Re: [Samba] Samba kills network.

2007-04-13 Thread Roots
 modify this file you should run the command testparm
# to check that you have not made any basic syntactic errors.
#=== Global Settings 


   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   bind interfaces only = Yes
   interfaces = lo, eth1
   server string = File Server %v
   local master = yes
   workgroup = Family
   os level = 32
   security = user
   max log size = 50
   log level = 1

   hosts deny =

  comment = Home Directories
  browseable = no
  writable = yes

[Admin Files]
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   delete readonly = yes
   invalid users = cathy,nick,linda
   path = /disks/hdk
   write list = administrator
   force directory mode = 755
   force create mode = 755
   comment = Admin Files
   valid users = administrator

   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   delete readonly = yes
   invalid users = cathy,nick,linda
   path = /disks/sdb
   write list = administrator
   force directory mode = 755
   force create mode = 755
   comment = Downloads
   valid users = administrator

   comment = Programs  Drivers
   path = /disks/hdg
   public = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

   comment = Music
   path = /disks/hdc
   public = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

[Games  Music  Videos]
   comment = Games  Music  Videos
   path = /disks/sdc
   public = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

   comment = Video's
   path = /disks/sda
   public = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

   comment = Games
   path = /disks/hde
   public = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   delete readonly = yes
   invalid users = cathy,nick,linda
   path = /disks/hdi
   write list = administrator
   force directory mode = 755
   force create mode = 755
   comment = Backups
   valid users = administrator

   use sendfile = yes
   comment = Web Site
   path = /var/www
   writeable = yes
   valid users = administrator
   force group = apache
   force user = root
   create mask = 3754
   directory mask = 3754
   force create mode = 3754
   force directory mode = 3754

   comment = Server Log Files
   path = /var/log
   read only = yes
   force group = root
   force user = root
   public = no
   valid users = administrator

I read Dennis' thread he cited 
_and I don't have the same problem he mentions there. I also don't 
have the broken pipe errors you have.

At 01:13 AM 4/11/2007 +0100, you wrote:

Tom Peters wrote:

Nope Refreshing my shares does not help when i am getting errors on 
the network. Still getting large amounts of errors generated and a 
hang of all the computers using network processes:

I get an immediate Network name no longer accessible but if I 
display the target in a window, press F5 or View-- Refresh, then drag 
and drop into that same window, the copy or move goes off without a 

Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]: [2007/04/11 01:08:37, 0] 
Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]:   write_data: write failure in 
writing to client Error Broken pipe
Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]: [2007/04/11 01:08:37, 0] 
Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]:   Error writing 75 bytes to 
client. -1. (Broken pipe)
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]: [2007/04/11 01:09:18, 0] 
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]:   read_data: read failure for 4 
bytes to client Error = Connection reset by peer
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]: [2007/04/11 01:09:18, 0] 
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]:   write_data: write failure in 
writing to client Error Broken pipe
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]: [2007/04/11 01:09:18, 0] 
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]:   Error writing 75 bytes to client. 
-1. (Broken pipe)

Tim Otten

At 10:14 AM 4/7/2007 +0200, C.Scheeder wrote:

Tom Peters schrieb:
By the way, I was hoping this would be significant: If I refresh 
my view of a Samba share on the XP box by pressing F5 or clicking 
View--Refresh, so that there is some recent activity on that 
share, and then begin the copy operation immediately, e.g. within 
20 seconds, the copy operation always succeeds.

This makes me beleave it's a problem of your XP-installation.
Please give it a try to boot with a knoppix or another live-cd and 
then test if the problems are reproduceable or not.

Roots [EMAIL PROTECTED] is that true for you as well?
The files I am copying tend to be medium-large: 180 mb

Re: [Samba] Samba kills network.

2007-04-10 Thread Roots

Tom Peters wrote:

Nope Refreshing my shares does not help when i am getting errors on the 
network. Still getting large amounts of errors generated and a hang of 
all the computers using network processes:

Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]: [2007/04/11 01:08:37, 0] 
Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]:   write_data: write failure in 
writing to client Error Broken pipe
Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]: [2007/04/11 01:08:37, 0] 
Apr 11 01:08:37 Ghost smbd[32453]:   Error writing 75 bytes to client. 
-1. (Broken pipe)
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]: [2007/04/11 01:09:18, 0] 
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]:   read_data: read failure for 4 bytes 
to client Error = Connection reset by peer
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]: [2007/04/11 01:09:18, 0] 
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]:   write_data: write failure in writing 
to client Error Broken pipe
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]: [2007/04/11 01:09:18, 0] 
Apr 11 01:09:18 Ghost smbd[9885]:   Error writing 75 bytes to client. 
-1. (Broken pipe)

Tim Otten

At 10:14 AM 4/7/2007 +0200, C.Scheeder wrote:

Tom Peters schrieb:
By the way, I was hoping this would be significant: If I refresh my 
view of a Samba share on the XP box by pressing F5 or clicking 
View--Refresh, so that there is some recent activity on that share, 
and then begin the copy operation immediately, e.g. within 20 
seconds, the copy operation always succeeds.

This makes me beleave it's a problem of your XP-installation.
Please give it a try to boot with a knoppix or another live-cd and 
then test if the problems are reproduceable or not.

Roots [EMAIL PROTECTED] is that true for you as well?
The files I am copying tend to be medium-large: 180 mb to 900 mb. 
But even with small files I've had it do the same thing.

At 10:00 AM 4/6/2007 +0200, C.Scheeder wrote:

you missed to tell us the version of samba you are using, and the
Software/OS of the client you are trying to copy your files from.
Yes, sorry, I realized after that we had not discussed versions or 
etc. Of course I don't know what versions Roots [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
but I have 3.0.9-2.3 of Samba here. I know it's pretty old.

and your kernelversion is?


I never had any problems moving large files around using w98/W2k/XP
boxes to and from the samba-servers i maintain (roundabout 12 

except when bad/dying hardware/software was involved.

have you tried from another client?

Yes. Similar issues result from another XP Pro box.

have you updated ALL your clients drivers (not only the Nic's drivers)
to the latest versions?


Ok as you have tryend from two clients, that shouldn't be a problem,
as i guess they have diffrentz Hardware.

have you checked if there are corrupted packets on your network 
(ifconfig eth1 shows you statistics off packets on your server)
It's eth0 for me. Out of 95 million packets received the errors 
counts are: 1 error, 7 overruns, 1 frame, 0 dropped.
For 102.77 million packet sent, I have zero errors of any kind, zero 
collisions, txqueue length 1000.

OK, that is bad. You should not get errors here with modern Hardware.
I checked the servers i can lay my hands on from here, and they have 
no errors, nada. (one of them with over 300 million packets send and 
received, and 5 other with lower counts, probably caused by wrapping 

have you replaced any peace of hardware inbetween the server and the
No. Well, yes, but it made no difference. I swapped my SMC 
10/100/1000 switch out for a 3Com SmartStack 10/100.
I did however try a crossover cable some time ago. The same results 
(errors) occur.

Did you try and replace the NIC's in the clients and the server?
I have seen strange things happen with partly damaged/dying NIC's.
Even defekt onboard NIC's on brand new motherboards.

(if you don't have a spare-switch, connect client and server via an 

has your switch updateable firmware? if yes, have you updated it to 

latest version?

I checked. There is no later version available for the SMC.

try to boot knoppix on the client and smbmount the shares then test 
if then copying works.

Make shure your server is the masterbrowser at any time.

The os level is set to 33, which is supposed to make sure of that.

SUPPOSED, i've seen XP-computers steal the Masterbrowser-role even from
a samba server with os-level set to 255, took me half a Day to find the
machine and punish the user for having installed tcp-ip, netbios and
netware-protokoll on the machine.

make shure ALL unused network connections in your clients are 
disabled. (like ieee1394-network, or dvb-network, unused 
WLAN-Connetions and what the hell modern windows versions think of 
devices being able to do networking)

Hmmm The 1394 connection was bound

[Samba] Samba kills network.

2007-04-05 Thread Roots
When i try to swap files between disks on my server using samba i get 
errors: then windows reports The specified network name is no longer 
available. Sometimes the copies are fine other times files just wont 
copy. Hardware checks out fine. Ive even replaced the network cable 
between server and switch thinking that might be causing the problem. 
Ive included a ethereal cap of the network during one of these problems, 
and my samba config as attachments the errors are as follows:

Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[27010]: [2007/04/05 20:41:53, 0] 
Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[27010]:   getpeername failed. Error was 
Transport endpoint is not connected
Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[32631]: [2007/04/05 20:41:53, 0] 
Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[32631]:   getpeername failed. Error was 
Transport endpoint is not connected
Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[32631]: [2007/04/05 20:41:53, 0] 
Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[32631]:   write_data: write failure in 
writing to client Error Connection reset by peer
Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[32631]: [2007/04/05 20:41:53, 0] 
Apr  5 20:41:53 Ghost smbd[32631]:   Error writing 4 bytes to client. 
-1. (Connection reset by peer)
Apr  5 20:43:45 Ghost smbd[32650]: [2007/04/05 20:43:45, 0] 
Apr  5 20:43:45 Ghost smbd[32650]:   read_data: read failure for 4 bytes 
to client Error = Connection reset by peer
Apr  5 20:43:45 Ghost smbd[32650]: [2007/04/05 20:43:45, 0] 
Apr  5 20:43:45 Ghost smbd[32650]:   write_data: write failure in 
writing to client Error Broken pipe
Apr  5 20:43:45 Ghost smbd[32650]: [2007/04/05 20:43:45, 0] 
Apr  5 20:43:45 Ghost smbd[32650]:   Error writing 75 bytes to client. 
-1. (Broken pipe)
Apr  5 20:44:16 Ghost smbd[32705]: [2007/04/05 20:44:16, 0] 
Apr  5 20:44:16 Ghost smbd[32705]:   getpeername failed. Error was 
Transport endpoint is not connected
Apr  5 20:44:16 Ghost smbd[32705]: [2007/04/05 20:44:16, 0] 
Apr  5 20:44:16 Ghost smbd[32705]:   write_data: write failure in 
writing to client Error Connection reset by peer
Apr  5 20:44:16 Ghost smbd[32705]: [2007/04/05 20:44:16, 0] 
Apr  5 20:44:16 Ghost smbd[32705]:   Error writing 4 bytes to client. 
-1. (Connection reset by peer)

Please Help im at a loss to what the problem is!
getwd cache = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=65536 SO_RCVBUF=65536 
use sendfile = no
lock spin time = 15
lock spin count = 30
map to guest = bad user
log level = 1
security = user
os level = 64
local master = Yes
time server = Yes
domain master = yes 
preferred master = yes
wins support = yes
domain logons = yes
dos filetimes = Yes
workgroup = Family
netbios name = fileserver
server string = Samba Server %v
printcap name = cups
load printers = yes
printing = cups
printer admin = root @adm @is
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
;hosts allow =
interfaces = eth1 lo
bind interfaces only = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g machines -c 
'Machine Account' -s /bin/false -M %u
wins proxy = yes
dns proxy = no 
logon path = 
logon drive = U:
logon script = %U.bat
oplocks = no
level2 oplocks = no
change notify timeout = 300
lpq cache time = 30
winbind uid = 1-2
winbind gid = 1-2
winbind separator = +
oplocks = no
level2 oplocks = no
;   deadtime = 60
wins proxy = yes
lpq cache time = 30
change notify timeout = 300
getwd cache = yes
dos filetimes = yes
domain logons = yes
obey pam restrictions = yes
unix password sync = Yes
pam password change = yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *Re*ype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n \
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false '%u'
delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel '%s'
add user to group script = /usr/bin/gpasswd -a '%u' '%g'
delete user from group script = /usr/bin/gpasswd -d '%u' '%g'
set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u'
add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g  getent group '%g'|awk -F: 
'{print $3}'
delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel 

Re: [Samba] Samba kills network.

2007-04-05 Thread Roots

Tom Peters wrote:

At 03:04 PM 4/5/2007 -0700, Jeremy Allison wrote:

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 04:15:33PM -0500, Tom Peters wrote:

 I have this problem all the time. Samba for me will cause the The
 specified network name no longer exists (that's how it's worded 
for me,

 not available) and copy a zero-length file to the destination drive.

 Reads from a Samba share are never any problem for me.

 If you immediately retry the operation, and immediately say Y to
 overwrite it, it will succeed.

 If you do the above for the first in a series of files to be copied 
to a

 Samba share, it will copy all the rest of them sucessfully.

 The other thing that gives this error away is the getpeername
 failed...  ...transport endpoint not connected. 

 I thought I had this fixed, but after months, it has recurred. The 
fix I

 tried was this (in smb.conf):
 smb ports = 139

 The explanation I got was that Windows try to connect to a server over
 ports 443 and 139 nearly simultaneously, then use whichever one 

 first. Samba replies to both, and it might be that Windows has already
 decided which it's going to use, and interprets the double reply as a

 Use sendfile = no has also been suggested to me.

 Frankly, this is embarrassing, and has kept me from pushing Samba 

 When I ask about it, nobody seems to have a real answer.

Easy enough to fix. Add :

smb ports = 445

to the [global] section of your smb.conf. Pre-Windows 2000 clients
won't be able to connect though.

I tried that. Used 445, not 443 (oops). Did a load/unload of smbd. No 
change. Changed it to 139. Worked better, for a few months. Went back 
to old behavior, which is a lot like having no smb ports = in my 
conf file at all.

Confirmed for me also add smb ports = 445 to config file does not help.

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