RE: [Samba] Installing samba on Red Hat 8

2003-06-25 Thread Vizitiu, Ciprian
> I get a msg. like "flie blabla conflicting with file from 
> samba-2.2.7'' or something like that.

How about more details about that "blabla"? :-/

In principle there is a big difference between samba.rpm that you get from and samba that comes with RedHat. RedHat splits the samba package
in several parts. Mount the RH CDROMs and see how many sambas you can find.
Most likely Redhat installed only a part of the samba suite like
samba-client or smth; the response in the "blabla" part. OTOH samba from is a big gulp it gets you everything. You have to choose which
path you'll go. Oh, and if you're in search of one installed package do a
"rpm -qa | grep package"; rpm -q samba will just ask about samba but if all
you have is samba-client...
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[Samba] Installing samba on Red Hat 8

2003-06-25 Thread admir
Yo All,

I am trying to install Samba 3 beta on my RH 8 machine.

At the installation of red hat I chosed not to install samba.
I downloaded beta rpm for Red Hat and when I try insatling it I get a msg.
like "flie blabla conflicting with file from
samba-2.2.7'' or something like that.

Now I try runing comand rpm -q samba end that tels me there is no rpm samba.
Not installed! Right?

Then I try this rpm -i --replacefiles samba-3.0.0beta1-1.i386.rpm

that seems to be working.

Now I look for smbpasswd in /etc/samba and I found it is not there and I
supose some other critical files are missing too or they are not where they
shoud be.

Next think I do is rpm -e samba-3.0.0beta1-1 and that works fine.

then I trye compiling the package my self by downloading tar ball and
running command tar -xvzf to unpack the tarrball.
Evrything gets unpacked.
then I run ./configure and then make, make install. Evrything is installed
but there is no swat file in my xinetd.d.

What do I do now? I am new at Linux and I am out of options. Please Help?

I wil be greatfull for the rest of my life.



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