[Samba] Re: Permissions Problem

2004-11-29 Thread Michael Lueck
Welcome to the club
This I believe is a bug that affected Samba 3.0.4 and 3.0.5 for me whereas if the effective permissions on the Win2K workstation were Administrator level these odd access denied errors would come up 
but UNC could get around it, etc... Samba 3.0.6 was the answer for us. I still have that level on the production servers, and at this time evaluating 3.0.9 as the next upgrade step.

You might put more environment details such as OS/distro and version numbers in 
future postings.
I hope it helps... unlike previous administrations I can honestly say I feel your 
pain on this one! ;-)
Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
Remove the upper case letters NOSPAM to contact me directly.
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[Samba] Re: Permissions problem

2002-12-08 Thread Thabu Pienaar

I've done some testing

from the Samba server, 'smbclient -B' 
samba returns a name query failed to find-error. All names are in 
all LMHOSTS and HOSTS files on both Win  Linux machines. All other 
smbclient tests worked fine. Can see shares from Linux on Win, only 
reverse not (from Win to Linux). Can also connect to a Wins share from 
Samba srvr. It seems that the Linux box doesn't respond to name 
queries. How can I fix it?

Here is my smb.conf file...

[global] panic action = 
"" %d workgroup = 
PRIVATE netbios name = SAMBA server string = %h 
server (samba %v) security = user encrypt 
passwords = yes smb passwd file = 
/etc/samba/smbpasswd guest ok = no null 
passwords = Yes passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd 
%u passwd chat debug = yes debug level = 
3 log level = 3 passwd chat = 
*Enter\snew\SUNIX\spassword:*%n\n *Retype\snew\SUNIX\spassword:* 
%n\n*passwd:\spassword\supdated*. unix password sync = 
yes syslog = 0 log file = 
/var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 1000 socket 
options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 domain 
logons = no local master = yes os level = 
64 preferred master = yes domain master = yes 
 enhanced browsing = yes wins support = 
yes printcap name = /etc/printcap load printers 
= yes print command = lp -d%p -oraw %s; rm %s 
lpq command = lpstat -o%p lprm command = cancel 
%p-%j queuepause command = disable %p 
queueresume command = enable %p show add printer wizard = 
yes printing = lprng preserve case = 
no short preserve case = no default case = 
lower case sensitive = no

[netlogon] comment = network Logon 
Service path = /home/samba/netlogon guest ok = 
yes share modes = no hosts allow = 192.168.0. 
192.168.1. 127.

# Share Definitions 

[homes] comment = Home Directories 
browseable = no writable = yes valid users = 
%S create mode = 0664 directory mode = 
0775 map to guest = bad user

[tmp] comment = Temporary file space path = 
/tmp read only = no public = yes

[public] comment = Public Stuff path = 
/home/samba public = yes writable = 
yes printable = no write list = @staff

[thabusdir] comment = Thabu's Service path 
= /home/thabu valid users = thabu root Thabu 
public = no writable = yes printable = no

[myshare] comment = Thabu and Antoinette's 
stuff path = /home/public valid users = thabu 
antoinette Thabu Antoinette public = no writable 
= yes printable = no create mask = 



  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:07 
  Subject: Permissions problem
  Help Please
  When I try to connect from Win XP Pro to my Samba 
  Server, I get this error...
  "Samba is not accessible. You might not have 
  permissiont o use this network resource." (attached error gif). 
  I have a smbpasswd file created from 
  /etc/passwd, configured exactly like my XP username and password.
  Pienaar*ComputerNetWitrivier / White 
  RiverSuid-Afrika / South Africa+27 (0) 83 349-6588

[Samba] Re: Permissions problem

2002-12-05 Thread Thabu Pienaar

  Help Please
  When I try to connect from Win XP Pro to my Samba 
  Server, I get this error...
  "Samba is not accessible. You might not have 
  permissiont o use this network resource." (attached error gif). 
  I have a smbpasswd file created from 
  /etc/passwd, configured exactly like my XP username and password.
  Pienaar*ComputerNetWitrivier / White 
  RiverSuid-Afrika / South Africa+27 (0) 83 349-6588