
I've just updated from Samba 2.2.8a to 2.2.12 and now I've regconized
that my user authentication does not work anymore. We have an Active
Directory Domain and I tried the following lines in smb.conf:

security = domain
password server = dc1,dc2
encrypted passwords = yes

With these lines all authentications fail. When I change my configuration to

security = server
password server = dc1
encrypted passwords = yes

everything works fine.

What has changed from 2.2.8a to 2.2.12? Is it not possible to use the
'security = domain' string anymore?

Kind regards,

Oliver Koch

Oliver Koch                     Tel.:   05323/72-2043
Rechenzentrum TU Clausthal      Fax:    05323/72-3536
Erzstraße 51                    Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D - 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld  WWW:    www.rz.tu-clausthal.de 

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