
I've used samba3 for years, and it mostly did exactly what I wanted, In the last few weeks I decided to install Samba4. I got it installed and everything seems to be working as expected. I have one small issue, and I'm not really sure if the problem is Samba4, bind, my client PC or something else I haven't considered.

I've got one Linux server, which acts as a Samba (4.0.0alpha9-GIT-27087e6) server and a DNS (BIND 9.6.1-P2) server, it is also my PDC. I've got a number of windows clients two of which are currently in the Domain. One PC which is windows XP can update its DNS entries with no issues:

17-Jan-2010 15:51:18.042 gss cred: "DNS/dumaresq.lo...@dumaresq.local", GSS_C_ACCEPT, 4294965265 17-Jan-2010 15:51:18.113 gss-api source name (accept) is ganda...@dumaresq.local
17-Jan-2010 15:51:18.113 process_gsstkey(): dns_tsigerror_noerror

I have another PC that is windows VISTA which cannot update its DNS entries:

17-Jan-2010 15:54:25.875 gss cred: "DNS/dumaresq.lo...@dumaresq.local", GSS_C_ACCEPT, 4294965078 17-Jan-2010 15:54:25.876 failed gss_accept_sec_context: GSSAPI error: Major = Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information, Minor = Wrong principal in request.
17-Jan-2010 15:54:25.876 process_gsstkey(): dns_tsigerror_badkey

I believe I've got BIND setup correctly since it works for the Windows XP PC but here's the relevant configs:

options {
       directory "/var/cache/bind";
       auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
       listen-on-v6 { any; };
       tkey-gssapi-credential "DNS/dumaresq.local";
       tkey-domain "DUMARESQ.LOCAL";

zone "dumaresq.local" {
       type master;
       file "/etc/bind/dumaresq/db.dumaresq";
       update-policy {
               grant localhost subdomain * A AAAA;
               grant DUMARESQ.LOCAL ms-self * A AAAA;


zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
       type master;
       file "/etc/bind/dumaresq/db.192";
       update-policy {
               grant *.LOCAL wildcard *.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa. PTR;


Here's my smb.conf file:

       netbios name            = morannon
       workgroup               = dumaresq
       realm                   = dumaresq.local
       server role             = domain controller
       log file                = /var/log/samba/log.%m
       log level               = 2
       debug level             = 2
       interfaces              = eth1 lo
       bind interfaces only    = yes

Is this a problem with Windows vista? I'm assuming that either vista can't get the correct credentials from the KDC (which is Samba) or that Samba is delivering the wrong credentials.

I see the following entry in the samba logs for the computer that fails:

[Sun Jan 17 15:09:43 2010 EST, 2 auth/kerberos/krb5_init_context.c:74:smb_krb5_debug_wrapper()] Kerberos: TGS-REQ arago...@dumaresq.local from for DNS/dumaresq.lo...@dumaresq.local [canonicalize, renewable, forwardable]

So I think samba is doing what it should. I'm lost here, anybody have any thoughts?
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