
Please excuse for long explanation:

I have Sun 2.6 with Samba 2.2.2 to share directories on Solaris box for Windows users. They are authorized by NT domain.

For Win users to access to shared Unix shared directories I set up (through SWAM): Security Option - DOMAIN, valid users - @group1 @group2 @group3, without users.map

I created locked Unix users with names equivalent their names on NT domain. Windows users could access their Samba shares no problems.

But one Win User has its username longer than 8 characters (verylonguser) which is not accepted by Solaris. So, I created equivalent of this user on Unix with 8 letters username (longuser),  added to [global] entry users map users.map and created users.map file with entry longuser = verylonguser. When I commit the change, this user could use its share on Samba, but all other users on Network could not. And what is worse, when I took the users.map out of smb.conf and commit once more the users still cannot connect (they are asked for password, which is denied.

Pleaseeese, advice.


Is winbind needed? I could not find service winbind anywhere?



Joseph Abramson, TAC worldwide Companies



Thank you very much. JA



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