Re: [Samba] windows 7 machine account fails to authenticate against samba PDC

2013-09-10 Thread Fabio Muzzi

On 06/22/2011 12:31 AM, mrArcabuz wrote:

Hi, it's been a while since the original message appeared, but here's my
experience in case someone finds it useful:


  I changed the machine account name to uppercase in the passwd & shadow
files and the message does not appear anymore in the logs.

  This would explain why it's not an issue on an LDAP backend, as the uid
there is case insensitive.

I have experienced the same issue with the same configuration (PDB 
backend, no LDAP) and I can confirm that /etc/passwd entries created by 
adding machines to domain (via the "add machine script") show an 
UPPERCASE name in Samba (that is, when I issue a "pdbedit -L" command) 
but a lowercase name in /etc/passwd, resulting in errors being logged 
when the machine connects to Samba because its username (uppercase) 
cannot be found in /etc/passwd (where it is written in lowercase).

The workaround is in fact to edit /etc/passwd to se the machines 
usernames to uppercase.

I don't understand why and when this behaviour changed.

I have a very old Samba installation that shows the older machine 
entries in PDB file being lowercase, as in this example:

#pdbedit -L

and other entries in the same PDB file being all uppercase, like this:


Since all of the /etc/passwd file entries are lowercase, the second 
example (NOTEBOOK-FLAVIA$) does not authenticate correctly. You can also 
see that the output of the "pdbedit -L" command reports a wrong unix UID 
(4294967295) for the uppercase entry, because it cannot find it in 
/etc/passwd (being lowercase in passwd).

If I edit /etc/passwd and set the username in uppercase there, then 
everything works, and also the unix UID shown by "pdbedit -L" is correct.


Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

- IZ4UFQ -

Ginn! L'ottimismo e' il profumo di quella gnocca di tua 
sorella!Corri anche tu alla UniEuro!Ci sono radio che traspirano, cani 
di un'altra galassia!!!

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[Samba] Unix Extensions and "force create mode"?

2009-04-05 Thread Fabio Muzzi

It seems that when the clients (and the server) use Unix extensions, the
"force create mode" (and maybe "force directory mode"?) setting is
completely ignored.

I have a Samba 3.2.5 server that is accessed from Windows and Linux.

One share is configured as follows:

comment = Galleria fotografica
path = /ud0/foto
create mask = 0775
read only = No
directory mask = 0775
force directory mode = 0775
force create mode = 0664
map system = Yes
map hidden = Yes
dos filemode = Yes

When a Windows client writes a file to this share, the file gets the
correct permissions (664). When a Linux client writes to this share, the
permissions are set from the client (in my case the default is 660). 

This is wrong because I need 664 on this share.

If I disable Unix Extensions on the server, the "force" settings are
enforced correctly.

Is this a bug or is it the intended behaviuor? Is there a way to force
permissions even when files are accessed from a Linux client that uses
Unix extensions?


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[Samba] Error: Rejecting auth request from client MAILBKP1 machine account MAILBKP1$

2009-03-31 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I have a Samba 3.3.2 member server, named mailbkp1, which I joined to a
Samba 3.3.2 domain controller.

At joining time, I got two errors on the domain controller, which I
report here:

[2009/03/31 14:08:47,  0]
  _netr_ServerAuthenticate2: netlogon_creds_server_check failed.
Rejecting auth request from client MAILBKP1 machine account MAILBKP1$   

After joining, users can logon properly, and everything seems to work,
but every time the member server gets a new connection, and contacts the
DC to authenticate the user, I get that error again. 

I have searched through the bug tracking system, and found that older
versions of Samba showed this behaviour, but I supposed that this was
corrected on later versions.

I have also tried joining a 3.3.2 Samba server to a NT4 PDC, and while
the Samba member server works properly, I get similar messages (the
machine failed to authenticate itself) in the Event Viewer of the NT4

Is there an open bug abut this? I have found none.

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[Samba] Proper use of tdbbackup

2009-03-31 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I have googled a lot, but I have found no examples of the correct use of
the tdbbackup program. 

I am looking for some advice on how to use tdbbackup. I mean, I know I
can simply run "tdbbackup *.tdb", but I was looking for in-depth
information on when and how to use it, about best practices on using it,
or what NOT to do.

The Samba documentations says I should run it in my start/stop scripts,
but it seems that no distribution actually does this. Why? Is there some
drawback that I don't understand?

I was thinking of running it every day as a chron job (not restarting
Samba) and saving some backlog (some days worth of old backups). Is it
useful? Since domain member machines change their domain password (am I
correct?) automatically, if I restore an old backup can this lead to
machines being unable to talk to the (samba) domain controller?


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[Samba] Vampire ends with a NT_STATUS_SYNCHRONIZATION_REQUIRED error

2009-03-16 Thread Fabio Muzzi
I am quite desperate.

I have been trying to migrate a NT4 PDC to Samba. 

At the first try, I have used samba 3.2.5, which seemed to complete the
vampire process but then I have found that there is a bug that prevents
password from being migrated properly (and in fact passwords were not
migrated properly).

Then, I have removed the Linux server from the NT domain, deleted all
TDB files, installed and compiled Samba 3.3.2 (the latest), rejoined the
domain, and now the vampire command only migrates some accounts (127 of
them) and then dies with an error:

Fetching (to passdb) DOMAIN database
[2009/03/16 23:45:28,  0] passdb/pdb_tdb.c:tdb_update_samacct_only(527)

I have seen that when I delete the linux server from the NT domain
(using the server manager in NT) it still shows up in server manager,
even if it says that it is in fact deleted, and will disappear at the
next refresh (the next refresh of what?), it never disappears.

Now, is it because of this that I get this error? Maybe the PDC thinks
that he has to synchronize something to a BDC that has been removed from
the domain?

I have googled but I have found no answers...


Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] Grant or deny internet access based on Samba domain logon?

2008-06-03 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I am looking for some way to grant or deny internet access (that is,
changing iptables rules) based on Samba domain logon. 

When a user logs on, I would like to run a script that modifies firewall
rules based on the group that the user belongs to (this determines if he
has internet access or not) and based on the workstation's IP address
(so I know which IP address to grant internet access to).

When the user logs off, I need to know the same information (username
and IP) so I can remove the firewall rule.

I have seen some scripts based on preexec and postexec, and some based
on a loop that checks "smbstatus" every minute to see if new users are
addedd or presnet users have gone away, but I think that both methods
are not very efficient and not really stable. Checking every minute
means that a user needs to wait after logon to be granted internet
access, and using preexec and postexec seems to fail sometimes, as it
seems that clients tend to connect the same share multiple times, and
sometimes disconnect it while they are still online.

I'd like to know if there is something else that I could use, if there
is some "hook" in Samba that I can use to run scripts at logon and
logoff, that can pass me username, groups (not really necessary) and IP
address of the workstation. 



 Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Impossible to change Primary group

2007-01-29 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Gerald,

Monday, January 29, 2007, 2:50:54 PM, you wrote:

>> d> pdbedit -r gad -G 514 -d0
>> d> I cann't change primary group.
>> Running Samba 3.0.23d with tdbsam

GJC> The primary group is based on the real Unix primary group.

Ah,  ok...  so  now  it's impossible by design to change the primary group
using pdbedit, right?

Which  leads  to  the  next  question: is it a good idea (from the windows
clients  point of view) to have the "administrator" user belong to "domain
users"  as  the primary group and "domain admins" as a secondary group, or
is  it  better to change the unix group of the adiministrator user to make
it have "domain admins" as the primary group?


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Impossible to change Primary group

2007-01-17 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello drweb,

Saturday, November 25, 2006, 4:32:17 PM, you wrote:

d> By command:
d> pdbedit -r gad -G 514 -d0
d> I cann't change primary group.

I  was  looking  through the list archives and found your post. I have the
same issue. Any solutions yet?

Running Samba 3.0.23d with tdbsam


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re[2]: [Samba] Default Posix ACLs are ignored when copying files between two directories using Windows (XP)

2006-04-23 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Jeffrey,

Saturday, April 8, 2006, 1:50:53 AM, you wrote:

JML> I'm seeing this exact same behavior on my Samba server. For what it's
JML> worth, I also see this same behavior with shares/folders on a Windows
JML> NT  system.  It  seems  Samba/Linux and Windows NT behave the same in
JML> this regard.

JML> One  thing  you  can  do  is  tell  your  users  to "copy" files from
JML> directory  A  to  directory  B,  then  delete the original files from
JML> directory  A.  It's annoyingly inconvenient, (and inefficient) but it
JML> works.

I did some tests and came to the same conclusions (that is, I need to copy
and  not  move files). I did not know that WinNT does the same, I supposed
it should have worked correctly.

I  really  don't have an elegant way of avoding this issue, because I also
have all directories with different ACLs on a single big file system.

Maybe  this issue should be discussed on the ACL list instead of the Samba
one.  A possible (horrible) workarond from a Samba perspective could be to
remap  "move"  operations  to  "copy  and  delete"  ones. Another (better)
workaround  involves  smbd  applying  default  ACLS to files when they are
moved  to  the destination directory. But again I suppose this is an issue
with file system ACL support, and not with Samba.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] Default Posix ACLs are ignored when copying files between two directories using Windows (XP)

2006-03-31 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I have tried to read the documentation, but I was not able to find a clear
solution  to my problem. I run Samba 3.0.14a on a Debian system with Posix

I  have  a  share  on  a  file system that uses Posix ACLs, and I have two
directories in that share. Both directories have default ACLs set, so that
every  new  file  (or  directory) created under each directory (by Windows
XP/2000 clients) gets default permissions correctly.

Now,  when  a  user  that  has "rwx" permissions on both directories tries
(from a WinXP box) to move a subtree from from directory A to directory B,
the  moved  tree  (files and directories) keeps all of the the ACLs (Posix
and also standard user/group/other) and file ownership (user and group) it
had when it was under directory A, ignoring completely the defaults set in
directory B.

This makes the moved subtree unreadable to users of directory B, which are
not allowed to open files from directory A.

Is  there some solution to this issue? Maybe I need to set "inherit acls =

I basically want ACLs to be ALWAYS the default ones, as set on the topmost
directory, nothing more and nothing less.

Thanks for your help.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Shares get disconnected and cannot reconnect over VPN

2005-08-08 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I reply to myself to add some information: I have think that I have traced
it  down  to  a  name  resolving issue. I don't know why but sometimes the
client  asks  the  wrong  WINS  server  (I  have  two:  one on the locally
connected  LAN an another one on the other side of the VPN) to resolve the
server's  name,  and  the request fails, then the client cannot connect to
the server until it retries the request to the right wins server.

I  have  tried  setting  an  entry in the client's LMHOSTS file, but still
sometimes it asks the wrong wins server.

Maybe  I  have  found  a workaround: if I use the IP address of the server
instead of the netbios name, the client never disconnects from the server,
even if idle.

Now   the  question  is:  why  if  I  use  the  netbios  name,  the client
disconnects  from  the server after about 8 minutes idle, and if I use the
IP address it never disconnects?

Maybe   this   is   a   win2000   issue   (as  a client) more than a Samba


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] Shares get disconnected and cannot reconnect over VPN

2005-08-08 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello samba,

  I have an issue with OpenVPN 2.0 and Samba 3.0.14a.

  My  setup  consists  in  a  routed  VPN  (thus server and clients are on
  different  subnets)  between a linux OpenVPN 2.0 server and some Windows
  2000 VPN clients. Samba is the PDC and is a WINS server.

  The  VPN clients work, broswing works, and I see the clients registering
  on the server's WINS in /var/lib/samba/wins.dat.

  When  I  connect  to  a share, I get connected and can use it, but after
  about  8  minutes  of  inactivity  (no  open  files),  the  share  gets
  disconnected,  and  when  I  try to use it again, Windows says it cannot
  access  the drive. After some retries, I can connect again and the whole
  thing repeats from the beginning.

  I   have  tried also using PPTP (which puts me on the same subnet as the
  server,  not on a different one) and basically it seems I am getting the
  same behaviour.

  Obviosuly the same clients, when connected directly to the server's lan,
  show no issues at all and work flawlessly.

  I don't know if PPTP lets broacasts go through or not. OpenVPN does not,
  since  it's routed and not bridged. I assume that apart from speed (512K
  on  WAN connections) broadcasts are the only differences between LAN and
  WAN set-ups.

  Is  there  something I missed with broadcasts? I assume that since I use
  WINS, I don't need broadcasts to make Samba work. Am I wrong?


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] "guest account = XXX" not working in Samba 3.0.14a?

2005-08-06 Thread Fabio Muzzi

This is my first try at setting up a "guest ok" share.

I  have  created an user named "guest" in Linux (since I don't want to use
the  default "nobody") that has group "users". Now, it seems that the "map
to guest" directive is completely ignored.

I have created the same user in samba (don't know if I need it)

I have set up Samba 3.0.14a as follows (lots of stuff removed):

 guest account = guest
 map to guest = bad user
 passdb backend = tdbsam guest

  guest ok = yes
  read list = guest
  read only = no

Now,  when  I  connect to Samba with a nonexistent username, I see in the
logs  that the nonexistent username gets mapped to the user "nobody", when
it should get mapped to user "guest" as I stated in the general section.

Where  am  I  doing wrong? I don't want to use "nobody" because my "guest"
user belongs to "users" group, not to "nogroup".

I  have  tried  testparm -v and it seems that there are no errors and that
the "map to guest" directive gets read correctly.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] A workaround for printer drivers that crash with an exception error after uploading to Samba

2005-07-25 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I  have  just  run  into two printer drivers (Brother 1870N and HP Deskjet
890cxi)  that  seem to crash windows explorer as soon as they are uploaded
to the samba server.

I have tried using "default devmode=yes" with no success for both drivers.

I have found an horrible workaround that maybe should be useful to others,
so I'll describe it here.

First,  uninstall  the  offending  printer  and  remove  the  driver using
rpcclient, like this:

# rpcclient localhost (give password)
rpcclient $> setdriver  
rpcclient $> deldriverex 

then  exit rpcclient.

After  this,  install  the  printer's  driver  LOCALLY  on  a  windows PC,
configure  it,  and  share the printer using the same name that is used on

Then, again on Linux, use the command "net rpc printer migrate" to migrate
drivers  and its configuration from the Windows box to the Linux one, like

# net rpc printer migrate drivers "" -U Administrator -S 

and then:

# net rpc printer migrate settings "" -U Administrator -S 

This  last command returns an error that says: "enumprinterkey failed: DOS
code 0x001f, got no key-data" but it still seems to work.

This  has worked for me, and after doing it I was able to use the printers
normally and also modify their settings using a Windows client.

Hope this helps, but I suppose we need a better solution...


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re[2]: [Samba] Serious Slowness Issues with Printing

2005-06-27 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Jeremy,

Friday, June 17, 2005, 6:39:50 PM, you wrote:

>> The biggest problem is the time it takes Office to open up with a Samba
>> printer  set as default on the PC. If a fake local printer is installed
>> and  set as default, Office opens up quickly, but when the end user has
>> to  print,  going in to select the printer can take some time to select
>> on and then print to it.

JA> The main thing to look at is the network traffic between client and
JA> Samba server - ie. does the wait occur on the client when preparing
JA> the job or in the network traffic between client and server or at
JA> the server end once the job has been received at the server ?

The quoted part of the original message suggests that the problems are not
necessarily   limited to the spooling part of the process.

I  have  experienced  similar problems with one of my customers. They have
samba  3.0.14a  and  a  mix  of win2000 and winXPsp2 clients. Printers are
shared  through  SPOOLSS  protocol, with drivers downloaded to the clients
from   the  server.  Win2000 works perfectly, while winXP shows slowliness
when  dealing  with  the  printes.  It's  slow when opening the "printers"
folder  on  the server,  slow when connecting a printer from the server to
the  current  workstation,  slow  when  displaying the connected printer's
properties,  and  slow  when  Office applications that use that printer as
default   try  to do something that's printer-related.

For  example, creating a report in Access is slow even if I don't even try
to  actually print it, because Access tries to access the printer's driver
even when previewing the report on screen.

So  it  seems  to  be something related to loading the driver more than to
actually  print  something, and in fact after having waited for the driver
to load, spooling is fast even for large jobs.

In  other  places,  with the same setup, it works with only a little delay
instead of the long (10 seconds) delays I get in that particular setup.

I have all of the winXP firewalls disabled, but I have only one printer (a
Canon Pixma ip4000 connected to the parallel port) so I don't know if it's
that particular driver that has problems.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.14a vs. 2.0.7, is "include =" recursive?

2005-06-14 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Steve,

Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 12:44:21 PM, you wrote:

SW> I upgraded a mid-sized samba install (+-150 pc's) from Samba 2.0.7 to
SW> 3.0.14a last night.  It is acting as a PDC and the upgrade went smooth
SW> except for one thing.

I  don't  have  an answer, but a question: what were the critical parts of
the  upgrade? Did you use smbpasswd or LDAP? Did you migrate the auth data
from one backend to another?

I  have  to  do  such  a migration in a couple of days, and I am trying to
double-check that I have planned everything right.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re[2]: [Samba] recycle with debian-package of sambe 3.0.10

2005-06-14 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Jeremy,

Monday, June 13, 2005, 6:52:34 PM, you wrote:

JA> Not true (that "the recycle VSF module is of quite no interest"), it's just 
JA> the squeeky wheel tends to get the grease. You've squeeked, and I'm not 
JA> grease :-).

Really  thanks  for  the  prompt answer and the fix. I know that I have no
right to scream asking for a fix if I can't fix it myself, because I don't
pay  for  your  work, so I was not expecting such a prompt answer and fix,

Recycle is quite a good advantage over Windows servers, in my opinion, and
having it working properly is great.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] File owner / group

2005-06-14 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello ljerem,

Monday, June 13, 2005, 6:34:03 PM, you wrote:

lfua> The problem is that, for example, when I create a file (or modify it with
lfua> Word or Exel) in the Finances subdirectory, the file has my primary group
lfua> as GID (Technology, in this case).
lfua> What I need to do is to force Samba to create files with a specific GID
lfua> for each of those subdirectories.

You  should  set  the  SGID  bit  on the directory, and make the directory
owned  by  the  right  group  (Finances).  This should make Linux (and not
Samba)  create  the  files under the Finances directory owned by the group
Finances  and  not  your  primary group as it does now. This works without
ACLs, I don't know if it works with ACLs.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] Codepage conversion between 2.2.8 and 3.0.14 - what's 2.2.8 default charset on disk?

2005-06-13 Thread Fabio Muzzi

  I  have  to  upgrade  a  2.2.8a (Debian) installation to 3.0.14a (Debian
  too).  I  have  quite  everything  clear but I am afraid I will get into
  trouble with the filename encoding on disk.

  The current samba installation has no explicit codepage declared for the
  file system, and running "testparm" gives only these settings (which are
  default) for codepages and charsets:

coding system =
client code page = 850
code page directory = /usr/share/samba/codepages
character set =

  The  system's  current  locale  is  "POSIX".

  I have never worried about charset before because the files in the samba
  shares  need  to  be  accessed only by samba (not locally from Linux) so
  even  if  I  had  inconsistent  file names between samba and local shell
  access,  I was not worried, but now that I need to upgrade Smaba, I need
  to mantain consistent names between samba 2.x and samba 3.x.

  I  suppose  I will need to run convmv on the directories that are shared
  by samba to translate the file names to UTF-8, but the question is: what
  charset is in use now? From the testparm output I could not guess it, so
  i don't know how to convert my files.



  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] recycle with debian-package of sambe 3.0.10

2005-06-13 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Stephan,

Monday, June 13, 2005, 12:58:54 PM, you wrote:

SH> I am struggeling around with the permissions of the recycle-vfs-module.
SH> While working mostly good( placing deleted files inside the .recycle-
SH> folder), the touch-option does not work.

I am experiencing the same problem. The recycle vfs module is quite buggy,

The  touch  option  does  not  seem  to  work, and also recycle needs some
adjustments  to  the  way  it  manages  permissions,  becuse by default it
creates  files and the .recycle directory itself with a permission of 0600
(or  0700)  which is absolutely wrong when working on a share that's used
by a group of users and not a single one.

Still  it seems that the recycle VSF module is of quite no interest, since
these long standing bug have never been taken into account. Since I am not
so good at C programming, I can't fix them myself, so I'm just waiting for
someone to fix it.

You  should  also  check  on  by  searching  the  term
"recycle". There are some patches that where never (AFAIK) integrated into
mainstream sources.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] A suggestion for the documentation

2005-06-13 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I  have  read (I suppose) all of the documentation about Samba, but I have
not found a detailed description of the contents of the various tdb files.
It   should   be  useful  to  know what information goes in each file, and
eventually which file can be safely deleted and rebuilt.

For example, I have discovered by myself that group mapping could be reset
and  re-done  by simply deleting the appropriate tdb file, but still I was
not  sure  if  this  could  lead  to hidden issues before I have read John
Terpstra's mail on this list suggesting to delete the tdb file and then to
re-run the group mapping script.



  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] What's service 2227a280-3aea-1069-a2de-08002b30309d?

2005-06-06 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello samba,

  I  have  a  samba  3.0.9  server  that shares printers using SPOOLSS and
  hosting  the  drivers. Everything works, but accessing the printers from
  Win XP is very slow and I get an error in the log that says:

couldn't find service::{2227a280-3aea-1069-a2de-08002b30309d}

  every time I try to access the printers list for the server from WinXP.

  Is this a known problem? What's this service that winXP does not find?


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re[2]: [Samba] UID of the windows Domain Administrator user?

2005-06-04 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Stéphane,

Saturday, June 4, 2005, 2:02:28 PM, you wrote:

SP> For joining a machine to domain, you must have a user with uid = 0.
SP> But, begin with samba 3.0.11, the privileges can be used for use a other
SP> user than root (uid = 0)
SP> You can read more information in this pages : 

Yes, i have read this even if i have not yet tried it.

What I have not understood is why do I *need* an user with a SID ending in
500  (as  the  howto  says),  because  I  have never had one, and I had no
problems  at  all. The howto says I need one, but id does not say why, and
what happens id I don't have one.

SP> The "root" user is only used for that, but after joining a domain,
SP> changing the SID cause no problem.

You  say that I can change the SID of a domain user and the clients will not get
confused by this change?

SP> Actually, on my network I not enabled privileges (in my test network :
SP> yes  and  that  work). But, I use root user only for adding machine to
SP> domain,  for  the  rest of administration, I have a administrator user
SP> with  SID  =  S-1-5-21-xx---500  and  groupSID   =
SP> S-1-5-21-xx-x-x-512

Well, this seems to be a good idea anyway.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] UID of the windows Domain Administrator user?

2005-06-04 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I  have  installed  lots  of  samba  3 servers as PDCs for little networks
serving 10 users or so. I have always set up the user "root" as the domain
administrator,  by  setting its group SID to -512 with pdbedit.
My  "root" user has usually a user SID of -1000 since it is the
first  user  I  add  to  Samba.  I have never set up a username map to map
"administrator"  to  "root",  I  use "root" directly also on Windows boxes
when  I  need  to  connect as the domain admin (to add workstations to the
domain,   for   example)   and  I  have  never  had  issues.  I  have  no
user named "administrator" on the domain.

Now  I have read in the HOWTO collection that I should set the user SID to
-500  for  the  "administrator" user since this is a predefined
default  SID.  I  have  found  that  a  NT  server uses 500 indeed for its
"Administrator" user.

First,  I'd  like  to understand why do I need an user with the "500" SID,
since  I  have  never  had  one  and still it seems that my "root" user is

Second,  I'd  like  to  know what will happen if I changhe the SID of root
from  "1000"  to  "500",  now  that  my workstations already know the user
"root"  by  its old SID. I suppose that generally is definitely NOT a good
idea  to  change  a  user's  SID, because this would make his files on his
workstations owned by someone else. Am I right?


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Performance problem when writing large files!

2005-05-24 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Josef,

Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 8:39:27 AM, you wrote:

JFlc> We  encounter  following  problem. If somebody on the network writes
JFlc> big  files  from  windows  clients  to a samba shared directory, the
JFlc> performance of the server will be as much degraded, that, using top,
JFlc> on  all  CPUs  'idle  0.0%'  will  be  shown and the complete system
JFlc> freezes,  up  to minutes after stopping the copying process. After a
JFlc> while the system returns to its normal state, where mostly ideltimes
JFlc> from  50.0%  up  to 99.9% are shown. This behavior can be reproduced
JFlc> and will always happen.

Maybe  it's  a  HDD controller / driver issue. You should try and set up a
minimal  FTP  server  on the Samba server, and try to upload a big file by
FTP.  If  it hangs, it's not samba. If it works, then maybe it's samba. In
top,  what's  the  process that uses up the most CPU time, when the system


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Samba Domain Administrator

2005-05-24 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Jorge,

Monday, May 23, 2005, 6:51:59 PM, you wrote:

JF> Someone told me to insert "domain admin group = group I want" or
JF> "domain admin user = users I want" in my smb.conf file, but it didn't
JF> worked (looks like that was for older versions of samba).
JF> Can someone help?

Try this command: (from root shell)

net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=root

This  should  enable  the  users  in  the "root" group to be considered as
domain  admins  by  workstations,  thus  enabling the user "root" to be an
administrator of all windows workstations.

If  you like, you can create a group like "ntadmins" and set that group to
be  Domain  Admins instead of "root", then you can add users to this group
(I suggest to add also root to this group) so that "normal" users (that do
not  have  the  root  password  on your Linux server) can still manage the
windows workstations.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Netbios Alias

2005-05-23 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Ricky,

Monday, May 23, 2005, 2:41:50 PM, you wrote:

FR> include = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.tpub02
FR> I would appreciate any help with fixing this problem.

Maybe  if  the  netbios  alias  is  uppercase,  also  the  file  should be
smb.conf.TPUB02 instead of tpub02. have you tried uppercase?


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Disabling [printers] share

2005-05-23 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Marek,

Monday, May 23, 2005, 2:04:21 PM, you wrote:

MC> I've been trying to tackle this for some time and so far did not
MC> find a way to do this. The problem is simple - as I don't enable
MC> printing through Samba I'd like to disable it in such fashion that
MC> user would not even see the empty Printers share when he lists the
MC> available shares. How can I achieve that?

Have you tried these ones?

disable spoolss = yes
show add printer wizard = no


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Strange intermittent join with XP SP2 and Samba 3.0.14a

2005-05-23 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Megat0N,

Sunday, May 22, 2005, 2:01:23 PM, you wrote:

M> With xp sp2 (and 2003) i have to repeat various times the join phase
M> before get success from the PDC, and, during each failed join, i get the
M> error:

M> "user unknown or incorrect password"

This  does  not  seem  to be a firewall issue, but an XP-samba interaction
issue of some type. I do not have the answer, but it should be interesting
if  you try to join a XP SP2 client (which has intermittent issues) to the
domain  after  connecting  it  to  the  server's  network,  thus  avoiding
completely the firewall.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] Help in performing a Half-Migration from NT to samba3.

2005-05-23 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I  am currently planning "half a migration" (and half a new configuration)
from  NT to Samba PDC, and I would like to have some help. I have read the
howto and I have understood something useful, but I also understood that I
don't  know  enough  of  Samba  domain  internals  to  be sure not to make
terrible mistakes.

I  currently  have  a  NT4  PDC that also shares files and printers. Since
groups  and  shares are a complete mess (not made by myself), I would like
to migrate to samba (with tdbsam) and, in the process, recreate groups and
shares (and access control to files) in a completely different way. I have
about  60  workstations and 60 users, with an awful lot of printers (30 or

I have started thinking about a migration plan, and have come up with some
very generic ideas, on which I ask for some advice.

-  I  should  migrate  printers to linux before everything else, while the
users  still use the nt4 server, because I need to go to every workstation
and change the printers settings individually, and I would like to do this
while  the network is still in use (planning to use one entire day or more
for  this  task).  Ideally users should print through samba and cups while
still  using  the  NT server for everyting else.

Question: is it better to use samba printing or to use LPD printing or IPP
printing, provided that the workstations (XP sp2 and win2000) can do it?

-  I  should  then  take  the network down, use net rpc vampire to get the
users,  groups  and  machine  accounts  from NT to Samba, then discard the
groups  information  and  create  my  own group structure. Move the shared
files  from  NT  to Samba, modify login scripts, and test access from some
workstations,  then  restart  the network (during a week long holiday when
the office is closed).

Question:  can  I  vampire  only  users and machine accounts and no groups
(since I want to change them completely)?

Question:  I have read in the samba howto (or was it "by example"?) that I
can  (and  should  in  some  cases)  run  vampire,  then  export tdbsam to
smbpasswd  to strip domain information, then go back to tdbsam. This seems
a  good  idea  to  strip  out  things like the home directory that must be
changed  for every user to the new server, but there is one aspect I don't
understand:  if I strip all domain information, doesn't the user's SID get
lost  and  then  recreated differently? What happens if I change the users
SID  numbers?  Doesn't this make an horrible mess on the workstations that
already know the domain users by the old SIDs?

Any  help  (even  in suggesting to read more of TFM, and possily a link to
the part of the manual that I have to read) is really appreciated.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re[2]: [Samba] 100% CPU eaten -- tdb_fetch failed

2004-02-26 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello John,

Thursday, February 26, 2004, 3:30:21 AM, you wrote:

JHT> You should run the tdbbackup tool every time Samba (smbd) is shut down.
JHT> Please refer to the man page for further information. The use of tdbbackup
JHT> is a very important step to prevention of catastrophic problems with tdbs.

It  should  be  a  good idea to include a tdbbackup run in the init script
that  runs  samba  (I mean /etc/init.d/samba). Why don't you include it in
the  standard  init  script that is included in the samba distribution? (I
refer  to  the  debian  packages,  I  don't  know  about  the other binary


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re[2]: [Samba] Recycle module permissions - a workaround

2004-02-23 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello rruegner,

Monday, February 23, 2004, 12:11:18 AM, you wrote:

r> i just tested this and it doesnt work
r> is a special vfs version needed?

No,  I'm  running  samba 3.0.2a, installed from the debian binary packages
found on

The complete share configuration is:

comment = Disco generico
path = /ud0/discone/
read only = No
hide dot files = yes
vfs objects = recycle
recycle:versions = Yes
recycle:touch = Yes
recycle:maxsize = 1
recycle:repository = .recycle.%u

I have tested it again, and it works. My username is "kurgan", and I get a
".recycle.kurgan" folder with my deleted files in it.

I have not tried it (yet) with more than one user concurrently.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] Recycle module permissions - a workaround

2004-02-22 Thread Fabio Muzzi

  I   have  just  found  a  simple (yet not so elegant) workaround for the
  recycle  VFS  module  permissions  issue.  Recycled  directory is always
  created  with a 0700 permission, not allowing the use of the recycle bin
  in a share that should be group-writeable.

  The simple workaround is to set "individual" recycle bins, by setting


  this  makes  samba  create  a repository named ".recycle." for
  every user. Every repository has 0700 permissions, so other users cannot
  access  it, but the user who deleted the file can always recover it, and
  this  has  the  side  effect of letting the administrator (and the users
  too) be aware of who deleted a file.

  Also,  a  user  can  simply  browse  "the  files  I have deleted" in its
  personal  bin, as opposed to a common bin with hundreds of deleted files
  all together.


  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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[Samba] Recycle module malfunctioning in 3.0.2a?

2004-02-18 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello samba,

  I  have just installed Samba 3.0.2a (debian packages from and
  I have found that the recycle vfs module does not work.

  This is my setup for a share with recycle enabled:

comment = Disegni Impianti
path = /ud0/dis_imp
read only = No
vfs objects = recycle
recycle:versions = Yes
recycle:touch = Yes
recycle:maxsize = 1
Recycle  works,  but  it ignores the "touch" option. The other options are
working correctly.

Apart  from  this  issue  with  the  touch option, recycle does create its
.recycle  directory  with  0700  permissions,  disregarding any "directory
mask"   and   "force   directory  mode" directive. Must I use the "inherit
permissions" setting to get a 0770 permission on ".recycle"?

The  touch  issue makes it impossible for me to delete the contents of the
recycle  bin  based  on delete time, and the fixed permission (0700) makes
impossible  for  a group (as opposed to a single user) to work easily with
recycle bin.

Any solution for these issues?



  Fabio "Kurgan" Muzzi

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Re: [Samba] Samba acls

2003-06-30 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Adrian,

Monday, June 30, 2003, 3:15:54 AM, you wrote:

AC> the gid and uid of the file)   Mine worked as if it is always created as a
AC> root user.I thought the file should have the uid and gid or the person
AC> who created the file (respect to the /etc/passwd and /etc/group in the
AC> Samba server).

Itshould   have   the  user's  gid  and uid. Do you have an "admin
users"  directive  in  smb.conf?  If  you do, and the username you are
connecting  as  in  the admin users list, then you will act as root on
the file system.

Best regards,
 Fabiomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [Samba] W2K PDC Domain

2003-06-27 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Andrew,

Friday, June 27, 2003, 8:31:12 AM, you wrote:

AB> Make sure you have no mapped drives to the server before you join the
AB> domain.  In particular, don't have any drives open as a different user
AB> to the one you use to join the domain (usually root).

Also,  do NOT try to go from a workgroup to a domain of the same name.
It  will  quite  surely  fail. If you need to go from WG "a" to domain
"a",  first change WG from "a" to "b", reboot, then try to join domain
"a".  If  it  fails,  try  executing a "net use * /d" on the Win2k box
before joining the domain to disconnect all drives, printers, and IPC$

Best regards,
 Fabiomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [Samba] 2.2.8a, printer driver download: need to use setdrive r

2003-06-26 Thread Fabio Muzzi
Hello Andreas,

>> This is the EXACT problem I had.  Haven't fixed it either if I have 10
>> printers upload all the drivers.. for all the OS's... how do I tell
>> which drivers go with which printer?

A> You use the setdriver command, it seems. What I wanted to know is if this
A> is expected or if I'm missing something.

It  should  work  and  should be needed. Or, if you add drivers from a
Win2000 client, then you don't need setdriver (I think).

Best regards,
 Fabiomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Samba] Printer drivers on a samba 2.2.8a server: how?

2003-06-25 Thread Fabio Muzzi

I'd  like to set up my samba 2.2.8a server to serve printer drivers to
clients  when needed. I have set up the print$ share, in which I still
have  no  drivers.  Tried adding drivers from a win2000 workstation by
using  "server  properties"  command,  I  can't add anything since all
buttons  are  greyed  out. The user I am using is in the printer admin
group  in  smb.conf.  I  can  provide  snippets of the config files if

Is  there  some  docs I can read about my specific issue, or generally
about printing with samba 2.2.8 and cups?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
 Fabio  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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