Does anybody here have any experience with  Thursby's DAVE and symlinks on a 
Samba Server? 

When I connect to my  Linux Samba Server via DAVE (running on Mac OS X 
10.3.8), I can see all the  links that I have made to files that reside in 
directories on the Linux  Server. However, Mac OS X thinks they are aliases. 
when I try to open them,  I get back a Mac error saying "The alias "xyz" could 
not be opened because the  original item cannot be found". 

This behavior is very different than  what I get on Windows XP or Windows 
2000 -- and for that matter, the native OS X  SMB/CIFS client -- which treat 
symlinks just as any other file. 

The  reason I'm trying to use DAVE is because of huge performance issues with 
the  Native Mac OS X SMB/CIFS implementation. The Apple version is absolutely 
useless  for my particular application. DAVE performs much better. 

However, I  have to sort out this links thing. Anybody have any ideas? Is 
there something  that can be set on the Linux/Samba server side that will make 
DAVE behave the  way I want? 

Thanks for your thoughts
Andy Liebman  

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