[Samba] Re: Poor Samba Preformance

2005-04-28 Thread Ralf Herrmann
Some posts above your reply, i have asked for a similar problem.
Although i only have fast ethernet i can see the same effect.
If i connect wit one client, i get about 5MByte/s, but the system
still has free resources. (Idle CPU, the disc system can do about
20MByte/s). When i do 2 simultanous connects, both get about 5MB/s.
I have to add i'm using software RAID5, but anyways as shown by 2 
connected clients, the machine and samba seem to be able to saturate the
line. Why is it that one client can not do it, but 2 (or more) can?

If you have any further hints, please let me know.
I've been searching for a solution for  long time now.
Some information on your hardware would help.  If you have IDE drives,
what does hdparm -i say on the share drive?  Also what does hdparm
/dev/(hd?) for the drive say?  Are you using UDMA, 32bit, multi-IO etc?
In my case, all disc parameters are OK. I tested with bonnie
an it gave more then enough performance for read/write, at least for
large files.
Also, take a look at top when doing the large transfer.  If you get hi hi
and wa values (40% or higher) the problem is probably hardware related. 
Currently my wa and hi values combined when doing a large transfer are
about 80%.
There is also some CPU time idle while doing a transfer with 1 client.#
About 30% are left. It is an older PC so i guess saturating the ethernet 
line will almost eat its performance, but that's what i wanted.

I also want to mention that i've tested with 2 different NICs in the 
samba server, a 3Com and an Intel-NIC, both with similar results.
At the beginning i was using a rtl8139, but i replaced it as it was 
eating my CPU:-)

As a last comment, FTP form the serve can sustain about 10.5MByte/s
while reading the same files when samba only gives 5MByte/s.
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[Samba] how to max out performance with only one client

2005-04-28 Thread Ralf Herrmann
Dear all,
i setup a file server with latest debian distro and samba 3.0.10.
Kernel is 2.6.11 self-compiled.
It's for a small home LAN with max. 2 clients.
When i connect with only 1 client, i get a
throughput of about 6MByte/s reading a large file.
(Writing is even slower, but this is due to software-raid5).
Both disk systems as well as CPU are not at max rates.
There is 30-40% CPU idle and the raid 5 can write and read about
20MByte/s for large files.
I have testet with one 3com and one intel 100MBit NIC, no big difference.
All cards are correctly working at 100MBit FD, connected through
a switch to my PC.
When i make 2 simultanous client connections from my PC, it seems,
samba saturates the 100MBit line because i'm getting 2x about
5MB/s read performance (again for large files).
I also tested with ftp and get about 11 MB/s with a single client
wich is the max one could expect.
Does anyone know how to make samba max out with only
one client? Background is that i want to directly burn DVD
from the shares as fast as possible. I need about 8.5MB/s read speed.
Any help is appriciated. I searched the net for quite some time
but didn't find any useful hint.
Some people had a similar problem, but no suitable answer so far.
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