Re: [Samba] More Domain Groups

2003-06-17 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter

 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 2.1
 Samba 2.2.7
 OpenLDAP 2.0.25
Samba 3.0 - it will solve your problem with domaingroups!


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Re: [Samba] Authen in LDAP with samba and squid

2003-06-03 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter

 Can I config samba to authen with userPassword attb?
no, because userPassword is the password of the posixuser

but there are 2 another solutions:
1st: use smb_auth at squid - authenticates you against an (samba-)pdc
2nd: enable password sync in smb.conf - so, ntPassword and userPassword
will store the same pwds!

good luck
thomas reisenbichler

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Re: [Samba] Samba+LDAP PDC - A few questions.

2003-06-03 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter
hi kevin,

 1). How do I/Can I script the installation of a generic password into
 these accounts?  I'm looking to put some common password in for all
 users and then allow the users to change it once they log into the new
 server/domain.  I don't see a method of doing so with
write your own shellscript that uses, add the features
you need and use this script to create user!

 2). I used the following command to add all of my users to the LDAP

 ' -a -m -A 1 -G group1,group2 username'

 This successfully created the users, their home folders and placed them
 in their groups, but it did not change the value for pwdCanChange in
 the LDAP directory, as shown by ''. I want the users
 to be able to change their own passwords - at any time - is there
 something I did wrong when creating the user account?
sorry, but i don't know - i wrote my own admintools!

 3). I want every user's password to expire on a 90-cycle.  I think I
 see a slot in the LDAP directory for such an option - pwdMustChange,
 but by default is set to a huge number - 2147483647.  First, what
 number does that represent?  Seconds? Minutes? Days? Months?  I've
 watched it for the past week and it hasn't changed.  Which leads me to
 my next question, will changing this number to O actually cause the
 respective password to expire?  Will setting this number to 90 (or
 what ever representation needed) allow a 90 day cycle?  If not, what
 must I do to have this 90 day cycle?
this number is a unix timestamp - the seconds since 1.1.1970!
the solution is: enable passwordsync and as program use a shellscript that
creates the timestamp (90 days are 7776000 seconds) and insert this with
ldapmodify into the attr pwdMustChange of the user!
- let DAYINFUTURE=$(/bin/date +%s)+7776000

 4). By default, there are fields in the directory for displayName and
 description that are both set to System User.  Can I change
 either/both (at least description) to what ever I want while creating
 the user account?  I couldn't find a switch in '' to
 allow that.  I guess I could script it using '', but
 would prefer it to be done as one step.
sorry, but once again: i don't know - i wrote my own
admintools and they do what i want ;-)

i hope it was a little help
thomas reisenbichler

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Re: [Samba] Re: Problem with Samba PDC and WIN2000

2003-01-30 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter
 I experienced troubles (not solved yet) while joining a domain
 with a  W2K server.
i've 2 w2k-server joined as member of my samba2.2.5.a-ldap-domain and it
worked without problems!
i joined them with the acctFlags [W  ] and not with [S  ]!


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Re: [Samba] smbpasswd problem with LDAP

2002-11-25 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter

maybe it's your problem: man smbpasswd !

   -U username
  This option may only be used  in  conjunction  with
  the -r option. When changing a password on a remote
  machine it allows the user to specify the user name
  on  that machine whose password will be changed. It
  is present to allow users who have  different  user
  names  on  different  systems to change these passĀ­

try the following steps:

* login as root on the samba-ldap-pdc
* type in: smbpasswd USERNAME-) without the -U switch

try it! may i'm wrong, but i dont believe



 I have installed / configured samba-ldap (compiled SAMBA_2_2 from CVS)

 Whe i try to change the password for the root user, there is no
 If i try to change the password of an ordinary user, i get the

 nas:~# smbpasswd -U william
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 No user to modify!
 Password changed for user william.
 Failed to modify entry for user william.
 Failed to modify password entry for user william

 Ok, so i ran it with debugging on:

 -- CUT --
 load_unix_unicode_map: ISO8859-1 (init_done=0, override=0)
 load_unicode_map: loading unicode map for codepage ISO8859-1.
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 ldap_open_connection: starting...
 Initializing connection to localhost on port 389
 ldap_open_connection: connection opened
 ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as
 ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
 ldap_search_one_user: searching
 get_single_attribute: [uid] = [william]
 Entry found for user: william
 -- CUT --

 Here we see that the correct user was found...

 But then:

 -- CUT --
 get_single_attribute: [pwdLastSet] = [1]
 get_single_attribute: [logonTime] = [0]
 get_single_attribute: [logoffTime] = [0]
 get_single_attribute: [kickoffTime] = [0]
 get_single_attribute: [pwdCanChange] = [0]
 get_single_attribute: [pwdMustChange] = [0]
 get_single_attribute: [cn] = [william]
 get_single_attribute: [homeDrive] = [does not exist]
 homeDrive fell back to
 get_single_attribute: [smbHome] = [does not exist]
 Home server: NAS
 smbHome fell back to \\NAS\william
 get_single_attribute: [scriptPath] = [does not exist]
 scriptPath fell back to
 get_single_attribute: [profilePath] = [does not exist]
 Home server: NAS
 profilePath fell back to \\NAS\william\profile
 get_single_attribute: [description] = [does not exist]
 get_single_attribute: [userWorkstations] = [does not exist]
 get_single_attribute: [rid] = [500]
 get_single_attribute: [primaryGroupID] = [512]
 init_sam_from_ldap: User [william] does not ave a uid!
 ldap_open_connection: starting...
 Initializing connection to localhost on port 389
 ldap_open_connection: connection opened
 ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server as
 ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
 ldap_search_one_user: searching
 No user to modify!
 Password changed for user william.
 Failed to modify entry for user william.
 Failed to modify password entry for user william
 -- CUT --

 Here we all notice that it connect's again to the ldap and then
 for [((cn=)(objectclass=sambaAccount))].

 cn= does not exist and thus return no users. Why doesn't smbpasswd put
 cn=william in there ???

 Does anyone know a solution to this problem ???



 Tom Palmaers
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 marcel beltz

 beltz.infoemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 am mittleren moos 48  fon: +49 177 736 787 1
 86167 augsburg


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Re: [Samba] samba-ldap-pdc

2002-11-06 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter

 I have a problem with samba-ldap-pdc.
 I am using debian woody with samba 2.2.3a and openldap 2.0.23-6.
 Everything works fine when loggin onto the domain when using windows
 98se. But when i try too add a windows 2000 computer to the domain it
 says this in  the logfiles :

 [2002/11/05 15:46:29, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:init_sam_from_ldap(511)
  init_sam_from_ldap: User [pc-marco$] does not ave a uid!
could it be that you haven't created a workstationaccount for the w2k-box?

 But I do know that samba works pdc works and ldap works. Cause windows
 98 has  no problems and logs nicely in.
w98 doesn't need a ws-account because the networkfunctionallity is
different then the one of nt, w2k or xp!


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Re: [Samba] samba-ldap-pdc

2002-11-06 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter
hi martijn,

which rid does the client have? -) i had similar problems at testing the
system, but i found out that i had to set the rid like the following

rid = (uidNumber * 2) + 1000

don't ask me why, but (in my case) it works without any problems since
those modifications!


 Hi Thomas,

 Thanks for your response. But the computer has got a trusted account
 for sure. Logfile show me that authentication is done, and the trusted
 account is found. But it keeps saying User[pc-marco$] does not ave a
 uid. But when I look into  the ldap-dir it has a uid for sure.


 On Wednesday 06 November 2002 13:30, you wrote:

  I have a problem with samba-ldap-pdc.
  I am using debian woody with samba 2.2.3a and openldap 2.0.23-6.
  Everything works fine when loggin onto the domain when using windows
  98se. But when i try too add a windows 2000 computer to the domain
  it says this in  the logfiles :
  [2002/11/05 15:46:29, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:init_sam_from_ldap(511)
   init_sam_from_ldap: User [pc-marco$] does not ave a uid!

 could it be that you haven't created a workstationaccount for the

  But I do know that samba works pdc works and ldap works. Cause
  windows 98 has  no problems and logs nicely in.

 w98 doesn't need a ws-account because the networkfunctionallity is
 different then the one of nt, w2k or xp!


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Re: [Samba] with ldap - samba - password sync - domain group map

2002-06-19 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter


 so may passwd-chat line is as follows:
   passwd chat = *New\spassword:* %n\n *Re-enter\snew\spassword:* %n\n .
 note the asterisk and dot (i haven't really understood now what the dot
  means, but the asterisks match anything, and maybe the blank (\s)
 between passwd: and  %n is just no plain blank but something

ok, i moved the passwdchat to following line:
  passwd chat = *New*\spassword:*\s* %n\n *Re-enter*\snew*\spassword:*\s %
n\n *Result:*\sSuccess*\s(0)\n .

and the log tells:
  expect: expected [*New* password:* *] received [New password: ] match no

whats going wrong on my system? since last mail i made a new server with
samba 2.2.4, but compiled it myself (so i know whats going on ;-) ). the
situation doesn't change!

could it be that i need an additionally package or anything similar?

thanks and lg
thomas reisenbichler

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Re: [Samba] with ldap - samba - password sync - domain group map

2002-06-14 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter

 my solution (found in some ldap-samba-pdc-howto) was to set the
 pwdMustChange to 2147483647 (which is far in the future: 2030 or
thank you very much! your solution solved this problem.

 2. the unix password sync doesn't work. but i think there are two
 different problems, but let me describe: if i activated the password
 sync, i got on
 you have to set the password chat to something that reflects your
 systems password chat (no na)
i knew it - (no na) ;-)
my heavy situation is, that the chat expects [New password: ] and receives
[New password: ] , but it says no match
following row is from the log:

   expect: expected [New password: ] received [New password: ] match no

this is my problem! is there a bug or is my config faulty:

   passwd chat = New\spassword:\s %n\n Re-enter\snew\spassword:\s %n\n
   passwd program = /etc/ldappwdsmb %u

the programm ldappwdsmb is a script which calls ldappasswd as root!

would it be possible to send me your configfiles to compare with mine? in
my opinion, there's only one little mistake that let the sync crash!

 3. the domain group map doesn't work! i found a lot of descriptions
 i have not tried this yet, but i think that 2.2.3a does not supprt
 domain-group-mapping (but 2.2.4 should ???)
i saw mails from lists where persons told about working group-map with
earlier versions as 2.2.3 (!), but maybe i'm wrong!

thomas reisenbichler

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[Samba] with ldap - samba - password sync - domain group map - login message

2002-06-13 Thread NSC - NetworkServiceCenter

hello list!

first: sorry for my english and the long mail, but i REALLY need help!

i want to kick the nt4 pdc in our network and thought to realize single
sign on with samba and ldap. i made two testserver: the first test was with
suse linux 7.3 with latest openldap, pam_ldap, nss_ldap and samba 2.2.3a (i
compiled all components myself!). the second was with suse linux 8.0 with
openldap, pam_ldap, nss_ldap (this three components are the standard rpm's
from suse 8.0) and samba 2.2.4 (latest rpm from the suse samba-developer).

the basic systems worked and all problems i'm going to describe occurred in
both testenvironments!

1. after login from w2k i get the message, that the password expires and
asks me if i want to change. if i change or not, at next logon the
situation is the same, but i can login over a few weeks without
   - the only information i found about in the web is, that i can set the
users pwdLastSet to -1, but, on the one hand, i doesn't work and on the
other hand, if anyone changes his password this field would be overwritten
automatically and the old problem starts again.

2. the unix password sync doesn't work. but i think there are two different
problems, but let me describe: if i activated the password sync, i got on
the w2k client the error username or password wrong . if it's not
activated, the passwordchange works!! so i checked the log and thougt i'm
silly as i saw the wollowing rows (!!):

[2002/06/13 15:33:23, 10] smbd/chgpasswd.c:dochild(211)
  Invoking '/etc/ldappwdsmb test' as password change program.
[2002/06/13 15:33:26, 100] smbd/chgpasswd.c:expect(265)
  expect: expected [New password: ] received [New password: ] match no
[2002/06/13 15:33:28, 100] smbd/chgpasswd.c:expect(265)
  expect: expected [New password: ] received [] match no
[2002/06/13 15:33:28, 10] smbd/chgpasswd.c:expect(276)
  expect: returning False
[2002/06/13 15:33:28, 3] smbd/chgpasswd.c:talktochild(302)
  Response 1 incorrect

after this i made a test where the chat isn't activated and the passwd-
program is a shell-script that only writes a text into a file.
at the next try there where no logging like the lines above, the passwd-
programm ended normally (because the text was in the file), but the w2k-
client told again that username or password is wrong! so i think, that this
are two different problems, but i can't understand!

3. the domain group map doesn't work! i found a lot of descriptions about
and all where same. so, i thougt i'm on the right way and made it like
these discriptions, but at samba 2.2.3a there was shown only one group
named with hieroglyphs. at 2.2.4 no group is shown from my map-file, but
there are shown the groups domain admins and domain users - could anyone
tell me where these groups are configured in samba?
i need the groupmapping because we have one w2k-database and fileserver and
i can't cick it.

please help me
thank you very much
thomas reisenbichler

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