[Samba] Strange Roaming Profiles problem

2003-02-23 Thread Thorsten D. Marsen
Hi experts,

I encounter a serious problem using Roaming Profiles unter XP Prof. I don't
know if this is realy a Samba issue, mybe someone has already solved the
same problem. I am running Samba 2.2.5 as an PDC using LDAP.

The first time I log on with user tom, all looks perfect and a profile is
downloaded from the Samba PDC, say into D:\Documents and Settings\tom. Then
I log out and re-login. Sometimes the System complains something like not
able to copy the profile from the server because D:\Documents and
Settings\tom\Cookies\index.dat is inaccessable. You are logon to a temporary
profile (the exact message is different but thats the essence). Question:
Who could have still the index.dat File in look???

To isolate the problem, I set the Registry Key
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] =
DeleteRoamingCache=dword:0001, so the profile should be delete on
logout. What happens now is as follows:

(1) I Reboot the maschine and delete all local Profile-Directories for user
tom (as Admin)
(2) Login as tom - Profiledirectory D:\Documents and Settings\tom is
created and copied
(3) Loginout tom
(4) Login as tom again and now:
(4a) Profiledirectory D:\Documents and Settings\tom.DOMAIN (???) is created
and copied
(4b) A fraction of D:\Documents and Settings\tom still exists (???). The
remaining files are:

D:\Documents and Settings\tom\Cookies\index.dat
D:\Documents and Settings\tom\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat
D:\Documents and Settings\tom\\Local Settings\Temporary Internet

all other files are delated as expected. When I now logout and login again,
the same will happend and one new profile directory tom.DOMAIN.001 will be
created, while tom.DOMAIN conatins the same files as in tom. When I try
to delete the files by hand, I get an error message from XP: Cannot delete
index: It is beeing used by another person or program. Close any programs
that might be using the file and try again.

I cannot imagine what program or user that can be! I restart Samba but
that - clearly - doesn't matter. I even kill several XP processes using the
task-manager, but that doesn't help. After I reboot the XP maschine I can
delete the files in question by hand without complain.

I google around but find no matching article. But I find
\usr\share\doc\packages\samba\Registry\NT4-Locking.reg: Does this may help?
Under which circumstances one have to apply these settings?

Second, I'm playing around with the profiles on the server: Copying parts of
them from one user to the other, modifying the SID Field in the LDAP
Schemata and re-joining the Domain multiple times. May this cause such

Any ideas? Respose would be VERY wellcome!!!

Thorsten Marsen.

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Re: [Samba] passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

2003-02-02 Thread Thorsten D. Marsen
Hi John,

 The smbpasswd utilitiy only changes the password in /etc/samba/smbpasswd.
 It does NOT use PAM at all.

 The system tool 'passwd' (/bin/passwd or /usr/bin/passwd) will use PAM.
 Whatever you configure PAM to do it will follow.

 Firstly, pam_smbpass.so does NOT do unix system password changing! It can
 be added to your PAM configuration to update the /etc/samba/smbpasswd

In the case LDAP is configured, smbpasswd will change the lm/ntPassword
Fields in the Samba Schemata instead of /etc/samba/smbpasswd. Do you know if
pam_smbpass.so also regognizes this configuration?


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[Samba] ldap_modify_s Insufficient access

2003-01-28 Thread Thorsten D. Marsen
Hi, we are running Samba 2.2.5 using LDAP und pam_ldap (pam_unix2 with
auth+account+password=use_ldap) as PDC out of the SuSE 8.1 distribution. It
runs very well: Login für UnixSamba ok, Passwort-Change for Samba via
smbpasswd Ok and we are able to manipulate the Linux Password in LDAP using
the GQ Client. The only thing that doesn't work is passwd itself:

venezuela:/home/tdm # passwd guest
Changing password for guest.
Enter login(LDAP) password:
New password:
Bad password: a palindrome
Re-enter new password:
LDAP password information update failed: Unknown error

Password changed
venezuela:/home/tdm #

and in /var/log/messages:
Jan 28 13:39:47 venezuela passwd[28505]: pam_ldap: ldap_modify_s
Insufficient access

Can you please help, because this is a very important issue for us! Thanks
in advance,

Some conf-staff:

basedc=tdm-consult, dc=com
ssl no
# für nss_ldap
crypt   des
# für pam_ldap
pam_filter  objectclass=posixAccount
pam_login_attribute uid
pam_crypt   local

suffix  dc=tdm-consult,dc=com
rootdn  cn=tdm,dc=tdm-consult,dc=com
rootpw  {crypt}...

auth required   pam_unix2.sonullok
account requiredpam_unix2.so
password required   pam_pwcheck.so  nullok
password required   pam_unix2.sonullok use_first_pass use_authtok
session requiredpam_unix2.so

auth:   use_ldap nullok
password:   use_ldap nullok

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ldap_modify_s Insufficient access

2003-01-28 Thread Thorsten D. Marsen
Hi, we are running Samba 2.2.5 using LDAP und pam_ldap (pam_unix2 with
auth+account+password=use_ldap) as PDC out of the SuSE 8.1 distribution. It
runs very well: Login für UnixSamba ok, Passwort-Change for Samba via
smbpasswd Ok and we are able to manipulate the Linux Password in LDAP using
the GQ Client. The only thing that doesn't work is passwd itself:

venezuela:/home/tdm # passwd guest
Changing password for guest.
Enter login(LDAP) password:
New password:
Bad password: a palindrome
Re-enter new password:
LDAP password information update failed: Unknown error

Password changed
venezuela:/home/tdm #

and in /var/log/messages:
Jan 28 13:39:47 venezuela passwd[28505]: pam_ldap: ldap_modify_s
Insufficient access

Can you please help, because this is a very important issue for us! Thanks
in advance,

Some conf-staff:

basedc=tdm-consult, dc=com
ssl no
# für nss_ldap
crypt   des
# für pam_ldap
pam_filter  objectclass=posixAccount
pam_login_attribute uid
pam_crypt   local

suffix  dc=tdm-consult,dc=com
rootdn  cn=tdm,dc=tdm-consult,dc=com
rootpw  {crypt}...

auth required   pam_unix2.sonullok
account requiredpam_unix2.so
password required   pam_pwcheck.so  nullok
password required   pam_unix2.sonullok use_first_pass use_authtok
session requiredpam_unix2.so

auth:   use_ldap nullok
password:   use_ldap nullok

[Samba] Error attempt_netbios_session_request

2003-01-24 Thread Thorsten D. Marsen

Hella List,

regularily I get Syslog Messages of following 

Jan 24 03:39:03 
venezuela smbd-ldap[9175]: attempt_netbios_session_request: 
WINXPHOME rejected the session for name *SMBSERVER with error Not listening on 
called name Jan 24 03:39:03 
venezuela smbd-ldap[9175]: connect_to_client: machine WINXPHOME 
rejected the NetBIOS session request. 
My Server called "venezuela" ist PDC and configured to use LDAP as you can see. The system 
is running very stable, but sometimes - not every time - I have extreme 
Login-/Logout Times at my Windows Client "WINXPHOME" running Windows XP. In my 
opinion, this is no DNS problem. Im running Roaming Profiles at der PDC and 
Linux is the WINS Server (wins support = dns proxy = yes, name resolve order = 
hosts bcast). Others is standard - there is no complex network architecture 

