Re: [Samba] Auto-Create Directory

2004-07-23 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Ray Holtz wrote:
José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa worte:

Yes, you can.  It will use samba for session, not for auth 

(obey pam 

restrictions = Yes). 

I'm using it, on a samba PDC.  Not sure If it will work with 
security=ads (I don't use w2k3, I use a samba PDC (I have even 


who are changing their w2k3 servers to samba, because of the 

I appreciate the help, but that won't work for me. In the 
smb.conf(5) man file under 'obey pam restricitons (G)'...

It says:
"When Samba 3.0 is configured to enable PAM support (i.e. --with-pam),
this parameter will control whether or not Samba should obey PAM's
account and session management directives. () Note that Samba always
ignores PAM for authentication in the case of encrypt passwords = yes."
(only ignores authentication).
It doesn't say anything about ADS, and I use it with encrypt
passwords=yes.  I'm not sure, maybe I'm wrong, I would like you to do
the test, it works for me.
Anyway, you have nothing to lose, put in the /etc/pam.d/samba:
session skel=/etc/skel/ umask=0022
in my case it is in: /etc/pam.d/common-session , because I'm using Debian.
Now my question: Why do you need Windows 2003 server?  I have found that
almost everything can be done with linux-based servers (just ask me
anything).  The only thing you would lose is the "kerberos" auth for the
windows workstations (but it seem to be scheduled for samba-4 (I hope))
(and other things are only harder to get).  I have found that
ldap+pam+nfs may be an excelent option to use for unix workstations, I
have even though about doing a script to be run from a pam module that
rsync the user dir with the central server (in order to have "roaming"
home dirs, without nfs).
We are having a war at my college (UNET) in Venezuela to avoid using
windows 2k3, and we have found that a point of weight are the CALs:  you
need a cal for either: Every user in your AD (Active Directory), Every
workstation that would connect to the AD (this excludes authenticated
web access, for let's say sharepoint portal, in wich case you need extra
CALs for web access), or every *authenticated connection* that will go
to ANY of your servers (yes, that mean you need a CAL even for web
authenticated users, if they use AD to authenticate).  That's why I'm
working like mad to put together a "solution" that can do almost
everything AD can offer, and I see that a large part of the work is
already done, it is almost only a matter of "putting things together.
Note that Samba always ignores PAM for authentication in the 
case of encrypt passwords = yes. The reason is that PAM modules 
cannot support the challenge/response authentication mechanism 
needed in the presence of SMB password encryption. 

Auth, not session, the mkhomedir is a session stage module.
I need to authenticate windows 95,nt,2000,xp clients against the 
2003AD to use their share, so 'security=ads' needs 'encrypt 

I wish that I could scrap the Windows2003 AD for a SAMBA/LDAP 
domain server.  Unfortunatly I have neither the time nor 
knowledge to implement that right now.  I am working as an 
intern at this school, and my internship is over in two weeks.

Once again, thanks for the help, but that option won't work for 

Just try it, it is a matter of 10 minutes.  Do the changes, create a new
user, and login to a w2k workstation.

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Re: [Samba] Auto-Create Directory

2004-07-23 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Ray Holtz wrote:
I have a samba server set so that each user in a windows 2003 
active directory can have their own personal, private share.  I 
would like to know how to set up Samba so that their directory 
is created automatically, rather than me creating 1300 
directories on the linux server.  

I cannot use because 'security = ads' in 
smb.conf and 'encryption = yes' must be there.  I thought about 

Yes, you can.  It will use samba for session, not for auth (obey pam
restrictions = Yes).
I'm using it, on a samba PDC.  Not sure If it will work with
security=ads (I don't use w2k3, I use a samba PDC (I have even customers
who are changing their w2k3 servers to samba, because of the CAL)).
making a script to run in preexec everytime, but would that take 
up a lot of CPU cycles?  This is for a highschool, so every hour 
many, many students will all be logging on at the same time.  Is 
there another way to have samba create a home directory for a 
user automatically?


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Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far:) ...STILL NOTSOLVED

2004-07-22 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
What does your ldap.conf (or pam_ldap.conf or libnss-ldap.conf) looks 
like?  I assume It is something like this:

nss_base_passwd dc=juwimm,dc=local?sub
nss_base_shadow dc=juwimm,dc=local?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=juwimm,dc=local?one
Wich, unless you have ldap for samba only, is not a very good idea.  You 
should have something like:

nss_base_passwd ou=Samba,dc=juwimm,dc=local?sub
nss_base_shadow ou=Samba,dc=juwimm,dc=local?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=juwimm,dc=local?one
and use:
ou=users,ou=Samba,dc=juwimm,dc=local  for your users.
ou=machines,ou=Samba,dc=juwimm,dc=local  for the computers.
and put:
ldap user suffix = ou=users,ou=Samba
ldap machine suffix = ou=machines,ou=Samba
in your smb.conf
This way you can even have different samba PDCs in the same ldap, using 
different ou (let's say that you have 4 domains in your network 
(different network segments, maybe), then you can keep them independent 
one of the other, and still have a central user 
administration/storage).  Or, off course, different services sharing the 
same ldap directory.

Andre Helberg wrote:
  ldap admin dn = cn=root,dc=juwimm,dc=local
  ldap suffix = ou=juwidc01,dc=juwimm,dc=local
  ldap user suffix = ou=users
  ldap group suffix = ou=groups
  ldap machine suffix = ou=machines 

Works well with samba 3.0.2a on a suse 9.0 machine

Is there anyone succes with place Users and Computers in 
different ou's ?



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Re: [Samba] Re: roaming profiles and samba

2004-07-22 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
The only trouble you could have is if you are not using folder 
redirection.  In that case, every user will be using a "local copy" of 
the profile, and if any two users modify one file at the same session 
(different workstations), I'm not sure what will happend, but certenly 
any of these changes will be lost (I pressume to be the changes made by 
the first user to logoff).

Jim C. wrote:
I do that all the time with no apparent trouble or corruption. I know 
that Samba uses the same locking mechanisms that NFS does.  They live 
in the kernel I believe and that may be a clue. Just a theory but what 
normally happens when more than one program asks an OS for access to a 
file, it puts the writers to sleep and only allows one at a time 
access but lets the readers read what they want.

I have a network comprised of a linux server (mandrake) running samba 
as a PDC and clients all being windows xp.  I am in the process of 
doing a
practice run of roaming profiles and am currently stuck.  What is the 
common way to prevent two of the workstations from logging into the 
pdc and
thus corrupting the roaming profile?  Ive googled this till im blue 
in the
face and am getting nowhere.  I cant possibly be the only person whose
attempted such :)  Any help would be MUCH appreciated.  Please 
forgive me if
I have improperly posted this or broken some other ettiqute, this is my
second post ever to such a list, so i apologise in advance for any 

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Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far :) ...STILL NOT SOLVED

2004-07-20 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
abebe lsslp wrote:
I was having trouble sleeping last night, so I start
going over your past e-mails. Do you remember you
asking me that I need to make sure LDAP is
authenticating system users? And I told you that it
was. I was not completely lying, it authenticates
'testuser1' with no problem. However, 'administrator'
is getting kicked out as soon as it logs in. Here is
what it looks like:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
Last login: Tue Jul 20 09:49:05 2004 from
Connection to closed.

Off course:
loginShell: /bin/false
It logins, then just die, because it have no shell. :)
Here is part of 'slapd.log':
Jul 20 10:22:31 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=7 op=2 SRCH
attr=cn userPassword memberUid uniqueMember gidNumber
Jul 20 10:22:31 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=7 op=2
SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Jul 20 10:22:31 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=7 fd=15
Jul 20 10:25:17 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=4 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" scope=2
Jul 20 10:25:17 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=4 op=2 SRCH
attr=uid userPassword uidNumber gidNumber cn
homeDirectory loginShell gecos description objectClass
Jul 20 10:25:17 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=4 op=2
SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 fd=15
ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" method=128
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" mech=simple ssf=0
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=0
RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=1 SRCH
base="dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" scope=2
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=1
SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=2 BIND
anonymous mech=implicit ssf=0
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=2 BIND
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=2 BIND
mech=simple ssf=0
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=2
RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=3 BIND
anonymous mech=implicit ssf=0
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=3 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" method=128
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=3 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" mech=simple ssf=0
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=3
RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 fd=18
ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" method=128
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" mech=simple ssf=0
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 op=0
RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: deferring
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 op=1 SRCH
base="dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" scope=2
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 op=1 SRCH
attr=uid userPassword shadowLastChange shadowMax
shadowMin shadowWarning shadowInactive shadowExpire
Jul 20 10:25:19 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 op=1
SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 op=4
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=8 fd=15
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 fd=15
ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=9 fd=18
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" method=128
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=Manager,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" mech=simple ssf=0
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=0
RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=1 SRCH
base="dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" scope=2
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=1
SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=2 SRCH
base="ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu" scope=1
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=2 SRCH
attr=cn userPassword memberUid uniqueMember gidNumber
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 op=2
SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Jul 20 10:25:20 eaglex slapd[20508]: conn=10 fd=15
Is it alright if I delete the files in
'/var/lib/ldap/*' before I use 'slapindex'?
When I do the 'ldapsearch' command, machin

Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far :) ...STILL NOT SOLVED

2004-07-20 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Mohammad Reza wrote:
Dear lists...
But this still un-solved the real problem to join w2k to samba3-ldap .
I'm here with the same situation.
I even switch my distro to SuSe with same result, still cant join domain.
Please give us hint how to solve or debug this problem.

Sorry, I looked at the thread, and I don't have info about your problem 
with w2k.  According to what I read at the link posted by Abebe, I think 
it may be a problem with the unix system not "seeing" the machine 
account created automatically by samba (ie, the smbldap-useradd 
script).  You should be able to do a "su - winxp\$" as root, and it 
should log in:

obelix:~# su - virtualxp\$
No directory, logging in with HOME=/
Off course, it will not give you a prompt as virtualxp\$, because the 
shell is /bin/false, but If the user didn't existed, it would answered: 
Unkown ID, or something like that.

-Original Message-
From:   Craig White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 7/20/2004 9:48 AM
Subject:Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far  :) ...STILL NOT SOLVED
On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 19:34, José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote: as you
recommended. I have one big question, which one do I
put in '/etc/ldap.conf'
nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one

Neither, use this:
nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
Look at the sub, it tells the system to descend to all the sub-objects it may have.

It is pertinent to consider that this suggestion waives any efficiency
for ease of use as it will tell all user lookups to search the entire
LDAP tree.
I already told him to use his second choice as that is most efficient. I
recognize that your option would permit the option of trying to use a
separate organizational unit for Computers but this guy is endlessly
confused, and simple is clearly better for his purposes, without
considering the impact of excessive searching of the LDAP db.

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Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far :) ...STILL NOT SOLVED

2004-07-20 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Craig White wrote:
On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 19:34, Josà Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote: as you
recommended. I have one big question, which one do I
put in '/etc/ldap.conf'
nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one

Neither, use this:
nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
Look at the sub, it tells the system to descend to all the sub-objects it may have.

It is pertinent to consider that this suggestion waives any efficiency
for ease of use as it will tell all user lookups to search the entire
LDAP tree.

In fact, you should do something like this (that's what I did, if you 
read the thread):

nss_base_passwd ou=Accounts,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_shadow ou=Accounts,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
And under ou=Accounts,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu, you create another ou:
ou=People,ou=Accounts,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu  here you place user accounts, 
and put this in the smb.conf for users
ou=Computers,ou=Accounts,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu  and here you place computers 

Off course, you can call Accounts whatever you want to call it: samba, 
domains, I don't know.

I already told him to use his second choice as that is most efficient. I
recognize that your option would permit the option of trying to use a
separate organizational unit for Computers but this guy is endlessly
confused, and simple is clearly better for his purposes, without
considering the impact of excessive searching of the LDAP db.

If you only have the ldap for samba, there will not be any problem.
It will also allow you to create others ou to futher organize your users 
(you can't ask someone to have, let's say, 900 users in just one ou).  
This would also allow you to delegate the administration of a group of 
users to another person, without giving him access to the whole directory.

I was endlessly confused myself when I started with this, I read many 
different howtos, all of them saying different things.  And I have been 
a samba user for more than two years, I just started to use it with ldap 
about five months ago.


Ildefonso Camargo
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Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far :) ...STILL NOT SOLVED

2004-07-19 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
abebe lsslp wrote:
Thanks for the help. I think I am about to take you on
your offer. since you said to ask if I have any
question, here I am.

I usually do the installation from the top of my head,
but I followed

It's always better to never trust anything one read, just test it and 
try to figureout how it really works.  I used both, the idealx howto and 
the samba-3 by example.  Well, I also used some info from the samba-3 howto. as you
recommended. I have one big question, which one do I
put in '/etc/ldap.conf'
nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one

Neither, use this:
nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
Look at the sub, it tells the system to descend to all the sub-objects it may have.
The idealx howto was not really clear on this one.
I have posted the problems I have and other detail
installation steps and configuration files at
The file are one directory below at
I am not really using "ldap ssl = start tls" yet. I
will get to that part after I get the rest of the
stuff working. 

Thanks again,

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Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far :) ...STILL NOT SOLVED

2004-07-17 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Try this:
In /etc/ldap.conf:
scope sub  (uncomment it).
nss_base_passwd ou=Users,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_shadow ou=Users,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
Not sure right now, but I have a /etc/libnss-ldap.conf, I made the same 
modifications to it.

With this you can keep your computers in another ou.  I did something 

nss_base_passwd ou=Accounts,dc=merkurio,dc=int?sub
nss_base_shadow ou=Accounts,dc=merkurio,dc=int?sub
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=merkurio,dc=int?one
And under Accounts (ou=People,ou=Accounts,) I created the users, and 
under ou=Computers,ou=Accounts, I pointed to the machines suffix in the 
smb.conf (my smb.conf), but it is some tricky to get it work with the 

   workgroup = MERKURIO.INT
   interfaces = eth0, lo
   bind interfaces only = Yes
   min passwd length = 7
   passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
   client NTLMv2 auth = Yes
   client lanman auth = No
   client plaintext auth = No
   min protocol = LANMAN2
   time server = Yes
   server signing = auto
   add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
   domain logons = Yes
   os level = 40
   preferred master = Yes
   domain master = Yes
   ldap suffix = dc=merkurio,dc=int
   ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers,ou=Accounts
   ldap user suffix = ou=People,ou=Accounts
   ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
   ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
   ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=merkurio,dc=int
   ldap ssl = start tls
   ldap passwd sync = Yes
   ldap delete dn = Yes
   path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
   browseable = No
   read only = No
   browseable = No
   path = /home/ftp/
   path = /samba/profile
   read only = No
   profile acls = Yes
   browseable = No
The tls requires that the cert is correctly emited (ie, host name should 
match the cert's cn).  I hasn't tested this config completly (I need to 
test the password change from win workstations).

Hope this helped,
Ildefonso Camargo
Craig White wrote:
On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 13:39, abebe lsslp wrote:

Hey Craig, 
Here is what's happening. I've got nothing, but
headache from looking at log level 10, but finally I
finished going over it. For those of you who have not
been following, check



 timeout_processing: End of file from client


has disconnected).

You are attempting to join WinXP to domain, are
asked for the
name/password/domain of a user who has sufficient
privileges to add a
machine to the domain and it fails to finish? The
machine is indeed
added to LDAP - that's all I can figure out from
your email.
First off - my understanding is that Machine
accounts should still be
located in the People subtree and not in the
Computers subtree because
subsequent searches will not locate it there. If
this has been fixed,
I'm sure someone will correct me.

I have tried it your way as well. 

# 1
Changeed the Entry in '/etc/ldap.conf' to 

nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_shadow ou=People,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
changed the entry in '/etc/samba/smb.conf' file, I

ldap machine suffix = ou=People
and finally, the entry in
# Ex: computersdn="ou=Computers,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG"
However, I am sure the "ou =Computers" entry works. A
lot of documentations, including would have
corrected their documentations if it wasn't so.  


Secondly - ldap log?

I couldn't find any hint that leads me to believe the
ldap doesn't work, but you might see something I
don't.  you will find the whole 'slapd.log' file here: (there are also
log files for the xp machine. ('winxp.log.html' is log
level 10 and 'winxp_log.html' is log level 3). Log
level 10 doesn't really tell me anything log level 3

SID's don't match...
dn: uid=Administrator,ou=Users,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu

sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-952094410-1508517273-1204454084-512
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-952094410-1508517273-1204454084-2996
pdbedit -Lv testuser1

User SID: S-1-5-21-1414736517-1990894286-2385622597-3000
Primary Group SID:S-1-5-21-1414736517-1990894286-2385622597-513
Who knows which SID is in smbldap_conf and which SID is in 
This should be one of the first things you check.
Also - just for a point of reference (not that what I do is at all correct or even 
recommended by the many people that know way more than I do), I set the primary 

Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP - so close yet so far :) ...STILL NOT SOLVED

2004-07-17 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
I think you are having a lot of trouble.
Take a look at:  (it is in english).
And:  (This is samba-3 by
example, use the pdf, the html is missing some images).
Look at chapter 6 and 7 (very good, but complement it with the url from
There are only a couple of minor details in samba-3 by example,
otherwise it is an EXCELENT book (I would buy it, if I had the money :( ).
If you have any more questions, just ask.
Ildefonso Camargo
Craig White wrote:
On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 13:39, abebe lsslp wrote:

Hey Craig, 
Here is what's happening. I've got nothing, but
headache from looking at log level 10, but finally I
finished going over it. For those of you who have not
been following, check



 timeout_processing: End of file from client


has disconnected).

You are attempting to join WinXP to domain, are
asked for the
name/password/domain of a user who has sufficient
privileges to add a
machine to the domain and it fails to finish? The
machine is indeed
added to LDAP - that's all I can figure out from
your email.
First off - my understanding is that Machine
accounts should still be
located in the People subtree and not in the
Computers subtree because
subsequent searches will not locate it there. If
this has been fixed,
I'm sure someone will correct me.

I have tried it your way as well. 

# 1
Changeed the Entry in '/etc/ldap.conf' to 

nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_shadow ou=People,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
changed the entry in '/etc/samba/smb.conf' file, I

ldap machine suffix = ou=People
and finally, the entry in
# Ex: computersdn="ou=Computers,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG"
However, I am sure the "ou =Computers" entry works. A
lot of documentations, including would have
corrected their documentations if it wasn't so.  


Secondly - ldap log?

I couldn't find any hint that leads me to believe the
ldap doesn't work, but you might see something I
don't.  you will find the whole 'slapd.log' file here: (there are also
log files for the xp machine. ('winxp.log.html' is log
level 10 and 'winxp_log.html' is log level 3). Log
level 10 doesn't really tell me anything log level 3

SID's don't match...
dn: uid=Administrator,ou=Users,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu

sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-952094410-1508517273-1204454084-512
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-952094410-1508517273-1204454084-2996
pdbedit -Lv testuser1

User SID: S-1-5-21-1414736517-1990894286-2385622597-3000
Primary Group SID:S-1-5-21-1414736517-1990894286-2385622597-513
Who knows which SID is in smbldap_conf and which SID is in 
This should be one of the first things you check.
Also - just for a point of reference (not that what I do is at all correct or even 
recommended by the many people that know way more than I do), I set the primary posix 
gid for all users to a posix labeled group and my /etc/samba/smbusers looks like this:
# cat /etc/samba/smbusers
# Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
root = Administrator administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest
I hope this helps.

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Re: [Samba] best filesystem choice for samba

2004-07-09 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Malcolm Baldridge wrote:
Quoting Mark Lidstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

ARGH!  I'm wondering if airing thoughts about VFAT performance publicly
was a good idea.

I doubt VFAT's case insensitivity would be worth dealing with its terrible
linear-search-time directory lookup methods.
The reason I suggested reiserfs (or ext3 with directory hashing) is to
reduce the high costs of locating a directory entry within a directory of
many (> 10,000) files.
msdos/vfat does not offer superior directory lookup times, and from my
limited testing, neither does NTFS.
ext2/ext3 in stock configuration is also slow, though it appears very recent
kernels/ext2fsutils offer an FFS-like "directory hashing" option which needs
a format-time decision to be made upon setting up the filesystem.

You can enable it with tune2fs:
obelix:~# tune2fs -O dir_index /dev/hda3
See man tune2fs for more help.
I have no knowledge about XFS or JFS and how they compare. I know both are
"industrial" filesystems brought down from the Ivory Towers onto the
pipsqueak platforms.
As for "horror stories", well, each filesystem has had their respective
tales of misery and woe... ext3 had shocking and fatal dataloss bugs 
in the
adolescent versions of 2.4.x., and some RAID + reiserfs configs saw some
real wowsers as well. From bug reports/changelogs, I've seen similar tales
of woe for XFS and JFS if you trigger just the right combination of 
>From my own experiences, things have matured and stabilised with reiserfs
and ext3 to the point where using either is fine for my purposes.
I had very bad experience with reiser: 4 servers installed with reiser, 
4 server died due to filesystem corruption in a time that varied from 
two to six months  (the last one had UPS, the others not).  I 
reinstalled them with ext3: almost a year since I reinstalled the first: 
no problems.

The decision comes down to:
1) Do you need quotas?  If yes, you cannot use reiserfs.
2) Do you need ACLs?  If yes, only ext2/ext3 has well-tested seamless
support, though I think there are wildcat patches to bring this to XFS (and
maybe others) as well.  I'm not sure about the stability of this.
ext3 used with -O dir_index *MAY* provide better performance for large
directory list lookups, but I've never tested it.  It requires Linux 2.6 for
starters for the kernel-side stuff to actually support it properly. 
grepping the linux 2.4 source shows no mention of hashing b-trees or
dir_index options for ext[23].

This is a RECENT addition to ext3, and I don't think the support actually
exists within 2.4 yet.  I've seen mention of "special backported patches"
but this smells scarier to me than using filesystems which have been
seamlessly integrated for over a year or so now.
So in terms of viable performance-driven alternatives, I see it being
reiserfs, xfs, or jfs.

In my experience: the fourth server (the one with the ups): Dual XEON 
2Gb RAM, 3x36Gb scsi disk in raid-5 array smart array 5300, running 
squid: it was slower then (with reiser), than now (with ext3).  I have 
only saw reiser to be faster when I delete a LARGE file (>1Gb).  I'm 
going to test ext3 with the dir_index option.

vfat/dos isn't faster, even with case insensitive semantics, for directory
sizes of 20,000 or more.

I agree.
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Re: [Samba] Wishlist for v4.0 Integration / Setup of samba.

2004-07-05 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Jacob A. Alifrangis wrote:
Is there maybe a way to consolidate (At the developer level) all of the tools and 
methods into one concise list.
samba is not really tightly integrated with the OS,
Thanks God.   This allows it to be compiled on almost any *nix flavor.
Is there maybe a way to re-organise the way samba works? maybe to make it completely emulate the way it works on the windows command line?

I don't like the windows's net command, nor the route, nor the "tracert" 
(come on, who wrote these?), nor the ping (yes, not even the ping).  If 
somebody wants a "windows compatible" net command, write a wrap script. 
(please, read on, I just don't like the feeling of using the same thing 
on windows and linux).

for example make everything integrated into the net command.
net use (file system mounting)
net passwd
net start,stop,restart [service] would trigger the /etc/rc.d/[service] script.
net print [cups->samba]
so on and so forth.
there is an easier way.
We should also maybe invest some time into making a better (wizard) routine for configuring samba, joining it to the domain, bringing it up as an ads/pdc/bdc machine.

Improve the swat wizard, sounds cool.  Altough I only used it once, I 
think that any newbe would be thankful.

There should also be a way to configure ldap and samba to work together, this manual config-shit is useless.

I like the "manual config-shit", and it is very usefull (it works very, 
very well), I can use whatever ldap server I want, but there should be 
an option to do it "automatically".  But, you should be able to do it by 
hand still (that is exactly what I like of the open source world, you 
can "adapt" things to your taste, in case you don't like them).  
Aditonally, samba can be integrated with almost any ldap I know.  In 
order to make it "automagic", would be necessary to choose one ldap 
server to support, the others would still needed to be configured by 
hand (this is due to the different ways of installing schemas of each one)

A good method might be to detect the current network setup and make the 
appropriate changes and settings.
There should also be a net share command to quickly export trees from the commandline.
the tool should work on the commandline first, then X. not all servers have an X 
server running.
Well, hope I could help and bring a little insight into the group.

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Re: [Samba] What can I lose if I use ldap compatibility with samba 2 schema?

2004-06-30 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Sorry, I answer myself:
I don't have to do it: There is a patch for supporting samba 3 in the 
Directory Administrator's place at sourceforge.

José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote:
I'm trying to use Directory Administrator from, but It only work with the old 
sambaAccount schema, so, My question would be: What is *really* new on 
samba 3 with the use of sambaSamAccount?, do I lose something if I use 
the compat mode?

Thanks in advance for any answer, sincerely,
Ildefonso Camargo
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[Samba] What can I lose if I use ldap compatibility with samba 2 schema?

2004-06-30 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
I'm trying to use Directory Administrator from, but It only work with the old 
sambaAccount schema, so, My question would be: What is *really* new on 
samba 3 with the use of sambaSamAccount?, do I lose something if I use 
the compat mode?

Thanks in advance for any answer, sincerely,
Ildefonso Camargo
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Re: [Samba] Smb PDC cracks with ldap, without ok

2004-06-30 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Miguel Casas-Sánchez wrote:
Hi everybody
I have a puzzling situation, I am trying to set up a PDC domain 
controller, Suse 9.1 with Samba 3.0.4 (ok, suse comes with 3.0.2 but I 
have tried almost everything XD ), autenticating against ldap 2.2.6 
(original suse); also with the smbldap-tools.

The situation is, everything works fine without ldap, that is, 
smbpasswd backend, I did create the directories for profiles and I got 
away with it, roaming and so on. The thing is when I connect ldap, 
ldapsamb backend, the first logon process for machines goes ok, but 
when trying to log into the domain as a user, the computer hangs up or 
does a reset. Watching the slapd messages, the authentication is 
correct, so it seems like a problem when trying to download the 
profile. It seems quite a trivial matter but a little bit annoying.
Take a read at Samba-Guide.pdf (it is in the docs dir in the source 
distro, or in the samba web page).  I read somewhere that when it takes 
too long to load the profile, the windows machine could produce a "blue 
screen" wich, in XP in its default config will just reset.

I'm going a long way with this problem, so anybody mind to help me?  
thanks in advance.

Miguel Casas-Sánchez
FDMV Lübeck

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Re: [Samba] [EXPERIENCES] with OpenLDAP and Samba and Redundancy ???

2004-06-18 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Ok, let me see If I can help here:
Let me see: Your clients are updating data on the slave ldap server?, 
Ok, you should not allow that (unless you try the "experimental" 
multi-master replication code, wich can fail).

You should use other ldap user, like this:
Wich have write permitions to the master, but read-only access on slaves 
(by using different access statements in the master and the slave). I 
use something like this in the master:

access to *
   by dn="cn=ldapadmin,dc=merkurio,dc=int" write
   by * read
And the updatedn would be the rootdn of the slave (so, it has write 
access to the slave).

Ok, hope this can help,
Ildefonso Camargo
McKeever Chris wrote:
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 15:38 , Michael Gasch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

Isn't the slave ldap directory suppose to be only read only?

if it's readonly, slurpd can't update the slave (i've tested it, 
possibly i missed something ?)

the problem is: machines regularly change their passwords and if these 
changes are not done on the master, they're lost, if master comes back 
-> clients can't logon anymore and so on

maybe I am missing something here - but why does your master ldap fail so often?  I agree with the other poster, the slave LDAPS should be 
(and I would almost move to _need_ to be) read only .. I am also curious as to why you have a samba server contacting either the PDC/BDC 
ldap servers when it could just be running a replicated LDAP DB itself...which is how all the docs say to do it - maybe this is something new with 
3.xx - not sure, but it alwyas seemed more logical to have all your samba boxes be thier own DC in terms of login/user information

If your master does fail - and I mean dead, need to rebuild, etc..I would make one of the slaves the write/master get the original MASTER 
back on line, but not in production until you can do a slapcat of the LDAP to it, change the everything back to what it needs to be, and have 
your system running again

but like I said, maybe I am missing something

I'm having some troubles
getting the failover to work

what problems are you talking about?
these are my config files (/etc/ldap.conf for all machines not included 
but also very important in case of fail-over)


... removed ...
Jason C. Waters schrieb:

Isn't the slave ldap directory suppose to be only read only?  So when 
the master is down the users can't change their passwords, but 
everything else should work.  What do you smb.conf and slapd.conf files 
look like for the master and the slave?  I'm having some troubles 
getting the failover to work, so I wouldn't mind a peek.  Thanks

Michael Gasch wrote:

i'm looking for hints/experiences concering samba v3, openldap AND 

my setup is:
Samba PDC with LDAP Master
Samba BDC with LDAP Slave
Samba Member Server, contacting first PDC, then BDC if the first fails
if all instances are working properly, everything is okay
replication is also fine (from Master -> Slave)
and now imagine:
LDAP Master dies
all smbd are contacting LDAP Slave and make their changes in the Slave 
cause replication only works from Master->Slave, if Master comes up 
again, i have inconsistency in my LDAP Backends
e.g. a machine changes its machine password in Slave directory and 
can't logon anymore cause the password change isn't replicated on Master

we also tried to setup slurpd (LDAP replication) on both LDAP Servers 
- if both are up, everything is okay, if one is down, changes are made 
in one directory, samba tells me it fails (e.g. changing passwords), 
allthough it changes the attributes and so on

so the problem is: if Slave dies, everything should go on working, 
because PDC/BDC use at first LDAP Master
if slave comes up, replication is done properly

but if Master dies, i get an inconsistent domain
how do you get redundancy in your LDAP backend?
PDC/BDC redundancy works well, the single-point-of-failure is LDAP

Chris McKeever
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[Samba] Detail on Samba 3 By Exmaple (comments).

2004-06-03 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
I have been reading the Samba 3 by example avaible on the web site 
(samba-guide.pdf), I think it is very good, but have a question:

- In section 6.3.5 (page 150, numerated), there is a note wich says that 
the computers account must be inside the People container due to an 
error in samba.  Is this true?, or can it be due to the config of the 
nss-ldap and the pam-ldap modules wich is on the book?:

> nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=abmas,dc=biz?one
> nss_base_shadow ou=People,dc=abmas,dc=biz?one
> nss_base_group ou=Groups,dc=abmas,dc=biz?one
The original config look for user account (including the computers ones) 
only on the container People, so, when the computers accounts are 
created, the nss and pam doesn't look at them, and samba would fail.

I think the two first should be:
nss_base_passwd dc=abmas,dc=biz?sub
nss_base_shadow dc=abmas,dc=biz?sub
Or, if you don't want it to look to the ou=Groups when looking for 
users, you can create another ou=Accounts with two "sub ous": ou=People 
and ou=Computers, and the entries would look like:

nss_base_passwd ou=Accounts,dc=abmas,dc=biz?sub
nss_base_shadow ou=Accounts,dc=abmas,dc=biz?sub
Not sure, but I'm using it this way in my computer, and it works just 
fine.  I'm using samba 3.0.4, but it seems that on the 3.0.2a it worked 
this way too.

Thanks once again for writing this excelent book, and thanks in advance 
for any comments on this,

Ildefonso Camargo

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[Samba] PAC implementation, under "open" license.

2004-05-25 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Not sure, I'm reopening an OLD thread here (sorry).
I need some answers, looking somewhere I found this:
I'm not sure, I just gave it a brieft read. Can't this be used to 
include PAC data on a kerberos ticket in order to use the kerberos 
autentication on win2k/xp?

I know that it also requires some things on the ldap server, but This 
license says:

"© 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft grants you a perpetual, nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide 
right and license under any Microsoft copyrights in this specification 
to copy, publish and distribute this specification, and to implement 
this specification in your products." (...)

What do you think?
Ildefonso Camargo
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Re: [Samba] OpenLDAP,heimdal kerberos,sasl, wich order?

2004-04-14 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa
Gémes Géza wrote:

Hash: SHA1
If you have no *NIX clients, then you couldn't yet get any serious
benefit from using Kerberos for Windows clients.
So in this case I would suggest to build OpenSSL, OpenLDAP, and then
Samba. Configure a certificate authority, if you don't want to use a
commercially available one. Create certificates for your OpenLDAP
server. Configure OpenLDAP. Configure nss_ldap and pam_ldap, to use TLS
or SSL connections. Configure Samba, to connect using TLS or SSL to your
LDAP server. In this way you can achieve the maximum security from the
ldap+samba setup.

Cool. I'll try that one to make it start, and have something to begin 
working with.

I have *nix clients.  See, what I mean to do is the following (not sure 
if it can work):

+ Install a kerberos client on the windows workstations (somebody told 
me that the win2k and up already have one (probably a non standard one)) 
and, off course, on the *nix workstations.
+ Make people autenticate to a KDC.
+ Using the kerberos ticket, the user should be able to access his/her 
folders on the samba server, without having to log into the samba again.
+ The user should be able to login into her/his mail (a pop/imap server) 
without having to put his/her password again (this one I already know it 
+ Be able to use ldap to "centralize" the users (maybe the ldap as 
backend to kerberos).
+ Off course the profiles of mozilla and others would go into the 
server, thus creating "roaming" profiles (this is a cosmetic one, first 
I need the thing working).

I'm not sure on how to make this, I have several options, but not sure 
if it can be done (never seen something like this on the docs):

1. Make samba a kerberos service, so that samba autenticate to the users 
using the kerberos mechanism:

This implies this order:

samba -> kerberos 5 -> ldap  (can this actually be done?). (this reads: 
samba asks kerberos, and kerberos asks ldap).
workstation -> kerberos 5 -> ldap (this is what would happend on the 
client side).

In this one, I'm not sure how the log-in would work, I think that the 
workstations will not use a "domain", and hence would not use the 
autentication methos provided by samba.

2. The option I have seen in many docs:

samba -> ldap -> sasl -> kerberos (not sure how this one works, I guess 
it is somthing like the ldap is a kerberos service, and users 
autenticate to samba using the directory, but they doesn't use the 
kerberos for autentication, this would mean that the SSO (single sign 
on) would no work?).

Any docs, any help is welcome,

Thanks for the fast answer, and once again, thanks in advance for any 
help on this,


Ildefonso Camargo
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[Samba] OpenLDAP,heimdal kerberos,sasl, wich order?

2004-04-14 Thread José Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa

I have been reading for about two weeks (maybe I'm reading on the wrong 
places).  I have found as many documents as one could expect describind 
how to build a LDAPv3 server, or how to build samba with ldap.  This 
far, I have failed, and have a BIG confution in the order in wich the 
things should go:

In one document, they recommend this:

samba -> ldap -> sasl -> kerberos (so, the passwords gets stored in the 
kerberos database, at least that's what they says, but. does the 
samba schema do this in fact? does the samba passwords will be kept in 
the kerberos database?, or it just store the passwords in the ldap's 

In other (simplier):

samba -> ldap
kerberos -> ldap (thus, storing the kerberos passwords in the ldap 

All that I'm trying to do is to get a PDC with a directory service, but 
I need it to be secure (that's why I'm bothering with kerberos).  
Anyway, I would like to know: in wich order should I build the thing?:

Build orders:

1. kerberos, next sasl, next ldap, next samba (configured for samba -> 
ldap -> sasl -> kerberos).
2. ldap, next samba (just samba -> ldap,  without kerberos password 

Also, If I use the option 1, should the windows clients use a kerberos 
client?, or they just login as usual.  Has anybody tested something like 

My system:

+ Athlon XP 1500+, 512Mb RAM (133).
+ Slackware 9.1 (with kernel 2.6.5), and most recent upgrades of all 
+ OpenLDAP 2.2.8
+ kerberos: MIT kerberos 1.3.2 (read somewhere that it has thread 
issues, I'm thinking to move to heimdal, any sujestions?), heimdal 0.6.1.
+ samba 3.0.2a
+ cyrus sasl 2.1.18
+ berkley db 4.2.52
+ open ssl 0.9.7d.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Ildefonso Camargo
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