[Samba] Re: Samba Windows resolve issue

2009-07-07 Thread Doug Coats
Does anybody have a clue what the issue might be?  Maybe even a hint as to
what I could look into?  Is there more information that I could supply that
would help?

I am stumped and my endusers are frustrated.

Thanks again - Doug
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[Samba] Samba Windows resolve issue

2009-07-06 Thread Doug Coats
I am having an issue with a new samba setup.  My gateway server (H1 - the
new setup) is running Samba and acting as my networks wins server.  It also
houses my email and web server.  It is connected to a private network to
another server (H3) running Samba acting as my main file server.

The issue that I am experiencing is that H3 can view our webpage that is
hosted on H1 but my Windows machines that are connected to H3's subnet can
not.  If I try to ping H1 from H3 it resolves the name properly.  If I ping
H1 from the windows boxes it returns the external IP address and times out
on the requests.  i hope that I have presented that clearly.

H1 is fully qualified in the host files on H1 and H3.

H1's smb.conf

workgroup = admin
server string = Web Server
netbios name = h1
netbios aliases = mailserver
interfaces = lo
hosts allow = 127. 192.168.1. 192.168.4. 192.168.5. 192.168.6.
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
encrypt passwords = yes
security = user
passdb backend = smbpasswd
smbpasswd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
domain master = no
local master = no
os level = 32
preferred master = no
wins support = yes
name resolve order = hosts wins lmhosts bcast
wins proxy = yes
dns proxy = yes

H3's smb.conf

   netbios name = h3
   workgroup = ADMIN
   server string = Administration Samba Server
   security = user
   hosts allow = 192.168.4. 192.168.5. 192.168.6. 192.168.1. 192.168.0. 127.
   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   max log size = 50
   passdb backend = smbpasswd
   encrypt passwords = yes
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
   interfaces =
   remote announce =
   local master = yes
   domain master = yes
   domain logons = yes
   logon path =
   logon home =
   logon script = %U.bat
   wins server =
   wins proxy = yes
   dns proxy = yes
  add machine script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g machines -c Machine -d
/dev/null -s /bin/false %u

I left out the Samba shares but I think any main configurations are present.

This machine is a rebuild and I didn't have this issue before.  The main
difference is that this server now has two external facing nics to two
different interent connections.  I don't think routing is the issue because
H3 can resolve H1's name correctly and display the web page.
Thanks for any help anyone can give me!
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[Samba] Authentication across two samba domains to a client share

2008-12-12 Thread Doug Coats
I am a sysadmin at a small private school and I am trying to run a
program across two different domains.

Here is the basic setup.  I have a staff and a student domain
controlled by Samba on two different servers.  Some staff can
authenticate on both servers (using the same user name and password)
but no students can log into staff computers.  All client computers
are running Windows XP Pro.

Recently we purchased a network upgrade to our library card catalog.
 The library computer is on the staff domain.  The program targets a
shared directory on the library computer.  The share is set up as open
as I can make it.  So that all users can read.  That is all the
program requires. The program works fine from any staff computers.
The program works fine from student computers that a staff person is
logged into.  The program pops open a windows authentication window if
a student is logged into a student computer.

Security is set to user on both servers.  I tried setting Map to
guest = bad user but it did not seem to make any difference.  Is
there something I am missing?  I really need to find a way to make
this work since the point of it was mainly for the students to be able
to search the card catalog from the student computers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have googled but I can't
seem to hit upon the right combination of words to bring up useful

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Re: [Samba] Authentication across two samba domains to a client share

2008-12-12 Thread Doug Coats
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 2:35 PM, rob.sh...@gmail.com
rob.sh...@gmail.com wrote:
 By 'map to guest = bad user' do you mean 'invalid user = guest'?

No in the man page it talks about using map to guest  when using
security = user or domain.  Using map to guest = Bad User should map
the user into the guest account when the user is rejected.

I don't even find invalid user = guest.  I did try it though but it
did not work.

Is there somewhere other than the man pages I should be using for
configuration information?

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[Samba] RPM reporting running two versions of Samba at the same time

2006-08-10 Thread Doug Coats

I was trying to work through a PDC problem that I was having with
3.0.23a noted in bug 3964.  I didn't know how to apply the offered
patch and my distro, FC4, has not offered an update yet to 3.0.23b so
I thought that I would revert to a previous version that is not
affected by this bug.

I forced an install of 3.0.23 samba, common, and client and now rpm
reports that I have two versions of Samba running at the same time.
Samba seems to be running, shares are available and access is
restricted properly. I havn't dared try to join the domain until I
figure out  what is really going on on my system.  When I inquire of
rpm what is installed this is what I get.

# rpm -q samba

I have run rpm --rebuilddb and I get the same result.

Any insight or explaination is greatly appreciated.

Thanks All!
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