On Sunday 08 Jul 2007 9:25:40 pm Jeffrey Hathaway wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anybody know if Samba is compadable with Vista Yet?  If so, is there a
> way for a group pr user policy to allow samba users to things in windows
> vista, like install programs w/o admin access.  I know Vista has policies
> that can do this, where it cna basicly grant the user access, witha  prompt
> or w/o a prompt.  Can Samba support this too?

Well, I do know that basic filesharing works reasonably well with Vista at 
least, but I didn't have that particular machine long enough to play with 
group policies and the like. Besides, that machine was a Vista Home edition 

'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
 'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,'
 'I don’t know where. . .'
 'Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,'
--Lewis Carroll, Alice in wonderland
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