Re: [Samba] Re: Cross-subnet browsing...AGAIN!!!

2005-08-13 Thread David Krider
On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 09:27 +0100, Robin Bowes wrote:
> Doug VanLeuven wrote:
> > Robin Bowes wrote:
> > All the XP machines are pointing to for wins?
> Yes. It's assigned by DHCP. dhcpd on the 192.168.1.x network:
> option netbios-name-servers;

What's your netbios-node-type set to in your dhcpd.conf file? My server
is setup on another subnet, and I don't have problems. My value is set
to 4, but you may want to try 8.


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Re: [Samba] Re: SuSE 9.3 + Samba 3 + LDAP

2005-08-10 Thread David Krider
On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 22:48 -0500, David Krider wrote:
> As someone replied to me, the latest version of Samba no longer needs
> the "ldap filter" configuration setting. I think this is too bad,
> because it looks like the relevant line in the IDEALX Howto -- which is
> commented out in the docs -- does *EXACTLY* what I think needs to be
> done. Like I'm implying here, I think this is a bug in the Samba code. I
> guess this means I ought to enter a bug in Samba's bugzilla?

Holy crap! On a lark, I added "ldap filter =
(&(objectClass=sambaSamAccount)(uid=%u))" to my smb.conf file -- like
the IDEALX script _used_ to say (but was commented out), and which the
LDAP logs suggested I needed -- and, lo and behold, IT WORKED!!! I got a
machine added to the domain.

* I changed the gid of the "root" LDAP user to 512. It seemed to choke
on the fact that there was no group with an id of 0.
* I had to re-add all the "%u"'s to the various script lines in my
smb.conf file. Apparently, SWAT wiped them off.
* There's still some problem with the "ldap filter" parameter in logging
into the domain. Samba still wants to only search on
'objectClass=sambaSamAccount'. The filter parameter causes this to be
redundant (which doesn't hurt anything), but it's the (uid=%u) that's
saving the day. Now that I think about it, the filter ought to have just
been (uid=%u) -- or maybe (&(uid=&u)), depending -- I'll have to test
this further on the next machine join.
* The IDEALX smbldap-useradd script example in their smb.conf file is a
little misleading. You'll need a `-a' to get it to add a sambaSamAccount
object-classed account.
* phpldapadmin is fantastic. I highly recommend it.

It looks to me like the Samba people need to revoke the
ldap-filter-isn't-needed-any-more line, and the IDEALX people need to
address the fact that you don't need a uid 0 account to add machines to
the domain any more. (Or is this also not NOT true now?)

The bottom line here, Horst, is that I think you need this in your
smb.conf file:

ldap filter = (uid=%u)

Please let us know how you get on.


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Re: [Samba] Re: SuSE 9.3 + Samba 3 + LDAP

2005-08-10 Thread David Krider
On Thu, 2005-08-11 at 11:37 +1000, Horst B. Simon wrote:
> I am not near the box now, I think you are on the right track. I will
> post tonight the relevant parts of my ldap.conf and smb.conf. Yes my
> binddn is uid=Manager,dc=hsimon,dc=com,dc=au and the user are in
> ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=hsimon,dc=com,dc=au. I tried to use the root
> user and I set up a administrator according
> to the information in the IDEALX document.

I've posted a couple of messages recently about this issue. I'm getting
the exact same error message upon trying to join the domain as you are.
If you could, please check your /var/log/messages for slapd errors that
say something about "Duplicate entries." You can check my recent post
"Bug in LDAP Stuff?" for the details, but it seems to me that Samba is
"pre-filtering" the LDAP search for the user you're (we're) trying to
use to join the domain. It's finding all the users instead of just the
one. (It's not limiting to the one user.)

As someone replied to me, the latest version of Samba no longer needs
the "ldap filter" configuration setting. I think this is too bad,
because it looks like the relevant line in the IDEALX Howto -- which is
commented out in the docs -- does *EXACTLY* what I think needs to be
done. Like I'm implying here, I think this is a bug in the Samba code. I
guess this means I ought to enter a bug in Samba's bugzilla?


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Re: RE [Samba] Bug in LDAP stuff?

2005-08-10 Thread David Krider
On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 17:29 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> since samba-3.0.20rc1 the ldap filter parameter is removed.
> you can resolve your problem by comment the ldap-filter parameter.

I had seen this note before, so my "ldap filter" was equal to nothing. I
commented it completely out, but nothing changed. I still get the same
sorts of "filters" in my logs when I try to join the domain.


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[Samba] Bug in LDAP stuff?

2005-08-10 Thread David Krider
I think I've found a bug in the LDAP stuff. I've got a LDAP backend
setup based on the idealx scripts. When I try to join a machine to my
domain, I get the following. The important bit I want to point out is
that the LDAP search is looking for (a lot of) properties, but it seems
to be looking for _ALL_ objectClass=sambaSamAccount's. At this point in
the trace, it should be trying to validate the login *as root* in order
to join the machine. The query it's making does indeed return two
entries: root and nobody, as it should, but two entries screws up the
process now. Shouldn't the filter here be more like
'(&(objectClass=sambaSamAccount)(uid=root))'? (Or whatever uid you're
using to try to join the machine with. I know that the idealx stuff is
out of date now post 3.0.11 with the "root" requirement. Here's hoping
they update their stuff soon.) The filter is being supplied by Samba
itself; hence, I'm thinking it's a bug. The question is: where do I go
from here?


Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]: [2005/08/10 09:38:50, 3]
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:   ldap_connect_system: succesful
connection to the LDAP server
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:   ldap_connect_system: LDAP
server does support paged resultsAug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:
[2005/08/10 09:38:50, 4] lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_open(929)
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:   The LDAP server is succesfully
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior slapd[31471]: conn=64 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=starfleet,dc=mil" scope=2 deref=0
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior slapd[31471]: conn=64 op=2 SRCH attr=uid
uidNumber gidNumber homeDirectory sambaPwdLastSet sambaPwdCanChange
sambaPwdMustChange sambaLogonTime sambaLogoffTime sambaKickoffTime cn
displayName sambaHomeDrive sambaHomePath sambaLogonScript
sambaProfilePath description sambaUserWorkstations sambaSID
sambaPrimaryGroupSID sambaLMPassword sambaNTPassword sambaDomainName
objectClass sambaAcctFlags sambaMungedDial sambaBadPasswordCount
sambaBadPasswordTime sambaPasswordHistory modifyTimestamp
sambaLogonHours modifyTimestamp
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]: [2005/08/10 09:38:50, 1]
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:   ldapsam_getsampwnam: Duplicate
entries for this user [root] Failing. count=2
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]: [2005/08/10 09:38:50, 3]
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:   pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) -
sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]: [2005/08/10 09:38:50, 3]
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:   check_sam_security: Couldn't
find user 'root' in passdb.
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]: [2005/08/10 09:38:50, 3]
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]:   check_winbind_security: Not
using winbind, requested domain [STARFLEET] was for this SAM.
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]: [2005/08/10 09:38:50, 2]
auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(312)Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior
smbd[32235]:   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [root] ->
Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior smbd[32235]: [2005/08/10 09:38:50, 3]
smbd/sesssetup.c:do_map_to_guest(41)Aug 10 09:38:50 excelsior
smbd[32235]:   No such user root [STARFLEET] - using guest account

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[Samba] Can't join machines to a Samba PDC using LDAP

2005-08-08 Thread David Krider
I've been trying to do this for days, and I think I'm really close. It's 
become one of those so-close-yet-so-far sorts of things. I'm running 
Gentoo -- all sync'ed up and current as of a week ago -- with the 
following package versions:

phpldapadmin-0.9.5 (very cool, I must say!)

I've been following the howto as closely as I can, but from 
what I've google'd since having my problem, I guess it's a little out of 
date. Apparently, you do NOT have to join machines to the domain using a 
uid 0 account. However, I don't really care about that; I just want to 
get it joined. Specifically, I'm trying to join a Win2K (fully patched) 
client to the domain.]

The error I'm getting seems like it ought to be solvable, but I haven't 
seen it anywhere on the net, though I've seen one pretty close (full log 

smbd[20039]:   _samr_create_user: Running the command `/usr/sbin/smbldap-u
seradd -w "defiant$"' gave 1

It's clear from "slapd[13182]: conn=999 op=2 RESULT tag=103 err=8 
text=modifications requir
e authentication" that I'm not getting logged into the ldap server. 
Unfortunately, I don't know how or what to get more logging on to be 
able to get any more information. I can use phpldapadmin to triple check 
that the password I'm using for root is what's in openldap (and is 
different from the root account in /etc/passwd).

There's always another error message in my logs with each attempt, but I 
have no idea where it's coming from, and I don't know if it has anything 
to do with anything:

rc-scripts: /sbin/ must be root to run init scripts

If I create the machine account with `smbldap-useradd -w' (to try to 
join the machine in two steps like can be done in a Windows-only 
environment), I get errors in the log about not being able to access the 
ldap directory unless root. The stupid part is that I *am* trying to 
join the machine as root. (From what I've read, this is a bug. Since I 
don't have to have this functionality, I'm not worrying about it.)

Thanks for whatever help anyone can give. It's not like I'm a noob here. 
I've run a smbpasswd-backend'ed domain at another site for many years 
now. It's just that I'm trying to get everything tied together on my 
development machines now, and I'm having no luck. I've already put about 
20 hours of research into this, and I just don't know what else to try 
(except to wait for the next version of Samba to hit the portage tree).


Here's slapd.conf:

include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
pidfile /var/run/openldap/
checkpoint  32  30 #  
suffix  "dc=starfleet,dc=mil"
rootdn  "cn=Manager,dc=starfleet,dc=mil"
rootpw  secret
directory   /var/lib/openldap-data
index   objectClass,uidNumber,gidNumber eq
index   cn,sn,uid,displayName   pres,sub,eq
index   memberUid,mail,givennameeq,subinitial
index   sambaSID,sambaPrimaryGroupSID,sambaDomainName   eq
access to attrs=userPassword,sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword
   by self write
   by anonymous auth
   by * none
access to *
   by * read

Here's (the main section of) smb.conf:
   workgroup = STARFLEET
   server string = Excelsior
   map to guest = Bad User
   passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
   log level = 9
   add user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m "%u"
   delete user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-userdel "%u"
   add group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p "%g"
   delete group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupdel "%g"
   add user to group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m "%u" "%g"
   delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x 
"%u" "%g"

   set primary group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap -g "%g" "%u"
   add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
   logon script = startup.bat
   domain logons = Yes
   os level = 65
   preferred master = Yes
   domain master = Yes
   wins support = Yes
   ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=starfleet,dc=mil
   ldap delete dn = Yes
   ldap filter =
   ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
   ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
   ldap passwd sync = Yes
   ldap suffix = dc=starfleet,dc=mil
   ldap user suffix = ou=Users
   ldap idmap suffix = ou=Users
   #enable privileges = Yes

Full log:

Aug  8 07:32:08 excelsior slapd[13181]: conn=998 fd=29 ACCEPT from 
IP= (IP=

Aug  8 07:32:08 excelsior slapd