[Samba] Cant Join Win 2003 AD in Native Mode

2006-01-07 Thread Foster, Ian (LogicaCMG)
We are having trouble configuring Samba 3.021on Solaris 8 to join a Win 2003
ADS in native mode.

The error we are getting is :

[2006/01/04 10:06:26, 0] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(191)
  ads_connect: Strong(er) authentication required

I have read in some older postings this could be due to the fact that Samba
did not support signing for LDAP certificates (our Win 2003 server is set up
with LDAP Server Siginig = Requires Signing).

Is this still the case and if so is there a workaround other than changing
the setting. Conversely, if this is no longer the case what else could be
causing this error ?

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[Samba] Cant Join Win 2003 AD in Native Mode

2006-01-07 Thread Foster, Ian (LogicaCMG)
We are having trouble configuring Samba 3.021on Solaris 8 ( with MIT KRB5
1.3.6 and Open LDAP 2.2.23) to join a Win 2003 ADS in native mode.

The error we are getting is :

[2006/01/04 10:06:26, 0] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(191)
  ads_connect: Strong(er) authentication required

I have read in some older postings this could be due to the fact that Samba
did not support signing for LDAP certificates (our Win 2003 server is set up
with LDAP Server Siginig = Requires Signing).

Is this still the case and if so is there a workaround other than changing
the setting. Conversely, if this is no longer the case what else could be
causing this error ?

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[Samba] Samba locking database errors : V 2.2.8 a on HP-UX 11i

2003-12-09 Thread Foster, Ian (LogicaCMG)
We are in the process of commissioning a new HP server (on HP-UX 11i) and
have installed Samba which we have configured and used extensively before
without major problems (though not this version - 2.2.8.a). Samba ran OK
initially, but now we are getting failures with messages of 'smbd[pid]
Cannot initialize locking database' and 'no locks available' logged to the
syslog and no new connections can be established (can not even browse - get
message 'Network name could not be found'). This can only be cleared by
restarting the daemons.

I have checked our smb.conf file with the testparm utility and this looks
ok, and checked the parameters (including the defaults) against the smb.conf
man page at samba.org in an attempt to identify any bad config. I have also
verified the obvious - that the lock directory exists and the permissions
are correct (if they didn't I guess it would fall over straight away).

I have attached a dump of our global definitions for inspection.

Has anybody any ideas what may be causing this ? I have checked the Samba
web pages without success. 

Is there a bad locking option here - or some other samba / kernel threshold
we are hitting ?
If I can't resolve this the filestore is going to NT !

Any help very gratefully recieved. 

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incorrect. It is therefore essential that you verify all such information with us 
before placing any reliance upon it.

CE Electric UK Funding Company
Lloyds Court
78 Grey Street
Newcastle upon Tyne
Registered in England and Wales: Number 3476201

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans 
Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern\fprq1 r_ansi;}{\f3\froman Times New 
\deflang2057\horzdoc{\*\fchars }{\*\lchars }\pard\plain\f2\fs20 # Global parameters
\par [global]
\par coding system = 
\par client code page = 850
\par code page directory = /usr/local/samba/lib/codepages
\par workgroup = MWNET1
\par netbios name = 
\par netbios aliases = 
\par netbios scope = 
\par server string = Rent1
\par interfaces = 
\par bind interfaces only = No
\par security = SERVER
\par encrypt passwords = No
\par update encrypted = No
\par allow trusted domains = Yes
\par hosts equiv = 
\par min passwd length = 5
\par map to guest = Never
\par null passwords = No
\par obey pam restrictions = No
\par password server = mwaus1 mwaus2 mwaus3
\par smb passwd file = /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
\par root directory = 
\par pam password change = No
\par passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd
\par passwd chat = *new*password* %n\\n *new*password* %n\\n *changed*
\par passwd chat debug = No
\par username map = 
\par password level = 0
\par username level = 0
\par unix password sync = No
\par restrict anonymous = No
\par lanman auth = Yes
\par use rhosts = No
\par admin log = No
\par log level = 0
\par syslog = 1
\par syslog only = No
\par log file = /usr/local/samba/var/%m.log
\par max log size = 5000
\par timestamp logs = Yes
\par debug hires timestamp = No
\par debug pid = No
\par debug uid = No
\par protocol = NT1
\par large readwrite = Yes
\par max protocol = NT1
\par min protocol = CORE
\par read bmpx = No
\par read raw = Yes
\par write raw = Yes
\par acl compatibility = 
\par nt smb support = Yes
\par nt pipe support = Yes
\par nt status support = Yes
\par announce version = 4.9
\par announce as = NT
\par max mux = 50
\par max xmit = 16644
\par name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
\par max ttl = 259200
\par max wins ttl = 518400
\par min wins ttl =