hi all..
i'm using samba 3.0.11 and i got a weird problem here..
my domain server have samba 3.0.11 running with ldap support. both my
pc and my server are using slackware 10.1.
i can either joining domain or browsing other network members using
smbclient without
problem. but when i try to mount a client service i got this error message:

session setup failed: ERRSRV - 2240
SMB connection failed

i tried to find out what '2240' meant and it came to
FYI, I have 'sambaUserWorkstation' attribute in my LDAP server and
smbmount works fine if I remove it.
but I  got to keep the attribute based on my company policy.
I have tried 'mount -t smbfs //CLIENT_NAME/SHARE /mnt/samba -o
username=my_username' but it fail to the same error.
I have no idea  what's wrong with my samba (client / server). Please help me :(

here is the smb.conf on my pc:
        workgroup = KAPUKVALLEY
        netbios name = pinix-newage
        server string = :: DigitaLinux ::
        interfaces = lo, eth0
        security = SERVER
        encrypt passwords = No
        password server =
        max log size = 100000
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
        hostname lookups = Yes
        load printers = No
        disable spoolss = Yes
        show add printer wizard = No
        preferred master = No
        local master = No
        domain master = No
        dns proxy = No
        wins server =
        message command = /bin/mail -s 'Message from %s' root < %s;  rm %s
        guest ok = Yes
        dos filemode = Yes
        dos filetimes = Yes
        dos filetime resolution = Yes

[Cineplex 1]
        comment = Online Cinema Studio 1
        path = "/mnt/data/Cineplex 1"

[Cineplex 2]
        comment = Online Cinema Studio 2
        path = "/mnt/apps4/Cineplex 2"

and the smb.conf on my samba domain server:
        dos charset = 850
        unix charset = ISO8859-1
        workgroup = KAPUKVALLEY
        server string = Domain Server
        interfaces = lo, eth0
        bind interfaces only = Yes
        passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
        syslog = 0
        log file = /var/log/samba/%m
        max log size = 100000
        large readwrite = No
        name resolve order = lmhosts
        time server = Yes
        deadtime = 10
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192
        load printers = No
        disable spoolss = Yes
        show add printer wizard = No
        logon script = logon.bat
        logon path =
        logon home =
        domain logons = Yes
        os level = 32
        preferred master = Yes
        domain master = Yes
        wins support = Yes
        ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=kapukvalley,dc=net
        ldap delete dn = Yes
        ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
        ldap idmap suffix = ou=Users,dc=kapukvalley,dc=net
        ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
        ldap passwd sync = Yes
        ldap suffix = dc=kapukvalley,dc=net
        ldap user suffix = ou=Users
        host msdfs = Yes
        admin users = "@Domain Admins"
        create mask = 0664
        directory mask = 0775
        hosts allow =,
        hosts deny =
        map acl inherit = Yes
        case sensitive = No
        dont descend = /proc,/dev,/etc,/lib,/lost+found,/initrd
        dos filemode = Yes
        dos filetimes = Yes

[kaval info]
        comment = Kapuk Valley Info
        path = /home/samba/kaval
        invalid users = root

thanks in advance.

best regards,

M. Novan Adrian
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