Hi experts,

I encounter a serious problem using Roaming Profiles unter XP Prof. I don't
know if this is realy a Samba issue, mybe someone has already solved the
same problem. I am running Samba 2.2.5 as an PDC using LDAP.

The first time I log on with user "tom", all looks perfect and a profile is
downloaded from the Samba PDC, say into D:\Documents and Settings\tom. Then
I log out and re-login. Sometimes the System complains something like "not
able to copy the profile from the server because D:\Documents and
Settings\tom\Cookies\index.dat is inaccessable. You are logon to a temporary
profile" (the exact message is different but thats the essence). Question:
Who could have still the index.dat File in look???

To isolate the problem, I set the Registry Key
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] =
DeleteRoamingCache"=dword:00000001, so the profile should be delete on
logout. What happens now is as follows:

(1) I Reboot the maschine and delete all local Profile-Directories for user
"tom" (as Admin)
(2) Login as "tom" -> Profiledirectory D:\Documents and Settings\tom is
created and copied
(3) Loginout "tom"
(4) Login as "tom" again and now:
(4a) Profiledirectory D:\Documents and Settings\tom.DOMAIN (???) is created
and copied
(4b) A fraction of "D:\Documents and Settings\tom" still exists (???). The
remaining files are:

D:\Documents and Settings\tom\Cookies\index.dat
D:\Documents and Settings\tom\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat
D:\Documents and Settings\tom\\Local Settings\Temporary Internet

all other files are delated as expected. When I now logout and login again,
the same will happend and one new profile directory "tom.DOMAIN.001" will be
created, while "tom.DOMAIN" conatins the same files as in "tom". When I try
to delete the files by hand, I get an error message from XP: "Cannot delete
index: It is beeing used by another person or program. Close any programs
that might be using the file and try again".

I cannot imagine what program or user that can be! I restart Samba but
that - clearly - doesn't matter. I even kill several XP processes using the
task-manager, but that doesn't help. After I reboot the XP maschine I can
delete the files in question by hand without complain.

I google around but find no matching article. But I find
\usr\share\doc\packages\samba\Registry\NT4-Locking.reg: Does this may help?
Under which circumstances one have to apply these settings?

Second, I'm playing around with the profiles on the server: Copying parts of
them from one user to the other, modifying the SID Field in the LDAP
Schemata and re-joining the Domain multiple times. May this cause such

Any ideas? Respose would be VERY wellcome!!!

Thorsten Marsen.

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