[Samba] Can you use winbind and be a PDC at the same time?

2003-06-05 Thread Glenn Arnold
Here is the scenario I would like to integrated samba into my old NT 4.0
domain, but at the same time I would like to create a new Samba Domain
to migrate everybody too eventually.  I have 100 new machines to install
this summer and would like to add them to the new samba domain instead
of the NT 4.0 domain.  The reason I do not want to move everybody at
once to Samba Domain is I have 300 W2K & XP machines that I have to
recreate machine accounts, so I would have to manually go to every
machine to change there domain to the samba domain.  Also, I would like
to test this out for a while to make sure Samba meets our needs.  Which
I pretty confident it will, but I will admit Linux and Samba is not my
strong points, but I am getting better everyday!  Plus, the cautious
approach will allow me to win senior management approval.  Is it
possible use Winbind to make Samba Server a member of NT Domain, but be
Samba PDC for a different domain?  It will probably not work, but I am
not a Samba expert, so I thought I get some input from this list with a
lot more experience;-)

Thanks for your help\
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[Samba] Setting up Pointing and Click Printing through APW on Win2kMachine

2003-07-02 Thread Glenn Arnold
First off I have read the SAMBA 2.2 printer documetation and Samba Printing 
Documentation for 3.0.  And searched the Internet through Google and did not come up 
with much.  Maybe it is how I am doing search I don't know. I had some success using 
CUPS for Point and Click printing using cupaddsmb command.  I could get the print 
drivers to download on W2K and XP.  But, I could not get the the Adobe Drivers to 
download to my Win9x machines.  When I tried to download the print drivers through APW 
to the Samba server you would see the drivers copy to the server, but when you click 
OK I get the message Printer settings could not be saved. Access is denied.  Here is 
the rights on my printer directory.

drwxrwxrwx   37 root root 4096 Jul  1 20:12 Apps
drwx--2 root root16384 Jun 22 10:44 lost+found
drwxrwxrwx3 root root 4096 Jun 24 17:12 netlogon
drwxrwxrwx4 root root 4096 Jun 27 18:49 printers

Here is the rights for the directories under printers
drwxrwxrwt5 root root 4096 Jul  2 19:58 w32x86
drwxrwxrwx3 root garnold  4096 Jul  2 19:31 win40

Here is rights for the directories under w32x86-- Notice __SKIP_0184
drwxrwxrwt2 root root 4096 Jul  2 19:20 2
drwxrwxrwt2 root root 4096 Jul  2 16:17 3
drwxrwxrwx2 root root 4096 Jul  2 19:58 __SKIP_0184

Also through W2K APW I tried to add printers that are not setup on the Red 9.0 linux 
box and created them trough APW I get the error message "Printer settings could not be 
saved. Access is denied."  I also noticed that this weird directory would pop-up in my 
printers directory it is named __SKIP_0184.  When adding the printer fails I click 
cancel and it disappears.  I truly believe it is rights issue I just do not know where 
to look.  My background is  in NT, so I just begun to start learning Linux and using 
for server applications. I have been real happy with Linux and Samba just stuck on 
this printer problem.  Also, I need some help with the addprinter command and 
delprinter command.  What goes after the command?  Most examples I see are addprinter 
command  is like this "addprinter = "  I know there is more to that command than this 
just blank.  Would some give me a good example of addprinter and delprinter command 
that works on Red Hat 9.  Here is my smb.conf file.


netbios name = SERVER01
workgroup = domain
security = user
os level = 64
domain master = yes
local master = yes
prefered master = yes
time server = yes
unix extensions = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
domain logons = yes
logon script = logon.bat
wins support = yes
character set = ISO8859-15
client code page = 850
veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/
lanman auth = yes
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /ev/null -g ntmach -c 'Machine Account' 
-s /bin/false -M %u
oplocks = yes
load printers = yes
printing = CUPS
printcap name = CUPS
addprinter command = /usr/sbin/redhat-config-printer-tui --Xadd-local

path = /smbsrvr/netlogon/scripts
read only = yes
public = no

comment = Home Directories
valid users = %S
browseable = no
writeable = yes
create mask = 0640
directory mask = 0750
hide dot files = yes
veto files = /*.mp3/*.exe/*.com/*.js/*.bat/*.cmd/*.wsh/*.lnk/*.scr/.*/
dos file times = yes
valid users = @root
path = /smbsrvr
read only = no
create mode = 0770
directory mode = 0770
force group = apps
force directory mode = 0770
dos file times = yes
path = /smbsrvr/Apps
read only = no
create mode = 0770
directory mode = 0770
force group = apps
force create mode = 0770
force directory mode = 0770
dos filetimes = yes

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
writable = no
printable = yes
printer admin = root

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /smbsrvr/printers
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
read only = yes
write list = root
create mask = 0755
directory mask = 0777

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