[Samba] VSS on samba

2004-11-12 Thread Nathan Howard
We have recently moved our VSS database from windows 2k to samba, 
initially all looked fine but have come accross a problem.

Quite often VSS complains saying it can't write to "names - acess denied".
The file its refering to is names.dat in data/ (for those that know VSS)
I believe this to be some sort of locking issue. Sometimes getting all 
other clients to quite VSS solves the problem, sometimes it doesn't.

smbstatus reports things like:
5031   DENY_NONE  0x2019f RDWR   NONE 

which afaik, shouldn't be stoping anyone from writing to it.
Although sometimes no locks appear for it at all and still VSS reports 
you can't write to it.

Viewing the file via the share I can edit it by hand (well write to it 
anyway - its some dodgy proprietry format)

The smb conf for the share is as follows:
comment = Visual Source Safe
read only = no
browsable = yes
path = /home/wdb-uk/store/vss
create mask = 0660
directory mask = 0770
oplocks = False
level2 oplocks = False
with no other locking options specified anywhere else.
I've tried with and without the oplocks statments and there is no 

There is apparerntly some way of getting VSS to use file locks where by 
it creates a lock file in data/locks/ for each locked file, but I can't 
seem to find any docs saying how to do it.

The only other notible point is that /home/wdb-uk is a mounted nfs share 
but I have tried having it locally with the same issue.

Anyone come across similar problems with VSS, google seems to report 
various locking issues but no real solutions.

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Re: [Samba] Passive file server.

2004-10-28 Thread Nathan Howard
Lawson, Bob P wrote:
I am trying to get Samba running on RH Linux 9 to act as a file server and authenticate
against the domain.  I don't want it to be actively involved in Active Directory or be
a domain controller.  I do not have the ability to add a machine to AD.
All I'm looking for is, when a user wants to access a share that the user is 
against the domain and if they are a valid user grant them access.
I have this configuration running with VisionFS on SCO/Unix and just trying to 
this environment.
With Samba I keep getting messages like:
could not fetch trust account password for domain.
Any help on how to configure it to do this would be appreciated.  
I don't think you can. As I understand it when a user requests access to 
a share then a request is made to the domain controller by the host 
computer to see if the user is authenticated.

As you havn't added the host computer to the domain then the domain 
controller will reject the request and hence you see the error message 

You need to either have your own authentication on the host box or get 
it added to the domain.

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Re: [Samba] Cannot join SAMBA domain from XP/2K

2004-09-21 Thread Nathan Howard
deff wrote:
On Saturday 18 September 2004 21:31, Alexei Monastyrnyi wrote:
And what was the result of that struggle?
Didi you make it work?
Yes, I did. In some other thread someone mentioned that it is mandatory to put 
all users and machines accounts to ou=People due to some weird samba design 
decision. However, it isn't mentioned in any howto, neither official nor 
idealx's, and samba doesn't complain about it in any way either. Too 
bad...for me.

Actually it is mentioned in the samba guide:
Chapter 6:
1/2 way down the page just before table 6.2 there is a "Note"
 In the following examples, as the LDAP database is initialized, we do 
create a container for Computer (machine) accounts. In the Samba-3 
smb.conf files, specific use is made of the People container, not the 
Computers container, for domain member accounts. This is not a mistake; 
it is a deliberate action that is necessitated by the fact that there is 
a bug in Samba-3 that prevents it from being able to search the LDAP 
database for computer accounts if they are placed in the Computers 
container. By placing all machine accounts in the People container, we 
are able to side-step this bug. It is expected that at some time in the 
future this problem will be resolved. At that time, it will be possible 
to use the Computers container in order to keep machine accounts 
separate from user accounts.

However the samba Howto is very vaugue
Under "Accounts and Group Management"
 Machine accounts are managed with the sambaSamAccount objectclass, 
just like users accounts. However, it is up to you to store those 
accounts in a different tree of your LDAP namespace. You should use 
“ou=Groups,dc=quenya,dc=org” to store groups and 
“ou=People,dc=quenya,dc=org” to store users. Just configure your NSS and 
PAM accordingly (usually, in the /etc/openldap/sldap.conf  configuration 

I am having similar symptoms as well although I am using the same 
container for both Users and Computers.

The symptoms being "User not found" when trying to join domain from 2k 
box. I'm still investigating at the moment although this worked fine 
with samba 3.0.4 with exactly same config.

Samba is now 3.0.7
Not sure about the IDELX scripts as they came with the samba gentoo 
package so i'm about to look to see what version they really are.

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Re: [Samba] mount -t smbfs

2004-09-17 Thread Nathan Howard
Scott Ainslie wrote:
Still no go mounting the drive! smb://IPAddress in Konqueror works
great can browse the share/copy/delete with no password asked. Surely
if I can do this I should be able to mount the drive?
Getting desperate.

I usually use smbmount for mounting shares:
smbmount //tarryn/d /mnt/d
If that doesn't work then could try the following:
smbmount //tarryn/d /mnt/d -o username=guest
(samba doesn't use 'guest' as its guest user normally)
smbmount //tarryn/d /mnt/d -o ip=
smbmount // /mnt/d
(again spcifically tell it ip)
smbmount //tarryn/d /mnt/d -o workgroup=
or a mixture of the above ( -o username=guest,ip= etc...)
Also make sure that your computer has joined the domain
(done by doing : net rpc join -U Administrator)
Hope that helps
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