
Here's my problem:

Samba-2.2.x (even 2.2.7) compiled right out of the box on HP/UX 11.00 gives some errors in the log file:

Nov 23 16:17:32 pandora smbd[6744]: [2002/11/23 16:17:32, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(661)
Nov 23 16:17:32 pandora smbd[6744]: posix_fcntl_lock: WARNING: lock request at offset 0, length 9223372036854779000 returned
Nov 23 16:17:32 pandora smbd[6744]: [2002/11/23 16:17:32, 0] locking/posix.c:posix_fcntl_lock(662)
Nov 23 16:17:32 pandora smbd[6744]: an Invalid argument error. This can happen when using 64 bit lock offsets

I've checked but the filesystem is local and a locking test program compiled with the same definitions (_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) gave the same results. Whenever _LAGEFILE64_SOURCE is defined the upperlimit for offset is 2Gb otherwise EINVAL is returned.

So I thought adding _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 would do the trick. Upperlimit for locking got raised beyond 2Gb and my locking test program showed me this. But now the tdb code starts acting up.

Nov 23 14:43:24 pandora nmbd[13772]: [2002/11/23 14:43:24, 0] tdb/tdbutil.c:tdb_log(531)
Nov 23 14:43:24 pandora nmbd[13772]: tdb(/usr/local/samba-2.2.7/var/locks/unexpected.tdb): tdb_oob len 1718185085 beyond eof at 696

The len is always 1718185085 only eof changes in between error logs.

Is there anyone with some knowledge of HP/UX and who can point me at the errors I make???

Thanks in advance,

BTW. I can get samba error free by removing _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE and adding _LARGEFILE_SOURCE (64 left out). But am I missing out on some specialities?

René Nieuwenhuizen
Afdeling Informatietechnologie
Centraal Planbureau

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