Re: improved dos attribute handling

2003-02-16 Thread Ola Lundqvist

On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 09:19:46PM -0500, John E. Malmberg wrote:
 Ola Lundqvist wrote:
 Sorry. I'm not subscribed to this list so I could not
 preserve the reply-to header. Please Cc: me if you
 want me to know the mail. :)
 Bcc: by request.

Thanks. I have now subscribed but I think it failed so please Cc: me
until I got my subscription right.

 On the other hand, with the current setup users must have administrative
 rights to modify read-only bit. This is a problem because in a windows
 environment (with users used to windows stuff) there is no such thing as
 file owners.
 There is such a thing as file owners in a domain file server.  This will 
 show up in the file properties on Windows under the security properties.
 As long as your patch is a selectable behavior, there are probably a lot 
 of systems that could use it.

Right now it is selectable but not as a new option. In fact it is activated
by the 'dos filemode' option. If someone can give me a pointer to or
a good advice on how to add such an option.

 I just wanted to make clear that it does have side effects when you are 
 not running in an appliance mode, or if your users are in multiple UNIX 

That is true.

 I do not run UNIX, I run OpenVMS.  It uses a UIC based protection model 
 that is similar to UNIX but there might be some differences that are 
 important that I may be overlooking.
 I can give users write access to a file with out giving them write 
 access to the entire directory.  Write access to the directory implies 
 that they can add and remove files.
 So adding the world write permission back to a file that the user owns 
 when the READONLY bit is cleared will allow every other user on the 
 system write access to that file, if they know it's path.

On the other hand you can still do that because the user can copy the file,
delete the old one, create a new one and copy in the content.

 Does UNIX require you to have write access to a directory to modify a 
 file that you have write access to?


 You simply do not know what the Group and World settings were prior to 
 the Readonly attribute being set.
 And that is why I check the directory permissions. Iff the user has
 write access to the directory and is member of the file it can
 modify the permissions.
 As I pointed out above, at least on OpenVMS, that is not a valid 
 assumption as to what the users wishes are for the world and group 
 access.  Just because they have permission to set them does not mean 
 that they mean to.

I do not know openvms good enough so I can not tell. :)


// Ola

 Personal Opinion Only

 - Ola Lundqvist ---
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Annebergsslingan 37  \
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30  +46 (0)70-332 1551   |
| UIN/icq: 4912500 |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

Re: improved dos attribute handling

2003-02-02 Thread Ola Lundqvist
Sorry. I'm not subscribed to this list so I could not
preserve the reply-to header. Please Cc: me if you
want me to know the mail. :)

John E. Malmberg wrote:
Ola Lundqvist wrote:
 Hello again.
 This is the next issue for which I have created a patch.
 There is a problem with the current dos filemode option. The
 problem is that you can only set read only but not remove it
 again. You can of course not because you do no longer have
 write permissions to the file. My fix change the behaviour to
 check the directory and file for permissions.
 If the user has write permission to the dir and
 (is owner of file, or member of group or part of group) of
 the file the read-only can be removed. The code is tested
 but not for very long time. Right now just a week in a
 production server. I have not checked if it is possible to
 bypass something but I do not think so. I think I have catched
 all cases, but checking is good.

You are aware that this can introduce a security hole because the way 
that DOS / Windows handles the Readonly bit is quite different than in a 
POSIX or UNIX environment.

Yes, I'm aware of that. My solution is based on that all users
can only access the data using samba, and do not have a shell account.
I have not analyzed problems with shell accounts (yet).

In the Microsoft Windows and DOS environment, the Readonly attribute 
means that no one has write or delete access to the file, not even the 
Administrator or root account.

If your platform supports ACLs, the Readonly bit is supposed to overide 
them also.

So unless you change the security model of the host platform, it is not 
possible to have the Readonly attribute behave the way that it does in a 
Microsoft Windows environment.

Now you can determine if the file is Readonly to the client, and use 
the bit to report this.  But it is not possible to for a POSIX host to 
allow the client to change this attribute and have it have the same effect.

You are probably right. On the other hand, samba could deny every write
to a file that has no write permission, even if the user is administrator.
It would need more patching though.

The model of simulating a Readonly bit by removing Write and delete 
access from the Owner, Group, and World bits is ignoring that root or 
setuid root programs can still write to the file, and does not take 
into account that ACLs can still grant write access.

The problem with this, is that while you can allow the client to remove 
the write/delete bits from a file that they have permission to change 
the permission on, it is not good to have the client put the write 
permissions back on.

On the other hand, with the current setup users must have administrative
rights to modify read-only bit. This is a problem because in a windows
environment (with users used to windows stuff) there is no such thing as
file owners.

You simply do not know what the Group and World settings were prior to 
the Readonly attribute being set.

And that is why I check the directory permissions. Iff the user has
write access to the directory and is member of the file it can
modify the permissions.

If you have a file that starts out: W:readonly, G:readonly, 
O:read-write, and the client sets the Readonly bit, then the result is 
obvious.  When the client clears Readonly bit, then if you just add 
Write and Delete access to the owner, everthing is back to normal.

I assume that in this situation the user has no write access to
the directory and thus will be denied access.

If you have write access to the directory you can actually (with
normal posix permissions) go around this anyway. Just copy the
file, delete the old and move it back to its original place.

Test using:
touch foo
sudo chown otheruser foo
sudo chmod g-w foo
rm foo
 rm: Remove write protected file foo? y
ls -l foo
 ls: foo: File or directory not found

So my patch do not change anything. I just make the copy, del, move
thing easier (using the usual dialog box).

However if the file starts out: W:readonly, G:read-write, and 
O:read-write, and when the client sets the Readonly bit, write access 
is removed from the Group, and Owner.  But what happens when you just 
set the O: write+delete settings when the client clears the Readonly 
bit, the other members of the group still will not have write access to 
the file.


A similar situation will exist in the event that the file started out 
with W:write+delete access.

Now with ACLs implemented on the host platform, even this simulation 
will not work.  The Readonly bit based on solely on the protection 
mask becomes totally misleading.  You can set it or clear it, but it may 
have no effect on access to the file by either the host programs or to 

With ACLs, you can create a SAMBA_READONLY entry, and then use that to 
simulate the READONLY bit.  But it must be applied in such a way that 
gives it priority over all ACEs.  Because it is a DENY if present ACE, 
on OpenVMS, it would require that all user

User with read only access can deny write.

2003-01-31 Thread Ola Lundqvist

(I'm not subscribed to this list so please Cc: me).

I have reported an issue to the Debian bug tracking system
but the maintainer thought that it was better to ask
upstream. So now I do that. This is the first of three

The description is found in:

The relevant part from the initial mail sent there is pated here:

I have got a small problem. The thing is that if one use
A open a file in microsoft word without having write access
to the file the file become locked.

From smbstatus:

19717  DENY_WRITE RDONLY NONE /home/pathtofile

The problem is that all other users can not write to the file
because it is locked. This is a problem here because some users need
to be able to write the file while other just have read access.

You could say that it is a bug in word but on the other hand it
should really be possible to deny write whily you do not have write

I assume that this is a bug, i.e. no check is performed to determine
if a user really can deny write to other users. Or is this a design
flaw in samba?

If you can give me an indication on where to look in the code
I'll try to make a patch for you.


// Ola

 - Ola Lundqvist ---
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Annebergsslingan 37  \
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30  +46 (0)70-332 1551   |
| UIN/icq: 4912500 |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

improved dos attribute handling

2003-01-31 Thread Ola Lundqvist
Hello again.

This is the next issue for which I have created a patch.

There is a problem with the current dos filemode option. The
problem is that you can only set read only but not remove it
again. You can of course not because you do no longer have
write permissions to the file. My fix change the behaviour to
check the directory and file for permissions.

If the user has write permission to the dir and
(is owner of file, or member of group or part of group) of
the file the read-only can be removed. The code is tested
but not for very long time. Right now just a week in a
production server. I have not checked if it is possible to
bypass something but I do not think so. I think I have catched
all cases, but checking is good.

For other information, see:

The patch is located at (against the debian version of 2.2.3a):

or just
if you want to look at the files directly. The patch includes
the changes to the smbd makefile and dosmode.c file.

I had to write some functions myself because the normal C-functions
did not really behave as windows functions... That did not surprise
me a lot though. :)

Best regards,

// Ola

 - Ola Lundqvist ---
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Annebergsslingan 37  \
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30  +46 (0)70-332 1551   |
| UIN/icq: 4912500 |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

Move files do not change group as copying does.

2003-01-31 Thread Ola Lundqvist

(I'm not subscribed to please Cc: me).

I have a problem with movement of files:

The problem this time is that we have set up a permission structure
for files in about the same way as windows do, using groups.

The problem is that in windows, the files inherit the group
membership from the directory where the files (and subdirs) reside.

This works fine now if the user copy the files from one place
to the other. The problem is that if the files (and dirs) is moved
an ordinary rename(a,b) command is used which means that the
group membership is not changed. I use sgid on directorys to
emulate windows behaviour but this do not help if moving files.

I have looked at the code and see that there is a
rename(a,b) emulation function, but that tries to emulate
it truely so it gives the same problem.

My suggestion is that a recursive chgrp is performed
to the destination for all dirs and files that has the same
group id as the source file or dir.

What do you think about this?

The inherit acls = yes option do not seem to help here because,
first you need acl kernel support and second the same code for moving
files is used (but I can be mistaken).

I need to get some feedback where to patch the code and
if you are interested in it.

You can also see the debian bug:

From IRC (if that can be interesting):

debian-opal Is there anyone in here who can explain how the vfs_rename function is 
supposed to work? Exactly what arguments can you expect that it gets?
debian-opal I'm trying to create a emulation of windows group membership inheritance.
debian-opal It works ok if copying files but not if moving.
abartlet debian-opal: I would be worried about the races with that proposal
debian-opal abartlet: Yes that can be a problem. The problem is that our customer 
needs to emulate that...
idra debian-opal: emulate what exactly?
abartlet you want to emulate racy windows code?
abartlet (I understand much of the ACL stuff races on WinNT too...)
debian-opal The problem is that we have set up a permission structure on a customer 
server. The permissions are based on the directory where things are located.
idra inheritance is just yet another demonstration of how good basis are converted 
in braindamaged implementations at MS ... :-(
debian-opal If you copy files the group get inherited because the sgid bit is set on 
the dir. The problem is with moving files.
idra debian-opal: so if you move files they retain the ownership ...
idra instead of inheriting the one set in the directory, right?
debian-opal Yes.
idra uhmmm
idra I think this is a bug for jeremy
idra have you written on [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
debian-opal Nope. I wanted to ask here if someone knew, so I could patch it nice and 
idra then write asap on the list, maube cc to jeremy directly
idra debian-opal: you are using the proper smb.conf options for inheritance on that 
debian-opal I think so. Are there any options that cause the rename thing not to be 
debian-opal Do the dos inherit = yes really fix this?
debian-opal Sorry. inherit acls = yes. Don't I need acl support in the kernel?
idra yes you need ACL
idra but any kind of proper inheritance need ACLs
idra (Imho)
debian-opal Ok. The manual page is talking about creating a file/dir... not about 


// Ola

 - Ola Lundqvist ---
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Annebergsslingan 37  \
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30  +46 (0)70-332 1551   |
| UIN/icq: 4912500 |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /