[Samba] CIFS: mounting public/guest shares impossible? error: SessSetup = -13

2006-02-19 Thread JG

i've always been using mount -t smbfs and recently upgraded to
mount.cifs because i have a very aggressive application which always
killed the smb connection (getting timeouts, ...).

my setup:
* some passwordless public/guest shares
* one admin share over a x-over link

to be able to use the admin share i had to switch my server from
security = share to security = user, otherwise i always got
mount.cifs error -1, Operation not permitted.

now that was weird, because it always worked with smbfs, although the
man page states:
parameter: admin user = jg
This parameter will not work with the security = share in Samba 3.0.
This is by design.

= well, this parameter worked with smbfs, but not with cifs!

now with security = user i can mount this admin share, but all the
public/guest shares are not mountable with CIFS, only with SMBFS.

here's a sample share:
path = /mnt/disk1
valid users = nobody ftp *guest
read only = Yes
guest ok = Yes
guest only = Yes
hide unreadable = Yes
hide special files = Yes
invalid users = root admin @wheel
veto files = /*root*/
browsable = Yes

i tried to mount the public share with many different settings regarding
user=, guest, sec=, but i only get:
CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13
CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13

i also tried to disable PacketSigningEnabled, nothing helps. with
sec=none, dmesg tells me that it is an unknown mount option.

is there no way to perform a null session?

i have configured the smb.conf global settings like this:
  encrypt passwords = yes
  passdb backend = smbpasswd:/etc/samba/private/smbpasswd
  username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

the smbpasswd contains a nobody user with no password and my admin user.
cat /etc/samba/smbusers:
root = administrator admin root
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest

both client and server are samba v3.0.21b. kernel version is
on both sides. for the windows clients i'm using the workaround 'net
use \\IP\share  /USER:' to be able to access the shares.

thanks for any enlightenment :)
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Re: [Samba] samba = 3.0.6 connection timeouts

2004-09-16 Thread JG
 and just happenend again while streaming a video. crap. now, security
 or no working samba? *gg*

ok, talking to myself again...
i've now patched samba 3.0.5 with the DoS-patch and i'm using 3.0.5
v3.0.6 and 3.0.7 just don't work here (hope 3.0.5 doesn't break
compatibility with xp sp2 clients...)


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[Samba] samba = 3.0.6 connection timeouts

2004-09-14 Thread JG

i get connection timeouts, so my samba connection just hangs. i have to
remount (after lazy umount) the share to make it work again.
the problem seems to arise after some traffic, but at the moment i was
only listening to mp3s over the share when it occured again.

dmesg output:
smb_add_request: request [c3d1c0e0, mid=59360] timed out!
smb_add_request: request [c3d1c1e0, mid=59361] timed out!
smb_add_request: request [c3d1c0e0, mid=59362] timed out!
smb_add_request: request [c3d1c0e0, mid=59363] timed out!
smb_file_read: path/file validation failed,
error=4294967291 smb_lookup: find //mnt failed, error=-512

on the server side with smbstatus i see many requests for the mp3 file
with the same pid.
8712  DENY_NONE 0x3 RDWR NONE //path/file  Tue Sep 14 16:04:24 2004

i do not have problems with samba 3.0.5 or lower. the problem only
occurs in 3.0.6 and also 3.0.7.
client samba version is 3.0.6, client kernel: 2.6.7-gentoo-r11
server samba version is 3.0.7, server kernel: 2.6.6-mm3

how can i debug this?


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Re: [Samba] samba = 3.0.6 connection timeouts

2004-09-14 Thread JG

 i get connection timeouts, so my samba connection just hangs. i have
 to remount (after lazy umount) the share to make it work again.
 the problem seems to arise after some traffic, but at the moment i was
 only listening to mp3s over the share when it occured again.

and just happenend again while streaming a video. crap. now, security or no working 
samba? *gg*


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Re: [Samba] Server requested LANMAN password but 'client use lanmanauth' is disabled

2003-09-01 Thread JG

 You have been caught be one of the nasty side-effects of bug 
 You will need to set 'client ntlmv2 auth = no', to re-enable the lanman
 support required for security=share.

thank you very much!! it's working again.
i had searched bugzilla for lanman OR auth and groups/google but didn't get this 


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[Samba] Server requested LANMAN password but 'client use lanmanauth' is disabled

2003-08-31 Thread JG

after upgrading my client to samba v3 rc2 i got some problems with mounting one share 
of my file server that needs a password.
the previous version i was using (samba v3 beta3) works fine, but the rc2-version 
gives me an error without changing any config file.

the server is samba v3 rc2, here's its smb.conf:
   workgroup = x
   netbios name = x
   server string = Samba Server %v
   load printers = No
   show add printer wizard = No
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   log level = 1
   hostname lookups = no
   security = share
   encrypt passwords = yes
   passdb backend = smbpasswd
   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
   interfaces = 10.xxx.xxx.xxx/24,
   bind interfaces only = Yes
   local master = Yes
   os level = 65
   domain master = no
   preferred master = yes
   dns proxy = no
   dos charset = ISO8859-15
   unix charset = CP850
   display charset = CP850

then i have defined some shares which are accessible by everyone without giving a 
but i got problems with one share, that is only for administration purpose over my 
internal interface:
comment = admin purpose
hosts allow =
path = /
read only = No
create mask = 0640
directory mask = 0750
browsable = No
valid users = root
guest ok = No

mount -t smbfs -o rw,username=root // /mnt/srv
Server requested LANMAN password but 'client use lanman auth' is disabled
15640: tree connect failed: SUCCESS - 0
SMB connection failed

as a workaround i tried overriding the client use lanman auth, but it doesn't work, 
i can set it to yes, but testparm always shows no.

i'm compiling samba with these parameters (gentoo ebuild):
--with-expsam=xml, --with-acl-support --with-pam --with-pam_smbpass --enable-cups 
--without-ldap --without-ldapsam --without-ads --with-python=no --with-readline

mounting the share from winxp works fine. what did change between beta3 and rc2 that i 
kernel is 2.4.19 (gentoo) where i changed the value #define SMB_MAX_PACKET_SIZE   
32768 to 65536 in smb.h
if you need more info please tell me.


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