Re: [Samba] Samba on A SGI Indy Cyclone IRIX system???

2003-06-15 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 08:29, Tony Parker wrote:

> We have recently inherited a circa 1996 SGI Indy Colorbus Cyclone running on
> Irix.

Cool!  I also see to have a bunch of IRIX stuff around me.

> Our intention is to use this unit to drive our Canon CLC900 Scanner Copier
> and make it accessible to our Windows Network.

How does this scanner attach?

I ask because SGI is famous for using connectors that look like, and
only sort of act like standards you are familiar with.  One
case-in-point in particular is their use of USB - yes, it's a USB
connector, and yes the USB protocol used is a correct implementation of
the bulk-transfer mode / HID class, but that's where it stops.
Ditto for some firewire stuff I've used...

Perhaps the *only* interface you could solidly count on would be
serial  :-)

But, have a go at it.  IRIX is fun, and you'll find that the leap from
Linux isn't huge.

> At the moment, our Windows Network does not "see" the Cyclone & vice versa.

> 1.) Does the "Indy" Cyclone Irix package already contain "Samba" or SMB
> capability? How would one determine whether or not SMB or "Samba" may have
> been previously installed on the "Indy" IRIX system?

I strongly doubt it.  If you were local, I'd bet a case of beer that
Samba isn't on your Cyclone.

> 2.) Can anyone on this mailing list please suggest exactly what Samba
> software should be installed on the Indy cyclone, and what kind of Windows
> Samba client software should be installed on the Windows workstations?

The great thing about Samba is that Windows *is* the client.  There is
nothing to do to your Windows machines (generally; sometimes some little
settings, depending on which particular flavour of Windows you're
talking about).

Here's a site you're going to become familiar with:

Look under "Alphabetical", and go from there.

It's an extended learning curve to use the IRIX 'inst' package to
install new software - well, learning 'inst' itself only takes a few
minutes, really, but figuring out how to deal with unsatisfied
dependencies may drive you crazy.  Do not put a system into production
until you have mastered some way of efficiently resolving dependencies.
One (blunt-instrument) way of satisfying dependencies is to download
*everything* from the SGI freeware site, then beginning an install. 
Chances are, though, you're going to need the Base Install CD's
(probably 2), and the overlay CD's (for the latest IRIX 6.5.20, that is
another 4 CD's).

One outcome is that you will soon see the benefits of many other
package-managers :-)

> 3.) I'd also be most grateful for any information where this software can be
> downloaded, as well as any tips & hints in installing and configuring the
> Samba software on both the Indy cyclone and the windows workstations..

Well, generally speaking, on an SGI if you follow the package
instructions for compiling you'll be OK.  This will mean you'll need to
become root on your new machine (you do have the root password, don't
you?).  Further, you will need a compiler, and autoconf / automake...
all these are available from the freeware site mentioned above.  I also
tend to immediately install 'bash', and 'emacs' (can you believe it -
IRIX ships without emacs in the default installation - heresy!!!).

I think this is a great summer project.  You will learn a lot,
especially about IRIX, and samba.

If you simply want to be quickly productive with your scanner, hook it
up to a Windows machine and share it off to the other Windows clients. 
This is by far the faster/simpler way.

-Gord (who has built an Onyx Graphics Supercomputer off eBay, with 4x
64-bit CPUs, for under $3,000!!!  OpenGL in hardware - which pulls 5A at
220V - simply *ROCKS*).

Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.268.7509 | Amateur Radio:  VA7SFU, VA7GP

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Re: [Samba] Samba3.0beta1 as PDC with LDAP

2003-06-09 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 01:28, Chee Wai Yeung wrote:

> I still could not get a uid=root entry in LDAP to
> allow client workstation to join the domain.

> Has anyone got a full LDAP based Samba PDC working
> without the need to have a fallback smbpasswd for the
> root account?

My experience is the same as yours, Chee.  I had to have a user 'root'
in smbpasswd, despite having a root-user (UID=GID=0) in LDAP (this was
using 3.0alpha24, not beta1).


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.268.7509 | Amateur Radio:  VA7SFU, VA7GP
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Re: [Samba] Cable Modem

2003-04-06 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 07:03, phil brogan wrote:

> I read many postings in this listserv about cable modem under RHL 7.3 in 
> Sept 2002

I have replied directly, because this didn't seem Samba-related (but
obviously someone is having difficulty).


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Re: [Samba] POSIX ACL to NT ACL bugs in get_nt_acl()

2003-03-06 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 14:18, Sergey Zhitomirsky wrote:

> Hello , the described bellow  happens both in samba 2.2.7a and 3.0-alfa22.

> In the next e-mail I will send patches fixing all 3 bugs  in samba 2.2.7a & 
> 3.0 alfa 22

I am a humble samba-user, and I am indebted and grateful for your
presentation and substantiation of the problems.  The fact that you have
also produced patches to address the problem is OUTSTANDING!

Thank-you very much, Sergey.


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] SAMBA with LDAP

2003-02-25 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 07:42, Renato Diniz wrote:

> Can I use an LDAP autentication with SAMBA?

> What I need to do?

I found the following *very* helpful:

Somewhere, on IBM's website, I also went through a tutorial they have
there.  It wasn't as "hands-on" practical as Idealx, but it was good
background and reference.


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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[Samba] Thanks! (Was: Mailing list HOWTO (Unofficial))

2003-02-05 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 10:23, John H Terpstra wrote:

> Over the past 3 months I have spent an average of 6 hours per day
> answering requests from this list. I just checked my sent-mail folder and
> am surprised to see 387 responses to people who asked for help from this
> list. If you work this out, it equates to an average of 10-15 minutes per
> reply. Now that time DOES include research and finding a solution.

My heartfelt "thanks" go out to _everyone_ who helps provide
clarifications, answers and solutions.

In my short time on this list, there are a few outstanding individuals
who seem to constantly provide helpful (even cheerful!) replies, which
are accurate and insightful.  I'd like to acknowledge these guys:

John Terpstra
Andrew Bartlett
Jerry Carter

There are certainly other helpful people (whom I don't mean to offend),
but these three stand out.

THANKS!  And "thanks" to *everyone* who helps!

Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] conenction refused

2003-01-24 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 02:18, Chris Mossner wrote:

> Hi, i always get error conenction refused when i try to start swat with
> redhat 8.0  i did all teh change in the servie file and xindet.d

On your RH8.0 system, you could try (temporarily) disabling any

[root@zero root]# /sbin/service iptables stop

(or, graphically-speaking, you could (under Gnome):
Gnome-foot (lower left)
Service Configuration
then, stop iptables from there).

Then, see if you can connect to swat.

Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] for samba + LDAP

2003-01-14 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 23:21, Long-Sheng Kuo wrote:

>In addition, is there more information/tutorial of LDAP available on line?

Sorry, I can't offer any Perl help.

I found this Idealx document helpful as a tutorial for implementing
samba as a PDC, using LDAP:

hmmm... right now, a DNS lookup is failing for them, so here's another
pointer to the document I found useful:

Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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RE: [Samba] auto start

2003-01-13 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 12:52, Roland Thompson wrote:

> Thanks for the reply, but smb isn't one of the options.
> Any idea on how I can get it there?

If you installed RedHat's samba rpm, everything should be set to

If you downloaded and compiled stuff, then I can see this happening. 
What you need is a file - /etc/initd.d/samba  I'm including mine as a
reference for you (also RH 8; short, and ASCII).

Begin included samba init
# chkconfig: 345 91 35
# description: Starts and stops the Samba smbd and nmbd daemons \
#  used to provide SMB network services.

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0


# Check that smb.conf exists.
[ -f $CONFIG ] || exit 0

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting SMB services: "
daemon smbd -D  
daemon nmbd -D 
touch /var/lock/subsys/smb
echo -n "Shutting down SMB services: "

## we have to get all the smbd process here instead of just the
## main parent (i.e. killproc) because it can take a long time
## for an individual process to process a TERM signal
smbdpids=`ps guax | grep smbd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
for pid in $smbdpids; do
kill -TERM $pid
## nmbd is ok to kill using killproc()
killproc nmbd -TERM
rm -f /var/lock/subsys/smb
echo ""
status smbd
status nmbd
echo -n "Restarting SMB services: "
$0 stop
$0 start
echo "done."
echo "Usage: smb {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 1

 End Included Text 

Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] auto start

2003-01-13 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 12:41, Roland Thompson wrote:

> I'm running RH8 with Samba 2.2.7a.
> how I can get samba to start when linux boots up?

Here are three ways:

1)  if using Gnome as your desktop, click on the 'foot' -> Programs ->
System -> Service Configuration.  You will be prompted for the root
password, if you are not already  root.  Go down through the list, put a
check next to 'smb'.  For me, nmbd starts automatically as a consquence
of smb starting.

2)  from a console, you can type 'serviceconf'.  This basically does
exactly the same as option 1).

3)  from a console (or, in case you have no GUI), you type 'ntsysv'. 
Again, this gives you a list of services and checkboxes; tick off 'smb'.


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] The use of Samba

2003-01-10 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 04:45, Ted Gervais wrote:

> Now that I have Samba all set up and working well

> Right now I can sit at any machine and access any others.
> What more can I look forward to??  Or is this it??

Here are some thoughts, Ted.  Mostly if you're bored :-)

1)  Move Samba/PDC over to using LDAP.  Check that this works.

2)  Then, move your Linux box(es?) over to using the same LDAP for
authentication.  One trick I found useful is to open two consoles to
your target machine, leaving one firmly SSH'd in (so you can recover
when the other terminal gets locked out :-O ).

Now, you will be enjoying one single point of maintenance (LDAP) for
all your Win/Lin users.  Sooner or later, though, a Win user will try to
log into a Linux box, and you'll see an error about lack of a
home-directory, or no shell, or no .profile, or some such...

3)  Assuming that your Samba setup gives each Windows user a home-dir
upon login, it's now time to duplicate that in Linux.  Server uses
"exports" file, client will use Automount (auto.home).  Now, the same
home-dir is available on both Win and Linux logins.

(seeing as you're also a ham - I'm VA7GP, and VA7SFU for Simon Fraser
University) - you could hook your HF radio to your Linux box.  Run twpsk
to experience PSK-31 data-over-radio, or gmfsk for either RTTY or
MFSK-16.  While this has next-to-nothing to to with Samba :-) it's a
great way to pass some indoor winter  months :-) ).


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] Best samba filesystem

2003-01-09 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 10:56, Chris Palmer wrote:

> Gordon Pritchard writes:
> > Out of all of this "slow performance with lots of files" discussion,
> > what would be the recommended filesystem?  I'm about to implement a
> > RAID-3 Samba-server for rich-media (multimedia), and I'd like (robust)
> > journalling, along with speed.

> It depends on how big your multimedia files are. If you mean MP3s, any
> such filesystem will be fine (including ext3). If you have big huge
> files (several GB or more), you might be happier with one of the
> filesystems made for large file support (Reiser, JFS, XFS).

Sorry, I should have mentioned that :-(
Filesizes will range up to 100GB, for now.  The array is 1 Terabyte
(there will be two such setups, on separate servers, each doing the
Samba thing).


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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[Samba] Best samba filesystem

2003-01-09 Thread Gordon Pritchard
So -

Out of all of this "slow performance with lots of files" discussion,
what would be the recommended filesystem?  I'm about to implement a
RAID-3 Samba-server for rich-media (multimedia), and I'd like (robust)
journalling, along with speed.  I have used (and am using) XFS,
ReiserFS, ext2 and ext3, but not on any sort of server.  AFAICT, they
all seem to "work".

But I've only verified that ext3 survives "dog pulling out power-cord
in the middle of disk-writes" :-O :-)

The server will basically be RedHat 8.0, and I will be compiling custom
kernels (so I can add whatever file-system-support is available for
Linux...).  Again, I'm after robustness and speed.  Ease of
implementation is low on the scale... (I don't mind pain :-) )


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] Windows notification

2002-12-23 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Mon, 2002-12-23 at 08:50, Darin Bawden wrote:

> Does anyone know of a way <...> to send a notification to
> Windows users, as they log in, that there password has or is expiring in a
> certain number of days?

This would also be of interest to me...


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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Re: [Samba] Error Saving Certain Files in Profile from Win XP PRO

2002-12-21 Thread Gordon Pritchard
On Sat, 2002-12-21 at 12:51, John H Terpstra wrote:

> about 2 out of 3 stations will experience a problem. That problem could be
> anything from:
> 1. Pop-up of notepad with the contents of what looks like a .ini file

I get this, and it's just plain weird.  Notepad pops up, with every one
of my three XP Pro users (using Samba 3.0alpha21-1 as PDC, and LDAP
authentication).  Here's the Notepad text I get:


I don't want to have to re-install XP *again* though :-(  So, for now,
I just close Notepad.  Good to know I'm not alone with seeing this
behaviour, though.


Gordon Pritchard, P.Eng. | Institute of Electrical and
Research Labs Manager|  Electronics Engineers
Simon Fraser University, Surrey  | Quarter Century Wireless Ass'n
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Telephone Pioneers of America
phone:  604.586.6186

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