
        We have used successfully Samba suite for 5 years and it's a real
pleasure to work with these safe and powerful products. ;-) Thank's to
samba team.

        We have a Solaris Server with Samba 2.2.3a and a list of about 20
running volumes. Each person has a private connection with our data
sphere via Samba (directly with PC, NFS with UNIX and Samba + DAVE with
Mac). We have also a W2K advanced server with 50 simultaneous users which
distributes RDP or ICA sessions to thin client users. This server don't
manage any data, users have a samba connection to unix data server.

        Our problem today is :

        Only one smbd daemon has been started when user comes from W2k
server. Behind this unique unix process, there is a management of about 70 
- 100 connections.... This is a result part of "smbstatus" :

rimuno       rimuno   genra  5319   gene2 ( Tue Oct 22 15:00:29 2002
winto        winto    genra  5319   gene2 ( Tue Oct 22 15:01:03 2002
thoyon       thoyon   sepes  5319   gene2 ( Tue Oct 22 15:00:25 2002
Prod_Contr   kurbel   genra  5319   gene2 ( Tue Oct 22 15:00:22 2002
Temporaire   bouc     lgmd   5319   gene2 ( Tue Oct 22 16:00:16 2002
samba        samba    genra  5319   gene2 ( Tue Oct 22 15:14:10 2002
Eval         bobat    genra  5319   gene2 ( Tue Oct 22 15:00:22 2002
Imagerie     liploce  genra 15612   w-laplace ( Tue Oct 22 12:03:54 

        When we are using about 90 connections, new connections become
impossible !!!

        So my question : Is it possible to start any different daemons for
each connection from W2K server gene2 ?

        Thanks by advance.

        Best regards.

 ¨¨°º@o.,,.o@º°¨¨°º@ (- @-@ -) @º°¨¨°º@o.,,.o@º°¨¨
 Pascal MARTINEZ                        IT Manager 
 GENETHON (www.genethon.fr)    +33 (1)

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