Re: [Samba] loging user actions

2008-09-21 Thread Chuck Kollars
 from time to time some of our users delete files. But none of them do
 confess that they have deleted the file. I want to find at the samba 
 logs which user has deleted the file. I´m using the audit-vfs module 
 but there are only messages about opening and closing of files. Can 
 anybody give me a hint for using samba logs to find the users I´m
 searching for?

This is not a direct answer to your question, but rather a suggestion of a 
different strategy that might resolve your underlying problem:

At a combined middle/high school we implemented vfs-recycle, so our deleted 
files aren't really deleted but rather are moved to a network trash can 
(which we then regularly trim with 'find' really removing files that haven't 
been touched in a week). Our requests related to deleted files (why?, please 
access your backup, etc.) went to ZERO. Our students (who are notoriously 
impulsive and forgetful) don't ever ask us where a file went any more. 

We found the vfs-recycle strategy works incredibly well for us. We have a 
second backup mechanism also, but in the last couple of years it's never ever 
been used nor even investigated. As far as our user students are concerned, the 
vfs-recycle by itself takes care of all their problems. 
-Chuck Kollars

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Re: [Samba] config-file for recycle bin

2008-08-13 Thread Chuck Kollars
 config-file = /etc/samba/recycle.conf
 vfs object = recycle
 recycle:subdir_mode = 0770
 recycle:keeptree = Yes
 recycle:repository = Recycle Bin
 recycle:versions = Yes
 recycle:directory_mode = 0770
 Ignoring unknown parameter config-file

My working system has all the same lines in it _except_ the config-file line. 
I think you missed something like a change of font that was supposed to 
indicate instructions and instead interpreted it as something literal to go in 
the file. 

-Chuck Kollars

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Re: [Samba] samba password hashes exposed to ldapsearch

2008-07-29 Thread Chuck Kollars
 ... I see that the samba password hashes are shown with a simple 
 ldapsearch command. ...

I do not have this problem. My /etc/openldap/slapd.conf includes the lines at 
the end of this message. The passwords are not visible via ldapsearch, yet the 
Samba on the same machine can still access them (probably because it runs as 

(The lines also include a provision for syncrepl replication, which probably 
isn't relevant to Samba usage.)

-Chuck Kollars

### set up some restrictions to not make passwords visible
access to attrs=sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword,MMSNumber,userPassword
by dn.exact=cn=ReplicateUser,dc=ipswichschools,dc=org read
by * auth
# Default read access to everything else
# (should be last to act as default)
# (not optional - without this it doesn't work right)
access to *
by * read

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[Samba] server-side AND client-side symlinks?

2008-03-05 Thread Chuck Kollars
How can I have both server-side and client-side

Server-side symlinks are needed for example when what
appears to the user to be a single mounted directory
is actually tens of little pieces tied together by
symlinks. Having those symlinks coalesces many mounts
that would all have to be perfect in parallel into a
single mount that's either fully successful or not. 

Client-side symlinks are needed for example when an
application rearranges names and directories into a
more understandable outline. 

Each symlink has a context - server-side links
usually make no sense if interpreted on the client,
and client-side links usually make no sense if
interpreted on the server. 

It appears the unix/linux extensions are all or
none. With them on, all symlinks are visible to and
interpreted by the _client_. With them off, all
symlinks are invisibly interpreted by the _server_
(and the client isn't even allowed to create any). 

How can I note which symlinks are server-side and
which are client-side, and have Samba interpret the
server-side ones internally yet at the same time make
the client-side ones visible to the user?


-Chuck Kollars


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Re: [Samba] number of aces in big endian format?

2008-02-08 Thread Chuck Kollars
  ... I thought all the data over the wire was in 
 little endian format! ...

Huh? Ever since the original ARPAnet network data
(possibly except Microsoft) has been in BIGendian
format. See for example for details. 

It's easy to get the impression the native numeric
order of the Intel chip is correct; more likely it's
a horrid hack inherited from the micro world via the


-Chuck Kollars


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Re: [Samba] Is Samba Shadowcopying can be used in Production Environement with more than 20 TB of data

2008-02-07 Thread Chuck Kollars
 ... there will be more than 20TB of data to be 
 backup weekly which will take lots of hours. ...

Check out the `rsync` spinoff of Samba. 

`Rsync`s basic idea is copy what's changed rather
than just copying everything. It does so very well and
very quickly. Copying only changed files can easily be
a couple of orders of magnitude quicker than copying
the whole thing.

The possible flaw with this strategy that used to keep
people from implementing it was that the determination
of what's changed had to be _perfect_. A backup's no
good if it only contains 99% of the current data. The
`rsync` tool provides the needed reliabilty, making
this strategy possible in real life rather than just
pie in the sky. 

(Of course your backup medium needs to be a disk farm
rather than tapes...)

My situation is much smaller than yours: a little over
1000 users with a total of a little over 100GB of
data. When I started using `rsync`, my backups went
from many hours once a month (clearly not frequent
enough, but we couldn't afford to do better) to ~10
minutes every day. (I don't use any features of Samba
itself, and I don't use any aspect of LVM.)

And that ~10 minutes is even with the backup on a
separate machine accessed over a network, so
bandwidth's limited to 100MB. A SAN would probably do
quite a bit better. (The completely separate machine
is our way of avoiding a single point of failure.)

(And because the backup is to another disk, the backup
disk can be made available read-only to lots of folks.
As a result, in my situation anybody can restore any
individual file at any time virtually

(The first time will of course take a long long time,
but after that daily updates will be real quick.)

-Chuck Kollars


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Re: [Samba] using cifs to access posix acl from a linux client

2007-10-15 Thread Chuck Kollars
 We would like to mount a Linux server running samba 
 using a cifs mount from a linux client (linux- 
 linux) and still be able to access the
 extended attributes. 

 Acl's work on the native filesystem, however when we
 mount the samba server on the Linux client using
 mount -t cifs //localhost/test test -o username=xxx

 Then the extended attributes are no longer visible,
 only the default posix rights. Any idea's?

My experience over the last year in probing deeply
into the interaction of Linux ACLs with Samba (but I'm
not a Samba expert and coult be wrong:-) is you can't
get there from here. 

While you can get Samba to pretty much use the Linux
ACLs on the _server_ side, Linux ACLs will never
behave _exactly_ the same way they do for a user who's
directly logged on nor will they be visible to the

I found the implementation of Linux ACLs to still be a
little more off the beaten path than I assumed naively
at first. It interacts weirdly with quotas; I can
crash it (admittedly my kernel is now out of date). I
had to get a special version of `rsync` that
understood and propagated Linux ACLs (the regular one
doesn't). And I'm even a little doubtful about full
support in NFS.

good luck!

-Chuck Kollars


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Re: [Samba] broken pipe

2007-09-10 Thread Chuck Kollars
Just a guess - I'm not a Samba guru:

This looks to me like the student shutdown procedure
is press the power button rather than click
Start-Shutdown-Shutdown-OK. If so, the solution is
don't do that. 

In summary, if the students turn off the power while
some disk operations are still pending in the PC's
memory, there's nothing Samba can do to make it right.
The best it can do is sense something is wrong, force
all the files closed, and force a disconnect  ...which
seems to be exactly what it's doing. 

Maybe it's time for a short lesson in orderly
shutdown. Especially make sure the teacher
understands the awful consequences of an abrupt
shutdown. It's like having a power failure every day.
Show them the logs. Better yet, find a student file
that's unusable because it's corrupted and show them

It's very believable to me that the herd mentality has
asserted itself and all the students are doing the
same (wrong?) thing. If the students are working right
up to the class end time, then want to leave as
quickly as possible, instruct them it's better
(although not great:-) to _start_ an orderly shutdown
then leave than it is to turn off the power. 


-Chuck Kollars


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[Samba] Re: Samba ACLs?

2007-08-23 Thread Chuck Kollars
 From: Chuck Kollars ckollars9 at
 Subject: Samba  ACLs?
 Date: 2006-08-19 02:46:45 GMT 

 How exactly do Samba 3.x and ACLs interrelate? ... 
 I started out naively assuming that the *nix
 uidNumber/gidNumber Samba mapped the end user to 
 would behave exactly the same whether they were a 
 Samba user or were logged on locally. ...

After a year I think I understand well enough to
answer my own question (of course I may be wrong
anyway:-): The overdefined term ACL may refer to
_either_ Windows file permissions (including the NT
variant) _or_ the Linux/Posix file permissions
extension. In the Samba context questions about ACLs
can be indeterminate and often elicit answers from the
other point of view.  

At root, Samba does everything in terms of the Windows
ACL, then maps the result as best it can to *nix

Samba offers a number of configuration options for
tweaking the way it handles Windows ACLs, including
some methods that have no exact analogue in the
Windows world. Samba lets you mash --within limits--
the *nix permission bits it calculates. Recent
versions of Samba are pretty good --again within
limits-- at being compatible with Linux/Posix ACLs and
assigning a Linux/Posix ACL to every file and folder
when it's created. 

But despite all the possible tweaks, the unchanging
core is that Samba always calculates the initial *nix
permissions according to its mapping of permissions
from the Windows world. So even though most of a
Linux/Posix ACL may be retained and even honored,
Samba ignores the  default:user::xxx  and 
default:group::xxx  parts of a  Linux/Posix ACL.
There's no way to configure Samba so it assigns
permissions to new files and folders _exactly_ the
same way a native Linux user would see them. 


-Chuck Kollars


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[Samba] net rpc password?

2006-10-17 Thread Chuck Kollars
When I try to execute `net rpc group` it asks
Password:, then no matter what I enter it's always

(I suspect this means I skipped a whole section of
installation I shouldn't have.)

So far I haven't found an answer in the HOWTO; I must
be looking in the wrong spot. Where _should_ I start


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[Samba] POSIX ACLs (not Windows)

2006-09-25 Thread Chuck Kollars
I'm going crazy trying to deal with file and directory
perms set by Samba's attempt to echo Windows ACLs.

I log in directly to my Linux box and tweak ACLs until
they work exactly like I wish them to. But when I then
access those files through Samba, I get
_different_results_, apparently because Samba is
trying awfully hard to emulate Windows. 

How can I tell Samba when handling perms to forget
Windows compatibility, just do what native POSIX would


(Windows is too weird for me. We only have Windows
workstations because the school administration says we
have to, and we don't use their file permissions at
all [We couldn't even if we wanted to because we don't
bother to run `newsid` after imaging, so lots of our 
machines have the same SID]. I'm very glad my Windows
ACLs via Samba are somehow broken, and I intend to
keep it that way.)

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[Samba] drop off domain?

2006-08-28 Thread Chuck Kollars
I recently upgraded a very old system to Samba 3 with
an LDAP back end. Almost everything is hunky-dory. 

However I'm experiencing a weird problem with the
Windows XP machines that are domain members. When I
join those machines to my upgraded domain everything
seems fine. But when I go back and try them again a
day later, sometimes I find they've lost their
domain membership. 

(I've assumed there's some interference from some
other operation going on at the same time in another
part of the building, but I can't figure out exactly
what. Theat means a] I don't know how to avoid the
problem and b]I have no confidence it won't happen
AGAIN another day later.)

Has anybody else experienced anything similar?

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[Samba] Samba ACLs?

2006-08-18 Thread Chuck Kollars
How exactly do Samba 3.x and ACLs interrelate? With
the mount parameter I've turned on ACLs on the whole
filesystem that Samba has various pointers into
(including all the home directories and the netlogon).

I started out naively assuming that the *nix
uidNumber/gidNumber Samba mapped the end user to would
behave exactly the same whether they were a Samba user
or were logged on locally. But my experience is a file
created through Samba and a file created locally by
`touch` do _not_ necessarily have the exact same
permissions/ACLs. Most likely there's some pattern to
what permissions/ACLs are actually created by Samba;
but I haven't succeeded in figuring it out. 

What's the recipe for figuring out exactly what
permissions/ACLs a file created through Samba will
actually be given?


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[Samba] Re: administrator privileges

2006-06-04 Thread Chuck Kollars
. (To minimize confusion, it's probably best to use the same 
names [Domain Admins, Domain Users, Domain Guests] and numbers [512, 513, 
514] on the *nix side.) (If your version of Samba-LDAP can't handle embedded 
white space, you'll need to change these names to DomainAdmins, DomainUsers, 
and DomainGuests.) If these three entries don't exist, Windows can get quite 
unhappy; there might even be warnings about this in the Samba logs. 

(Note _many_ instructions incorrectly give the Windows group numbers 0x200, 
0x201, and 0x202 as 200, 201, and 202. Don't be suckered even though this error 
has become _very_ widespread. Remember, 0x200=512!=200.)

Folks who use the smbldap-tools to help them migrate have all this set up 
already (whether they realize it or not). `smbldap-populate` sets up all the 
needed Windows-related infrastructure items in the LDAP database. So all the 
folks who use the smbldap-tools never see this problem. Folks who create a 
brand new LDAP database via roll your own though can easily forget these 
entries. It will initially appear that everything works okay, but later the 
symptoms of not being able to join workstations to the domain, many `net ...` 
commands not working right, and error messages about administrator privileges 
will arise. 


If you're not quite sure which entries need to be made, here's an LDAP dump of 
the relevant entries from a working system. On this system user Manager is 
the superuser used to join workstations to the domain (as well as the LDAP 
access bootstrap). The domain SID in this example was 

dn: cn=Manager,dc=ipswichschools,dc=org
cn: Manager
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
objectClass: organizationalRole
objectClass: sambaSamAccount
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
userPassword:: e01ENX0xbEVka1dSNUQzcFhOL0dYaW1CR2V3PT0=
description: Network and LDAP administrator
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-4049341300-984804467-2912306435-500
uid: Manager
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-4049341300-984804467-2912306435-512
gidNumber: 513
homeDirectory: /sambahome/it/Manager
uidNumber: 0
sambaHomePath: \\CONE-SVR1\Manager
sambaLMPassword: 30E885A764F8325DDA2BD47997BC678C
sambaNTPassword: 7F00FBA67E9258530EC4D71969286CF6

dn: ou=WindowsGroups,dc=ipswichschools,dc=org
ou: WindowsGroups
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit

dn: cn=DomainAdmins,ou=WindowsGroups,dc=ipswichschools,dc=org
cn: DomainAdmins
gidNumber: 512
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
sambaGroupType: 2
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-4049341300-984804467-2912306435-512
displayName: DomainAdmins
description: Windows Domain Administrators

dn: cn=DomainUsers,ou=WindowsGroups,dc=ipswichschools,dc=org
cn: DomainUsers
gidNumber: 513
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
sambaGroupType: 2
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-4049341300-984804467-2912306435-513
displayName: DomainUsers
description: Windows Domain Users

dn: cn=DomainGuests,ou=WindowsGroups,dc=ipswichschools,dc=org
cn: DomainGuests
gidNumber: 514
description: Windows Domain Guests
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
sambaGroupType: 2
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-4049341300-984804467-2912306435-514
displayName: DomainGuests

Chuck Kollars - principal Kollars Informatics
Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA
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Re: [Samba] become_domain_master_query_fail

2006-04-27 Thread Chuck Kollars
Here's my wild guess:

I suspect the key to solving your problem will be identifying what changed. If 
it's really true that it worked for two years and that no software was 
reconfigured, then the prime suspect is hardware. I think one way to produce 
these log messages is if the Network Interface Card on the Primary Domain 
Controller went bust. Can you control that machine directly and check out its 
network connectivity (NIC diagnostics, `ping`, web browse, etc.)? Or what about 
the network thingy (probably a hub) that it plugs into. Do other devices 
wired to the same box still work right? Is there evidence the whole box has 
become isolated from the main network (probably by a cable jiggled loose)?

good luck!

 Hi all,

 Everything was working fine with my samba server, until two days ago,
 when the clients started to say domain is not available when we tried
 Looking at nmbd.log I found some errors but have no idea how to fix
 them...It has worked perfectly for almost two years...

 Does anyone have an idea?

 Lo•c Etienne

 [2006/04/27 09:02:26, 0]
 nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:become_local_master_stage2(396)  *

   Samba name server AGEPOLY is now a local master browser for workgroup
 AGEPOLY on subnet
 [2006/04/27 09:02:47, 0]
   Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name AGEPOLY1b for the
 workgroup AGEPOLY.  Unable to sync browse lists in this workgroup.
 [2006/04/27 09:07:16, 0]
   Attempting to become domain master browser on workgroup AGEPOLY,
 subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.[2006/04/27 09:07:16, 0]

Chuck Kollars - principal Kollars Informatics
PO Box 776 Ipswich MA 01938-0776   +1-978-412-0017 (voiceFAX)

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[Samba] Where SIDs In Old Old Samba?

2006-04-23 Thread Chuck Kollars
I'm migrating from a very very old Samba (Cobalt Qube
Network Appliance, seemingly some 2.1... Samba
version). I've got over a hundred Windows XP clients
that have joined the existing domain. I want to
migrate all those memberships to the new Samba so I
don't have to visit every one of those client machines
individually. I think I know how  ...except I haven't
been able to find the SIDs of those machine domain
members. I have the name (with trailing $), the
uidNumber, and two passwords  ...but no SID.

This old Samba is so very old that `net idmap dump`
just says command not found; apparently there wasn't
even a `net ...` command in Samba back then. Can
somebody remember what file the SIDs might be in? (I
can probably get them out even if it's a binary file
or is base64 encoded. But I need to know THE FILE

So if you have a dim memory of what file the SIDs were
stored in way back then, please let me know. 


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[Samba] ? BDC LDAP

2006-02-22 Thread Chuck Kollars
Can I set up a *second* server as a BDC yet still have all my file-share 
requests routed to the *first* server? In other words can I have *two* domain 
controllers but only *one* file share? If I can, what's the rough sketch of the 
configuration I want?

My short-term goal is to not have any Microsoft software in the back room so as 
to avoid paying the Gates tax. (My long-term goal is in a few years to not have 
any Microsoft software on the clients either for the same reason.)

(Or maybe I'm not asking the right specific question, missing the forest for 
the trees. If you'd like to back up and view the whole picture and offer some 
meta-advice, here's my situation: I'm hosting home directories for each of 
~800 students and teachers. [A flash/thumb drive for every user would cost a 
whole lot more than a couple servers in the back room.] I currently use domain 
login only to a] allow a startup script to map the home directory to a drive 
and b] validate credentials right away so it doesn't need to be done at file 
save time. Currently I do all this with only *one* Samba server acting as both 
a file share and a PDC; it works tolerably well, but seems overly risky.)
Chuck Kollars - principal Kollars Informatics

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