Re: [Samba] Login time logging?

2004-02-01 Thread mamue
 On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 23:49, Remco Barendse wrote:
 Hi all!

 I need a setup that will log exactly when a user has logged in or out of

 Preferably I would like to have a separate list per user, but this can
 also be achieved with grep.

 I found some solutions that rely on login script processing which is
 if your clients are running Win95/Win98 but for anything else it won't

 Anybody know of a solution?

 Many people enable utmp support on the server for this.

I have in [netlogon] a
root preexec = /usr/local/samba/bin/ %u %I %m %T
shell-script which does:
#1.: user, %u
#2.: Client-IP, %I
#3.: NetBIOS Machine name, %m
#4/5.: Timestamp, %T
#6.: Group, %g
#4/5 (Timestamp) are no longer used
/samba/netlogon/generateLoginBatch $1 $2 $3
echo insert into logins (user, host, ip, date, time) values ('$1', '$3',
'$2', curdate(), curtime() ); | /usr/bin/mysql -u mysqlUser sambaLogins

Windows does (AFAIK) not have the concept of logout-scripts, so you'll
never know when people log out. When I have spare time I sometimes
generate a little machine-usage report from that data.

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[Samba] smbpasswd -a -m machine fails: Failed to modify password entry

2003-12-27 Thread mamue

i try to create a new machine account, like i always did, but haven't done
since 3.x. My backend is ldap:
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://fileserver
idmap backend = ldapsam:ldap://fileserver
As root I do the following:
smbpasswd -D 10 -a -m admeta
Netbios name list:-
tdb(unnamed): tdb_brlock failed (fd=3) at offset 4 rw_type=1 lck_type=13:
Resource temporarily unavailable
Trying to load: ldapsam:ldap://fileserver
Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam_compat
Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam_compat'
Attempting to register passdb backend smbpasswd
Successfully added passdb backend 'smbpasswd'
Attempting to register passdb backend tdbsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'tdbsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend guest
Successfully added passdb backend 'guest'
Attempting to find an passdb backend to match ldapsam:ldap://fileserver
Found pdb backend ldapsam
Searching for:[((objectClass=sambaDomain)(sambaDomainName=BBS1_EMDEN))]
smbldap_search_suffix: searching
smbldap_open_connection: ldap://fileserver
smbldap_open_connection: connection opened
ldap_connect_system: Binding to ldap server ldap://fileserver as
ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
The LDAP server is succesful connected
pdb backend ldapsam:ldap://fileserver has a valid init
Attempting to find an passdb backend to match guest (guest)
Found pdb backend guest
pdb backend guest has a valid init
smbldap_search_suffix: searching
ldapsam_getsampwnam: Unable to locate user [admeta$] count=0
Finding user admeta$
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is admeta$
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as uppercase is ADMETA$
Checking combinations of 0 uppercase letters in admeta$
Get_Pwnam_internals didn't find user [admeta$]!
Failed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user admeta$.
Failed to modify password entry for user admeta$

What do I do wrong?
ldapsearch -x -D ADMIN-DN -w secret uid=admeta* says:
dn: uid=admeta$,ou=hardware,dc=bbs1-emden,dc=schule
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: account
cn: admeta$
uid: admeta$
uidNumber: 10090
gidNumber: 502
homeDirectory: /home/admeta
loginShell: /bin/false
description: machine
l: ver
userPassword:: e1NNRDV9VnFXV0F0Z2JBKzVyYTFLN2VwVzVIOGlUM3h3PQ==

The machine is in group ou=hardware. My /etc/ldap.conf is:
URI ldap://localhost:389/

pam_filter  objectclass=posixAccount
pam_login_attribute uid
nss_base_passwd ou=accounts,dc=bbs1-emden,dc=schule?one
nss_base_group  ou=groups,dc=bbs1-emden,dc=schule?one

My smb.conf is:
workgroup = BBS1_EMDEN
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://fileserver
idmap backend = ldapsam:ldap://fileserver
ldap suffix = dc=bbs1-emden,dc=schule
ldap user suffix = ou=accounts
ldap group suffix = ou=groups
ldap machine suffix = ou=hardware
ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap
idmap uid = 4-6
idmap gid = 4-6
ldap admin dn = cn=root,dc=bbs1-emden,dc=schule
ldap ssl = off

I tried various things, but I simply have no idea what might be wrong.
(tried cn=admeta$, copied uid=admeta$ to ou=accounts = duplicate entries)

Has anybody any idea?

Malte Mueller

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Re: [Samba] Question about groups in ldap

2003-12-13 Thread mamue
 Am Fr, 2003-12-12 um 15.29 schrieb Gerald (Jerry) Carter:
 Tilo Lutz wrote:
 | In Samba-Developers-Guide.pdf included with samba 3.0
 | page 72f. In the document well known groups have
 | special names starting with DOMAIN_. Can Windows clients
 | recognize these names and translate them into localized
 | groupnames, like user or power users in english and
 | Benutzer and Hauptbenutzer in german?

 That reference in the PDF file is a #define for
 the well known rids.  You can setup a group
 mapping entry using whatever name you wish.

 How does MS handle this? If I have an english server with
 the well known group users and a german client.
 Will the groupname translated into Benutzer?

If I got it right, the name doesn't matter much. Important is the rid. The
name shown is the one you gave the group but it is handled according to
it's rid.

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Re: [Samba] SAMBA Groups and Permissions

2003-12-04 Thread mamue
I am not shure if i got you right. You do not tell us the access rights of
the directory concerned.
If you'r primary uninx group is user and your dir. has:
drwx---rwx   root user board
they forbid your access. then you are not allowed to access, because group
rights match first and If you weren't user but world, then you would be
allowed. This has nothing to do with samba.
You might want to change the group to nogroup and work with acls (if ext3,
XFS and alike). Or if you have plenty of CPU-cycles to waste you might
work with valid users in smb.conf.
But i'm not a security or filesystem-expert and may be completely wrong.

Kind regards,
Malte Müller


 i have a user

 ~# id test_user
 uid=500,gid=500 (users),groups (users,kids)

 as you can see, this user is in primary group users and also member of
 group kids

 if he tries to access /home/board via smb (Samba 3.0 + openldap) from a
 windows client (XP), he fails, because his

 sambaPrimaryGroupSID maps to - users

 and /home/board is not accessible for group users - just for kids
 if i add

 valid users = @kids

 to /home/board - share, access is granted

 isn't it possible in samba, that the user test_user gets an attribute

 sambaSecondaryGroup in ldap 

 so that samba knows: this user is in group users AND kids, so i have to
 try connections to share /home/board as group users AND kids ???

 if i login locally to the samba PDC with a console as test_user,
 access to /home/board is granted, 'cause i'm member of kids

 so there's no permission problem

 please help me !!!


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Re: [Samba] Samba Import User Scipt

2003-11-27 Thread mamue
 ich would like to use the Samba-Server as an PDC for a school.
 Because of the high numbers of students it is not possible for us to add
 ervery student by hand an think about a pw.
 Has anyone designed a script which read the users from an ASCII-file and
 add's them to the samba?


 Michael Lechner
I have for the same purpose created two little perl-scripts which read
from standard in. The first creates accounts for pupils, the other for
I create 40 accounts per class:
#! /usr/bin/perl

open( PASSWD, ./|  );
$lastUID = 7976;
@usersPre = STDIN;
foreach $userMark ( @usersPre ) {
chop( $userMark );
for( $i=1; $i = 40; $i++ ) {
print dn: cn=$userMark-$i,dc=my-org,dc=schule\n;
#print dn: cn=$userMark-03-$i,dc=my-org,dc=schule\n;
print objectclass: posixAccount\n;
print objectclass: account\n;
print objectclass: mailRecipient\n;
print cn: $userMark-$i\n;
#print cn: $userMark-03-$i\n;
print uid: $userMark-$i\n;
#print uid: $userMark-03-$i\n;
print uidNumber: $lastUID\n;
print gidNumber: 500\n;
print homeDirectory: /home/schueler/$userMark-$i\n;
print loginShell: /bin/false\n;
print mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
print mailLocalAddress:
print mailDeliveryOption: accept\n;
print description: schueler\n;
print \n;


Creating the teacher-accounts is nearly the same, except for the gid and
the for-loop.
It creates the ldif, so I can just have a quick look at it, befor I
ldapadd it.
After the entries are added, I add the sambaSamAccount:
#! /usr/bin/perl

open( PASSWD, /root/createUser/|  );
@usersPre = STDIN;
foreach $userMark ( @usersPre ) {
chop( $userMark );
for( $i=1; $i = 40; $i++ ) {
open( PASSWD, ./|  );
$pass = PASSWD;
chop( $pass );

print #\n;
print #$userMark-03-$i \t \t $pass \n;
print #\n;

system( ldappasswd -D cn=root,dc=my-org,dc=schule -x -w
\insecure-way!\ -s \$pass\
cn=$userMark-03-$i,dc=my-org,dc=schule )  die
unexpected ldappasswd error;
system( /opt/samba3/bin/smbpasswd -a $userMark-03-$i
\$pass\ )  die unexpected smbpasswd error;
system( /usr/local/samba/bin/pdbedit -u $userMark-03-$i
-d P:)  die unexpected pdbedit homedrive error;
system( /usr/local/samba/bin/pdbedit -u $userMark-03-$i
-h fileserver\\$userMark-03-$i )  die unexpected
pdbedit homedir error;

system( mkdir /home/schueler/$userMark-03-$i )  die
unexpected mkdir error;
system( chown $userMark-03-$i
/home/schueler/$userMark-03-$i )
  die unexpected chown error;
system( chgrp lehrer /home/schueler/$userMark-03-$i ) 
die unexpected chgrp error;
system( chmod 770 /home/schueler/$userMark-03-$i ) 
die unexpected chmod error;

The is simply:
/root/bin/apg -a 0 -M cn -E 0O1lI -n 1 -m 8 -x 8
which uses apg (Advanced Password Generator) to create somewhat secure
passwords which are readable and easy to remember (I don't let the users
change their passwords).

Have fun,
Malte Müller
BBS1 Emden

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[Samba] PDC/BDC with ldap: variable possible in sambaProfilePath / sambaHomePath?

2003-11-17 Thread mamue
I have a working PDC and a BDC, both samba 3.0.1pre3 (better than ever).
I have the master ldap on the PDC, BDC is slave. Thus, both directories
are to be identical, I think.
I have the sambaHomePath and the sambaProfilePath in every user entry, as
I tried to balance profiles between two servers for the sake of some more
network speed (100MBit each server).
Now I came to a point where I found that some redundancy is better than
speed ;-) and would like to asks others whether it is a foolish idea not
to define the home and profile path in smb.conf or if the BDC should have
it's own ldap source so entries differ.
Comments welcome,

Malte Mueller

Maybe important: SuSE9, Openldap 2.1.12/2.1.22, ~1500 users, ~200PC
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Re: [Samba] Samba-3.0.1pre1 and LDAP

2003-11-04 Thread mamue

from my experience, there are few possible reaseons, but none relates to
1.: Check (loglevel 256 in slapd.conf) the search filters. Try to manually
ldapsearch those to make really sure you have all necessary attributes
indexed. If you think you have indexed them, but search is slow, try
rebuilding the indices (slapindex). Don't make the same mistake i did and
use the correct version of slapindex if you compiled your own.
2.: The use of valid users = @foo, @bah ... in smb.conf is nearly always
not clever.
3.: you might want to try nscd to cache groups and user.
4.: Old OpenLDAP versions are IMHO slow (2.0.x), try 2.1

Have fun,
Malte Mueller

 I have recently upgrade samba to 3.0.1pre1 from alpha3-19. The upgrade
 went well with no real problems, except .

 I have noticed today that the load on the LDAP server is extremely high.
 CPU usage on slapd is anywhere between 10%-80%. At one point to day
 everything came to a grinding halt. The only difference between I can
 think of is the samba upgrade. This is with an average load of about 300

 Can anyone think why samba is causing slapd to max out??


 Kristyan Osborne - IT Technician / Community Manager
 Longhill High School
 01273 391672 / 304086

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[Samba] problem with group mapping

2003-10-26 Thread mamue
I use now samba3.0.1pre1 with ldapsam (OpenLDAP 2.1.23).
After I played with sambaGroupMapping I now get the error Message:
Die angegebene Gruppe ist nicht vorhanden
The given group does not exist
when I log in (administrator).
Admin's SID is: S-1-5-21-1091375802-1471697927-1951840895-500
Domain SID is: S-1-5-21-1091375802-1471697927-1951840895

The error occured after I created a administrators group in ldap with
(first free) gid 3019 and SID
and added groupMapping to my susers (all samba users) with rid 513 and
created for testing a group guest with no memberUIDs and rid 514.
All groups had type 0 (zero).
I removed all those groups, but the error remains.
PDC and BDC have same Domain-SID.
What did I do wrong, or what ist the correct way to do this?
I especially don't know what to do with group guest - is this nobody or
nogroup in unix?
I read across the documentation but didn't find someting helpfull or did I
read across some important points?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Malte Müller

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Re: [Samba] Suggestions for argument for Samba over Windows 2003?

2003-10-17 Thread mamue

 I'm currently running a RedHat 9 (which means Samba 2.2.7) on a DELL
 server.  The hardware should be fine to handle the load for the whole
 school, which comprises about 200 - 250 users.   (This server is currently
 controlling the Samba domain for one of the former schools).
 So, anyway, from my reading of the doco so far, it would seem that
 we could integrate the Unix box one of two ways:

  . Upgrade it to Samba 3, and have it join the Win 2003 domain.
Since the only access we're supporting into the box is SMB,
we don't need to worry about setting or syncing the Unix password.

I still need some way to create the underlying unix account though,
preferably with consistent, rather than randomly assigned uids/gids.

I could use normal Unix commands to manually create the Unix accounts,
but since I have previously set up an OpenLDAP box and made accounts
on it for everyone, I could probably homebrew some sort of
web-based  makeuser  script, and point NSS at it.

  . leave it on Samba 2.2.7, leave it off the whole domain thingo,
set  security=server  and point the password server at one of
the AD boxes, and touch wood.

Even if we don't have 2 passwords and password syncing, we still
have a small issue of having 2 sets of accounts, and needing to
create/delete accounts in 2 places.
If you were living in northern Germany, I would invite you to come to my
site, so we could discuss that with a working setup at hands.
I am running at this school a setup with a PDC (1GHz HP, 1GB RAM) and a
BDC (similar, but P4) with a user base of about 7000. Only about 1500 are
active users, as user-accounts are created by a perl script, 40 accounts
per class.
Every user has of course his/her own homedirectory and as far as I know,
all users are more satisfied with this network as they were before
(Netware, W2k Advanced Server). We had a license of w2k advanced server
and I am glad that I never gave it a try, though I never had set up a
samba-PDC before (I just told them it was no problem :-))
I am just about to switch completely to samba3.0.1pre1 (I know it's not
for productive, but we don't produce here anything ;-) ) and it seems to
be worth it for the smaller load concerning ldap. The CPU-load wasn't a
problem, but I always had to have an eye on it, sometimes it was at 100%,
as many users log in at the same moment in school-environments.
In my Opinion masses of accounts are better handled by some scripts than
by GUI and I find it easier to write those scripts on unix. Further more,
OpenLDAP is better documented and more standard-conformant, its easier to
extend it with my own schemas (For problem-reporting and management,
login-script storage) plus standard schemas for mail-routing.
Difficulties with samba will occour, but they do as well with Windows
whatsoever, be it 2000, XP or 2003. Actually, few people here know that
the servers are running Linux/Samba...

Malte Müller

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Re: [Samba] Re: More than one logon script, can I have?

2003-09-19 Thread mamue
 Hi !

 On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 12:11:10PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I create all logon script on the fly from ldap. I created a little
 with a script attribute and there I put all DOS-batch commands. At logon
 time (preexec in [netlogon]) for every user all script-parts for the
 groups the user belongs to, the room-script (rooms associate to IPs) for
 the printer connection and at last the script from the user-entry if
 is any script attribute are taken from ldap. It doesn't take much CPU
 power and works since half a year without any faults.
 I anything does not work (Can't print!) I can still examine the

 But which logon-parameters could be used at the logon.

 Do I get the full dn ?
No. I use the %u, %I, %m
%u is equal to uid, I map %I manually to the room. With the uid I get all
groups the user belongs to and, if you wish, the branch, he is in.
I tried perl for creating, but I switched very soon to C. Otherwise every
logon would start the perl interpreter. My binary from C-source is just
12488 bytes. The source is a ugly mess, since I am a java programmer...
but anyway, it works and I don't touch the source as long I can avoid it.
Again: I got my private OID from IANA and invented my own schema. These
objectClasses are added to every entry concerned (all posixGroup e.g.)

Malte Müller

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RE: [Samba] Re: More than one logon script, can I have?

2003-09-18 Thread mamue
 You don't have to use a batch file for a logon script. You
 can use a Visual Basic script instead. You can use Select
 Case to have it do different things for different users.

 Interesting idea, but that would mean that all users would have access
 to the script and could see what others were getting couldn't they?

 The example in the manual with Perl making a script on the fly looks
 interesting though.  I haven't read it through yet, busy busy :(.

I create all logon script on the fly from ldap. I created a little schema
with a script attribute and there I put all DOS-batch commands. At logon
time (preexec in [netlogon]) for every user all script-parts for the
groups the user belongs to, the room-script (rooms associate to IPs) for
the printer connection and at last the script from the user-entry if there
is any script attribute are taken from ldap. It doesn't take much CPU
power and works since half a year without any faults.
I anything does not work (Can't print!) I can still examine the batch-file.

Just my 0,02€

Malte Müller
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[Samba] PC loosing domain membership frequently

2003-09-01 Thread mamue
I'm new to this list.
I tried to google and did a _bit_ of searching in teh archive but didn't
find anything related to my problem.
I use samba 2.2.8a as the PDC on SuSE-linux 8.0. I administrate 7 Rooms
with 160 PC, mainly w2k-sp3 and some older with NT4-sp6.
In two of seven rooms some PC loose their Domain-membership. I can bring
them back into Domain, but they seem to loose it after a few days again.
This sommer I updatet all w2k from SP0 (i.e. no ServicePack)to SP3 and
installed some other software (mozilla etc). I made for each Room one
Image and duplicated these to all other PC. Last year this worked without
such faults (no SP, except NT4-sp6).
In three out of five rooms I have no problems. In one room, all PC lost
membership, but I did not have any problems again since I fixed it
This year I tried to bring the w2k-PC into Domain by using wsname, a
tool which can change the workstation name without leaving the Domain (I
have a little wsh-script which looks up the workstaion name in DNS and
fixes the computer name). May that be the reason?
I checked for duplicate RID and uidNumber in my ldap, but didn't find any
are there any other limitations relating to the uidNumber and rid, I
should take care of?
All PC are equipped with reborn-cards, that is, all lokal changes are
undone at the next reboot (when not disabled).
Could anyone give me any helpfull comment?

Thanks a lot,
Malte Mueller

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