[Samba] change user password (gui)

2013-06-27 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi all :-)

I configurated a small file server (no PDC), I created the users with
smbpasswd -a

Now I need permits to users change own password (from gui).

Is there a way to do this?



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[Samba] performance transfer (samba VS ftp)

2010-09-17 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)


debian stable (samba version 2:3.2.5-4lenny9)

from clients by ftp the transfer of huge file is about 10/11Mb/s (with an 
ethernet 10/100)

by samba came 5/6Mb/s

is it correct?

In smb.conf I don't have any strangeoptions:



domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 65
workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = name
Server String = name

#wins support = yes
wins server = x.x.x.x
name resolve order = wins
#host dns bcast
hosts allow = x.x.x.x/x

log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
encrypt passwords = yes
null passwords = no
unix extensions = yes

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[Samba] admin users = user0 (how force admin permission?)

2010-08-18 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

in a samba share I've:

valid users = user0 user1 user2 user3
admin users = user0
If I write a new file by user0 (admin) this file has root permission:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root user0 131870 2010-08-06 15:35 20100806 name_of_file

can I force to have an user0 permission like this (maintening admin user 
option in samba?):

-rw-r--r-- 1 user0 user0 131870 2010-08-06 15:35 20100806 name_of_file

thanks :-)

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[Samba] pdbedit: manually change password

2010-08-09 Thread Pol Hallen
Hello :)

using pdbedit how can change user password (manually)?
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[Samba] smbpasswd: where's the file of password?

2009-11-17 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi all :-)
I compiled samba on my debian stable (all bin are in /usr/local/samba/bin/), 
smbpasswd too. I use it but I don't see the smbpasswd password file. Where 
smbpasswd update own file of passwords?


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[Samba] ./smbpasswd: symbol lookup error: ./smbpasswd: undefined symbol: _talloc_get_type_abort

2009-11-13 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

I compiled samba (latest stable v3.4.3) on my debian stable, everything seems 
ok but when I try to add new samba user ./smbpasswd:

./smbpasswd: symbol lookup error: ./smbpasswd: undefined symbol: 

I already checked useful libreries but I don't understand this problem.

what can I do?

(samba pre-compiled packages on debian are some grave bugs)

thanks :-)

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[Samba] 2 samba server on same machine

2009-10-28 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

I using debian stable and I need have 2 samba server on same machine.
Is there (and what) way to do this?

thanks :-) 
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[Samba] samba doesn't release external usb device

2009-03-10 Thread Pol Hallen
HI all :-)

Using debian stable (samba version 2:3.2.5-4 ) often I mount ntfs partition 
(using mount.ntfs-3g) of a usb external disk. So I can access from my lan to 
this usb disk.

writable = yes
browseable = no
valid users = nick

when I finish to use this disk and I try to umount it samba doesn't release 
this the disk:

umount /media/usb0 (or umount /dev/sdXX)
umount: /media/usb0: device is busy

because -- lsof|grep usb0

smbd  29491   root  cwd   DIR  180,1 102400  
5 /media/usb0

if anybody uses this remote share how I should umount the disk?

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Re: [Samba] Quota in Samba

2009-03-06 Thread Pol Hallen
 Can I set a quota on Samba shared resources
check this:

normally you have to set quota on the os.

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[Samba] Permission on trash folder

2008-12-31 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

vfs object = recycle
recycle:repository = .Trash/
recycle:keeptree = Yes
recycle:repository = .Trash/%U
recycle:noversions = *.doc|*.xls|*.ppt
recycle:excludedir = /tmp|/temp|/cache
recycle:exclude = *.tmp|*.temp|*.o|*.obj|~$*|*.~??
recycle:maxsize = 0
recycle:versions = Yes
recycle:touch = Yes

permissions (of dir, subdir and files) when an user delete a file are: 

I need that these permission be user:user and not root:user

is there a way to do this?

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[Samba] with antivirus

2008-12-26 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)
I using samba (debian package) on my server and I'd like include an antivirus.
I read that I should compile samba with antivirus option.

Is there another way to use samba package instead of compile it?

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[Samba] File permission (easy)

2008-12-11 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi all :-)

mount -t cifs //ip_server/tmp /home/share/tmp -o username=xxx,password,xxx)

touch tmp.bak /home/share/tmp
touch: setting times of `home/share/tmp/tmp.bak': No such file or directory

(similarly I can only create a file/dir but I can't write on it, I can delete 

I also tried to do: 
echo 0  /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled
mount -t cifs //ip_server/tmp /home/share/tmp
echo 1  /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled
(read in old post of ML)

but there's same error.

permission on the server

drwxrwx--T  6 user0 user0 4096 2008-08-20 15:08 tmp
user0 is in samba group

client details:
debian testing

server details:
debian stable


netbios name = FILESERVER
workgroup = WORKGROUP
Server String = FILESERVER
wins support = yes
name resolve order = wins host dns bcast
hosts allow =
guest account = samba
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
encrypt passwords = yes
null passwords = no
#unix extensions = no
#acl support = no

guest ok = no
writable = yes
printable = no
#read only = yes
valid users = user0
case sensitive = yes

I also tried with unix extensions = yes, and acl support = yes

From windows and mac osx client everything is ok.

With konqueror if I use smb://ip_server/tmp I can add, modify, remove 

What I will do?

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[Samba] mount problem (cifs)

2008-11-21 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)
upgrading kernel from 2.6.22 to and mount the share of samba..

mount //ip/share1 /home/user1/share1 -o user=user,pass=pass

I tried:
touch /home/user1/share1/tmp
touch: setting times of `/home/user1/share1/tmp': No such file or directory

echo tmp  /home/user1/share1/tmp
-bash: /home/user1/share1/tmp: No such file or directory

I can write on share of samba, but I can't editing a file on share of samba.

I using cifs: is there a LinuxPermission problem or other?

There aren't permission problem on the directory because with windows clients 
everything is ok - with oldkernel (2.6.22) there were not these problems :-/

(using konqueror smb://ip/share I can correctly write on share of samba)

Any idea?
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[Samba] permissions(?) problem? with samba and linux client (=2.6.24)

2008-10-17 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

using smbmount //ip/share /home/user0/share -o username=xxx,password=xxx I 
can mount the share samba dir on my client but:

if I do: touch temp0 I see:
touch: setting times of `temp0': No such file or directory
or I can create new directory but I can't write on it.

Using konqueror (smb://ip/share) I can create, remove and modify anything.

I use cifs fs with samba 3.0.24 (debian stable)

guest ok = no
writable = yes
printable = no
valid users = user0
force users = user0
case sensitive = yes
dos charset = ISO8859-1
unix charset = ISO8859-1
display charset = ISO8859-1

This problem happen only with new kernels (=2.6.24)

Can somebody help me please?
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[Samba] v3.0.24 without vscan-clamav

2008-07-23 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

Using debian stable (samba version 3.0.24-6etch10) I didn't found any 
vscan-clamav in /usr/lib/samba/vfs (or similar modules)

In /usr/lib/samba/vfs there're: audit.so, cap.so, default_quota.so, 
expand_msdfs.so, extd_audit.so, fake_perms.so, full_audit.so, netatalk.so,
readonly.so, recycle.so, shadow_copy.so.

I looked for in clamav packages but any modules to run on samba.

What I will do to run clamav antivirus on my file-server?
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[Samba] charaters problem

2008-07-10 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

Mounting a shared ntfs volume in debian os, I see some files like this:
L'?uomo di notte.jpg
the real name is: L'ùomo di notte.jpg

So, when I try to open this file (from a client) a message error appear: the 
file doesn't exist.

How can I resolve this problem?
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Re: [Samba] charaters problem

2008-07-10 Thread Pol Hallen
 How can I resolve this problem?
dos charset = ISO8859-1
unix charset = ISO8859-1
display charset = ISO8859-1
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Re: [Samba] charaters problem

2008-07-10 Thread Pol Hallen
Thank u for the reply :-)

 1. Do you have a mounted local ntfs volume, which you now want to share
(export) with samba to other clients?
Yes :-)
I already shared the mounted directory

 2. Have you mounted a _remote_ ntfs share using smbfs or cifs vfs ?
Using smbfs
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[Samba] something like cache (not reload everytime)

2008-07-08 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks :-)

I've a slow vpn over internet (20kb/s) and I mount samba shares from clients. 
(smbmount //server/share1 /home/share/share1 -o username=,pass=)

Everytime that I open a share, the os re-load whole directories, using 20kb/s 
is very noise..because is REALLY slow..

is there a/any options to keep all directory opened (and files) in something 
like local cache?
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[Samba] Files rename problem

2007-07-05 Thread Pol Hallen
Hi folks

i using debian stable (with samba v3.0.24-6)

When I try to rename (from windows host) a file in the sharing of samba, the 
file isn't renamed :-/

Readme.txt (i renamed only the letter R)
I press enter (and f5 to refresh) but the file is always readme.txt

Instead if i rename completly the file (all letters) the rename is correct 


I remember that old version of samba doesn't have this problem.

Can I resolve this problem?

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