Re: [Samba] Monday, April 28 - Samba Mashup Report

2008-04-28 Thread Charles Marcus

On 4/28/2008 11:50 AM, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

** Samba Mashup Report (SMR) for Monday April 28, 2008 **

Hi Gerry,

I've been biding my time, hoping to hear something from you guys about 
this before posting, but I'm tired of waiting... ;)

I'm dying to hear feedback from the developers as to first impressions 
of the documentation that you guys were able to secure from Microsoft of 
its core protocols, and how you see this affecting future development of 

Specifically - I would imagine that it will/could dramatically speed up 
the development process, and at the same time allow for the quick fixing 
of problem areas where there has had to have been a lot of 'guessing' 
('reverse engineering')...


Best regards,

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[Samba] Monday, April 28 - Samba Mashup Report

2008-04-28 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
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** Samba Mashup Report (SMR) for Monday April 28, 2008 **

Table of Contents:

  0. Greetings to the Inaugural SMR (samba Mashup Report)
  1. Plans in Motion for 6 Month Samba 3.x Release Cycles
  2. Samba 3.2.0pre3 Released
  3. Samba XP 2008 Concludes as YASC (yet another successful
  4. Samba Documentation repository moved from SVN to Git
  5. Bugzilla Day for Samba 3.2 scheduled for Friday, May 9.
  6. Call for developer reports

0. Greetings to the Inaugural SMR (samba Mashup Report)

Several of Samba team members agreed during discussions
held at Samba XP (see article #3) that periodic thread
summaries from the recent development activities would
be helpful for keeping the community and Samba OEM vendors
up to date.  So using editorial privilege, I've decided to
term these as mashup reports.

According to the pop culture definition from Wikipedia,
mashup usually means:

* A web application that combines data and/or
  functionality from more than one source
* A musical genre of songs that consist entirely of
  parts of other songs
* A video that is edited from more than one source
  to appear as one
* In parts of the UK means a mash or pot of tea
  (colloq. Yorkshire), other areas brew or stand tea

The second and third definitions are probably the most
appropriate here.  So without further ado, here's the
inaugural bi-weekly (give or take a few days) report.

cheers,  jerry

1. Plans in Motion for 6 Month Release Cycle

Based on feedback from the community, Samba Team members have
agreed to put into place a six month release cycle on new
Samba 3.x releases.  The initial 3.2 release will start the
clock on the next major development effort.

In the thread beginning at [1], Jerry Carter (Samba Team
member) proposed:

Once a new release cycle is done, that version goes
straight to bug fix mode and the next release cycle gets
a new minor release number.

So for example, assume 3.2.0 is released in the next
30 days.  The 3.2 releases are immediately in maintenance
mode meaning we can fix all the regressions and bugs we
like.  But no new features.  The next 6 month cycle clock
starts ticking and that becomes v3.3.

Karolin (Seeger) will have the job of setting dates and
we have to stick to them.

Christian Perrier (a Debian samba package maintainer) pointed
out this would be a lot of work and maybe not achievable.
Jim McDonough (Samba Team member) highlighted Jerry's main
point which is: will definitely require a mind shift from the "Wait,
we have to have _my_ major piece" mode that currently
dominates scheduling of releases.  The developer who writes
the code has to decide if the code will be ready for the
schedule, rather than delaying the schedule (and everyone's
code) until the code is ready.

2. Samba 3.2.0pre3 Released

The third Preview release of Samba 3.2.0 was released on
Friday, April 25 [2]. This is the last scheduled preview
release with an estimated date for RC1 set by Karolin Seeger
(Samba 3.2 release manager) of May 23 [3].  The number and
frequency of release candidates will be decided by the
quality and feedback from the community testers of the pre3

And in preparation for committing to a 6 month release cycle,
the Samba 3.3 development branch has been created to stem
the rate of change in the 3.2 code [4][5].  Samba 3.3 is
tentatively scheduled for delivery sometime in December, 2008.

3. Samba XP 2008 Concludes as YASC (yet another
   successful conference)

The seventh annual Samba eXPerience Conference concluded in
Goettingen, DE, on April 18th [6].

Talks were presented about topics such as:

* Samba's relationship with the Protocol Freedom
  Information Foundation (PFIF)
* SMB2 protocol details
* The latest developments in projects such as the Linux
  CIFS file system, OpenChange, and of course Samba itself.

This year marked a milestone as bother members of the Samba
Team, Microsoft engineers, and developers from numerous
companies openly presented and discussed details of
CIFS and related protocol based upon newly available WSPP

Conference pictures are available on-line now.  The audio
portion of talks as well as session slides will be available
soon from the conference web site.

4. Samba Documentation repository moved from SVN to Git

The Docbook/XML source of the Samba HOWTOs and man pages is
no longer hos