Admin Users = accept groups?

man smb.conf does not specifically say admin users supports @groupname
syntax. Google turns up lots of examples of it being used, but everyone
hanging their smb.conf's up to air does not mean they are 100% accurate

Here, Samba 3.0.4 in PDC mode, I can not get it to accept the name of a
group in /etc/group, user ID's only.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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[Samba] How do you create an accout that can ONLY add workstations to the domain

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Lueck
Is there some way to configure a special account which is able to only join workstations to the domain? I believe the operation talks over IPC$ - such as the NETDOM.EXE command. Can one set admin 
users for IPC$ and thus join the domain without allowing that special account too much access to Samba.

Maybe one extension of this would be allowing to join workstations to the domain plus 
read only access to a share to draw files down from while preparing the computer.
Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
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RE: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

2004-07-21 Thread Poulson, Shawn
SuSE United Linux 1.0 (aka SuSE 8.1 Enterprise)

-Original Message-
From: Tom Skeren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 12:09 PM
To: Poulson, Shawn
Subject: Re: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

What O.S.?
Poulson, Shawn wrote:

Typo... I'm now attempting...  doh

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
Of Poulson, Shawn
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:47 AM
Subject: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

Hello again,

I'm not attempting an install of Samba 3.0.4 from source.  I want to specifically 
compile in ads and winbindd support.  So, I already compiled and installed OpenLDAP 

Now the configure script is hung on krb5 dependancy:
checking for krb5.h... no
configure: error: Active Directory cannot be supported without krb5.h

So I downloaded and attempted compile of krb5 1.3.4, but I got this error:
/root/stuff/krb5-1.3.4/src/appl/telnet/telnet/telnet.c:783: undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Upon searching kerberos list archives, there was a complaint about this error and 
having to reinstall ncurses to satisfy this reference.  
http://mailman.mit.edu/pipermail/kerberos/2004-May/005452.html   However, when I 
compile ncurses 5.3, I get an error about g++ not being installed.

This seems like an endless dependancy.  Any tips on making samba configure script 

Shawn Poulson
SAP America, IT/PSS
(610) 661-5011


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Re: [Samba] How do you create an accout that can ONLY add workstations to the domain

2004-07-21 Thread Paul Gienger
Michael Lueck wrote:
Is there some way to configure a special account which is able to only 
join workstations to the domain? I believe the operation talks over 
IPC$ - such as the NETDOM.EXE command. Can one set admin users for 
IPC$ and thus join the domain without allowing that special account 
too much access to Samba.
The criteria that defines whether or not you can join machines is 
usually whether or not you can add system users in UNIX.  Traditionally 
this has meant that you need root (or uid=0) access.  With LDAP (as I 
think you are using, no?) I believe this requirement may have been 
blurred since you can define an ACL for adding things in the LDAP store.

You could maybe define a smb.conf include based on the user and/or group 
(there have been examples of this) and then only have the create script 
defined in that .conf file. 

This is just a thought off the top of my head, not that I've tried it or 
anything.  I may have to look at this myself though since sometimes our 
remote admin-less office needs to add a new machine.

Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc. 
Information Systems Consultant   Fax:701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.commailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Samba] unable to join domain hosted by 3.0 PDC

2004-07-21 Thread Derek Harkness
I ran into a similar problem and finally determine that I didn't have 
the group mapping correct.  Do a net groupmap list a verify the your 
Domain Admins group is mapped to the correct unix group and that 
whatever user you're using is in that group.

I was having trouble mostly because of my own stupidity, and a few ldap 
issues.  I used a net groupmap add instead of the proper net 
groupmap modify then I ran into a nss_ldap problem, since all my users 
live in ldap.

On Jul 21, 2004, at 8:30 AM, Jeff Layton wrote:
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 01:54:52PM +0200, Nikola Vanevski wrote:
I experienced the same problem a couple of days ago. It is a
misconfiguration in global parameters, but I don't exactly know 
where. I
copied the smb.conf [Globals] options from a working server and it 
the problem. Because I was in a great hurry, I did not check where 
did I
go wrong. Here are the parameters that worked on _my_ server :
(smbpasswd backend)

   workgroup = MBPR2
   server string = Samba Server
   interfaces =, eth0
   bind interfaces only = Yes
   map to guest = Bad User
   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
   add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd  -c Machine -d
/var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %m$
   logon path =
   logon home =
   domain logons = Yes
   os level = 65
   preferred master = Yes
   domain master = Yes
   ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com
   ldap ssl = no
   printer admin = @ntadmin, root, administrator
Hope this helps. If you find what's going on (like the difference
between your settings and these), Id like to know.
Thanks for the info. I eventually found another way to solve it. I had:
  invalid users = root
so I commented that out, and was then able to use the root account to
join the domain. I'd like to be able to figure out how to do it using a
non-root account, though. Apparently it should be possible to do so if
the account is a member of the Domain Admins, but that didn't seem to
work for me.
It would be nice to know what privileges are required to add machines 
the domain, so you could delegate out that privilege without having to
use the root account. Any samba experts care to comment?

-- Jeff
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[Samba] Re: How do you create an accout that can ONLY add workstations to the domain

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Lueck
Paul Gienger wrote:
The criteria that defines whether or not you can join machines is 
usually whether or not you can add system users in UNIX.
I guess I should have explained a bit more of what I have tried and chatted with 
John Terpstra about.
# initGrps.sh
net groupmap modify ntgroup=Domain Admins  unixgroup=domadmin
(These two allow Win2K ifmember.exe /list to see that the logged in user is a domain 
admin, but the ID can not add workstations to the domain...)
# /etc/samba/smb.conf
   admin users = @domadmin
And then the account may finally add workstations.
So that's all fine and dandy except now I have a utility ID in script files with 
passwords that has way too many permissions to the domain.
On a side note, if I remove the account from /etc/group yet leave it in the admin users = list, ifmember.exe /list no longer sees the domain admin membership, but joining the workstations to the 
domain still works. So, admin users = seems to be key for now, but it is unclear which share needs it, as admin users is a share level setting per the docs.

Some shares are created automatically if you do not specify / override the default settings. I'm thinking if I knew what share was critical I could add a section of that name, admin users = under it, 
and lock this ID to being an admin only for that one required share... IPC$ maybe? I am not turing up anyone doing an [IPC$] share, but I just might try it...

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
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Re: [Samba] strange DOS-Error 58

2004-07-21 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 09:18:25AM +0200, Ulf Dettmer wrote:
 based on Bart Lagerweij's ( www.nu2.nu ) bootdisk, I've created a small 
 DOS system that users can start by booting from network ( PXE ). The 
 system is configured to map a network drive from a Suse 9.0 Pro / Samba 
 server with various tools on it. The connection is anonymous.
 Until recently everything worked fine but suddenly there are strange 
 When I try to launch an EXE from that share I get Access denied. After 
 that I can no longer work with that share. No matter what I do ( e.g. 
 'dir' ) the result is 'Extended Error 58'. Also, when I copy an EXE from 
 the share to the bootdisk's ramdrive, the file seems to get broken - the 
 computer hangs up as soon as I launch it from the ramdrive.
 Apart from starting programs I can do almost everything on the network 
 drive, e.g. 'type' a text file or execute all other kinds DOS commands.
 This problem does not occur at all when I access the same share from a 
 WinXP box.
 I'm pretty sure the only change in the whole system was an upgrade from 
 Samba 3.0.4 to 3.0.5RC1 . That was because of a printing problem. For 
 this reason I would not want to downgrade back to Samba 3.0.4.
 You will find the usual bunch of logs and conf's below. Thanks in 
 advance for any help you can give !
 Regards, Ulf

Can you give me an image of that system so I can test this ?
I don't want the network boot, but a floppy boot so I can
test on vmware.


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[Samba] Oh Yea! Re: How do you create an accout that can ONLY add workstations to the domain

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Lueck
I just added...
   admin users = installer
to the end of my smb.conf and the installer ID is able to join workstations to the domain. I get an entry in the smbd log that no path was specified so it is using /tmp... where does IPC$ usually 
point, if not /tmp then I should make it the same as what it was with no [IPC$] specified.

Any ideas what other default settings I have now destroyed by doing this [IPC$] share 
Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
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2004-07-21 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 09:44:53AM -0400, Rafael Paris wrote:
 Hi everyone...
 Can somebody help me?
 I've sent this last Sunday but nobody has replied.
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Rafael Paris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Enviado el: Domingo, 18 de Julio de 2004 06:58 p.m.
 Good afternoon everyone.
 I'm trying to set account control flags and password expire policies but i
 don't succeed.
 Please help. Need a lot a direction in this.
 I ran the command: pdbedit -c [L ] -u username But nothing changes at all.
 I also ran: pdbedit -P bad lockout attempt -C 3 and it says to have
 changed the policy to that new value but the account does not get locked or
 disabled after a lot of wrong passwords.

Actually I'm pretty sure I did reply. It's a bug, and I've
fixed it in SVN - it'll be in the next release. Sorry for
the problem.

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[Samba] Re: remaining connection after a user logoff

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Lueck
If you are in a domain (PDC) configuration a machine connection will always exist 
while the client PC is on the LAN.
Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
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[Samba] LPRng and Samba: Problems with print queue administration

2004-07-21 Thread Peter Daum

could it be that recent versions of samba have some problems when
collaborating with LPRng? I have a bunch of windows clients printing
via Samba and LPRng and ran into the following problems:

- In my environment it is desirable that people can kill other
  people's print jobs. LPRng is configured accordingly and works
  correctly. The corresponding Samba shares have no restrictions on
  them, so everybody can print and the permissions for manipulating
  the print queue are (or better: were) exclusively based on the LPRng
  setup. Currently however, only the owner of a print job can cancel
  it, everybody else gets a permission denied reply.

- furthermore I noticed, that Samba does not always show all the
  entries in the print queue. I couldn't discover any pattern, some
  print jobs are not reported at all, others first show up in the
  queue and disappear from Samba's queue list while lpq still shows them.

The basic setup has not changed in quite a while and used to work
without problems, so the relevant change must have been some samba
upgrade. Right now I am running samba 2.2.9 (with 3.0.x it's the
same). Unfortunately these problems were just brought to my attention,
so I can't tell which was the last correctly working samba version.
LPRng has all the time been vesion 3.6.24 and works as it should.
Client OS doesn't matter, the problems can be reproduced directly on
the (Linux) server using smbclient.

Any ideas?

  Peter Daum

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Re: [Samba] Files get written with sections of log in them - destroying files.

2004-07-21 Thread Alexander Skwar
Herb Lewis wrote:
 Did you by any chance get a log rotate about the time of the corruption?

You mean the Samba logs, don't you (ie. not the logs from syslog and the

 We have seen these things in the past but they have never been reproducible

Yes. I also cannot really reproduce it - ie. I cannot do X and have the
file be destroyed. I wish I were able to :(

 so have been hard to track down.

Yep. Don't you just hate those Heisenbugs? Well, I do :(

 At one time I had a theory that something
 was going wrong at the time the logs reached the max size and were being
 rotated because all the cases had a max log size set. Can you check your
 logs and see if you have an old log that ends about the time of the
 log entries that were inserted into your file?

Well, at least that's a theory. Tomorrow when I'm back at work, I'll for
sure checkt that.

PS: Why did you reply off-list?

Alexander Skwar
printk(KERN_WARNING Warning: defective CD-ROM (volume sequence
number). Enabling \cruft\ mount option.\n);
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/fs/isofs/inode.c
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[Samba] samba 3.0.4 and OS/2 Warp server

2004-07-21 Thread Sterck Serge
Since release of samba 3.0.4 I can mounted a smb share from a os/2 warp
after tracing and comparing version 3.0.3 against 3.0.4 there is a problem
when sending
the username to the OS/2 PDC so you always received access deny because the
that is sended by samba is mess with the group is there a fix available ?

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[Samba] samba and windows logons with roaming profiles

2004-07-21 Thread Mark Prescott
I have got smaba 3.0.4 running as a PDC on a mandrake linux server utilizing
roaming profiles  and would like to be able to limit a users login to one
per network.  Does anyone have any examples of a logon/logoff script that
say for example creats a file and checks for it upon logon if its there it
would not permit the user to logon until they loged out of the other
machine?? or is there a damon i can run on my server to keep track of this
or will samba itself do it?? ANY ideas will be much appreciated!! Please
help, Mark
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Re: [Samba] samba 3.0.4 and OS/2 Warp server

2004-07-21 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 11:34:22AM +0200, Sterck Serge wrote:
 Since release of samba 3.0.4 I can mounted a smb share from a os/2 warp
 after tracing and comparing version 3.0.3 against 3.0.4 there is a problem
 when sending
 the username to the OS/2 PDC so you always received access deny because the
 that is sended by samba is mess with the group is there a fix available ?

Logs please !

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[Samba] [MailServer Notification] To External Sender: file blocking setti ngs matched and action was taken.

2004-07-21 Thread System Attendant
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message.  The message
details were: 
Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
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Action taken on message:
The attachment Fish.cpl matched file blocking settings. ScanMail took the
action: Deleted. 
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blocking action taken.
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[Samba] pam_smbpass: Cannot access samba password database

2004-07-21 Thread Gary Algier
I think pam_smbpass it is not initializing all the parameters from smb.conf.
This exhibits itself as Cannot access samba password database messages
in the syslog.  I ran my test code using truss and there are
some interesting open() calls:
20247:  open64(/secrets.tdb, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600)= 3
20247:  open64(, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0644) Err#2 ENOENT
20247:  open64(, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0644) Err#2 ENOENT
I _know_ that my private directory is not set to /.  And what are
those attempts to open ?
This is Samba 3.0.4 built on Solaris 9 using gcc 3.2.3 with:
./configure \
--prefix=/opt/ulcmit \
--sysconfdir=/etc/ulcmit \
--localstatedir=/var/ulcmit \
--with-configdir=/etc/ulcmit/samba \
--with-privatedir=/var/ulcmit/samba/private \
--with-lockdir=/var/ulcmit/samba/locks \
--with-piddir=/var/ulcmit/samba/locks \
--with-logfilebase=/var/ulcmit/samba/log \
--without-readline \
--with-ldap \
--with-acl-support \
--with-quotas \
--with-utmp \
--enable-cups \
--without-winbind \
--with-pam_smbpass \
I tried setting the PAM argument smbconf=... to a file that
explicitly sets the private directory and it still tries to
open /secrets.tdb and .
Anyone know how to get pam_smbpass to use the right parameters?
Gary Algier, WB2FWZ  gaa at ulticom.com +1 856 787 2758
Ulticom Inc., 1020 Briggs Rd, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054  Fax:+1 856 866 2033
Nielsen's First Law of Computer Manuals:
People don't read documentation voluntarily.
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Re: [Samba] Compiling Samba 3.0.4, err w/ krb5

2004-07-21 Thread Greg Folkert
On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 11:46, Poulson, Shawn wrote:
 Hello again,
 I'm not attempting an install of Samba 3.0.4 from source.  I want to
 specifically compile in ads and winbindd support.  So, I already
 compiled and installed OpenLDAP 2.2.13.
If you are not attempting to install samba from source, how are you
going to get ads and winbindd support? What does OpenLDAP have to do
with doing up samba for ads and winbind?

 Now the configure script is hung on krb5 dependancy:
 checking for krb5.h... no
 configure: error: Active Directory cannot be supported without krb5.h

That is a sticker. you need to have  version of krb5 installed, either

 So I downloaded and attempted compile of krb5 1.3.4, but I got this
 /root/stuff/krb5-1.3.4/src/appl/telnet/telnet/telnet.c:783: undefined
 reference to `tgetent'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 Upon searching kerberos list archives, there was a complaint about
 this error and having to reinstall ncurses to satisfy this reference.

Good on the D/L of MIT KRB5 1.3.4. Shucks, ncurses. well, you downloaded

 However, when I compile ncurses 5.3, I get an error about g++ not
 being installed.

Well, that is a biggy. you might have gcc installed (the C compiler) but
not have the C++ compiler g++ installed. It happens to all of us.

 This seems like an endless dependancy.  Any tips on making samba
 configure script happy?

Yes, how long have been an admin of a *NIX machine? I can say I have had
to deal with things like this for eons. If you do it often enough, you
get good at it. I used to update whole Linux machine with touch RPM or
any other package manager. Mainly they screwed up everything I needed
left as is (config wise). So, I used Slackware. Now I use Debian Sid.

Now, remember I said alot. But gave no real answer. You asked alot but
gave us no clues how to help you.

What *NIX are you using.  Is it a Linux or *BSD? If it is Linux which
distro is it? 

When you can tell us the answers, we can help.


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[Samba] changing passwords with pam_winbind.so

2004-07-21 Thread Mat Allgood
From what I can find in the archives I don't see an answer to this,
plus the keywords are just so common that it makes it impossible to
sift though all the information, so I thought I would  ask.
I have a working smb.conf and windbind is working just fine.  I am
authentication users to a Win2K machine which is the PDC.  The
authentication is working just fine.  Its the password changes that
are making life hard.  I am doing pass through authentication for POP
and IMAP to the 2k machine, but I need a way to change the password
via PAM, eg a pam password module that works.  I have the following
setup in my pop pam file:

auth sufficient pam_winbind.so
auth required   pam_unix_auth.so use_first_pass
account  sufficient pam_winbind.so
account  required   pam_unix_acct.so use_first_pass
password required   pam_unix_passwd.so
session  required   pam_unix_session.so

as I said, this works.  Now, when I try to change the password via the
same winbind pam module, it won't change.  The strange part is
smbpasswd works fine when called as
'smbpasswd -r (PDC NAME) username'.
Am I running around in circles trying to get something to work that won't?
I've considered writing my own PAM interface based on the smbpasswd
code and a pam password module.  Any thoughts?

Thanks all,

Mat Allgood
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Re: [Samba] Oh Yea! Re: How do you create an accout that can ONLY add workstations to the domain

2004-07-21 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Michael Lueck wrote:
| I just added...
| [IPC$]
|admin users = installer
| to the end of my smb.conf and the installer ID is able
| to join  workstations to the domain. I get an entry in
| the smbd log that no path  was specified so it is using
| /tmp... where does IPC$ usually point, if
| not /tmp then I should make it the same as what it
| was with no [IPC$]  specified.
| Any ideas what other default settings I have now
| destroyed by doing this  [IPC$] share specification?
You get points for cleverness.  However, I don't think this
is a good idea (there's an open bug against it somewhere)
and will probably not work in a future version of Samba.
We're are working on the correct fix for doing what
you want.  Just a little tied up.

cheers, jerry
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[Samba] Ill formed hosts line error

2004-07-21 Thread Mike
When I mount a Windows share from my Linux computer I get his error:

getlmhostsent: Ill formed hosts line []
getlmhostsent: Ill formed hosts line []
getlmhostsent: Ill formed hosts line []

I am running kernel Linux 2.6.7-rc3-love1

What does this error mean. The share seems to work for the most part but
is a little flakey sometimes.


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[Samba] Problems with samba in Irix 6.5

2004-07-21 Thread Alan . RAMIREZ

I have a problem with samba. I have already installed samba 2.2.8a.2,
and i configurated the samba and shares bellow is attached my
smb.conf. I can not open the swap since my SGI workstation only from
my pc. I have tried to see the shares from my explorer in Windows XP,
but i can not see the shares.

can some body help me to fix the configuration?

# Global parameters
workgroup = CATIA
netbios name = CATIA
security = SHARE
map to guest = Bad User
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *ew*password:* %n\n *e-enter*new*password:* %n\n
log level = 2
wins support = Yes
#   hosts allow = *
comment = Temporary file space
path = /usr/tmp
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

comment = Matrix one applications Directoy
path = /MODELS/matrix
read only = No

comment = Esto es una prueba
path = /DATA/users
read only = No


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[Samba] Password Incorrect

2004-07-21 Thread James Coggan
I have samba 3.0.4 installed and I'm using win2k clients with all 
winupdates but when i use ctrl+alt+del to change the passwords i get and 
incorrect password message
but the password actually changes
how fix this?

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[Samba] Samba Server (on Linux) authenticating it's clients against an OS/2 Domain

2004-07-21 Thread webster

The subject pretty much sums-up my question.  Can this be done?

I'm thinking that this was fairly standard/easy when I first started using 
Samba years ago,  that I'd seen some discussion/instructions about it.
Now however, all I can find is unanswered postings regarding this 

I've tried following the relevant guides for having a Samba server 
authenticate users against a WinNT domain.
The point at which I appear to be failing there is in joining the Samba 
server to the Domain.
From 'net rpc join -S OS2-PDC -U os2admin%secret' , I receive:
could not initialise lsa pipe
could not obtain sid for domain

Thanks for any pointers/advice .

Gary R. Webster

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[Samba] Windows Backup

2004-07-21 Thread James Coggan
i created a share called backup and it is wrightable for everyone
but even so the windows gives me the access denied when using windows backup
but i can acess normaly and create using windows explorer
any ideas?
using win2k
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[Samba] 3.0.4

2004-07-21 Thread Bill Mann
I've installed 3.0.4.  Install show successful.  All the parameters are set
per Webmin.  Still, not path found when calling net use.  Also, testparm
returns command not found.  Any suggestions?  Windows XP Pro OS client,
FreeBSD Unix Server.


Bill Mann

W. D. (Bill) Mann, Sr., LUTCF, RHU

The Benefits Office, an RMA Company

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Re: [Samba] Can SAMBA be used to map a WINDOWS directory to a UNIX SERVER (pa rticularly SOLARIS)?

2004-07-21 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 07:45, Jeff Layton wrote:
 On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 13:59, Imbimbo, Joe wrote:
  We were wondering if SAMBA can be used to make a windows share look like a
  UNIX filesystem to the UNIX server?  I know it works in reversre. Just
  checking to see if there were new functionality I was not privy to.
 It is possible to do what you're asking with Linux, primarily because
 Linux supports SMB/CIFS as a network filesystem. There is no such
 filesystem driver for Solaris (that I am aware of).

The commercial tool sharity is the only tool in this area.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Authentication Developer, Samba Teamhttp://samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Samba] NTLMv2 Authentication fails on domain member servers

2004-07-21 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Sat, 2004-07-10 at 07:24, Neal K.Groothuis wrote:
 I'm having some issues with getting NTLMv2 authentication working, and 
 I thought you might be able to help.  I've got a Windows XP
 Pro client machine trying to access shares on a domain member server 
 running Samba.  (Both the domain member server and the PDC
 are running Samba 3.0.4.)  The XP machine is by default configured to 
 use NTLMv2 for authentication, but that fails when I'm trying to access
 shares on the domain member server.  However, it works when I'm 
 accessing shares on the PDC itself.  Alternatively, this works if I 
 allow the
 XP machine to use NTLM authentication.  Has anyone else run into this 
 issue and/or have any workarounds for it?  I know that there were
 issues previously with using NTLMv2 only with a Samba PDC, but 
 according to the Changelog, that bug was fixed in 3.0.3.

Can you give me more details on this?

I thought NTLMv2 was working everywhere - and the domain member really
should not break it, as it just forwards things on.  

The one thing that *will* break it is 'username map'.  If that's not in
use, please send me some logs (CC me, I don't follow this list all the
time) and I'll see if I can understand what's up...

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Authentication Developer, Samba Teamhttp://samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Samba] Re: sambaAcctFlags automatically DUX when logon

2004-07-21 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Sat, 2004-07-10 at 04:40, Jim C. wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Problem is on one machine or all machines?
 Tried leaveing domain, deleteing machine account, resetting flags and
 then re-joinging?
 | as I wrote yesterday I've set up a samba3.0.3 as pdc for my w2k-domain

I think this one is fixed in 3.0.3a, or certainly 3.0.4.  I nicely hit
it with my production environment - not fun :-)

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Authentication Developer, Samba Teamhttp://samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Samba] mysql_auth

2004-07-21 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 06:42, Barry Rumsey wrote:
 Hi all
 I have been trying yo find the mysql_auth for samba. I have been to a couple 
 of sites that say they have it, but it's not there. Is there someone who can 
 tell the site address where I can get it from?

There is a mysql passdb module in the samba source (as an experimental
option), but no auth module.  If you want your passwords in mysql, then
the passdb is the way to do it.  

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Authentication Developer, Samba Teamhttp://samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Samba] slapd index

2004-07-21 Thread Barry Rumsey
I am using suse 9.1, openldap 2.2-34, samba 3.0.4-1.2.
My slapd.conf looks like this:
# See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
# This file should NOT be world readable.
include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema

# Define global ACLs to disable default read access.

# Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
# service AND an understanding of referrals.
#referral   ldap://root.openldap.org

pidfile /var/run/slapd/run/slapd.pid

# Load dynamic backend modules:
modulepath  /usr/lib/openldap/modules
# moduleloadback_ldap.la
# moduleloadback_meta.la
# moduleloadback_monitor.la
# moduleloadback_perl.la

# Sample security restrictions
#   Require integrity protection (prevent hijacking)
#   Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates
#   Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind
# security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64

# Sample access control policy:
#   Root DSE: allow anyone to read it
#   Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it
#   Other DSEs:
#   Allow self write access
#   Allow authenticated users read access
#   Allow anonymous users to authenticate
#   Directives needed to implement policy:
# access to dn.base= by * read
# access to dn.base=cn=Subschema by * read
# access to *
#   by self write
#   by users read
#   by anonymous auth
# if no access controls are present, the default policy
# allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts
# updates to rootdn.  (e.g., access to * by * read)
# rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING!

# bdb database definitions

checkpoint  10245
cachesize   1
suffix  dc=tux,dc=dyndns,dc=org
rootdn  cn=Manager,dc=tux,dc=dyndns,dc=org
# Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
# be avoid.  See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
# Use of strong authentication encouraged.
rootpw  secret
# The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND 
# should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
# Mode 700 recommended.
directory   /var/lib/ldap
# Indices to maintain
index   objectClass eq
index   cn  pres,sub,eq
index   sn  pres,sub,eq
index   uid pres,sub,eq
index   displayName pres,sub,eq
index   uidNumber   eq
index   gidNumber   eq
index   memberUid   eq
index   sambaSIDeq
index   sambaPrimaryGroups  eq
index   sambaDomainName eq
index   default sub

When I try to execute the index by doing :
tux:/usr/sbin # ./slapindex -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf

I end up with the following error:
/etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema: line 340: AttributeType not found: 
slapindex: bad configuration file!

I have been follow the exsample from The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference 

Can someone help me past this error please

Thanks in advance
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Re: [Samba] slapd index

2004-07-21 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Barry Rumsey wrote:
| I end up with the following error:
| /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema: line 340: AttributeType not found:
| gidNumber
| slapindex: bad configuration file!
#include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema

cheers, jerry
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Re: [Samba] slapd index

2004-07-21 Thread John H Terpstra
On Wednesday 21 July 2004 18:59, Barry Rumsey wrote:
 I am using suse 9.1, openldap 2.2-34, samba 3.0.4-1.2.
 My slapd.conf looks like this:
 # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
 # This file should NOT be world readable.
 include   /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
 include   /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
 include   /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
 include   /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
 include   /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema

The NIS schema must be specified BEFORE the samba schema!

 # Define global ACLs to disable default read access.

 # Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
 # service AND an understanding of referrals.
 #referral ldap://root.openldap.org

 pidfile   /var/run/slapd/run/slapd.pid
 argsfile  /var/run/slapd/run/slapd.args

 # Load dynamic backend modules:
 # moduleload  back_ldap.la
 # moduleload  back_meta.la
 # moduleload  back_monitor.la
 # moduleload  back_perl.la

 # Sample security restrictions
 # Require integrity protection (prevent hijacking)
 # Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates
 # Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind
 # security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64

 # Sample access control policy:
 # Root DSE: allow anyone to read it
 # Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it
 # Other DSEs:
 # Allow self write access
 # Allow authenticated users read access
 # Allow anonymous users to authenticate
 # Directives needed to implement policy:
 # access to dn.base= by * read
 # access to dn.base=cn=Subschema by * read
 # access to *
 # by self write
 # by users read
 # by anonymous auth
 # if no access controls are present, the default policy
 # allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts
 # updates to rootdn.  (e.g., access to * by * read)
 # rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING!

 # bdb database definitions

 database  bdb
 checkpoint  10245
 cachesize   1
 # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
 # be avoid.  See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
 # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
 # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
 # should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
 # Mode 700 recommended.
 directory /var/lib/ldap
 # Indices to maintain
 index objectClass eq
 index cn  pres,sub,eq
 index sn  pres,sub,eq
 index uid pres,sub,eq
 index displayName pres,sub,eq
 index uidNumber   eq
 index gidNumber   eq
 index memberUid   eq
 index sambaSIDeq
 index sambaPrimaryGroups  eq
 index sambaDomainName eq
 index default sub

 When I try to execute the index by doing :
 tux:/usr/sbin # ./slapindex -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf

 I end up with the following error:
 /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema: line 340: AttributeType not found:
 slapindex: bad configuration file!

 I have been follow the exsample from The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and
 Reference Guide.

 Can someone help me past this error please

See above.

- John T.

 Thanks in advance

John H Terpstra
Samba-Team Member
Phone: +1 (650) 580-8668

The Official Samba-3 HOWTO  Reference Guide, ISBN: 0131453556
Samba-3 by Example, ISBN: 0131472216
Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
OpenLDAP by Example, ISBN: 0131488732
Other books in production.
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Re: [Samba] slapd index

2004-07-21 Thread Barry Rumsey
Thanks, It worked

On Thursday 22 July 2004 15:24, John H Terpstra wrote:
 On Wednesday 21 July 2004 18:59, Barry Rumsey wrote:
  I am using suse 9.1, openldap 2.2-34, samba 3.0.4-1.2.
  My slapd.conf looks like this:
  # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
  # This file should NOT be world readable.
  include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
  include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
  include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
  include /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
  include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema

 The NIS schema must be specified BEFORE the samba schema!

  # Define global ACLs to disable default read access.
  # Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
  # service AND an understanding of referrals.
  #referral   ldap://root.openldap.org
  pidfile /var/run/slapd/run/slapd.pid
  # Load dynamic backend modules:
  modulepath  /usr/lib/openldap/modules
  # moduleloadback_ldap.la
  # moduleloadback_meta.la
  # moduleloadback_monitor.la
  # moduleloadback_perl.la
  # Sample security restrictions
  #   Require integrity protection (prevent hijacking)
  #   Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates
  #   Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind
  # security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64
  # Sample access control policy:
  #   Root DSE: allow anyone to read it
  #   Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it
  #   Other DSEs:
  #   Allow self write access
  #   Allow authenticated users read access
  #   Allow anonymous users to authenticate
  #   Directives needed to implement policy:
  # access to dn.base= by * read
  # access to dn.base=cn=Subschema by * read
  # access to *
  #   by self write
  #   by users read
  #   by anonymous auth
  # if no access controls are present, the default policy
  # allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts
  # updates to rootdn.  (e.g., access to * by * read)
  # rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING!
  # bdb database definitions
  checkpoint  10245
  cachesize   1
  suffix  dc=tux,dc=dyndns,dc=org
  rootdn  cn=Manager,dc=tux,dc=dyndns,dc=org
  # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
  # be avoid.  See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
  # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
  rootpw  secret
  # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
  # should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
  # Mode 700 recommended.
  directory   /var/lib/ldap
  # Indices to maintain
  index   objectClass eq
  index   cn  pres,sub,eq
  index   sn  pres,sub,eq
  index   uid pres,sub,eq
  index   displayName pres,sub,eq
  index   uidNumber   eq
  index   gidNumber   eq
  index   memberUid   eq
  index   sambaSIDeq
  index   sambaPrimaryGroups  eq
  index   sambaDomainName eq
  index   default sub
  When I try to execute the index by doing :
  tux:/usr/sbin # ./slapindex -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
  I end up with the following error:
  /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema: line 340: AttributeType not found:
  slapindex: bad configuration file!
  I have been follow the exsample from The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and
  Reference Guide.
  Can someone help me past this error please

 See above.

 - John T.

  Thanks in advance

 John H Terpstra
 Samba-Team Member
 Phone: +1 (650) 580-8668

 The Official Samba-3 HOWTO  Reference Guide, ISBN: 0131453556
 Samba-3 by Example, ISBN: 0131472216
 Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
 OpenLDAP by Example, ISBN: 0131488732
 Other books in production.
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[Samba] getlmhostsent: ill formed hosts line

2004-07-21 Thread Mike Kordik
When I try to mount a Windows XP share I get this error:

getlmhostsent: Ill formed hosts line [] 
getlmhostsent: Ill formed hosts line [] 
getlmhostsent: Ill formed hosts line []

I am running kernel: Linux 2.6.8-rc2-love1

Samba: 3.0.4

I am running the command: mount /home/wendy/documents

My fstab entry is: 
\\home-xpp\wendy  /home/wendy/documents  smbfs 
user,fmask=777,uid=1000,dmask=777,gid=100,username=mike,noauto  0  0

The mount actually works but I get the above error. Sometimes when I try
to browse it using nautilus, nautilus locks up (that could be a nautilus

What does the error mean and how do I get rid of it?


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[Samba] SWAT - Could not connect to port 901

2004-07-21 Thread Daniel Zimmerman
Hope this finds it way to somewhere that help
Assuming you followed the instructions for creating the swat file in /etc/xinetd.d 
In the swat file, make sure that the server option is pointing to where swat is 
actually stored.  Search for it and make sure the path is correct.  If you followed 
the instructions that I used the directory in the instructions is not where swat is 
stored on my SuSE linux box.  I had to change my /etc/xinetd.d/swat ASCII file to use 
server  = /usr/sbin/swat.
Check in /etc/
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[Samba] Samba 3, Windows 2000 and DNS.

2004-07-21 Thread Adam Luchjenbroers
I've got a Samba 3 box running RHEL 3 that has been added to a Windows 2000
domain as a member server, however it cannot be browsed via the network (it
appears within the domain, but does not open the machine).

Its IP address is, nbtstat.exe on one of the windows
boxes returns as below

P:\nbtstat -A

Local Area Connection 3:
Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

Host not found.

DNS is used for name resolution and Ping can resolve a name to an IP
address. Smbclient can connect to another host however nmblookup cannot.
Smbclient when directed at itself does not detect the master browser.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# smbclient -L router -N
Anonymous login successful

Sharename  Type  Comment
-    ---
delta  Disk  Delta Testing
IPC$   IPC   IPC Service (Samba Server router)
ADMIN$ IPC   IPC Service (Samba Server router)
Anonymous login successful

Server   Comment
ROUTER   Samba Server router


Broadcast pings only return a response from the machines own IP address.

Additionally, while 'net ads join' completes without issue, 'net ads info'
reports as follows:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# net ads info
Didn't find the ldap server!

Thanks in advance.
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[Samba] With a Samba 3 PDC, can I promote a Samba BDC to become new PDC?

2004-07-21 Thread Jeff McWilliams
I'm helping out a small office upgrade their NT 4 PDC to Samba.  It's a small
office of 6 people, so tdbsam is being used. They keep having tape backup
and other problems, so one of the reasons for the Samba migration is to allow
to SSH into their box and remotely administer it from home on

Currently I'm testing the move using two dummy machines, and some Windows 2000
clients running under VMWare.

Following the Samba Guide, my plan was as follows:

Existing Windows NT machine is called DellDC.
Temporary machine is called TempDC

1.  Create a Linux based, Samba BDC named TempDC that joins the NT domain, then
following the instructions in chapters 5 and 8 of the Samba-Guide,  vampire the
accounts database off of DellDC and promote TempDC to a PDC.

2.  Shutdown DellDC, and reload with Linux, configuring Samba as a BDC. 
Following the same approach, re-join DellDC to NT domain as a BDC, and using 
net rpc vampire, vampire accounts database off of TempDC and promote DellDC to

3.  Shutdown TempDC for good.

In my simulation environment, I created a similar set of machines.  One is NT
4.0 server and the other is Debian Linux (testing, sarge) with the latest Samba

3.0.4.  My samba configuration files are almost exactly as shown in the
Samba-Guide with the exception of printer shares and the fictional shared

Step 1 goes fine.  I was able to join TempDC to the domain hosted by NT4 on
DellDC, vampire the accounts off of DellDC, and promote TempDC to Primary DC
status.   After this I turned off DellDC and reloaded it with Debian Linux and

Step 2 fails.   I reload DellDC with Linux, and successfully join the domain. 
Groupmaps are successfully created as directed in the guide, as before.  I even
made sure /etc/passwd and /etc/group are the same on both the Linux PDC and the
Linux BDC that I'm trying to promote.  However, 'net rpc vampire' fails. 
The output is: 
DellDC:/etc/samba# net rpc vampire -S TempDC 
Fetching DOMAIN database
Failed to fetch domain database: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL

Is there another approach or did I configure something incorrectly?  Given a
successfully running Samba 3.0 PDC using tdbsam, how can I migrate the PDC
responsibilities from the existing Linux box to another?

I'd imagine this scenario comes up often as people upgrade server
hardware on PDCs without losing all the existing domain settings.   

Can anyone help me? 

Many thanks,

Jeff McWilliams

Jeff McWilliams: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Samba] With a Samba 3 PDC, can I promote a Samba BDC to become new PDC?

2004-07-21 Thread Eric J Bennett
Hash: SHA1
I'm trying to do the exact same thing out here, it's tricky, even after
reading the manual rather thoroughly, I got to the stage where we
vampire'd over all the account info successfully, but the vampire didn't
copy the password information for the machine accounts, and thus people
cannot log on.
I've posted to this list about it a couple of times before, but noone
has answered, I don't know if this is just an accepted bug or I'm
screwing something up, still trying to hack through the smbldap-useradd
script in the machine adding section, which is my best guess as to where
the actual problem is.
Jeff McWilliams wrote:
| I'm helping out a small office upgrade their NT 4 PDC to Samba.  It's
a small
| office of 6 people, so tdbsam is being used. They keep having tape backup
| issues
| and other problems, so one of the reasons for the Samba migration is
to allow
| me
| to SSH into their box and remotely administer it from home on
| evenings/weekends.
| Currently I'm testing the move using two dummy machines, and some
Windows 2000
| clients running under VMWare.
| Following the Samba Guide, my plan was as follows:
| Existing Windows NT machine is called DellDC.
| Temporary machine is called TempDC
| 1.  Create a Linux based, Samba BDC named TempDC that joins the NT
domain, then
| following the instructions in chapters 5 and 8 of the Samba-Guide,
vampire the
| accounts database off of DellDC and promote TempDC to a PDC.
| 2.  Shutdown DellDC, and reload with Linux, configuring Samba as a BDC.
| Following the same approach, re-join DellDC to NT domain as a BDC, and
| net rpc vampire, vampire accounts database off of TempDC and promote
DellDC to
| PDC.
| 3.  Shutdown TempDC for good.
| In my simulation environment, I created a similar set of machines.
One is NT
| 4.0 server and the other is Debian Linux (testing, sarge) with the
latest Samba
| 3.0.4.  My samba configuration files are almost exactly as shown in the
| Samba-Guide with the exception of printer shares and the fictional shared
| folders.
| Step 1 goes fine.  I was able to join TempDC to the domain hosted by
NT4 on
| DellDC, vampire the accounts off of DellDC, and promote TempDC to
Primary DC
| status.   After this I turned off DellDC and reloaded it with Debian
Linux and
| Samba.
| Step 2 fails.   I reload DellDC with Linux, and successfully join the
| Groupmaps are successfully created as directed in the guide, as
before.  I even
| made sure /etc/passwd and /etc/group are the same on both the Linux
PDC and the
| Linux BDC that I'm trying to promote.  However, 'net rpc vampire' fails.
| The output is:
| DellDC:/etc/samba# net rpc vampire -S TempDC
| Fetching DOMAIN database
| Failed to fetch domain database: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
| Is there another approach or did I configure something incorrectly?
Given a
| successfully running Samba 3.0 PDC using tdbsam, how can I migrate the PDC
| responsibilities from the existing Linux box to another?
| I'd imagine this scenario comes up often as people upgrade server
| hardware on PDCs without losing all the existing domain settings.
| Can anyone help me?
| Many thanks,
| Jeff McWilliams
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Re: [Samba] With a Samba 3 PDC, can I promote a Samba BDC to become new PDC?

2004-07-21 Thread John H Terpstra
On Wednesday 21 July 2004 23:21, Eric J Bennett wrote:
 I'm trying to do the exact same thing out here, it's tricky, even after
 reading the manual rather thoroughly, I got to the stage where we
 vampire'd over all the account info successfully, but the vampire didn't
 copy the password information for the machine accounts, and thus people
 cannot log on.

We are aware of this problem. It does not affect every site but on those that 
it does the problem is significant. I'm sorry to say that we do not have a 
solution at this time. It would help if you can capture the entire process 
using ethereal as well as a level 10 debug trace of the activity and then 
post a bug report on bugzilla.samba.org. So far we have not been able to 
capture sufficient information to catch what is glitching.

Andrew Bartlett may be able to comment when he sees the debug info.

- John T.

 I've posted to this list about it a couple of times before, but noone
 has answered, I don't know if this is just an accepted bug or I'm
 screwing something up, still trying to hack through the smbldap-useradd
 script in the machine adding section, which is my best guess as to where
 the actual problem is.



 Jeff McWilliams wrote:
 | I'm helping out a small office upgrade their NT 4 PDC to Samba.  It's

 a small

 | office of 6 people, so tdbsam is being used. They keep having tape backup
 | issues
 | and other problems, so one of the reasons for the Samba migration is

 to allow

 | me
 | to SSH into their box and remotely administer it from home on
 | evenings/weekends.
 | Currently I'm testing the move using two dummy machines, and some

 Windows 2000

 | clients running under VMWare.
 | Following the Samba Guide, my plan was as follows:
 | Existing Windows NT machine is called DellDC.
 | Temporary machine is called TempDC
 | 1.  Create a Linux based, Samba BDC named TempDC that joins the NT

 domain, then

 | following the instructions in chapters 5 and 8 of the Samba-Guide,

 vampire the

 | accounts database off of DellDC and promote TempDC to a PDC.
 | 2.  Shutdown DellDC, and reload with Linux, configuring Samba as a BDC.
 | Following the same approach, re-join DellDC to NT domain as a BDC, and


 | net rpc vampire, vampire accounts database off of TempDC and promote

 DellDC to

 | PDC.
 | 3.  Shutdown TempDC for good.
 | In my simulation environment, I created a similar set of machines.

 One is NT

 | 4.0 server and the other is Debian Linux (testing, sarge) with the

 latest Samba

 | 3.0.4.  My samba configuration files are almost exactly as shown in the
 | Samba-Guide with the exception of printer shares and the fictional shared
 | folders.
 | Step 1 goes fine.  I was able to join TempDC to the domain hosted by

 NT4 on

 | DellDC, vampire the accounts off of DellDC, and promote TempDC to

 Primary DC

 | status.   After this I turned off DellDC and reloaded it with Debian

 Linux and

 | Samba.
 | Step 2 fails.   I reload DellDC with Linux, and successfully join the


 | Groupmaps are successfully created as directed in the guide, as

 before.  I even

 | made sure /etc/passwd and /etc/group are the same on both the Linux

 PDC and the

 | Linux BDC that I'm trying to promote.  However, 'net rpc vampire' fails.
 | The output is:
 | DellDC:/etc/samba# net rpc vampire -S TempDC
 | Fetching DOMAIN database
 | Failed to fetch domain database: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
 | Is there another approach or did I configure something incorrectly?

 Given a

 | successfully running Samba 3.0 PDC using tdbsam, how can I migrate the
 | PDC responsibilities from the existing Linux box to another?
 | I'd imagine this scenario comes up often as people upgrade server
 | hardware on PDCs without losing all the existing domain settings.
 | Can anyone help me?
 | Many thanks,
 | Jeff McWilliams

John H Terpstra
Samba-Team Member
Phone: +1 (650) 580-8668

The Official Samba-3 HOWTO  Reference Guide, ISBN: 0131453556
Samba-3 by Example, ISBN: 0131472216
Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
OpenLDAP by Example, ISBN: 0131488732
Other books in production.
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instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

svn commit: samba r1558 - branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/idl

2004-07-21 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2004-07-21 09:57:39 + (Wed, 21 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 1558

the unknown_time is the same as the logon_time in the PAC_LOGON_INFO

the account_name is a 'nstring'


WebSVN: http://websvn.samba.org/websvn/changeset.php?rep=sambapath=/rev=1558nolog=1

svn commit: lorikeet r16 - in trunk: . heimdal heimdal/admin heimdal/appl heimdal/appl/afsutil heimdal/appl/dceutils heimdal/appl/ftp heimdal/appl/ftp/common heimdal/appl/ftp/ftp heimdal/appl/ftp/ftpd heimdal/appl/kf heimdal/appl/kx heimdal/appl/login heimdal/appl/otp heimdal/appl/popper heimdal/appl/push heimdal/appl/rcp heimdal/appl/rsh heimdal/appl/su heimdal/appl/telnet heimdal/appl/telnet/arpa heimdal/appl/telnet/libtelnet heimdal/appl/telnet/telnet heimdal/appl/telnet/telnetd heimdal/appl/test heimdal/appl/xnlock heimdal/cf heimdal/doc heimdal/doc/standardisation heimdal/etc heimdal/include heimdal/include/kadm5 heimdal/kadmin heimdal/kdc heimdal/kpasswd heimdal/kuser heimdal/lib heimdal/lib/45 heimdal/lib/asn1 heimdal/lib/auth heimdal/lib/auth/afskauthlib heimdal/lib/auth/pam heimdal/lib/auth/sia heimdal/lib/com_err heimdal/lib/des heimdal/lib/des/asm heimdal/lib/des/t heimdal/lib/editline heimdal/lib/gssapi heimdal/lib/hdb heimdal/lib/kadm5 heimdal/lib/kafs heimdal/lib/kdfs heimdal/lib/krb5 heimdal/lib/otp heimdal/lib/roken heimdal/lib/sl heimdal/lib/vers heimdal/tools

2004-07-21 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2004-07-21 10:56:44 + (Wed, 21 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 16


svn commit: lorikeet r17 - in trunk/heimdal: . lib/hdb

2004-07-21 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2004-07-21 11:06:59 + (Wed, 21 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 17

add first version of the hdb-ldb backend for heimdal

NOTE: this only compiles, but is far away from being functional!



svn commit: samba r1559 - trunk/source/libsmb

2004-07-21 Thread vlendec
Author: vlendec
Date: 2004-07-21 12:19:40 + (Wed, 21 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 1559

Not that anybody uses this stuff (yet...), but at least get it correct :-)

When sending a mailslot datagram, get the packet length correction correct.


WebSVN: http://websvn.samba.org/websvn/changeset.php?rep=sambapath=/rev=1559nolog=1

svn commit: samba r1560 - branches/SAMBA_3_0/source/libsmb

2004-07-21 Thread vlendec
Author: vlendec
Date: 2004-07-21 12:22:58 + (Wed, 21 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 1560

Not that anybody uses this stuff (yet...), but at least get it correct :-)

When sending a mailslot datagram, get the packet length correction correct.


WebSVN: http://websvn.samba.org/websvn/changeset.php?rep=sambapath=/rev=1560nolog=1

Re: svn commit: samba r1559 - trunk/source/libsmb

2004-07-21 Thread Volker Lendecke
On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 12:19:40PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When sending a mailslot datagram, get the packet length correction correct.

Hmm. Should read calculation :-)


svn commit: lorikeet r18 - in trunk/heimdal: . admin appl appl/afsutil appl/dceutils appl/ftp appl/ftp/common appl/ftp/ftp appl/ftp/ftpd appl/kf appl/kx appl/login appl/otp appl/popper appl/push appl/rcp appl/rsh appl/su appl/telnet appl/telnet/libtelnet appl/telnet/telnet appl/telnet/telnetd appl/test appl/xnlock cf doc doc/standardisation include include/kadm5 kadmin kdc kpasswd kuser lib lib/45 lib/asn1 lib/auth lib/auth/afskauthlib lib/auth/pam lib/auth/sia lib/com_err lib/des lib/editline lib/gssapi lib/hdb lib/kadm5 lib/kafs lib/kdfs lib/krb5 lib/otp lib/roken lib/sl lib/vers tools

2004-07-21 Thread metze
merge in heimdal-20040721



svn commit: lorikeet r19 - trunk/heimdal/lib/hdb

2004-07-21 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2004-07-21 14:55:52 + (Wed, 21 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 19

build fix: this should be merge into the main heimdal as well


WebSVN: http://websvn.samba.org/websvn/changeset.php?rep=lorikeetpath=/rev=19nolog=1

svn commit: samba r1561 - branches/SAMBA_3_0/source

2004-07-21 Thread jerry
Author: jerry
Date: 2004-07-21 19:23:48 + (Wed, 21 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 1561

iconv detection fix from James Peach [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WebSVN: http://websvn.samba.org/websvn/changeset.php?rep=sambapath=/rev=1561nolog=1

svn commit: samba-web r161 - branches/tmp.samba.org

2004-07-21 Thread deryck
Author: deryck
Date: 2004-07-22 03:33:24 + (Thu, 22 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 161


Minor clean ups to XHTML so the pages will validate. 



svn commit: samba-web r162 - in branches/tmp.samba.org: . style

2004-07-21 Thread deryck
Author: deryck
Date: 2004-07-22 03:46:57 + (Thu, 22 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 162


Corrected CDATA tags in last commit.  Also, added site-
wide rule to remove borders from images.



svn commit: samba-web r163 - branches/tmp.samba.org

2004-07-21 Thread deryck
Author: deryck
Date: 2004-07-22 03:56:35 + (Thu, 22 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 163


Had to move CDATA tags (again!) to make IE happy.



svn commit: samba-web r164 - branches/tmp.samba.org

2004-07-21 Thread deryck
Author: deryck
Date: 2004-07-22 04:40:22 + (Thu, 22 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 164


Last pass at CDATA tags -- it's the ugliest thing
I've ever seen, but it validates and makes IE happy 
at the same time.

Also, tweaked position of logo in IE 5 to match 
other browsers.

-- deryck
