[Samba] upgrade single pdc from samba 3.0-alpha21 with ldapsam to samba pdc 3.0.2a with tdbsam?

2004-04-15 Thread Eddie Lania
Hello folks,

I would like to upgrade my current samba pdc 3.0-alpha21 with ldapsam to a
samba pdc 3.0.2a with tdbsam.
This all has te be done using the same, single machine.

Can this be done?

I am allready testing a bit but when I copy the secrets.tdb from the old
samba to the new samba version and start it up, the w.s. I am on is telling
me that the domain controller cannot be found and using svrmgr.exe tells me
that the previous primairy domain controller has become a backup domain

Result is that I am no longer able to log on to the domain anymore.

Is there a way to get arround this?

My thanks for your help.

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[Samba] tdbsam how to?

2004-04-14 Thread Eddie Lania

Everything seems hopeless..

At this moment, I still run Samba 3.0-alpha21 with ldapsam backend.
In the past I have been following the development of Samba closely.
I have been working on migrating my samba 3.0-alpha21 to Samba 3.0.2a.
It just doesn't work, I tried to follow the explanations about the new
samba.schema and other related stuff but I think there have become to much
bits and pieces of how it all fits together and I lost complete track of it.
Desperate as I am, I thought of giving it a try using the plain, simple
"tdbsam" backend.
But it doesn't work either.
So, here I am now with nothing working so far except my good old Samba

Can somebody please give me a detailed description how to setup a samba PDC
using tdbsam?
And please don't tell me to take a look at the several docs that I can find
a million places, I just want a clear, straightforward description from A to
Z please.

Can't be that hard since you all got it working, right?

My thanks in advance.


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[Samba] samba-latest and tdbsam - unable to logon to domain?

2004-04-14 Thread Eddie Lania
Dear list members,

I am unable to logon to the domain.
I have created the tdbsam using the "smbpasswd -a root" command.
I also added User Administrator as unix and samba account.
I also mapped groups "Domain Admins", "Domain users" and "Domain Guests" to
unix groups domadmins, domusers and domguests using the "net groupmap
modify" command.
But is doesn't work.

I cannot join a XP professional ws to the domain, I keep getting the message
that the domain controller cannot be found.
I am able to open the netlogon share from the ws when I am logged on the ws
as a local Administrator, but that's about all I can do.

Please help me!

See below my smb.conf:

netbios name = C733LINUX
workgroup = TECHDREAM
server string = "Samba 3.0 server"
security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam
encrypt passwords = Yes
null passwords = Yes
admin users = @"Domain Admins"
guest account = Guest
socket address =
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = True
hosts allow =,,
; add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd %u
; add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
add machine script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g computers -c
Computer -d /dev/null -s /bin/false %u
; delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel %u
; delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/deluser %u %g
; delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g   #
wins partners =
wins support = Yes
name resolve order = wins lmhosts host bcast
os level = 64
prefered master = True
domain master = True
local master = Yes
browse list = Yes
enhanced browsing = Yes
remote announce =
domain logons = Yes
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon drive = q:
logon home = \\%L\%U\.profile
logon script = login.bat
socket options = TCP_NODELAY=1
debug uid = Yes
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
; log level = 0
max log size = 0
pid directory = /var/run
printing = cups
printer admin = @"Domain Admins"

comment = Network Logon Service
path = /home/netlogon
nt acl support = No
read only = Yes
guest only = Yes

path = /home/users/%U
valid users = @"Domain Users", @"Domain Admins"
read only = No
browseable = No
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes
csc policy = disable

comment = User Profiles share
path = /home/profiles
valid users = @"Domain Users", @"Domain Admins"
read only = No
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes
csc policy = disable

path = /var/spool/samba
valid users = @"Domain Users", @"Domain Admins"
browseable = No
printable = Yes
guest ok = Yes
; print command = lpr -P %p -o raw %s -r
; lpq command = lpstat -o %p
; lprm command = cancel %p-%j

path = /usr/local/samba/printers
read only = Yes
valid users = @"Domain Admins"
write list = @"Domain Admins", root
guest ok = Yes

comment = Users directories
path = /home/users
valid users = @"Domain Users", @"Domain Admins"
read only = Yes
write list = @"Domain Admins"
inherit acls = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes

comment = Public Files share
path = /mnt/big_f32/public
valid users = @"Domain Users", @"Domain Admins"
force user = nobody
read only = No

comment = Applications share
path = /mnt/big_f32/apps
valid users = @"Domain Users", @"Domain Admins"
force user = nobody
read only = No

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[Samba] Samba 3.0 - ldap backend and idmap?

2003-10-25 Thread Eddie Lania
Hello people,

Can somebody answer my question?

Is it so that using samba 3.0 with ldap backend requires idmap backend also?
Thus for mapping unix ID's to Smaba ID's?

My thanks in advance for an answer.


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[Samba] SAMBA 3.0.0 RC1 - error while loading shared libraries:unexpected reloc type 0x80

2003-08-16 Thread Eddie Lania
Hello all,

 I downloaded, compiled and installed the new samba version today.
When everything was in place I tried to start it up the first time but it
failed leaving the next message on the screen:

Starting SMB services: /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd: error while loading shared
libraries: unexpected reloc type 0x80

What I am doing wrong?

Compiled with options:
./configure --sbindir=/usr/local/samba/bin --with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba
 --with-smbmount --with-pam --with-acl-support

RedHat version 7.0
gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-85)

Kind regards,

Eddie Lania.

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[Samba] Confusing - Migrating from 3.0-Alpha21 with ldapsam to3.0-Beta3 with ldapsam.

2003-08-14 Thread Eddie Lania
Hello list.

To migrate from Samba 3.0-alpha21 to Samba 3.0-Beta3, I don't really know
what has te be done.
Believe me, I read all the docs and stuff.
I read the samba schema for openldap has changed and that the smbldaptools,
which I use to add machine and user accounts, do not support this new
But I also read about smbpasswd that it is able to do all this stuff now?

Sorry, I just lost track of it all...

Please help me.

Kind regards,

Eddie Lania.
Elton B.V.

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