[Samba] example: Samba + OpenLDAP on FreeBSD (4.7)

2003-02-10 Thread Long-Sheng Kuo
Hello all,
  This message is  simple instructions to install Samba + OpenLDAP on 
FreeBSD (4.7). Hope it would help someone.

1. To keep ports update, better install cvsupit in the beginning

   mis3# cd /usr/ports/net/cvsupit
   mis3# make install clean

   Reference: FreeBSD Unleashed (by Urban and Tiemann), p. 425

2. To use Samba + OpenLDAP  with the option ldap ssl = start_tls in 
smb.conf, install the three following packages in order:

   mis3# cd /usr/ports/security/openssl
   mis3# make install clean
   mis3# cd /usr/ports/net/openldap2
   mis3# make install clean
   mis3# cd /usr/ports/net/samba
   mis3# make install clean

   (a) Create a self-signed certificate (Openssl) in order to use the 
start_tls option
   mis3# cd /usr/local/openssl
   mis3# mkdir openldapCA; cd openldapCA
   mis3# ../misc/CA.sh -newca

   Answer the questions prompted. The important things to keep in mind:
   (1) PEM pass phrase couldn't be too long (that's according to 
experience, probably 15/16 chars. Maybe I was wrong about this point. 
However, when I first set a very long password, it couldn't work.)
   (2) Common name must be used as fully qualified domain name. For 
example: mis3.fgs.org.tw

   mis3# openssl req -new -nodes -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem
   mis3# ../misc/CA.sh -sign
   mis3# cp demoCA/cacert.pem .
   mis3# mv newcert.pem servercrt.pem
   mis3# mv newreq.pem privatekey.pem
   mis3# chmod 600 privatekey.pem

  Reference:  http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/185.html

   (b) Configure OpenLDAP
  (1) Open /usr/local/etc/openldap/lapd.conf (OpenLDAP client config.) 
with text editor
  HOST  mis3.fgs.org.tw
  BASE  dc=fgs,dc=org,dc=tw
  ssl start_tls
  tal_checkpeer  yes  # this setting seems not necessary
  TLS_CACERT   /usr/local/openssl/openldapCA/cacert.pem
	# Note: The host name and base settings are based on your own.

  (2) mis3# cp /usr/local/share/examples/samba/LDAP/samba.schema 
	copy the schema of samba

  (3) Open /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf (OpenLDAP server 
config.) with text editor
  # Add the following include
  include  /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
  include  /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
  include  /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
  include  /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
  # The following is for TLS
  TLSCACertificateFile   /usr/local/openssl/openldapCA/cacert.pem
  TLSCertificateFile /usr/local/openssl/openldapCA/servercrt.pem
  TLSCertificateKeyFile  /usr/local/openssl/openldapCA/privatekey.pem
  # The following is for password hash method
  password-hash  {CRYPT}
  # The following is for database setting. LDBM Database is fine.
  suffix  dc=fgs,dc=org,dc=tw  # must be consistent with 
ldap suffix option in smb.conf
  rootdn  cn=Manager,dc=fgs,dc=org,dc=tw  # must be 
consistent with the ldap admin dn option in smb.conf
  # cn stands for Common Name. This can be changed. For example: 
  rootpw  secret_passwd  # the password is set here. I 
haven't figured out how to use hash password
  # So be sure this file is only accessible by root

  # Add some indices
  index uid pres,eq
  index rid eq
  # Leave ACL setting as a second-stage task.  :)

  (4) To make sure mis3.fgs.org.tw can be reached, better edit /etc/hosts
  # Add mis3.fgs.org.tw to this lookup file  mis3.fgs.org.tw mis3 mis3.fgs.org.tw.
	# IP here is based on your own.

  (5) The way to start/stop OpenLDAP server
  (1) Manually:
  mis3# /usr/local/libexec/slapd start
  mis3# /usr/local/libexec/slapd stop
  (2) Start from boot
  mis3# cp /usr/local/etc/rc.d/slapd.sh.sample slapd.sh
  # then next time when reboot, the server will be brought up 

  (6) Verify if the server works
  mis3# ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)' namingContexts
  # You should be able to see the suffix you just defined in 

   (c) Configure Samba
   It would be much easy to use SWAT for configuration. Make sure the 
service of swat is open
   In file /etc/inetd.conf, uncomment the last line (which should be 
related to swat)
   (1) For options related to OpenLDAP
   ldap server = mis3.fgs.org.tw  # better keep consistent with 
the common name in CA
   ldap ssl = start tls
   ldap port = 389 # must be 389 for start tls
   ldap suffix = dc=fgs,dc=org,dc=tw
   ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=fgs,dc=org,dc=tw
   (2) To store the password of rootdn, which is the value of rootpw 
in slapd.conf, into the database for samba,

[Samba] Samba PDC+LDAP on FreeBSD

2003-01-22 Thread Long-Sheng Kuo
  I am trying to use Samba (2.2.7a)+ LDAP (2.0.25) as PDC on FreeBSD 4.7. 
But it turned out that LDAP is not easy-going!!!

  Without LDAP, things seems fine. I can join the Win2000 machine accounts 
and the shares are all right. However, when configurating samba with ldap 
support, then smbpasswd couldn't work anymore.  I can only use
# smbpasswd -w secretpassword

to add the password for rootdn. Nothing else.

  I read some articles online but very few are especially for FreeBSD. In 
addition, a lot of articles about samba+LDAP didn't detail about the CA 
certificate. I am wondering if there is anyone could help me out this 
problems. I think I need to know:

1. What packages/ports do I need to install? Because most papers of LDAP 
online I could find mentioned little about Openssl. However, as I know, 
it's necessary for the option ldap ssl = start_tls in Samba . Also, I 
didn't find any ports of nss_ldap, but nss_ldap was mentioned by all 
samba+LDAP combination. What's wrong with that? nss_ladp didn't support 
FreeBSD? Without nss_ladp, can I still achieve my goal: Samba+ LDAP as PDC?

2. Individual configuration/setting for every package.

3. How to start every service?

Any response would be appreciated.

Long-Sheng   Jan. 22, 03

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Re: [Samba] import_smbpasswd.pl for samba + LDAP

2003-01-14 Thread Long-Sheng Kuo

Thank you for you guys' replies and suggesting readings.
I'll read them first then give another questions!!

Long-Sheng Jan. 15, 03
At 07:22 ¤U¤È 2003/1/14 +0200, you wrote:

[Samba] import_smbpasswd.pl for samba + LDAP

2003-01-13 Thread Long-Sheng Kuo
Hello All!
  I am trying to follow the instructions to store Samba's Uer/Machine 
Account information in an LDAP Directory (Samba-LDAP-HOWTO.html). Is there 
anyone knowing how to run this Perl script: import_smbpasswd.pl in 
examples/LDAP directory? I don't know Perl. :(

  In addition, is there more information/tutorial of LDAP available on line?

  Thank you very much.

Long-Sheng   Jan 14. 03

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[Samba] Public shares under user security level

2002-12-15 Thread Long-Sheng Kuo
  I am wondering if under user security level, is this possible to offer a 
public share to anyone without username/password? I tried the following 

   security = user
   auto services = tmp
   default service = defaultshare
   null passwords = yes

  path = /tmp
  read only = no
  public = yes
  guest ok = yes
  browseable = yes

  copy = tmp

But it failed. Anything options I should modify?  Or should I modify the 
file for the option of username map? If so, how to do it?


Long-ShengDec. 15, 02

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[Samba] Uninstall Samba?

2002-12-10 Thread Long-Sheng Kuo
  I am wondering if anyone could help me out with the following questions:

1. How to uninstall Samba?
2. How to install/upgrade/uninstall Samba from Mandrake 9.0 to the latest 
Samba version via source code (I noticed that MDK9 installed Samba to 
different places. And the document:Using Samba mentioned the file 
inetd.conf but I couldn't find it in MDK9.)


Long-Sheng   Dec. 11, 02

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RE: [Samba] Uninstall Samba?

2002-12-10 Thread Long-Sheng Kuo

In fact, my situation is that I did use Mandrake Control
Center or package management (RPM) to install Samba (Samba-common,
Samba-docs, Samba-winbind,...) and it works. Then I downloaded the latest
verion of Samba (source code) and configured it, make; make install. It
looks the installation was successful except Control Center or package
management in MDK9.0 didn't recognize the new Samba because it is not
rpm. Besides, the environment settings in MDK9.0 are different from
the instructions (no inetd.conf, for example). Now I am trying to
uninstall the new Samba installed via source code. What should I do?

In addition, how to install Samba so that it would set PATH automatically
to run Samba command more conveniently? 

Thanks for reply.

Long-Sheng Dec. 11, 02

At 09:02 ¤U¤È 2002/12/10 -0600, you wrote:
Make note
of where mandrake puts various samba files. Use rpm to uninstall
samba. See rpm --help for details. Then get the
latest samba source code. Untar the source, cd to the directory and
see ./configure --help for details about configuring where to
put various files. Then run make and make
www.samba.org has
install instructions that have more details.



 -Original Message-
 From: Long-Sheng Kuo
 Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 8:49 PM
 Subject: [Samba] Uninstall Samba?
 I am wondering if anyone could help me out with
 following questions:
 1. How to uninstall Samba?
 2. How to install/upgrade/uninstall Samba from Mandrake 9.0 
 to the latest 
 Samba version via source code (I noticed that MDK9 installed Samba
 different places. And the document:Using Samba mentioned
the file 
 inetd.conf but I couldn't find it in MDK9.)
 Long-Sheng Dec. 11, 02
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