[Samba] Security ADS and clearcase

2009-04-06 Thread Schreiber, Martin
Hello @List,
We have a pretty complex problem;
In our company AD is the one and only directory service, all other clients 
need to follow the given settings and guidelines. We are connected via security 
ADS , but every patch session on the PDC `s is a nightmare , does it still work 
or not. So we think about alternatives to the existent situation, pls note , we 
do not have any influence on AD settings. Only security ads is allowed , due to 
security guidelines from HQ.
Now my question, is there a way to bypass this situation, we thought about an 
ldap gateway, or install an standalone PDC in a dummy domain ,which sources 
the AD for passwd and group settings , because we need a seamless mounting of 
samba shares in order to provide our clearcase vobs to the XP clients.
Maybe someone is in a similar situation and can shre his (here) knowledge to 
the community.
Thanks in advanceMartin  Schreiber

  Martin Schreiber

  Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH

  Gudrunstrasse 11 
  A-1101 Wien 
   Tel: +43(0)51707 47565
  Fax: +43(0) 51707 57560

Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH, DVR 1009192, FN 180547k, Handelsgericht 
Wien, Firmensitz Wien

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[Samba] net groupmap add problems since 3.0.23 version

2008-01-07 Thread Schreiber, Martin
Hello List,
As I didnt receive any answers on my first request regarding the new groupmap 
mechanism since samba version 3.0.23 I try it once again and more detailed.
Situation before upgrade to samba 3.0.28:
We run a solaris 9 server with samba 3.0.21 which serves a share named backup 
to which all domain users belonging to a special active directory group can 
connect and save their mail db and other data. This runs without any 
interaction, just net use x: \\servername\sharename. No users exist in 
/etc/passwd , access is handled only by Active Directory groups and the 
associated unix group(s). That has been realised via the net groupmap add 
command and worked perfectly over the years since samba version 3.0.7a ! .
Due to security riscs in samba we where forced to upgrade to version 3.0.28 
(all the same problems since version 3.0.24) I studied the whats changed logs 
and samba howto`s and think I ´ve done it right , but I fear I ´ve overlooked 
something essential.
Output from net groupmap list:
 # net groupmap list
Domain Users (S-1-5-21-1454471165-527237240-682003330-513) - users
sbs_ors (S-1-5-21-1454471165-527237240-682003330-133792) - sbs_ors_ux
Domain Guests (S-1-5-21-1454471165-527237240-682003330-514) - nobody
Administrators (S-1-5-32-544) - 10
adv (S-1-5-21-1454471165-527237240-682003330-48325) - adv
Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-1454471165-527237240-682003330-512) - ntadmin
Users (S-1-5-32-545) - 11

output from net groupmap add command:

 # net groupmap add sid=S-1-5-21-1454471165-527237240-682003330-133792 
ntgroup=sbs_ors unixgroup=sbs_ors_ux type=d
Successfully added group sbs_ors to the mapping db as a domain group

This is a major group with some nested groups and I ´m a member of one , Since 
version 3.0.7a nested groups are supported , but I ´m not able to connect , all 
I get is a pop up login window , also net view \\servername fails with access 
Now my question ; does that configuration is still supported at all , or has it 
broken due to security riscs ; if not pls tell me how to proceed with new samba 
version, what did I overlook
Best Regards  Martin  Schreiber

  Martin Schreiber

  Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH

  Gudrunstrasse 11 
  A-1101 Wien 
   Tel: +43(0)51707 47565
  Fax: +43(0) 51707 57560

Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH, DVR 1009192, FN 180547k, Handelsgericht 
Wien, Firmensitz Wien

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[Samba] net groupmap add

2008-01-03 Thread Schreiber, Martin
Hi List,
We have a pretty complex samba configuration running version 3.0.21 , this 
worked for about 2 years , but due to security reasons we need to upgrade to 
latest version 3.0.28.
I have no local unix users created on our host all access is regulated via the 
valid user = @AD+group statement . and the net groupmap add command. This 
worked great , but seems broken in latest versions since 3.0.23
I checked the latest howtos , but no success , seems that i overlooked some 
Now my smb.conf  (only the relevant lines)

 workgroup = WWxxx
server string = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
security = DOMAIN
netbios name = ATWS26QC
encrypt passwords = Yes
client schannel = no
client use spnego = no
server signing = auto
config file = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
password server = vieg10wa
passdb expand explicit = no
password level = 1
winbind uid = 10-13
winbind gid = 10-12
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
winbind separator = +
winbind use default domain = yes
winbind nested groups = yes
#the shares
path = /home2
valid users@sbs_ors_ux @sbs_ors
read only = no
browseable = yes

output from net groupmap list
# bin/net groupmap list
Administrators (S-1-5-32-544) - 10
sbs_ors (S-1-5-21-3932861455-2822179577-2594212704-125693) - sbs_ors_ux   
thats the relevant group 
Users (S-1-5-32-545) - 11

 But I cant get it to work , I´m allways asked for a password , but should work 
seemless , as it does with old samba version
Hope theres someone who can give me some hints , like a working smb.conf and or 
a howto to manage the net groupmap add command in the proper way
Best regardsMartin


  Martin Schreiber

  Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH

  Gudrunstrasse 11 
  A-1101 Wien 
   Tel: +43(0)51707 47565
  Fax: +43(0) 51707 57560

Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH, DVR 1009192, FN 180547k, Handelsgericht 
Wien, Firmensitz Wien

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Subject: [Samba] Query a Windows 2003 AD server for specific

2007-11-28 Thread Schreiber, Martin



Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=iso-8859-1

The Question:  What command do I use to query a Windows 2003 AD server
to return the Organizational Unit of a specific users? Also, what would
be the command that would return the Home Directory path as specified
in the Account Properties of the Windows 2003 account?

The Environment: Windows 2003 Domain with 1 plus users
8000 Windows 2k/XP workstations
1100 Terminal Clients connecting to SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Authentication between Linux and Windows using Samba Version
Winbind Version 3.0.24-2.28-1354-SUSE-CODE10

All users have a home directory  located on a Windows server.  The
path is set in their AD account and  mapped to H: When they login to a
XP or 2000 workstation.  This is setup in a school district.  Users can
be either logged into windows or into Linux.   

The path to the home directory is ODD at best.  I didn't set it up, nor
can I change it.

For teachers they are mapped to \\server\teachers\username
For students it is a little more complicated.  Each school has it own
OU.  Therefor, the Windows admins created a path that is similar to this
\\server\OUname\username  The problem is there are 1 students
divided between 30 OUs.

Thanks in advance.

You need to get dsquery and dsget , should be part of the bonus pack
of Win2003 Server, then you can create queries like following

dsquery user -samid $uid|dsget user -hmdir  and you get that:
$uid stands for accountname


Or dsquery user -name $user_name*|dsget user -hmdir   and you will see
that output
$user_name stands for the real name


It's a really powerfull command combination

If you want(must)  run that from UNIX you need ldapsearch 

BR  Martin  Schreiber

BR  Martin Schreiber
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[Samba] Winbindd dies in samba 64 bit solaris9

2006-06-22 Thread Schreiber, Martin
Hello List  !!

We have a strange und urgent problem 

OS = solaris9 , sparc
Samba   = v3.0.21a , selfcompiled with gcc 3.4.3 with option -m64

We use that server as a backupserver for xp-clients , all about 300
users, disk capacity is about 1.6 Terra
Strange behaviour occured after upgrade from samba 3.0.14a 32
bit(normal) to samba 3.0.21a 64 bit. Smb.conf remained the same , also
all under ./var/locks. Starting and connecting to domain didnt show any
error, filetransfer bigger then 2GB no problem , all seemed well..., but
in real life problems showed up, winbindd is dying several times a day
and needs to be restarted. Also i had to disable any locking in smb.conf
espacially posix locking.That seems to be a 2GB issue in solaris too.
Winbind functionallity is essential for us , because access is only
handled via net groupmapping from ADS, no local users in /etc/passwd.
Are there any known issues with version 3.0.21a and solaris 64 bit ?.

Any help or hints would be very appreciated

Kind regardsMartin Schreiber

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Subject: [Samba] filesize problem...

2006-02-09 Thread Schreiber, Martin
Hello List,

We had the same problem on solaris 8 + 9 , on solaris use native cc with
appropriate 64 bit options , on linux use gcc -m64 option , i fear, you
will need to compile it from source..., but maybe the debian apt utility
can rebuild it, dont know.


Hope that helps

Kind regardsmartin  schreiber
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[Samba] winbindd_idmap.tdb

2005-11-30 Thread Schreiber Martin
Hello list,
I want to migrate from samba 3.0.14a to 3.0.2* . Now my question ; is it
possible to keep the winbindd_idmap.tdb with new installation, because
keeping that relations is a __MUST__ , otherwise i would have  to run
some unix scripts over the user directories to fix uids and gids of
Thanks in advance for your hints.
kind regardsmartin  schreiber
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Subject: [Samba] Samba / Windows server 2003 SP1 conflict

2005-09-20 Thread Schreiber Martin

Try that in smb.conf , global section

Client schannel = no
Server schannel = auto

For me that works...

Kind regardsmartin  schreiber
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Subject: RE: [Samba] Samba compatibility with NetAPP filers

2005-05-31 Thread Schreiber Martin
We had the same problem after upgrading to samba =3.10. Disabling of
signing did solve the problem
Just add the lines 
client signing = no
server signing = no
to the global section of smb.conf
kind regardsmartin  schreiber

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[Samba] Files =2GB

2005-04-28 Thread Schreiber Martin
Hello to the list,

We have installed samba 3.0.12 on a solaris sparc server , mainly acting as
a backup-server.
Now the problem:

Some user want to save whole disk-images on their shares which exceed the 2
GB limit.

Now my question:

Do i need to compile with option -m64 , or is the underlaying FS
responseable for a successful

Kind regardsmartin  schreiber
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[Samba] share permissions for AD groups

2004-10-22 Thread Schreiber Martin

We have following environment

Win2k AD with endless number of groups (should be more then 1000) , on the
other site solaris9 samba3.0.7 compiled with all relevant optins , winbind ,
ads and so on , installations is ok , we joined AD domain w.o problems ,
getent * shows all like expected
same for wbinfo 

The big problem remaining is , we want to restrict access to shares to given
AD groups that way:

valid users = @ADDOMAIN+ADGROUP

that doesnt work in any combination, the other way 


works without any probem

there is no user or groupmapping at all

---output from level 10

2004/10/21 17:16:44, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_list(533)
  user_in_list: checking user |WW300+atw113c9| against |admoss|
[2004/10/21 17:16:44, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_list(533)
  user_in_list: checking user |WW300+atw113c9| against |ww300+csi|
[2004/10/21 17:16:44, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_list(610)
  user_in_list: checking if user |WW300+atw113c9| is in winbind group
[2004/10/21 17:16:49, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_winbind_group_list(412)
  user_in_winbind_group_list: using groups -- 30001 30002 30003 30004 30005
30006 30007 30008 30009 300
10 30011 30012 30013 30014 30015 30016
[2004/10/21 17:16:49, 2] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(314)
  user 'WW300+atw113c9' (from session setup) not permitted to access this
share (pst)
[2004/10/21 17:16:49, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(129)


as i think winbind can only reflect to first 16 or 17 groups
user_in_list checks the right group name , in this case ww300+admoss , but
user_in_winbind_group_list shows only the first 16 mapped groups , as we
have more then 1000 or 2000 and nested groups i can never be authenticated

Now my

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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[Samba] AW: share permissions for AD groups

2004-10-22 Thread Schreiber Martin

 We have following environment
 Win2k AD with endless number of groups (should be more then 1000) , on
 the other site solaris9 samba3.0.7 compiled with all relevant optins ,
 winbind , ads and so on , installations is ok , we joined AD domain w.o
 problems , getent * shows all like expected
 same for wbinfo 
 The big problem remaining is , we want to restrict access to shares to
 given AD groups that way:
 valid users = @ADDOMAIN+ADGROUP
 that doesnt work in any combination, the other way 
 works without any probem
 there is no user or groupmapping at all
 ---output from level 10
 2004/10/21 17:16:44, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_list(533)
   user_in_list: checking user |WW300+atw113c9| against |admoss|
 [2004/10/21 17:16:44, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_list(533)
   user_in_list: checking user |WW300+atw113c9| against |ww300+csi|
 [2004/10/21 17:16:44, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_list(610)
   user_in_list: checking if user |WW300+atw113c9| is in winbind group
 [2004/10/21 17:16:49, 10] lib/username.c:user_in_winbind_group_list(412)
   user_in_winbind_group_list: using groups -- 30001 30002 30003 30004
 30005 30006 30007 30008 30009 300
 10 30011 30012 30013 30014 30015 30016
 [2004/10/21 17:16:49, 2] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(314)
   user 'WW300+atw113c9' (from session setup) not permitted to access this
 share (pst)
 [2004/10/21 17:16:49, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(129)
 as i think winbind can only reflect to first 16 or 17 groups
 user_in_list checks the right group name , in this case ww300+admoss , but
 user_in_winbind_group_list shows only the first 16 mapped groups , as we
 have more then 1000 or 2000 and nested groups i can never be authenticated
 my uid range is 10-12
   gid range is  3-5
 Now my second question ; the only workaround in this siuations is to do a
 valid user statement to every user who should connect
 So is there a limitation to the string length of valid users = 
 I fear i need 4 to 500 users at all
 Any help or workaround is pretty appreciated 
 kind regards  martin  schreiber
   Siemens Business Services
   CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
   Gudrunstrasse 11
   A-1101 Wien
   Martin Schreiber
   Phone   +43 5 1707 47565
   Fax +43 5 1707 57560
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[Samba] winbind AD group non primary group permissions

2004-10-20 Thread Schreiber Martin

In our company we need to setup a samba-server for store the pst files in a
dedicated share on our samba server. A very important goal is zero

Samba Server is a sun running solaris 9 , samba-3.0.7 is installed with
winbind , all is running as expected , users can connect to the share , if
the share isnt already created , it is created by preexec script

sniplet of smb.conf

root preexec = /bin/ksh -c mkdir /export/home/pst/%u
path = /export/home/pst/%u
read only = no
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
available = yes
public = no

and now th problem

As all is running so well , customers become hungry on advanced features ...

One of the features is , they want acces to the share be restricted to a
special group(AD) which is not the user's primary group. I searched google
etc etc all faqs and so on , but nothing. I tried around with preexec
scripts , using getent group|grep $usr  ; without success,
maybe the failure is in my scripts , so my question ; is there anybody out ,
who had success in that case described

All  help is much apreciated  , kind regardsmartin


  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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[Samba] (no subject)

2004-10-20 Thread Schreiber Martin
Hi Jerry,

thanks a lot for your replay , but ...

I think its my mistake , my problem description wasnt the best i fear, so
let me try  again;

situation is as following :

AD users can connect to a given share without any problem , the users are
pure (AD)NT-USERS , without any unix-pendant . Now the problem; I am not
able to restrict connections to a given AD group , getent group $group|grep
$usr shows me the user is in the requested AD group, but

valid users = domain\group 

fails in every combination

Additionally i have to make clear , that this groups only exist in AD , not
on unix host , maybe thats the problem

I also tried to expand  the valid users directive like

valid users = `getent groups $groupname`

think i have overlooked an important point..., but may be theres a

thanks in advance for your efforts

kind regardsmartin  schreiber

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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[Samba] strange behaviour of smbpasswd after upgrade to samba.3.0.0

2004-01-09 Thread Schreiber Martin

I have a serious problem after upgrading from samba.2.2.8a - 3.0.0(1)
We have security = domain in both samba-versions ; for normal domain users
nothing has changed , but we need to authenticate external users , who are
not members of our native win2k domain via the smbpasswd mechanism. The user
got a login-screen and authenticated himself via his
unix-login and the smbpasswd program. Under samba.2.2.8a no problems at
all. After upgrading to samba.3.0.0(1) that never works...


  domain_client_validate: unable to validate password for user lruser in
WW300 to Domain controller \\VIES12KA. Error was NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER.
[2004/01/09 09:53:25, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(627)
  Can't become connected user!


We run that 2 versions with identical smb.conf files, and it is reproducable
on other servers too , when i go back to older version it works again. Seems
to be there are changes in the authentication procedure.

How can commit these changes , ore if not can give me some hints to resolve
this problem ??

Thanks in advance for your efforts.

kind regardsMartin Schreiber

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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[Samba] reliant-unix-5.45 samba-3.0.0

2003-12-17 Thread Schreiber Martin

Hello to the list,

Is there anyone who had successfull compiled samba-3.0.0 on reliant-unix
5.45 , with latest supported gcc3.0.2. We need that , because we are
changing to ads with smb signing , so we need samba 3.0.0 . It was really a
pain to get the gcc running under reliant , but now the really problems

Thanks in advance for your efforts

kind regardsmartin schreiber

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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[Samba] solaris 9 and compiling

2003-09-29 Thread Schreiber Martin

I have a problem to build the samba_3.0 sources for sol9 , i am running
gcc-3.3. It works , but the binaries became huge , the samba.pkg is about
450 MB . Now my question; do i need any compiler flags ? i did it with

But as i said , it works , i can join domains , hope there is a sun-guru.

kind regardsmartin schreiber

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien 
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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AW: [Samba] solaris 9 and compiling

2003-09-29 Thread Schreiber Martin

_BINGO_ !!

thanks a lot

kind regardsmartin schreiber

-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: Jelmer Vernooij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 29. September 2003 16:03
An: Schreiber Martin
Betreff: Re: [Samba] solaris 9 and compiling

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 15:40, Schreiber Martin wrote:
 I have a problem to build the samba_3.0 sources for sol9 , i am running
 gcc-3.3. It works , but the binaries became huge , the samba.pkg is about
 450 MB . Now my question; do i need any compiler flags ? i did it with
Samba 3.0.0 always put in debugging symbols. This will be fixed in

For now, try using the 'strip' utility on the binaries.


Jelmer Vernooij  - http://jelmer.vernstok.nl/
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[Samba] samba and .NET (WIN 2003)

2003-03-07 Thread Schreiber Martin

is there any information about new windows version .NET or winxp server or
whatever the name will be. Does it run with samba 2.2.7a or must i wait
until version 3.0 is released.

kind regardsmartin schreiber

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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[Samba] samba.2.2.7a clearcase solaris 8 Too many open files

2003-02-10 Thread Schreiber Martin


We ran a big mixed win2k unix environment. We use latest samba-version
(2.2.7a) and clearcase v2002 (latest version). Our vob and view servers are
sol 8 boxes , clients ran win2k.

Since a week or 2 i can see the following error or warning messages in the

Unable to open new log file /usr/local/samba/log.leipzig2: Too many open

I tuned the filedescriptor settings in /etc/system to

set rlim_fd_max=8192
set rlim_fd_cur=4096

and the samba max open settings tomax open files = 16384  , but that
settings seam to be useless , no affect.

In the clearcase logs no errors or warnings are indicated , now my question
, may i forget it , or is that a serious behaviour.

kind regardsmartin schreiber

  Siemens Business Services
CCN-ITS Betrieb Wien GUD
Gudrunstrasse 11
A-1101 Wien
Martin Schreiber
  Phone +43 5 1707 47565
  Fax   +43 5 1707 57560

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