[Samba] Windows machines caching file state on samba shares?

2003-10-22 Thread J B Bell
Hi folks.

Using Samba 2.2.7a, we're seeing a weirdness where one Windows PC will
update some file on a share, and another one will, when accessing the
same file later, see an older version.  Right-clicking on the file 
selecting Properties will update the file state.

Is there anyway to force reads to synchronize whatever state is being
held to avoid this?


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[Samba] Can't login to domain after joining

2003-10-17 Thread J B Bell
I have RH 9 running samba 3 with an ldapsam db backend.  I've managed to
join the domain (as seen in previous missives), but now can't log in.  I
have done the requiresignorseal hack, but still no dice.

The LDAP query that is being passed seems to be of interest.  After a
successful lookup of the sambaDomain entry, it tries to find this:

conn=1 op=2 SRCH base=dc=octigabay,dc=com scope=2

Needless to say, that doesn't look quite right.  Any ideas?


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[Samba] machine accounts aren't added properly with smbldap-useradd.pl + ldap backend

2003-10-15 Thread J B Bell
Yay, I finally got my samba 3 PDC working!

Following a variety of indirect hints I used the root account to join,
rather than trying to mess around with various groups and group
mappings.  I had done this before, with no good effect, but checked more
carefully this time and found that it was my machine account that was
not being found, not the root account.

Further investigation shows that when using smbldap-useradd.pl -w
machine, the machine account does not get the objectClass
SambaSAMAccount, and therefore it isn't found when the samba server
tries to authenticate it.

Using smbldap-useradd.pl -a instead seems to fix this problem, but then
the machine is not put into the Computers ou.  I can also use an ldap
editor (jxplorer, in my case) to manually add the objectclass, but this
is less than ideal.

Should I add this problem as a bug against smbldap-useradd.pl?  Or is
that not considered the right tool?

I have tried using the smbpasswd method (and yes, I have already done
smbpasswd -w); as the unix system uses ldap passwords itself, it should
work, but I always get the message 'failed initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for
user machine'.

Any advice, finally, on setting up roaming user profiles?  Most of our
users have single-machine local accounts, so I'd like to migrate those;
we have never had roaming users at all.

Thanks everyone for any help you can give!


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Re: [Samba] Re: machine accounts aren't added properlywithsmbldap-useradd.pl + ldap backend

2003-10-15 Thread J B Bell
On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 17:11, Carl Weiss wrote:
 may want to check if this is uncommented in your smbldap-useradd.pl file
 if (!$with_smbpasswd) {
 # (jtournier)
 # Objectclass sambaSAMAccount is now added directly by samba when joigning
 the domain (for samba3)
 if (!add_samba_machine_mkntpwd($userName, $userUidNumber)) {
 die $0: error while adding samba account\n;
 } else {
 if (!add_samba_machine($userName)) {
 die $0: error while adding samba account\n;

Actually, I have now tried this both ways.

If I set the add machine script as suggested up-thread, it does create
the machine, but I still get an error saying the account doesn't exist.

The really odd thing is that smbldap-useradd.pl is adding the machine
with the same uid as the previously-created (just previously, that is)
root account.  This seems to make it impossible to look up the machine

If I don't uncomment that line, the machine account never gets found,
since it lacks the sambaSAMAccount objectclass.

This is pretty odd.  Anyone else seen anything like this?  Manually
adding machine accounts with a fixed smbldap-useradd.pl does seem to
work, but this is a pain.  Samba also appears not to deal gracefully if
a machine account exists already when it joins a domain.


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[Samba] Problems joining domain w/ Samba 3.0.0 PDC and LDAP backend

2003-10-10 Thread J B Bell

By going through various HOWTOS and faqs, I have been able to clone our
current, working Samba 2.2.7a implementation and upgrade it to samba
3.0.0.  Unfortunately I'm unable to get a Windows machine to join the

Looking at the ldap logs, it looks up all userinfo apparently correctly
but I get an access denied error when using my own account (which is
in a group that is mapped to Domain Administrators; I also added the
account itself to that entry, but get the same result).  When using the
Administrator account itself, I always get the error unknown username
or bad password.

How does Samba decide what makes an account worthy of joining a domain? 
Does it rely on the uid, sambaSID, or what?  I think if I knew that, I
might be able to lick this problem.

Thanks for any help!  I'll gladly follow up with any pertinent details
that would help answer this.


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