
I have a pb with large file on a RedHat 9/Reiseifs/Samba 3.0.1 server
My linux server will be use for backup Oracle databases.
There is files of 4 Gb but, when I connect to the Oracle 9i server
I see files of 16 E.
I have search in thousand threads in the forum, but it's still very confusing for me.

- when doing ./configure samba indicate check for LFS -- yes
- I connect to the win2k Oracle server with mount -t smbfs -o username=xxxxxx //pluton/9I /bidon
where /bidon is a 100 Gb reiserfs partition (I generated 10Gb file with dd on this partition with no problem).

------>>>>> Can someone post here a really clear (ultimate?) HowTo for configuring (patching ?) LFS. <<<<<----------
I saw a lot of messages requesting help on this subject, with no really workable response (for me), perhaps a samba team developper can drop some words here about this recurent demand.

Thanks for any help
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