Re: [Samba] Re: Security=user half as fast as share. Why?

2005-11-15 Thread Merle Reine

Try this, it sped mine up quite a bit:

in globals,

socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 

Do a man on smb.conf for an explanation of what they do to speed things up.


samba1.20.cdunham at escreveu:
 I'm running Suse 9.2 (kernel 2.6.8-24) with Samba 3.0.20b

 When I use security=user, my read/write performance is less than half
 the peformance with security=share.  Why?  There are no other changes,
 but performance is never better than half the speed.  This happens 

 WinXP, Win2K and Win98 clients, so I don't think the client
 configuration is the problem.  Network is gigabit, with Intel Pro/1000

 Did you setup the socket options?

 security = share has five extra steps to check the user,
perhaps it could be a delay from the backend (LDAP or winbind).

 Kind regards,

I'm not sure what you mean by socket options.  My smb.conf is shown 
below. I'm not using LDAP or winbind. No domain, just a workgroup.

My smb.conf file is:

workgroup = MYWORKGROUP
netbios name = SERVER1
wins support = yes
domain master = yes
local master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 65
map to guest = Bad User

restrict anonymous = no
server signing = Auto

comment = test
path = /home/users
read only = no
guest ok = yes

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Re: [Samba] SWAT not accessible from remote sites

2005-11-15 Thread Merle Reine

only_from =

It looks like this option is only allowing users to access swat from the 
localhost (

You will need to change this option.

Kenny Sanders wrote:


I am not able to access SWAT from any other host besides the one running
the SWAT daemon.

No firewall blocking access on either side.

# netstat -lnt | grep 901
tcp0  0* 

works fine connecting from localhost using:
lynx localhost:901

Unavailable using public IP on a remote host.. i.e. going into Firefox and

SWAT is configured through xinetd:

# cat /etc/xinetd.d/swat
# default: off
# description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat \
#  to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, \
#  connect to port 901 with your favorite web browser.
service swat
   disable = no
   port= 901
   socket_type = stream
   wait= no
   only_from   =
   user= root
   server  = /usr/sbin/swat
   log_on_failure  += USERID

Kenny Sanders

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Re: [Samba] What's a preferred linux distribution for my needs...

2005-11-15 Thread Merle Reine
If you want the best, most up to date, easiest to manage and most widely 
used distro (that is free anyways) , use CentOS.  Latest version is 4.2 
and available here:

Christian Tylko wrote:

I've gone through and have tried to go through the samba archives
(but there are too many posts and too little time) to get an answer.

I would like to set up samba for simple file sharing (non-domain) using an
un-attended PC; i.e. I want the PC to be able to turn on or recover from a
power failure and load and run samba without any manual intervention

Could someone please suggest an appropriate, simple and compact linux
distribution I could use? I think that once I have that running properly
samba should be relatively simple for the config I need.

A number of years ago I had a linux box running as a NAT router.the whole
thing ran off a floppy disk. Obviously this box would have one or more large
HD's so it can boot off one of the HD''s the simplicity I'm looking for.

Any chance there's a pre-packaged linux distribution with samba ready to

Many thanks for any help.

Chris T


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Re: [Samba] Overloaded samba server. Is it a bug?

2005-10-28 Thread Merle Reine
First of all, why run SuSe when CentOS is free, runs faster and is more 
up to date?  I have basically the same setup you have except our system 
is a quad xeon system and CentOS runs flawlessly 24/7.  We used to 
experiment with SuSe but it is not good for a corporate environment.  
Just a heads up as I have been doing this for 17 years and CentOS is the 
cream of the crop for the money.

Martin Scandroli wrote:


We've just migrated from samba 2.2.8a to samba 3.0.20b in a very large
corporate environment. Everything was really fine in our lab, but we
experiment serious load problems on the productive servers the morning
the procedure took place. I'll try (briefly) to describe the
of the scenario:


Old Environment:

   Dell PowerEdge 2650
   Intel Xeon Processor
   2 GB Ram
Raid 5 (via perc raid controller) on 10k scsi disks
   SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8
   Samba 2.2.8a Servers
   cups printing service
openldap2 as backend (with replicas all over the country,
about 3000 objects in the tree)
   HeartBeat as high availability Service

Everything was charming here!!

New Environment

   Dell PowerEdge 2850 Servers
2 Intel Xeon 3.2 GHz (HT i think... i see 4 of them)
   4 GB Ram
Raid 5 (via Perc raid controller) on 15k scsi disks

   SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
   Samba 3.0.20b Servers
   cups printing service
Novell eDirectory as backend (Very distributed too,
about 4000 objects in the tree)
   HeartBeat as high availability Service
drbd to keep samba configuracion replicated among the cluster

Problems we're having (or had, just as a usefull comment):

eDirectory turned out to be much slower than openldap2 when responding
to nss_ldap queries (i mean about 7 or 8 times slower) so
asking for members of large groups (i.e: groups with about 1500 users
above) were usually terminated with an RPC timeout

Everything started to work when we added the ldapsam:trusted=yes
parameter. It dramatically reduced the response times and affected
began to work.
The implementation of this feature produced some other problems (we've
found workarrounds but i'll comment them just to provide some feedback).

   1) The samba server used to die seconds after it was started. 
Something about the nobody user and it's primary group prevented it from

working in a proper manner. We solved this inconvinient by adding de
nobody and it's corresponding primary group to the backend.
2) Root user was no longer recognized, (we still trying to figure out
why, the user's been added to the tree, but nothing changed) so we used
new role based administration provided by samba 3 as a workarround 
(SeMachinAccount...), and no more troubles about it.


Something happens in a determined moment of the day (rush hour).
Everything is running smoothly (0.3 - 0.4 of load average) when the load
start to grow indefinitely!!. It raises from 0.3 to 50 in a matter
seconds!, and it keeps growing till the server dies. We couldn't find
reason of this, but it happens in a two hors interval. Before and after
interval, there are no errors of any kind.

   I'll paste some log errors (just the ones i saw). I don't think 
they're the cause of our problems, buy you're the experts.

Any clue? do you need me to gather some kind of information? any DoS
bug reported for this samba version?

   Any help will be highly appreciated



   from /var/log/messages

   Oct 25 04:34:15 srvsmb01 smbd[2961]: [2005/10/25 04:34:15, 0] 
   Oct 25 04:34:15 srvsmb01 smbd[2961]:   Error writing 4 bytes to 
client. -1. (Connection reset by peer)
   Oct 25 04:40:36 srvsmb01 smbd[2983]: [2005/10/25 04:40:36, 0] 

Oct 25 04:40:36 srvsmb01 smbd[2983]: getpeername failed. Error was
Transport endpoint is not connected
   Oct 25 04:40:36 srvsmb01 smbd[2983]: [2005/10/25 04:40:36, 0] 

Oct 25 04:40:36 srvsmb01 smbd[2983]: write_data: write failure in
writing to client Error Connection reset
   by peer

   (this happens very often)

   From /var/log/samba/log.nmbd

tdb(unnamed): tdb_open_ex: /var/lib/samba/unexpected.tdb (2059,2959)
is already open in this process
   [2005/10/26 04:17:01, 2] tdb/tdbutil.c:tdb_log(767)
tdb(unnamed): tdb_open_ex: /var/lib/samba/unexpected.tdb (2059,2959)
is already open in this process
   [2005/10/26 04:17:01, 2] tdb/tdbutil.c:tdb_log(767)
tdb(unnamed): tdb_open_ex: /var/lib/samba/unexpected.tdb (2059,2959)
is already open in this process

[Samba] Specified network password is not correct

2005-10-26 Thread Merle Reine
I am having trouble connecting to a Centos 4.1 machine.  I have the 
following installed:


Currently running:

My smb.conf is as follows:

# Global parameters
   preferred master = No
   domain master = No
   wins support = Yes
   encrypt passwords = yes
   remote announce =
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

   read only = No

   comment = test share
   path = /u/sambausers
   valid users = operator

I have one user in /etc/samba/smbpasswd:

I am in the process of switching an old 386 machine for a dual xeon 
machine.  On the old 386, running:


I can connect to the 386 with any windows, linux, mac.

When I try to connect to the new machine running samba 3.0.10 from unix, 
i connect fine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] temp]# smbclient //soupx/test -W LINUX-SOUP -U operator
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.10-1.4E.2]
smb: \ dir
 .   D0  Mon Sep 26 15:27:14 2005
 ..  D0  Mon Oct 10 05:11:02 2005
 stores  D0  Sat Oct 22 06:02:08 2005
 npd D0  Fri Jul 29 08:51:38 2005
 legal   D0  Tue Sep 23 15:22:20 2003

When I try to connect from any windows machine, I get:
net use z: \\soupx\test
Enter the user name for 'soupx' : operator
Enter the password for soupx:
System error 86 has occured.

The specified network password is not correct.

I used smbpasswd -a operator  and set the password (which works from a 
linux machine)

In /var/log/samba/smbd.log I see:

[2005/10/26 13:48:21, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego(593)
 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 0] lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(1000)
 getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_socket_data(384)
 read_socket_data: recv failure for 4. Error = Connection reset by peer
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego(593)
 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego

I can connect to a public share on this machine without a password.

Any idea what is wrong?

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[Samba] Re: Specified network password is not correct

2005-10-26 Thread Merle Reine

I had the firewall off but now turned it on.
I modified the firewall on the box and added the following:

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 445 -j DROP  (to stop the getpeername 
failed error)
apparently XP tries to connect to port 445 first then port 139 causing 

Now I am getting in /var/log/samba/smbd.log:

[2005/10/26 14:17:49, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego(593)
 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 14:17:55, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego(593)
 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 14:18:19, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego(593)
 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 14:18:24, 1] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego(593)
 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego

In Windows, trying to connect now gives:

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

As operator/operator is the correct user/pass, not sure what else is 
going wrong.

My previous setup on the 386 machine with samba 2.x serves 400 users and 
has been working for years.  Something must have changed in samba 3.x.  
I tried to copy over the smb.conf from the 2.x machine but that will not 
work either.

Merle Reine wrote:

I am having trouble connecting to a Centos 4.1 machine.  I have the 
following installed:


Currently running:

My smb.conf is as follows:

# Global parameters
   preferred master = No
   domain master = No
   wins support = Yes
   encrypt passwords = yes
   remote announce =
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

   read only = No

   comment = test share
   path = /u/sambausers
   valid users = operator

I have one user in /etc/samba/smbpasswd:

I am in the process of switching an old 386 machine for a dual xeon 
machine.  On the old 386, running:


I can connect to the 386 with any windows, linux, mac.

When I try to connect to the new machine running samba 3.0.10 from 
unix, i connect fine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] temp]# smbclient //soupx/test -W LINUX-SOUP -U operator
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Got a positive name query response from ( )
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.10-1.4E.2]
smb: \ dir
 .   D0  Mon Sep 26 15:27:14 2005
 ..  D0  Mon Oct 10 05:11:02 2005
 stores  D0  Sat Oct 22 06:02:08 2005
 npd D0  Fri Jul 29 08:51:38 2005
 legal   D0  Tue Sep 23 15:22:20 2003

When I try to connect from any windows machine, I get:
net use z: \\soupx\test
Enter the user name for 'soupx' : operator
Enter the password for soupx:
System error 86 has occured.

The specified network password is not correct.

I used smbpasswd -a operator  and set the password (which works from a 
linux machine)

In /var/log/samba/smbd.log I see:

[2005/10/26 13:48:21, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 0] lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(1000)
 getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_socket_data(384)
 read_socket_data: recv failure for 4. Error = Connection reset by peer
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego

I can connect to a public share on this machine without a password.

Any idea what is wrong?

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Re: [Samba] Re: Specified network password is not correct

2005-10-26 Thread Merle Reine
Every article I read says to drop port 445.  If I do not, I get my log 
file filled up with errors about getpeername failed.

Even with no firewall at all, I still get the password incorrect problem 
so it seems to be not related.  Any other ideas?

Thomas M. Skeren III wrote:

Merle Reine wrote:

I had the firewall off but now turned it on.
I modified the firewall on the box and added the following:

Why?  Samba 3 listens for smb calls on 445.

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 445 -j DROP  (to stop the 
getpeername failed error)
apparently XP tries to connect to port 445 first then port 139 
causing errors.

Now I am getting in /var/log/samba/smbd.log:

[2005/10/26 14:17:49, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 14:17:55, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 14:18:19, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 14:18:24, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego

In Windows, trying to connect now gives:

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

As operator/operator is the correct user/pass, not sure what else is 
going wrong.

My previous setup on the 386 machine with samba 2.x serves 400 users 
and has been working for years.  Something must have changed in samba 
3.x.  I tried to copy over the smb.conf from the 2.x machine but that 
will not work either.

Merle Reine wrote:

I am having trouble connecting to a Centos 4.1 machine.  I have the 
following installed:


Currently running:

My smb.conf is as follows:

# Global parameters
   preferred master = No
   domain master = No
   wins support = Yes
   encrypt passwords = yes
   remote announce =
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

   read only = No

   comment = test share
   path = /u/sambausers
   valid users = operator

I have one user in /etc/samba/smbpasswd:

I am in the process of switching an old 386 machine for a dual xeon 
machine.  On the old 386, running:


I can connect to the 386 with any windows, linux, mac.

When I try to connect to the new machine running samba 3.0.10 from 
unix, i connect fine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] temp]# smbclient //soupx/test -W LINUX-SOUP -U operator
added interface ip= bcast= 

Got a positive name query response from ( )
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.10-1.4E.2]
smb: \ dir
 .   D0  Mon Sep 26 15:27:14 
 ..  D0  Mon Oct 10 05:11:02 
 stores  D0  Sat Oct 22 06:02:08 
 npd D0  Fri Jul 29 08:51:38 
 legal   D0  Tue Sep 23 15:22:20 

When I try to connect from any windows machine, I get:
net use z: \\soupx\test
Enter the user name for 'soupx' : operator
Enter the password for soupx:
System error 86 has occured.

The specified network password is not correct.

I used smbpasswd -a operator  and set the password (which works from 
a linux machine)

In /var/log/samba/smbd.log I see:

[2005/10/26 13:48:21, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 0] lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(1000)
 getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_socket_data(384)
 read_socket_data: recv failure for 4. Error = Connection reset by peer
[2005/10/26 13:48:28, 1] 

 Unknown packet in reply_sesssetup_and_X_spnego

I can connect to a public share on this machine without a password.

Any idea what is wrong?

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RE: [Samba] changing unix password with samba

2004-02-18 Thread Merle Reine
Thanks for all your suggestions.  I finally figured it out by running
smbpasswd as a non root user.  It then syncs the unix password.  We are
a linux only shop and not a windows machine to be found anywhere.  The
web script I found to change the smbpasswd via the web can be downloaded

Worked like a charm and requires oldpasswd and new passwd.

By the way, why are any of you still using windows?  Linux is free,
faster, more secure, more stable, blah, blah, blah. 

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: rruegner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:59 AM
To: Merle Reine; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Samba] changing unix password with samba

Hi, depending on your setup ( Ldap or tdbsamsmbpasswd )
there are different ways, the idea of the webfrontend is one way
but sync passwords with pam modules the other
so the users can change there passwords with cntrl - alt delete
like it is usual in windows,
i got it to work with ldap too. ( windows gives failure messages but the
password got really changed )
Best Regards
- Original Message - 
From: Merle Reine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:00 AM
Subject: [Samba] changing unix password with samba

 I am running RedHat 9 and samba.  I need to be able to set one
 for each user and sync them with ssh, web, unix password.

 i.e. When I change samba pass, it changes unix, ftp, etc.  Is this
 possible with samba?  I saw that it is if you are running windows and
 then you can change the unix pass via samba.  Is this possible when
 running linux.  I just want to easily administer my users.  I have a
 cgi script to change the unix password which can be modifed to change
 samba pass.  This would allow users to change all their passwords in

 Any help is much appreciated.


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To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

[Samba] changing unix password with samba

2004-02-17 Thread Merle Reine
I am running RedHat 9 and samba.  I need to be able to set one password 
for each user and sync them with ssh, web, unix password.

i.e. When I change samba pass, it changes unix, ftp, etc.  Is this 
possible with samba?  I saw that it is if you are running windows and 
then you can change the unix pass via samba.  Is this possible when 
running linux.  I just want to easily administer my users.  I have a web 
cgi script to change the unix password which can be modifed to change 
samba pass.  This would allow users to change all their passwords in one 

Any help is much appreciated.


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