Hi All,

I Have installed the Sun Directory Server 5.2 from JES 2004Q2 CD's
with following options

/etc/hosts train01.tipu.com.pk train01 loghost

DNS is running for tipu.com.pk on the same machine and here is 


domain tipu.com.pk

Directory Server installed using the following 
Suffix dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk

when i run /usr/lib/ldap/idsconfig it's working fine 
below are the configuration i did while running idsconfig

It is strongly recommended that you BACKUP the directory server
before running idsconfig.
Press Ctrl-C at any time before the final confirmation to exit.

Do you wish to continue with server setup (y/n/h)? [n] y
Enter the iPlanet Directory Server's (iDS) hostname to setup: train01
Enter the port number for iDS (h=help): [389]
Enter the directory manager DN: [cn=Directory Manager]
Enter passwd for cn=Directory Manager :
Enter the domainname to be served (h=help): [tipu.com.pk]
Enter LDAP Base DN (h=help): [dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk]
Enter the profile name (h=help): [default]
Default server list (h=help): []
Preferred server list (h=help):
Choose desired search scope (one, sub, h=help): [one]
The following are the supported credential levels:
1 anonymous
2 proxy
3 proxy anonymous
Choose Credential level [h=help]: [1] 2
The following are the supported Authentication Methods:
1 none
2 simple
3 sasl/DIGEST-MD5
4 tls:simple
5 tls:sasl/DIGEST-MD5
Choose Authentication Method (h=help): [1] 2
Current authenticationMethod: simple
Do you want to add another Authentication Method? n
Do you want the clients to follow referrals (y/n/h)? [n]
Do you want to modify the server timelimit value (y/n/h)? [n]
Do you want to modify the server sizelimit value (y/n/h)? [n]
Do you want to store passwords in "crypt" format (y/n/h)? [n] y
Do you want to setup a Service Authentication Methods (y/n/h)? [n]
Client search time limit in seconds (h=help): [30]
Profile Time To Live in seconds (h=help): [43200]
Bind time limit in seconds (h=help): [10]
Do you wish to setup Service Search Descriptors (y/n/h)? [n]

Summary of Configuration

1 Domain to serve : tipu.com.pk
2 Base DN to setup : dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk
3 Profile name to create : default
4 Default Server List :
5 Preferred Server List :
6 Default Search Scope : one
7 Credential Level : proxy
8 Authentication Method : simple
9 Enable Follow Referrals : FALSE
10 iDS Time Limit :
11 iDS Size Limit :
12 Enable crypt password storage : TRUE
13 Service Auth Method pam_ldap :
14 Service Auth Method keyserv :
15 Service Auth Method passwd-cmd:
16 Search Time Limit : 30
17 Profile Time to Live : 43200
18 Bind Limit : 10
19 Service Search Descriptors Menu

Enter config value to change: (1-19 0=commit changes) [0]
Enter DN for proxy agent:[cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk]
Enter passwd for proxyagent: proxy
Re-enter passwd: proxy

WARNING: About to start committing changes. (y=continue, n=EXIT) y

1. Changed passwordstoragescheme to "crypt" in cn=config.
2. Schema attributes have been updated.
3. Schema objectclass definitions have been added.
4. NisDomainObject added to dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk.
5. Top level "ou" containers complete.
6. automount maps: auto_home auto_direct auto_master auto_shared processed.
7. ACI for dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pkm modified to disable self modify.
8. Add of VLV Access Control Information (ACI).
9. Proxy Agent cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk added.
10. Give cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk read permission
for password.
11. Generated client profile and loaded on server.
12. Processing eq,pres indexes:
ipHostNumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing.
uidNumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing.
ipNetworkNumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing.
gidnumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing.
oncrpcnumber (eq,pres) Finished indexing.
automountKey (eq,pres) Finished indexing.
13. Processing eq,pres,sub indexes:
membernisnetgroup (eq,pres,sub) Finished indexing.
14. Processing VLV indexes:
tipu.com.pk.getgrent vlv_index Entry created
tipu.com.pk.gethostent vlv_index Entry created
tipu.com.pk.getnetent vlv_index Entry created
tipu.com.pk.getpwent vlv_index Entry created
tipu.com.pk.getrpcent vlv_index Entry created
tipu.com.pk.getspent vlv_index Entry created
idsconfig: Setup of iDS server train01 is complete.

After This when i run ldapclient it's giving me the following error

ldapclient init -v -a
proxydn=cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk -a
domainname=tipu.com.pk -a proxypassword=proxy

findDN: begins
findDN: calling __ns_ldap_default_config()
found 2 namingcontexts
findDN: __ns_ldap_list(NULL,
rootDN[0] dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk
NOTFOUND:Could not find the nisDomainObject for DN dc=tipu,dc=com,dc=pk
findDN: __ns_ldap_list(NULL,
rootDN[1] o=NetscapeRoot
NOTFOUND:Could not find the nisDomainObject for DN o=NetscapeRoot
cannot find search base DN

i will appriciate if some one can help 

Hafiz Abdul Rehman
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